
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Disappointed!!!! Destroy whole Cosmos

Earlier Stonexia was enjoying the default story of Strongest Cosmos that's why he didn't interfered in this cosmos. He was also afraid to mess up the Cosmos just like Cultivation Cosmos where he destroyed the Ancestor God's eye to power himself up, and later Yi Yun turned out so weak when confronting Ancestor God in the end of its story. Also Lin Ming and Bai Yueyin were found there which should not be existing too as per original novel.

But the ending of Strongest Cosmos was worst, Stonexia was totally disappointed. If not for the two wives of Lin Fan he would have already destroyed this cosmos. System suggested, "Host can still destroy the cosmos and transfer kind living beings onto different cosmos."

Stonexia, "Nice idea, you are getting smarter by staying by my side OPS." Stonexia developed a plan too let's create a new story out of this. He renamed the Scheming Cosmos to 'Strongest vs. Scheming Cosmos', and transferred all the main elements of the story to the empty planets of Scheming Cosmos. Those included Lin Fan, Xuan Yunxian and Fire Empress.


Snore!!! Snoree!!!! Snorree!!! ZZZzzzzzzz...

Creator Lin Fan was sleeping in peace. (Now there were two Lin Fans, one was creator who just keeps sleeping in an void universe called as heavens by him, and another one was living his life happily with Xuan Yunxian and Fire Empress below the heavens.)

Stonexia was not having any problem with the one living below the heavens but this sleepy Lin Fan is an eyesore. He wasted his wish on this guy to resurrect his cosmos but he just created a replica of old Strongest Cosmos with no villains at all. Full smooth sailing life for lower Lin Fan with no enemies, and life of luxury. Not only this he hasn't even created modern stuff there like Yrrah Plaza. It was total wastage to let him rule this cosmos. He kicked on the butts of sleeping Lin Fan which sent him flying. Although Lin Fan was currently Heavenly Lord too with Level 15000 but Stonexia was at 15900 which was peak of Heavenly Lord. Even if Stonexia was at 15001, then he can easily destroy Lin Fan even without buffs of his, as 1 level difference is too much at such high levels.

"AUDACIOUS..." Lin Fan shouted.

"Shut up!! Do you have any idea what have you done?" Stonexia retorted

"Shut up your head.... What I have done or what I am doing is of no concern to you? How dare you step in my cosmos? Who are you?"

Lin Fan doesn't remember Stonexia at all after countless years of his slumber. (The countless years slumber didn't effected other cosmos, as time was fast forwarded by Stonexia in this cosmos only to help Lin Fan...)

"Shameful!! You are such worthless MC with broken brains. Try to remember the event when you killed Truth Immortal King."

Lin Fan recalled, "It's you..... I remember it...." Soon another idea striked his mind...."Is it possible that those photographs of my wives were clicked by you?"

Stonexia, "Which photographs? The ones in bikinis?"

Lin Fan was angry, "Shut up! What did you do with my wives?"

Stonexia, "Nothing..... We are just friends. I am not a shameless MC like you carrying two wives. I am happy with only one, and see this photograph of hers."

Lin Fan was surprised to see the beauty of Maya Yrrah and his facial expressions clearly showed that he has never seen such a fairy.

Stonexia, "Jealous?"....

Lin Fan, "Who are you? How are you so strong?"

Stonexia, "It was me who gave you second chance after you destroyed whole cosmos with your new cultivation base of 'Heavenly Lord'. But you considered yourself God of this cosmos and just kept sleeping day and night, even sending your wives to a fake copy of yours. Do you have any right to live? It was me who showed them modern culture so that you can live happily in modern life with them even in the lower universes. But you abandoned them for your sleep instead. They are blaming me that maybe their modernization made you lose interest in them...."

Lin Fan, "I....I..." Lin Fan was speechless.

Stonexia continued, "If you remember I warned you against being egoistic at Truth Immortal King's tower too.... But you forgot everything.... Your mind is just a dictionary of vulgar and abusive words, and you forget all the important and noteworthy stuff. You earlier thought that Xinfeng created this universe, and he made you biggest variable factor, but after his death you believed that you are the god, right. Let me tell you, you are nothing, I am an even bigger variable factor created by One Almighty God, that can not only effect your cosmos, but countless other cosmoses out there too. And there are countless creators like Xinfeng, under One Almighty Lord"

Lin Fan, "I don't believe you.... I will fight it out with you. There's no God. And i don't care about Xinfeng too he was just retarded old man in my eyes. Show me what you have got?"

Lin Fan leaped towards Stonexia with the fist that had earlier destroyed whole cosmos. He tried using his brick and Heaven and Earth simultaneously too.

"You don't care about destroying your cosmos anymore too, such dumb MC. You must die, but don't worry i will merge your consciousness with the fake Lin Fan below making him true Lin Fan along with memories of this incident, so that he always remember the One Almighty God's existence, which is above all."

Stonexia didn't cared about incoming strike as he didn't mind destruction of this cosmos, and instead launched his fist without any buff at all, but the terrific might of his attack dissipated the attack from Lin Fan, the Legendary Brick and Heaven and Earth Smelt were reduced to nothingness, and there was nothing left in this cosmos except for Stonexia. Stonexia opened his palm and a twinkling object came out from void which was consciousness of Lin Fan which was protected by Stonexia before attacking. Stonexia teleported to Strongest vs. Scheming Cosmos and sent the consciousness in the mind of Lin Fan there. Now the new Lin Fan was a totally different person and also Scheming Cosmos was totally new stuff for him. His current strength was same as Xu Que. Stonexia wanted to see Lin Fan vs. Xu Que. But both of them currently are aware about Stonexia, and One Almighty God. So they shouldn't be vulgar, abusive or egoistic anymore at least in his presence.

Stonexia levelled up further to 16000 (Yao Wuxie stays still at 15900, and rest at 14400) too after slaying so many universes in this cosmos and a character of Heavenly Lord cultivation level in live mode.....


All existing cosmoses are fully copied and many new cosmoses have been copied now by the OPS during the fast forward of Strongest Cosmos. One of them piqued interest of Stonexia and that was 'Slaughter Universe'. The MC of this universe is 'Shi Yan' who is even more shameless and perverted if compared to Lin Fan. Xu Que still tops the list although. His main powers is extracting essence qi from dead people that's why he loves places where war, slaughter, and chaos persists. His cultivation levels rise up in this manner. He was reborn in this 'Slaughter Cosmos', from regular earth of Almightoronia Universe, where he stepped inside blood pool during some adventure sports in a mysterious place. And he lived his whole life in a universe which was body of an Absolute Beginning Creature named as 'Desolate'. There are some martial spirits in this cosmos that give supernatural powers to its owners which were all upanishads and powers derived from absolute beginning creatures like Desolate and Devourer. He has recently stashed Power Upanishad Symbol Tower from the Sea of Annihilation (which was part of Sea Domain of Nihility where strongest experts from all universes in this cosmos gather in search of ultimate power), in his Incipient Extent (some sort of inner universe within bodies of powerhouses like Shi Yan). Absolute Beginning Symbol from Tower has fused with body of Shi Yan imparting him lots of wisdom regarding Absolute Beginning Symbols. His body was surging with vitality granted by those symbols. He has recently slayed a villain named as 'Gan Fu' who was very strong but didn't knew that Shi Yan is proficient in Devouring Upanishad. Shi Yan attacked her with black hole to suck in all the power and energy and even memories of Gan Fu, but Shi Yan was not interested in her memories at all so he ignored them. Suddenly a warm air current shot from the Tower in Incipient Extent of Shi yan which went towards his co-soul (Grace Mainland or Desolate Absolute Beginning Creature). He was shown blurry memories in form of various symbols, but he was unable to understand them. Those blurry memories seemed to wait for him to activate the Absolute Beginning creature's soul, which was the complete fusion of the heaven flames. That's how he could unlock those wisps of memory.

At that moment God Lord who was one of the strongest being back in Desolate Universe objected and blamed Shi Yan to be greedy as he has taken both Tower and Absolute Beginning Symbol. Ming Hao another strongest being from Desolate Universe also wanted the tower and he was even ready to fight for it against the God Lord but neither of them obtained it.

But Shi Yan convinced them that it is the key for their escape from this place, which is surrounded by a barrier which can't be broken even with combined powers of all the powerhouses present here. And both tower and key are needed to unlock this barrier, and only he is capable of controlling them due to his connection with Desolate creature. He presented them the tower to investigate themselves but no matter what they tried they couldn't find anything special from tower.

Meanwhile he landed besides Mei Ji as her vitality was draining due to her earlier attempt to save Shi Yan from others attacks, when he was focusing on refining the tower and symbol. Although Mei Ji was earlier enemy of Shi Yan too but she may have gained feelings for him now somehow. His newly acquired ability of Surging Vitality from tower and symbol showed its magic and restored her vitality. She snorted and said "I won't be thankful as all the wounds were sustained because of you." Shi Yan beamed brightly. "I don't need you to be thankful. I hope you continue to hate me. I like women who hate me!"

Ming Hao and God Lord gave up on tower as they were annoyed with tower. They didn't understand a thing about it, nor could they establish any connection with it through their mighty powers. They told Shi Yan to keep the tower and unseal the barrier immediately. But Shi Yan reminded that only seven great clans in sea of nihility are aware about the usage of this tower that's why they should not leave any evidence of their owning the tower and kill all other outsiders like Batum which are still trying desperately to escape from this barrier.

But Ming Hao and God Lord were not afraid of seven great clans as owner of tower is Shi Yan. But Ming Hong who was sitting on Audrey's shoulders (Audrey is another harem member of Shi Yan and Ming Hong is her ancestor from Dark Clan) warned Ming Hao and God Lord that all members of seven great clans are searching for Desolate Territory from long time. And they are greedy for wounded Ancient Beginning creature that if they know about Tower being in possession of them, then they will kill their whole group even before reaching Desolate Territory. Ming Hao and God Lord agreed but they pointed towards Mei Ji who was also part of seven great clans. But Shi Yan claimed her to be his woman and he can take care of his own affairs.

In another corner, Telika, Batum, Farlow, Yerburgh and Ling Mei and her Black Guards from Mysterious Sky Clan were trying their best powers to destroy this barrier and get out of this Absolute Beginning vestige to return to Sea of Annihilation. They have also setup various traps and defense formations to save themselves from the Shi Yan's party. But Ming Hao and God Lord were experienced and easily recognized those traps and restrictions. Ming Hao, the chief of Soul Control Force controlled various leaders of star areas (galaxies) through his clones even thousands of years ago in Desolate Universe. God Lord was so powerful that he managed to slay wounded Bloodthirsty (Shi Yan is successor of this Bloodthirsty and own all powes of his currently) thousands of years ago who was at Territory Ancestor Realm (Level 14000 or more approximately) while he himself was at Third Sky of Immortal Realm (Level 13995 to 13999 approximately). Ming Hao was even more intimidating as he had spent thousand of years inside the God Lord's territory without letting him or his clan even touch his shadow.

Audrey was jealous with Mei Ji and Shi Yan sticking and whispering with each other therefore was carrying cold expression. In fact Mei Ji was informing Shi Yan that he needs resources to refine other symbols from tower, which is not easy task. However if he joins their Phantom Clan then it will be easy to acquire those resources. Also he needs to raise his strength to Territory Ancestor Realm too and for that too he needs resources. Shi Yan was hesitant to sacrifice billions of creatures from Desolate Universe for the sake of refining Ancient Beginning symbols. He had to depend on seven big clans. And with betrayal of Ling Mei (because of her getting greedy for tower and ancient symbol) there's no way he will depend on Mysterious Sky Clan anymore, even after promises of Tu Shi Qi and Ya Yun (experts from Mysterious Sky Clan who are on good terms with Shi Yan). Besides, Shi Yan had offended the Black Demon Clan, the Ancient Monster Clan, the Soul Clan, and the Devouring Clan, leaving him with only the Phantom Clan and the White Bone Clan to choose.

Mei Ji has calculated earlier that if Shi Yan is brought to their clan then the elders of clan won't be interested in marrying her with Batum and will help Shi Yan instead with their resources. Also Shi Yan knew the secrets of dark energy (a prerequisite to reach Territory Ancestor Realm), so he has higher chances to reach that realm before Batum and thus Phantom clan will be very fortunate to have such kind of expert at their side. She also knew that clan will try to marry her with Shi Yan as well.

Mei Ji was blushing at the thoughts of getting married with Shi Yan. She soon noticed the jealous gaze of Audrey and was very content with making Audrey jealous of herself. She further mocked her too. Shi Yan moved at high speed to get out from quarrels of women as the traps were being removed one by one by God Lord and Ming Hao.

Shi Yan appeared before Batum's and Ling Mei's group but they tried to convince Shi Yan's party to not battle as the barrier is impossible to break and they should cooperate instead to get out of this hell. But Mei Ji came forward and wanted her revenge with Ling Mei who injured her earlier. She also revealed that they have their ways to unlock the barrier. Shi Yan brought out the tower and it destroyed all the defenses and formations earlier created by Batum's and Ling Mei's group. Batum ordered retreat after seeing the might of this tower. Shi yan was very satisfied with his new toy. It seemed that Tower can draw power from the barriers itself. Even God Lord and Ming Hao were feeling themselves puny in front of power unleashed by this tower. Mei Ji was so excited by the fireworks display from tower which scared Ling Mei and forced her to run away like stray dog. After mocking Ling Mei, she challenged her one on one. God Lord was annoyed with the puny insects so he threw a light ball embedded with spears which seems like hedgehog spikes, towards Telika, Yerburgh and Farlow. They were bleeding non stop. Shi Yan used this opportunity and used Soul Devouring power of his. Black hole formed and sucked in soul altars of three of them. Farlow was also on Third Sky of Immortal Realm but he can't compare to God Lord (Difference of levels of 13991s vs. 13999s in numerical levels). After that God Lord aimed for Black Guards of Mysterious sky clans and crushed them under his palm. Shi Yan's acupuncture points were busy collecting Essence Qi from dead Black Guards. God Lord commented, "They are weaker than Xuan He and Frederick". (Xuan He and Frederick were part of bloodthirsty force and were slightly weaker than Ming Hao)

Ming Hao was currently targeting Batum. Batum launched an attack of tornadoes towards Ming Hao. Ming Hao raised many mirrors and used his clone to confuse Batum so that he can't recognize which one is his true body. Moreover it was like thousands of Ming Haos attacking lonely Batum. Mei Ji was using her ice based attacks on Ling Mei too and had an upper hand. She was mocking her further as she lost such a nice gem Shi Yan who may have gone to their side if she had listened to Tu Shi Qi's advice. "You will never defeat me whether it's power, will or judgement." said Mei Ji arrogantly. She shot countless icicles towards Ling Mei that pierced her body and killed her. Meanwhile Shi Yan advised God Lord to help Ming Hao in finishing Batum so they can go home fast. God Lord snorted but still jumped in the magical world of mirrors of Ming hao to lend him a hand. And soon Batum's painful shrieks were heard and he was killed. However Batum's soul altar tried to escape. But Black hole of Shi yan was waiting for this which was hovering under the light curtains/barrier. Ling Mei's soul altar suffered the same fate too. Ming Hao reminded the party that all dead parties must have some connection that will alert their respective clans about their deaths so they must hurry. Ming Hao also reminded about death of Tate who has a powerful teacher too and he must be coming in their direction too. Tate's Teacher name is Neptune. He is one of the three territory ancestor realm expert from Soul Clan, and he has Absolute beginning weapon, 'Soul Refining Cauldron'. However the cauldron is not complete yet and requires devouring of various souls before it can become complete. They should hurry and unseal the barriers.

Shi Yan has a great harvest of Essence Qi and soul altars so he was busy refining them, and was very confused by the symbols too, so he can't concentrate to open the barrier. God Lord Brian's face was darkened, "If he lied to us and he can't open the light curtain, I'll do my best to kill him to vent my wrath!"

In Soul Clan, Tate's soul bead exploded indicating his death to Neptune who was refining cauldron. He used some black magic to know that Tate has betrayed him. Neptune snorted. "Trash! He dared to deceive me and get into the sea to find the Absolute Beginning vestige. I have no pity for his death. I'd wasted my efforts to train him for thousands of years!" Putting the cauldron into his sleeve, Neptune got up and vanished like a shadow.

On another island, Tu Shi Qi and her wife Ya Yun were also informed of the death of Ling Mei. Ling Mei has special identity as Han Tian's granddaughter. Dragon Lizard (another acquaintance of Shi Yan) was also there so they invited him to go towards the Sea of Annihilation too to check the situation.

Shi Yan was still unable to open the barrier. Shi Yan was unaware that outside all clans have announced that they were trying their best to find the murderers. Phantom Clan was also worried about missing Mei Ji.

Quickly, the information about the Absolute Beginning vestige released unknowingly. The secret of the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower was revealed, angering the other clans besides the Seven Great Clans.

Ming Hong warned against Neptune again as his speed is fastest and will come faster than anybody else. Moreover he has means to exactly locate this vestige too. Everybody was anxious and now Brian started threatening to kill others in case Shi Yan failed. Shi Yan shouted to shut them all up. He further threatened Ming Hao and Brian showing the might of his tower. He started suppressing them under the tower. Ming Hong was worried that if this continues they will start killing each other even before stronger enemies arrive. Actually it was the effect of swallowing the soul altars of powerful beings like Batum and Farlow on Shi Yan, which gathered negative energies from their soul altars and their negative memories too. Shi Yan was unable to suppress those negative emotions from them in such short time. Brian was angry with this behavior from Shi Yan and all three of them were trying to suppress each other now. Audrey and Mei Ji can't tolerate the pressure from their energies so they moved away. They screamed because Shi Yan had suddenly become frantic and stirred the situation to the point that they couldn't save it. Ming Hao's clones were being destroyed by the attacks of Tower too. He was regretting that he let God Lord threaten Shi Yan and others. If God Lord hasn't threatened them, then Shi Yan may not have lost his temper. He also regretted to hand over tower in hands of Shi Yan.

Shi Yan was mocking them and laughing crazily and reminded them how they were dragged here by Hui (another absolute beginning Creature who was also harem member of Shi Yan before she got her memories of being an absolute beginning creature). He mocked them that they are not overlords anymore, they must not show their haughtiness in front of Shi Yan anymore.

Even screams of Mei Ji and Audrey didn't effect Shi yan as his eyes were showing red color which was an crazy state of Bloodthirsty as per Ming Hong claims. There was no method to stop this rampage. But suddenly barriers started going inside the tower. Everybody believe that its due to usage of Tower or might of the tower subdued the barrier itself. After a moment vestige was drowned in water from Sea of Annihilation. The light curtain/barriers had entered the tower completely. The power of tower now seems dozens of times more formidable. The God Lord and Ming Hao were frightened. Ming Hao's clones scattered. The God Lord's body was cracking. They were about to be smashed.

Audrey sent a message using her essence of God blessed land which has subtle connection with Shi Yan. After this Shi Yan regained his senses and found that barriers are removed. Shi Yan put tower back in his Incipient Extent.

Ming Hao and God Lord exhaled in relief and looked at each other with forced smiles. As they thought that they could finally escape the nightmare called Bloodthirsty and become the master of this world, they got so bitter and discontented upon seeing Shi Yan. However, they could only sigh inwardly. Earlier they were subdued by Bloodthirsty whole life and now its his successor who is even more tyrannical than Bloodthirsty.

Shi Yan ordered retreat immediately. But Audrey pointed towards Mei Ji and together with Ming Hong suggested to kill her as if she knew the entrance to Desolate territory then she can bring doom to their universe. But Shi Yan favored Mei Ji saying that He needs her clan's resources to refine the absolute beginning symbols. Also she's a good partner anyway. To dissolve suspicions in others hearts, Mei Ji even offered her soul seal to Shi Yan which he can immediately crush if she betrays her anytime. Shi Yan was impressed by the blind trust of this girl who is willing to even offer her soul seal to him. Having soul seal of another person has another meaning too i.e. if soul seal holder dies then person whose soul seal is held will die too. Even others experts watching this were baffled to see the boldness of this girl and finally everybody trusted her.

Ming Hong led the way for party as he was very experienced by staying in detention of a powerful expert like Singh for thousands of years.

After several hours, Neptune arrived at the ruins of vestige where Tate was murdered. He somehow was able to figure that this place was holding Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. He immediately contacted clansmen to pay attention immediately. He showed Shi Yan's face through some magic to all members and told them to report him as soon as they find this man.

Not long after Neptune had gone, Forefather Dragon Lizard, Tu Shi Qi, and Ya Yun landed in the middle of ruins on the seabed and confirmed that Ling Mei is dead. Not everybody knew the relationship of Ling Mei as granddaughter of Forefather Han Tian. Maybe the killer also didn't knew that. She was precious to her grandfather. But now she's gone. "If we don't give Forefather Han Tian an explanation, he will boil the entire Sea of Annihilation when he figures this out. We must do our best in this!" said Ya Yun. They quickly came to a conclusion. They ordered all members of the Mysterious Sky Clan in the Sea of Annihilation to take action and search everything related to the Absolute Beginning vestige.

On the base of Devouring Clan, Qi Mo, husband of Gan Fu was chanting Gan Fu's name with dull and watery eyes. He was just one step away from Territory Ancestor Realm. He had just received lots of material to breakthrough his cultivation from clan, and has planned to build his territory with Gan Fu. He found the vestige's location and reached there immediately and just like others he ordered all other members of Devouring Clan to search for murderers.

At the same time, the elders of the Black Demon Clan, Ancient Monster Clan also sent their orders to ask their members in the Sea of Annihilation to take action and find the murderers. Big rewards were announced for precise information regarding murderers. The real characters who knew how precious the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower was, finally knew why the five clans had offered their fundamental treasures to find someone. Also, it wasn't because of their dead members; they wanted the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower!

Deep under the sea, Mei Ji informed Shi Yan that Neptune has advertised a portrait of Shi Yan and announced great rewards for finding him. She was informed by her clan members through her jade pendant. She further infomed that there are thousands of Immortal Realm experts in Sea of Annihilation and besides Neptune there are four more Territory Ancestor Realm experts too. Absolute Beginning Symbol is very important for Territory Ancestor Realm experts to perceive the Ultimate Power Upanishad. Without Symbol it will take them thousands of years to understand even a single secret of Ultimate Power Upanishad.

God Lord and Ming Hao's eyes were glittering in greed too now. They now understood the value of the tower. But Shi Yan reminded them that it requires tons of resources (sacrificing almost whole territory with billions of living beings), to generate a single symbol. And he even offered that if they can acquire those resources then he will personally help them refine a symbol for them. This was to ensure that they don't take any rash actions now when they are already being hunted by all clans. God Lord said, "It's not a trouble for me to kill creatures in my territory. You've to remember your promise."

Ming Hao also bowed down first time in front of Shi Yan, "Master, please help and fulfill my wish." Shi Yan sneered inwardly, as he won't care about these two when he gets strong enough. Even if he decides to help them, then he will charge a huge price for sure.

Ming Hong announced that at their current speed it will take them three or four years to reach Desolate Territory Entrance as water pressure of this sea is really terrifying and teleportation will result in their souls being crushed. Moving on surface of water is even more troublesome as Territory Ancestor Realms will locate them immediately. They were united now and decided to kill anybody whomsoever they will encounter in their way. Mei Ji was troubled by this, "What if we encounter Phantom Clan members?" Shi Yan wasn't moved and gave her choice to either die now in his hands or see her clan mates dying under his hands. Mei Ji finally agreed too seeing the murderous intentions in eyes of Shi Yan.

[Stonexia was so happy to see this new universe, which has countless supreme experts with over 14000 level as per his scouter. Although he won't kill anybody for fun or experience but as cultivation world is ruthless he knew that people will come knocking at his door themselves trying to mess with him by overestimating themselves. He has already encountered many such fools in this universe which had already fell under his might without knowing how they died. Alongside watching actions of MC through system he was having his own adventure, as he hasn't slayed anybody from long time as he generally didn't killed at all and had used Saiyans or Raizel or Yao Wuxie for such purposes.]

Three massive submarines that were like shuttles made of seashells were moving at a normal speed undersea. They were sea clan members. Sea Clan had tentacles on the heads, scales on the necks, and antenna on the mouth. They were also searching for Shi Yan's whereabouts. But Shi Yan's party noticed them first and launched the slaughter. They were intelligent too and scattered in all directions so as to report to five clans. But with the help of countless clones of Ming Hao and infinite icicles of Mei Ji, none of the scattered members survived this massacre.

Emperor Sea Shark who is also Territory Ancestor Realm expert, is the leader of this sea clan. He was informed about the deaths of his clan members. But they didn't knew who the culprit was. But Emperor Sea Shark has doubt that nobody generally dares to attack on sea clan knowing his identity, therefore the current attack must be from the humans that this Neptune is searching. Neptune arrived to meet this Emperor Sea Shark to ask for a favor, as they were both old friends. As soon as he arrived Emperor Sea Shark expressed his doubt and blamed Neptune that due to his action 9 of the crews of his sea clan had died. But Neptune denied charges and told that someone is trying to trick him. Then he told his request to Emperor that Mei Ji is also involved in murders of five clan members and so he must look for her too, and rewards are increased further. But Emperor can't be moved with ordinary rewards. That's why Neptune promised to refine a symbol from Tower once Shi Yan is captured, and this generated greed in heart of Emperor Sea Shark.

In a corner of seabed, Shi Yan was again showing red eyes after slaughtering at least 100 people they encountered in their way. As they were in hurry, they didn't get any time to stay at one place, so Shi Yan wasn't able to refine so much essence qi of the dead.

GoS is covered from Chapter 1433 to 1440 in this chapter. This author is really not lazy and i was able to extract lots of information from just seven chapters. Lots of readable information is there, unlike TSS. That's why its progress may become slow if there aren't any filler chapters.

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts