
Overpowered Undead System

*** I do not own this cover image. I repeat I do not own this cover image. Credit to the person who created it, I think it is a really cool picture.. "Riden....Riden come here boy." A little boy came out from a corner and slowly inched towards an old man lying on his deathbed. "Listen, soon the world will change.... I need you to promise me that you will not die nor abandon your humanity when that time comes." "Yes sir yes sir just please don't leave me." Riden squeezed the old man's hands and started crying. "I-I don't want to be alone!" "I'm sorry boy but I have no choice in this matter. But please, just promise me you won't." Riden nodded his head and the old man smiled. His breath getting raspy and his hands start to lose their grip. Riden started crying louder. "Please don't leave me." Riden's voice got lower and lower and soon his cries died out. He turned around and left the small shack they had with a face full of determination. "I promise grandpa, I promise I won't let you down!" ***

Death_Bane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Riden....Riden come her boy."

A little boy come out of a corner and slowly inched towards an old man lying on his deathbed.

"Listen, soon the world will change.... I need you to promise me that you will not die nor abandon your humanity when that time comes."

"Yes sir yes sir just please don't leave me."

Riden squeezed the old man's hands and started crying.

"I-I don't want to be alone!"

"I'm sorry boy but I have no choice in this matter. But please, just promise me you won't."

Riden nodded his head and the old man smiled. His breath getting raspy and his hands start to lose their grip. Riden started crying louder.

"Please don't leave me."

Ridens voice got lower and lower and soon his cries died out. He turned around and left the small shack they had with a face full of determination.

"I promise grandpa, I promise I won't abandon my humanity or get myself killed!"

Riden walked down the hill he lived on and to an open area. There he grabbed a stick and started digging up all the dirt. Around an hour later the grass was mostly gone and Riden's hands were filled with calluses. He threw the blunt stick he used and took of his shirt and pants.

Getting on the ground he started doing pushups. He did close to 35 before he collapsed from exhaustion. But he got back up. Laying down on his back he started doing Sit-ups until once again he collapsed from exhaustion. As he did he repeated the process of doing pushups and Sit-ups switching only when he couldn't do no more.

*3 hours later*

Riden layed on his back as sweat dripped from his every pore. His chest heaved up and down only now revealing his toned skin. Dirt covered his face as his light blue eyes shimmered slightly. His black hair cut short and pushed to the side was waving from the wind blowing it.

Riden soon got up and grabbed his clothes before looking into the sky. It was almost high noon. Looking to his left and right he soon spotted a marker on a tree. Riden started walking in that direction, to tired to run. As he followed the markers he soon came to a river where he threw his clothes to the side and dove into the water. This was his equivalent to a bath as he scrubbed the dirt and sweat that coated his back and body. The cuts and calluses on his hand stung when they touched the water but he soon got used to it.

After he got done washing himself he got out and put back on his clothes after he dried off he went back to his spot. Grabbing the blunted stick from before, he ignored the pain and started making a 9 by 8 foot deep hole to the opposite side of his training place. He finished around an hour later and started making his way back to the shack he called home.

It was nothing special, just some oak wood that has been sanded down that was nailed together. only one window was on the front of the building but it had no glass. On the right side of it there was a stone wall that acted as a fireplace for the winter nights. Opening the door with a audible creak he looked at the bed of his grandpa. His grandpa collapsed a few moths ago when he went out to pick up firewood. His grandpa told him that he would one day because of his old age.

Riden walked towards the bed and pulled the covers away from him. Putting his arms under him he tried lifting with all his might but he couldn't. His arms were to tired from his training and digging the grave. Going outside he reached the side of the house and grabbed a shabby wheelbarrow. Just barely fitting through the door Riden pushed his grandpa off the bed and into it.

He grabbed the wheelbarrow and started pulling it. Moving ever so slowly he inched towards the doorway and soon made it out. He continued to pull it until it started to feel lighter. Paying it no mind it started to get lighter and lighter before he felt like he didn't even need to pull it. Without a second to lose Riden is pushed forward as the wheel barrow started barreling down the hill. Riden is soon pushed to the ground and with a *CRACK* the wheel rolled over his wrist and broke it. The wheel barrow tipped forward and the handles smashed into the ground making it flip and fling his grand pa over 7 meters in the air before he hit the tree and falling down in a weird position.

Riden passed out to the pain and only woke up during the night. When he did he could hear the sound of chewing and growling. Looking up, he could see 3 fully grown wolves were tearing apart the mangled corpse of his grandpa. Freezing in shock realization soon came. Grabbing a random stick, Riden ran towards them screaming. The wolves turned around and easily dodged out the way of Ridens attack. Riden's stick dug into the dirt as he almost tripped. The wolves circled him and kept growling. Riden rose the stick above his head and felt nauseous as the smell of blood filled his nose. Swinging the stick haphazardly the wolf took advantage of it and bit onto Ridens arm. He yanked back and forth tearing the flesh as Riden screamed in pain. He dropped the stick and started punching the wolf. Soon he straightened his finger and dug it the right eye of the wolf. But it was too late. As that wolf let go and yelped in pain, the other two were in action. One latched onto his other arm and the other latched onto his leg bringing him to his knees. Riden started screaming even louder but was cut short as the injured wolf dug its jaws into Ridens throat. Guttural sounds could be heard as blood seeped from his limbs and neck. Alex shed one last tear and the light in his eyes died out.


Electricity started to arc above Riden which struck the wolves and Alex.


Soon a barely audible hum resonated through the surroundings as a small blackmore opened above Riden. Ridens corpse was sucked in along with the three wolves as they disappeared. Soon the gate fizzled one more time and closed.

Around the world only 10 of these happened and it puzzled the rest of the humans. But soon that puzzlement turned into fear as 3 huge black holes opened up in USA, Russia, and Antartica. Immediately beast poured out for these gates and that day would be known as "The BEASTIAL War". The world panicked and fought back using their mass army's but conventional weapons didn't work against them. Soon the USA fell and not even a day later Russia did too. By the time the gate was discovered in Antarctica it was too late the beasts adapted to the cold and snowy environment and they turned into apex predators. Only one thing scared the entire world though and that was the biggest beast that came out of the Antartica gate. It is known as The Gate Keeper, as the world was getting turned upside down it just stood there at the gate. It didn't breath nor move and hasn't for around a century after that day. The world came together and killed as many beasts as they could. Top scientists researched their skins and made weapons that helped push back the beast wave. Soon USA was recovered and people migrated to it. They removed the name USA and soon named the continent "Próti omospondía" Greek for First stand. Under this name they took back the taken states and were getting ready for the push for Russia. However, before they could a voice spoke in all of their minds.

[Initiating Stage 2 of 3 of world evolution]

After the voice spoke the continent was thrown into chaos once again. Their reinforced cities were taken back as smaller gates opened up across the continent. Humans were slaughtered and were almost wiped out when 5 humans went into one of them. A day later they returned to the wave of beasts but they were different. One of them carried his shield and bashed through and defended beasts. Another waved his sword and beasts fell soon after. One shoots her bow from afar and with pinpoint accuracy, another is dazzled in holy light as they heal the wounds of her friend and finally the last one. He stood in the back with a cloak surrounding his body. His droopy hat covered his face and only when they got to close did his eyes glow a bright blue. The staff he was holding had a red ember embedded into it which shined brightly. Raising the staff he said these words that every human will never forget.



His staff smashed into the ground and a wave of red flames trailed out in all directions turning the beasts within one mile of their position to ash. These humans would lay the foundation of what the human race will become.

"And that will be the end of today's lecture I hope you have learned a lot from this and I hope you have a great d-"


Electricity buzzed around the room and shocked the surrounding desks. Students ran away screaming except a few of them who had weapons appear in their hands. The teacher stood up from her desk as her eyes glowed a hue of red.


A hole opened and they all tensed up. All of the sudden they felt a heavy pressure as they were forced to the ground, only the teacher was forced to a knee. A boy who was covered in a black force had his eyes covered in a dark black. Everyone felt like their life was draining when the portal suddenly closed out. The boy fell to the ground and was out cold. This boys name was Riden.