
Overwatch’s all time great!

Theo a massive fan of overwatch who played the game since it’s release until overwatch 2 although he wasn’t gifted at gaming and was hard stuck at bronze he still played it everyday after work he always hoped for a revival of the game and it happened with overwatch 2 although the game has its issues it still has over 1million players a day but everything changed when pve was cancelled Theo couldn’t believe the game he loved so much had such trash management so he drank his sorrows away only to wake up in a new world where gaming is apart of everyone’s lives and the top game is overwatch *nothing belongs to me only the mc*

TheprimordialGod · Video Games
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That last team was the downfall of the bronze team as they got spawn camped theos rein didn't know how to handle the situation and without a tank Theo and the others couldn't get out they're spawn the only hope was ults but there was barely anytime Theo tried getting bob as quickly as possible before time ran out (10 seconds left) but he just couldn't do much as all the space was taken he would quick peek and hit a few shots but no kills even trying to throw a dynamite didn't go to plan but he did manage to get his ult with just 2 seconds unfortunately before hog could even get on point the enemy managed to charge bob so he couldn't get on point with only one second left the bronze rein tried to charge but with only 1 second he couldn't even make it, some may expect Theo to be pissed but in fact the voice chat was quite calm the bronzes were used to this beat down to them this was just a fun custom match to Theo it was a place to display his skill he successfully did it to win or lose he doesn't care in fact right now he was thinking about unlocking the new hero's of overwatch 2 before his 50 quick play wins because he knows of the junker queen buffs and wants to play her and Kirito is just fun to play as the gm voice chat got deathly quiet through out the spawn camp jay3 got bored as they weren't even coming they were trying hard for no reason so he switch to the bronze voice chat expecting too hear raging and complaining but to his surprise they were just chatting about the game and about where they live like this was the reunion of some long lost friend they were even making jokes about the gms and laughing at them especially the Ana jay3 hearing all of this just showed an amused face as the chat started joining in the laughter aswell after all these were generally chill games but now they gotten all try hard and made it no so entertaining to watch who wants to watch people getting spawn camped "blood with the ego you've shown I thought you were going to be screaming" said jay3 as Theo just had a crooked smile in real life as he thought 'damn do they really think so low of me it's just a custom game' thought Theo as he said "mad? No it's a fun game why would I be mad and I do have an ego it's just not that fragile I can guarantee I can smutty that Ana's peak in a couple weeks" said Theo very confidently jay did not expect this type of response so he was stunned for a second before muting his mic to talk with chat as Theo and his team continue theyre conversations as nothing happened

Jay3 waiting for the next round to start looked at chat and read "jay3 do you think Bloodgod can Smurf that Ana's peak in a couple weeks" read out jay3 as he said "all of his mechanics are great from what I seen could easily get t500 with them although I haven't seen everything from this short round and his game sense is atleast similar to gold players which is exceptional for a new player it's possible for him to do it" said jay with no thought of siding with the Ana everyone can see it no one's blind there's is no reason to side with the Ana and lie "but he is not tall and buff with a full set of hair" added jay this was a joke in jay3s community as jay3 was neither of those but he would be pretty shocked to find out Theo was all three of those and more as jay3 and his chat were having fun Theo and his team were picking heroes as they all wanted to here from Theo what to pick and he just shrugged and said "pick what you want I'm not trying to win this game anymore I'm having fun" said Theo as he locked in tracer clearly he had bad intentions his team hearing already knew he wasn't trying anymore and just wanted to troll so they also picked hero's to piss them off like Moira, mei and zen while rein stayed the same this was clearly a very cancerous team sadly even tho they were rocking a very cancerous comp that didn't stop them from getting steam rolled the game ended on overtime where they almost won the fight but lost after all they are just bronzes Theo can't and didn't expect more from them going overtime was good enough

Theo ended the game with 20 kills and 11,000 dmg they managed to win fights against the gms for two minutes straights as Theo always dived the back line by himself carried by his mechanics he would always get a kill or two but it all went down hill as they got they started dying as they spawned far away this gave the gms a chance to completely wipe the entire bronze team and hold the point till the end of the game "phew that was a fun game" said Theo to his team mates as he watched his play of the game which was the 3 piece with Ashe at the start of the first round at the end of the game the the enemy Ana was typing "gg ez" as they were sent back to the custom hand screen jay went into the bronze team voice chat and said "this time we will get rid of a gm and it will be a 4v5 you down?" Said jay3 as Theo just said "sorry jay but I gotta complete my quick play games and I have to start up a stream oh yeah and thank you for the free advertisement bro I'll make sure to carry you when I hit t500 and whoever wants can watch the nane is Bloodgod" said Theo quickly leaving the lobby leaving jay3 stunned as his chat started spamming "Lmao" and "lols" and different emojis before jay could even recover the 4 bronzes also said they had to go and left "guys he will not carry me when he hits t500 I will carry him" said jay3 to his chat as they kept bickering at each other