
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Broly as New Disciple/Other Universes

After making them unconscious, he told Whis to use his time reversing skill named as 'Temporal Do-over' to save Goku and everybody else. Whis wasn't attendant of Stonexia but knew that Bardock listens to everything that Stonexia say. Also it was Goku who died earlier and Whis really liked that guy himself. And further Goku is son of Bardock whom he is following. These reasons were enough to convince him to use Temporal Do-Over.

After Temporal Do-Over is casted, Stonexia and others now knew that Goku was training with Broly, but Broly went berserk after gaining strength stronger than Goku, Goku wasn't able to control him. Broly was like an total weapon of annihilation. Whole planet was almost destroyed during his rampage in berserk state. Even Cheelai and Lemo weren't able to control him now, and he attacked them too after little hesitation, which gave time to Goku for helping them via Instant Teleportation to transfer them on Dende's Kame's Lookout Tower but as soon as he reappeared Broly has lost his control completely and he attacked Goku at such frightening speed that he can't retaliate at all and got caught in super big sized blaster shell attack hurled towards him by Broly.

But after Temporal Do-Over, Whis used his barriers to protect the planet and its resident creatures which had earlier died before Temporal Do-Over. Stonexia used system's teleportation to save Goku from dying and redirected the attack of Broly towards outer space. Broly was enraged and continued hurling more Blaster Shell attacks towards Stonexia, but he was prepared unlike Goku back there. But after every attack Broly was getting stronger and Stonexia knew that if this keeps up then even his Blood Field will be rendered useless. All this happened in a split second so Bardock can't react to the situation and also can see Goku alive, so his anger disappeared.

Goku was surprised and as usual showed dumb looks saying, "What happened?" He wasn't even aware that he had died due to effects of Temporal Do-Over. However Bardock wasn't effected by Temporal Do-over maybe due to system, and he knew that why he was angry and was also aware of Stonexia whacking him to save Broly from his wrath. That's why he stayed calm and only concentrated in protecting himself from random stray energy balls hurled by Broly continuously who was still in his berserk state.

Stonexia has seen all the anime series alongwith its movies till Dragon Ball Super: Broly so he was aware that Broly is innately talented and can instantly power-up against any opponent. Moreover it's not easy to bring him back to his senses unless killed or made unconscious. But he don't want to waste such a nice talent. Therefore he asked system, "Is there any remedy for this state of Broly?"

**Host is getting rust in his mind again after becoming so strong. Simply register him as disciple and he will be under System's control.** replied System.

"Shut up, it's your brain that is rusted by greed. You want him as your disciple seeing his talents. Otherwise I have seen you rejecting many descendants from my lineage by you." retorted Stonexia.

**It's all for host's welfare. System thought good about host but yet got scolded for no reason?** System acted innocent.

Stonexia knew that system love innocent kind of people. Although on outer looks Broly is like a savage on loose. But actually who can be more pitiful than the Broly? He was thrown out to die because he was overly talented by King Vegeta (Father of Prince Vegeta) just after being born. Even after surviving his father had controlled his mind to raise him as strongest weapon for himself and tortured with mega-voltage electric shocks to keep him calm, before Paragus (his father) eventually died at hands of Frieza. Broly has even lost trust of his only friend on his desolate planet named as Bah (Broly wears ear of Bah to remember him as per movie) due to interference from Paragus. Now his only friends are Cheelai, Goku, Vegeta and Lemo.

Stonexia assumed that survival of Broly was One Almighty God's wish or interference and that's why system is so much interested in this disciple.

Then Stonexia came back to his senses and immediately entered the name of Broly in the training module. There was not much problem as Stonexia was currently little stronger than Broly using his buffs. System can't forcibly convert a stronger opponent into disciple but Broly can be converted for now. So system was successful. And as promised system did controlled Broly without any problem. Simultaneously a notification was heard by Stonexia:-

**Host's Super Saiyan God Super White form is upgraded to Legendary Super Saiyan God Super White form after extracting essence of the skill from the new disciple 'Broly'. This form is equivalent to that of Bardock's ape transformation in SSW form. This form also enables host to accumulate battle experience of a stronger opponent automatically just by battling in few minutes to few hours, few months or at maximum a year, depending on the opponent's gap of levels with host. Now host don't need to kill or defeat opponent to gain experience points. Just keep battling and keep earning points.**

Broly fainted after getting controlled by system and was later teleported on Earth at Kame's Lookout Tower where Cheelai, Lemo, Dende and Mr. Popo helped him recover from his state. As he can't go berserk anymore that's why Stonexia brought him to Earth. Also with new Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation who can stop him in this world.

(On Planet Namek)

Frieza ordered his new lackey 'Muzaka' to attack on 'Nail' to obtain the last dragonball from Elder Moori. Nail was powerless against this new enemy, and was lying on ground in his own pool of blood. But luckily Frieza is not as evil as before, that's why halted Muzaka from ending his life. Also he needed him to blackmail Elder Moori to chant the incantation to summon Porunga in Namekian Language and get his wish granted. As expected Elder Moori handed over last ball to save Nail's life and also helped Frieza summon the Porunga. As for wish, Frieza wanted to raise his height (as per the anime), but Dr. Crombell was against this idea and convince Frieza somehow that he can raise his height just by science and technology. Then Frieza started rethinking, and finally after not finding any new idea simply told Elder Moori to tell Porunga to grant him immortality, so that he can go beat the hell out of Beerus for humiliating him so many times in past.

Wish was granted and Frieza was enveloped in a golden light as a sign that his wish is granted. Porunga along with Dragonballs dispersed all around DB Universe. Although he wasn't aware about Beerus current state, but even if Beerus is stronger than him he will lose at most and can always retry not fearing his death and endless torture in heavens of King Yama. Thinking this he chose Immortality. After this he immediately wanted to test out his immortal body and thus flew towards Earth along with all his forces and lackeys. And he didn't killed Elder Moori, Nail or any other Namekians, showing a sign of not being evil anymore. System was informed of this event but still it didn't considered this as high priority event and delivered news as low priority, which is missed by Maya as she didn't know who Frieza is... And Stonexia was busy with many new matters like upcoming tournament, his training, and some new universes that are copied during few months he stayed in DU Universe.


(Current status of other universes)

There is no such concept as Twin Universes, it is just lack of knowledge by Zalama, Zeno, Grand Priest, Angels and Gods of Destructions who consider them as highest beings and never explored any universe completely. And similarity in twin universes like Beerus Universe and Champas Universe is just a coincidence, after certain distance the shapes of galaxies and thus even planets are not similar there too as per system's analysis.

As per Systems data after copying various universes and there are even more universes than the one known by Dragonball Universe Kais and Gods. System is also generating a theory that there should be something higher than universe too.

Universe 1 is Almightoronia Universe (AU) has no God of Destruction, Angels or Kais and contains nodes for Universe 2, 3 and 4 and 5, Universe 2 is Noblesse Universe (NU) and contains nodes for 1, 6, 7 and 8th universe. There is no Kai, God of Destruction or Angels here as well. Universe 3 is Dragonball Universe (DU) with nodes linking Universe 1 and 9. It has Bardock as God of Destruction now, who has replaced Beerus. Whis is his angelic attendant. There are two supreme Kais ,i.e. Supreme Kai Shin and Elder Kai.

Due to star wars era in all three universes it is easy to traverse Universes now and just ordinary system affiliated Yrrahs traveled to other Universes like 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and so on themselves initiating automatic copying of those universes. Therefore various universes are copied to certain extent to recognize which manga/story they belong to, and Stonexia has named them accordingly.

Universe 4 is Champa's Universe with Kale as the strongest living being who has currently trained to become more powerful than Hit and Champa. She replaced Champa as God of Destruction, as her best friend, or even sister-figure Caulifla was sick of following Champa orders during Tournament of Power. As their revenge, Champa has to follow her orders instead and remain as sidekick lackey along with Attendant Vados (elder sister of Whis and daughter of Grand Priest). Supreme Kai here is named as 'Fuwa'. Second strongest being there is 'Hit' (most powerful assassin in the known universes) now, who can't keep up with the strength of Kale due to her talents and transformation which are same as that of Broly. Stonexia has named this universe as Kale's Universe (KU) in OPS. This universe is as big as DU and thus is still under copying and not completed yet. There are only two Nodes here, one which leads to Universe 1 and another towards 10.

Universe 5 is Demon Realm where Dabura, Babidi and Bibidi were born. There non-canon characters like Demigra, Mechikabura, Shula, Mira, Mirayo etc. live. Demigra is the strongest existence there. Due to being small this universe is already copied and thus upgraded system's copying speed further. This universe is named as Demon Realm Universe (DRU) by Stonexia. It has two nodes leading towards Universe No. 1 and 11.

Universe 6 has 'Brianne de Chateau' as the strongest being who is also known as Ribrianne. She is leader of Kamikaze Fireballs. God of Destruction here is 'Jerez'. Attendant's name is 'Sour'. Supreme Kai name is 'Pell'. As per anime, Stonexia named this universe as 'Gentle Universe' (GU). Currently two nodes found in it are for Universe 2 and 12. Copying of this universe is ongoing too.

Universe 7 has Vermoud (God of Destruction), Cae (Supreme Kai) and Marcarita (Angel) as deities. Jiren is the strongest living being in this universe which surpasses Vermoud in strength already even before Tournament of Power. After his defeat, which can't really be called as a defeat during Tournament of Power (due to being ganged up by 4 strong beings of DU), he trained again like crazy. He is aware about upcoming 'Tournament of Survival' so he is training even harder along with rest of the 'Pride Troopers'. This universe shares its nodes with Universe 2 and 13. It's copying is undergoing. Stonexia has named this universe as Pride Troopers Universe (PTU) as without Pride Troopers this universe should've been really chaotic. They really deserve to be true overseers of their universe.

Universe 8 is an intellectually advanced universe. Mostly people depends on robots and technology in this universe. Mule (God of Destruction), Ea (Supreme Kai), Camparri (Angel) are deities in that universe. Stonexia has named this universe as Tech Freaks Universe (TFU). It has nodes joining Universe 2 and 14. Copying of this universe is ongoing.

Universe 9 is called the Macho Universe (MU) by Stonexia as per its anime name. Rumush (God of Destruction), Gowasu (Supreme Kai), Kusu (Angel) are deities overseeing this universe. Zamasu was also from this universe, who wreaked havoc in Future Trunks timeline. Not many strong warriors reside here. It's undergoing copying too. Its nodes leads to Universe 3 and Universe 15.

Universe 10 The God of Destruction of this universe is Quitela, the Supreme Kai is Kuru, and the Angel is Cognac. Another insignificant Universe with low mortal levels as per Zeno's scale. The name of the universe is Conspiracy Universe (CU) as per Dragonball anime, so Stonexia added it with same name in OPS. It's nodes leads to Universe 4 and Universe 16. OPS is currently copying this universe.

Universe 11's God of Destruction is Sidra, the Supreme Kai is Ro, and the Angel is Mojito. As per anime, this universe was named as Improvised Universe (IU). It's nodes leads towards Universe 5 and Universe 17. As other universes copying is still ongoing.

Universe 12's God of Destruction is Arack, the Supreme Kai is Ogma, and the Angel is Cukatail. It's recently touched by Yrrah Infinite Supplies so it just started copying so not much is known about this universe. Currently known nodes in this Universe are from Universe 6 and Universe 18. This universe is known as Balanced Universe (BU) in anime, that's why named same by Stonexia. This universe has stronger beings too as per Zeno's scale.

Universe 13's God of Destruction is Liquiir, the Supreme Kai is Iru, and the Angel is Korn. It's also one of the most latest findings of Jedis, and visited by a Yrrah member recently so not much of this universe is copied yet. Known nodes are from Universe 7 and Universe 19. This universe was known as Diligent Universe (DgU) in Dragonball Anime, so it is named same by Stonexia. This universe has stronger beings too as per Zeno's scale.

Universe 14 is the Sacred World of Kaioshins. God of Destruction there is named Iwne, with Awamo as his Angelic attendant. Daikaioh, West, North and South Supreme Kais used to live here in the past when they were alive. Later they were killed or absorbed by Buu. As per anime very strong beings live here, which should be on par with Jiren or even stronger. Supreme Kai Shin and Kibito also lived here. It is still under copying. It's nodes relates to Universe 8 and Universe 20. This universe name is Supreme Universe (SU).

Universe 15 is the universe with God of Destruction Geene (He has fish type, merman looks), and supreme Kai Ag and Martinu as angelic attendant. This universe has high mortal rate on Zeno's scale that are on par with Jiren or even stronger. Nodes relates to Universe 9 and Universe 21. This universe is named as Ultimate Universe (UU).

Universe 16 is a universe with no God of Destruction, angel or Kais. It has only one known node linking Universe 10. Not much is known as copying has recently begun there. No name is given to it yet.

Universe 17 is another universe without Gods. It also has one node which is known till now and it connects with Universe 11.

Universe 18 is another universe without Gods. It also has one node which is known till now and it connects with Universe 12.

Universe 19 is another universe without Gods. It also has one node which is known till now and it connects with Universe 13.

Universe 20 is another universe without Gods. It also has one node which is known till now and it connects with Universe 14.

Universe 21 is another universe without Gods. It also has one node which is known till now and it connects with Universe Universe 15.

Apart from these there is Universe 0 which is the Multiverse Tournament Location. It is biggest void planet used by Gods for their tournaments where they don't fear destroying universe with their powers and can enjoy battles at 100 percent strength of theirs. As it is fully void and only contains few destroyed planets and the arena, it only took 1 day for system to copy this Universe but it further upgraded its speed of copying still. Only nodes for teleportation here links to Universe 22, Universe 23, Universe 24 and Universe 25. System theorized this universe as the starting point or head of all universes of current Cosmos (Cosmos term is decided by Stonexia for collection of Universes).

Universe 22, 23, 24 and 25 copying has also been initiated in OPS. No further nodes of teleportation have been discovered there. Universe 25 seems just like Universe 0, so it was copied in one day as well. And system notified very interesting information that this is the last Universe of our Cosmos, thus forming tail of our Universe. And there is another super teleportation node present there, which links to another Cosmos.

Both clone and real Stonexia were already idle nowadays and passed their time just teleporting in various universes to check the status there, but due to lack of copying by OPS in stronger and more important universes he didn't found much to do. But the news about new Cosmos was very pleasing to his ears. He immediately showered system with lots of praises which was not his normal behavior.

Due to massive universes now please pardon some mistakes that may happen due to enormous data :)

I may have mentioned subsets little different in earlier chapters. Readers can take it as a revision by system, after further exploration of more universes.

Yesterday and Today while writing i got headache finding so much data lol.... It takes a lot of time google and wikipedia searchings as well.

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts