
Chapter 01 : Returning Home

In a place unknown. A cat is standing, yes a cat is standing, in it's feet and there is a wooden staff on its hand. That's not all, if you look closely at the cat ,you will see it also has little beards.

That's my personal pet, kitty or teasing buddy.

" You just thought something bad about me ? I am not your pet. Did you just call me your kitty ? Who is your kitty ???"

The cat suddenly said , but let's ignore him.

The place is filled with trees, bush, lake and if you around you will only see nature everywhere. If one looks from the ground they will think , that they are in a forest and if one ok from the sky , one would see themselves in a huge island.

" Stop saying it like it's something you should be proud of. It toke me a lot of time to fix it by myself, after you destroyed it all."

Ok , let's stop listening the crazy cat , who is taking nonsense.

" Me ?! Your are talking nonsense !"

Look at the sky. The time , can't be told by watching the sky , maybe the Dawn or the Dusk . When the sun can't be seen but the world is little bright. It feels nice.

" Bastard, that's because there is no sun. All this time I was only able to rebuild this small planet and this island. It's all your fault to begin with and stop ignoring me."

The cat we are talking about is, in the middle of the forest. It's fur are all white . It looks old and Wise . On look at it face and people will think that the cat might be a sage .

" Do you think that if you flatter me, I will forgive you. Hell no ! Pay me up for the hardship I went through."

I should stop thinking out loud .

Suddenly the cat speaks up .

" Finally he has returned."

" Don't fake my voice , you are hiding from me , your are already here to begin with!! Show yourself ."

Keep dreaming , like I will.

Suddenly the world vibrates . The world suddenly lost all it colors .

" Stop, this world is not stable. Stop messing with it !!!"

Than the space ahead of the cat opens up and a soul comes out of it. The cat watches soul in a happy face .

The world returns to it's former state. In the cat's mind comes many thoughts . That only it knows.

" Hey don't cut open the space !! What happy face ? Stop lying. Many thoughts? Yes thoughts like "how to screw you" ."

The cat ask the soul ,

" How are you feeling ?"

" I didn't ask anything . And you should be the one to ask me that !!!!"

And the soul surprisingly answers ,

" I don't know what should I feel ."

" That should be my line !!"

Than the cat nodes his head and keeps talking ,

" That's is for you to find, right? "

" That's true, I guess ."

" So, what's in your mind ?"

" I am going to sleep ."

Than soul went to a slumber state .

" Stop faking my voice and controlling my body , is your acting finish ? You had your fun, right? You know had ? I will not be angry at you anymore , I forgive you. So , do what you want I don't care anymore."

!!!!!!!!!!???? , Did I tease him too much ? I just wanted to have a little fun with him because I didn't see him for a while, but did I went too far ? Because it is fine as long as he is angry , but if this cat suddenly becomes calm after being so angry. Well I messed up, this cat will obviously screw me hard latter !!!!

When this kind of thoughts is going through my head , the cat in question is smiling.

This is bad. This fat cat is mad !!! Well whom can I blame ? I pissed it off.

" I am so so so happy. That your are back ."

So happy ? He has gone mad or he would not have said that. Oh crap, I shoot on my own foot.

" Now that you are back , do your own job. Good by , I will go to my Odin sleep and we will continue after I wake up ,he he he ."

Odin sleep ? Do you think yourself Odin ? Isn't it just a cat nap ? Not like I will speak it out loud . I should start praying for what is about to come.

sigh,,,,,,,,,,,,huh,,,,,Well I should stop playing around for now.

" Sigh..... " " Start the process , Zack ."

That's right , The cat or my secretary's name is Zack , listening to my word he changes his expression and says .

" Finally, I thought you would never ask."

Saying so he puts his staff up high , than taps it in the ground , one, two, three, four,,,,,,,,, nine,,?????

" Hey , why are keep taping the ground with your staff ? Do you want to make a hole in the ground ?"

" Why are still in your soul form ? Have you not played enough ?"

Oh, I forgot to change back . That's embarrassing .

Let's shout loud .

" TRANSFORM !!!!!!!!"


The soul shatters ,than half world brights up with white light and second half cover's up with darkness.

" Keep messing with this newly reformed world, you will be the to fix it this time ,he he ."

Ok Ok , sigh,,,,I am just having a little fun .

The light and dark combines and from its core , my humanoid body comes out .

A man with a handsome face, tall, cool, charming young man with black hair and black eyes , wearing black boots , black pants and black coat.

" You know, your look like a average Asian wearing black clothes. "

This old, all white, fat and lazy old cat, who only know to talk bad about his boss, I really want change his cat food with dog food. He will than have new taste in his mouth , he he.

Finally 1st chapter ,,,,,????

4thEmperorcreators' thoughts