
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Revenge of Tommy Duck

Largest banquet hall of Nibiru was booked for the marriage of Yulia Holmes and Gordon Yrrah. Arrangements were earlier made by Holmes family in an average banquet hall but Mr. Yrrah wanted to act dominantly in front of Mr. Holmes, so he simply threw a briefcase filled with lots of cash and ordered Mr. Holmes to book the best banquet of Nibiru instead. His eyes started glimmering on seeing so much money, which he had never seen in his life. Even if he was quite wealthy in Nibiru but how can he compare to overlord of business and cashier of One God Temple. But recalling the ethics of high society, he tried to refuse the money as generally it's bride's family offering dowry to groom's family. But Mr. Yrrah again reminded him his dialogue that he had earlier told him during party last time.....

"You shouldn't present yourself as saint if you are a prostitute." signifying him that his eyes are clearly showing the signs of greed in them and yet he is trying to show as if he is not interested in the money in front of him. Then he immediately booked best banquet hall. Business links of Yrrah's from all around the known universe were invited there. Money was spent like rain. Even Stonexia himself never spent so much on his own anniversary or birthday party of his wife or kids. He himself just gave a short appearance in such parties. But for Gordon's marriage party, he danced with Maya too and spend time with his wife and kids too. As Maya was accompanying Stonexia, Kids were being naughty and ate all the expensive stuff, till their bellies protruded out. Even Flame Yrrah didn't backed down and kept chomping down on all food even in more quantities if compared to Onix and Onie. She was enraged as her belly was not protruding due to food being burnt down by her inner fire immediately.

Hirosha Yrrah was also a teenager boy alongwith Rollo Yrrah (from Rollo Brohm) who was a golem in teenages as well and being brothers they were enjoying themselves and all teenage girls around the hall wanted to strike conversation with them but hesitated due to high status of Yrrahs.

Similarly Hirusha Yrrah was greeted by many handsome divorced and even unmarried men in hopes to catch her eye. Although she is a widow but who says that a widow can't remarry, especially after becoming a Yrrah she is queen of the world. But she never showed her liking towards anyone. She was being a loner, but she has a son who loves her so much that he can throw his life away on one command of this mother. So how can she marry for her selfish desires? But Mrs. Yrrah has noticed the loneliness of Hirusha and told Stonexia about this and Stonexia further suggested Hirosha to convince her mother for a remarriage himself. And he showed his maturity and accepted the suggestion of his big bro and immediately went towards her mother who was drinking juice in a lonely corner alongwith Mrs. Yrrah, who was trying to keep her company. After arrival of Hirosha, Mrs. Yrrah left the table. And Hirosha simply said,

"Mom see you have so many admirers. Your charm has not faded and you are as young as 20 year old due to training of Stonexia bro. And today Stonexia bro was very sad on seeing you lonely so he came to me to convince you for getting married. Stonexia bro did so much for us, and i believe we should accept everything he wants from us."

Hirosha being a kid didn't hide any stuff and also didn't try to mould stuff said by Stonexia and simply presented the stuff told by Stonexia as it is. And seeing the simplicity of this kid, and also taking it as wish of Stonexia whom she considered as deity (even after knowing that Stonexia calls her aunt), she agreed with little hesitation. Mr. Yrrah was all ears to this conversation as he was hiding behind the pillar of Hirusha's table. He immediately jumped out like a ghost, and scared Hirusha and Yana (Mrs. Yrrah).

"Ladies and gentleman please pay attention. As you are aware that i have a daughter here who is a widow. I will be conducting a tournament for selection of groom for my daughter Hirusha Yrrah on the New Year's Day and ........."

He immediately stopped after receiving a thought message from Stonexia. Stonexia told him that there is no need for competition as he can simply spy on anybody to reveal his true colors using invisible mode.

"Cough, cough, change of plans. There's no tournament. Anybody willing to marry my daughter can send us their biodata. We will make selection based on the choice of our daughter. And venue will be Yrrah's Headquarters in Delhi, India on Earth on the New Year's Day as per Universal Calender System. (a new calender system launched after discovery of new planets by Stonexia). Everybody is invited, be it rich or middleclass, as there are no poor people nowadays, ha ha ha.... If there is any poor guy remaining anywhere he can come too. No need to be shy ha ha ha.....cheerss...".

"CHHEEEEERRRRSSSSSS.............." Loud sound echoed with unison of all guests.....

Thus the organized event was a great success and all Yrrah members were very happy. In one corner Stonexia apologized to Maya. On asking the reason for apology, Stonexia said that "My behavior is no different than Gordon towards you. I have simply taken you as my wife, when you didn't even knew about the relationships of a man or woman. I never took you out on a date, I have never bought you any expensive stuff. Gordon infact beat me in this aspect by gifting the best jewellery of Nibiru to Yulia. Infact I feel myself at fault for his behavior towards Yulia too. If I was doing such stuff with you he may have learnt just by watching me and you. But I myself was an ignorant fool.

**Host is indeed an ignorant fool, that's why system earlier told that host doesn't deserve the title of Love Guru.**

System intentionally sounded this in the ears of both Maya and Stonexia to have his own fun.

"You..... shut up... why don't you pick on other disciples?"

**Because others didn't bragged themselves as love guru.**

"Can't you see there's a party going on here and you are an uninvited guest?" changed subject Stonexia after finding no way to win the previous argument.

**That's more of a reason for my interfering. How can host and other disciples dare to party without having system as a chief guest? That really disappointed the system. That's why system decided to have its revenge.**

Maya can't stop laughing hearing the arguments of these two. And thus party was really fun for everybody. Maya also consoled Stonexia that he shouldn't blame himself for Gordon's case. She also cleared that she had married with Stonexia after seeing the loving and kind nature of Stonexia and Mrs. Yrrah towards her while brewing potion, and not just because she was ignorant about the worldly relations back then. Also she is not interested in the stuff like jewelry so Stonexia shouldn't worry about gifts too and has only one desire to stay together with Stonexia forever even after death. She seemed so pure that no girl can compare to her innocence, and that's what stonexia loved about her. She never even talked in loud pitch towards him and was best wife in all aspects. She had no demands at all. She loved their kids, She loved Stonexia by heart. In fact even if Stonexia brings more women after marrying or as concubines for his pleasure, she won't mind and just be content with having even a tiny space in heart of Stonexia. But Stonexia himself was of same nature and never want to marry anybody else instead of her chosen partner. Also after believing in One Almighty God most of the worldly desires don't affect him much miraculously and thus he don't look towards any other women with bad intentions. Also he is not attracted to even the most beautiful Hollywood actresses and models. System also presented a news during party,

**Tommy Duck is released from the Nibiru Central Jail by underhanded methods and is planning on revenge at .....**


Meanwhile in a secret bunker house of Duck's, Tommy was shouting in his rage due to his unsuccessful attempt in finding Duck Tales whereabouts. An intelligent servant with hopes of getting promotion asked for permission to speak, and he presented the possibility of involvement of Duck Tales with Yrrah family. As only person getting advantage of all this mess seemed to be the Yrrah family or the Holmes family. Although not sure but this possibility can't be ignored, he immediately rewarded the servant handsomely and decided to take his revenge blindly.

"Just bombard the houses of Yrrah's and Holmes on Nibiru with Jellitonium X bomb (an upgraded version of nuclear bomb enhanced with Jellitonium X)" ordered Tommy.

But a voice echoed in the bunker from outside.

"Save your skin first", and before he can understand anything whole bunker was blasted instead with a fireball magic spell. At Stonexia's level his simple slash from a sword even without any magical skill was much more powerful than few jellitonium x bombs combined, and this was an spell which should be further more devastating than simple sword slash for sure. A big dust cloud formed and whole world saw the special effects of this spell, but even after so many days of investigation, nobody was able to figure out that it was done by Stonexia to kill Tommy Duck. Only Duck family knew that the location of this blast was their bunker and they were also aware that Tommy was hiding there to escape his punishment, but after such powerful blast there is no chance of his survival. And no one has ever seen the Duck Tales guy or whatever, and they didn't suspected Yrrah or Holmes family at all. So they dropped the case and forgot that their was somebody with name of Tommy Duck in their family.

Stonexia reappeared in the party with a smile on his face. Party kept ongoing and the blast was treated as some sort of fireworks by all the guests.

Tommy Duck was really pitiful.... even his funeral was treated as celebratory fireworks at other place.... :)

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