
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Almightoronia Cosmos Copied

After few months of resting and spending his days in leisure, Stonexia heard a notification of copying of Almightoronia Cosmos.

**Congratulations, OPS has covered whole Almightoronia Cosmos and is moving towards Cultivation Cosmos at cosmos copying level speed.**

**For covering whole Universe, OPS has been upgraded automatically, which will increase its speed of copying. System will be copying whole cosmos as a unit instead of universe by universe, galaxy by galaxy or planet by planet copying system. It will be much more efficient and faster as compared to universe by universe, galaxy by galaxy or planet by planet copying. Host can still apply universe by universe, galaxy by galaxy copying and planet by planet copying simultaneously to increase copying speed further.**

**Due to upgrade of system, Cloning System is upgraded. Host can leave his clone as well as clones of his disciples on Earth and can control them even if host is in some other planet, or even universe or cosmos. After upgrade these clones are 20 percent stronger than the host or other disciples, and still can re-spawn. Also they can use their own AI for controlling themselves based on the host's or disciples memories. In other words, there is no difference in clone and original now. Even Clones bloodline will be same as the original too and they can reproduce too. Clones will be suppressed like disciples in case of battle with host.**

**Overpowered Spaceship unlocked to help host travel in outer space is upgraded further and won't be affected by wormholes, black holes or time distorted zones like before. Now it has ability to come out of wormholes, black holes or time distorted zones and thus won't become lost article like before. Now defenses of the spaceship are hundred times instead of ten times of host's levels. Offense is upgraded to Level 40. Please don't laugh on its offense upgrade.**

**Just like before, host can fly now in outer space and doesn't need any source of energy or air to stay alive but speed is enhanced and is now equivalent to the upgraded speed of OP Spaceship, as it is fueled by Cosmic energy now instead of Universal Energy, because Cosmos itself can transfer its purified energy to host anytime and anywhere.**

**A secret achievement is obtained by host, which grants an extra life to host or any of the disciples making 5 lives in reserves.**

"Oh God!! Twenty percent stronger clones awesome... And 100 time more defense within spaceship. It seems all cheat codes of the cosmos are applied on me this time. Let's check the unexplored universes in Almightoronia Cosmos." thought Stonexia.

System informed that Universe 16 is having the strongest creature named as Monkey D. Luffy who has a rubber like body, which made it clear that it is One Piece Universe. Maybe the story there has progressed much faster than actual anime or manga thus making Luffy obtain the One Piece treasure early. But comparing his statistics he was disappointed as Luffy was even weaker than Goku (Level 3000) at Level 2000.

Universe 17 was having Pokemon like creatures with strongest Pokemon Ultra Necrozma, that is said to be the creator of rest of Pokemons. Arceus, Dialga and Palkia were other stronger ones that are near to the Ultra Necrozma. But this was an disappointing universe for Stonexia too with only Level 1500 for even the strongest Ultra Necrozma.

And similarly other universes were based on all less popular animes and even the strongest creature their was Monkey D. Luffy only with level 2000. All other were weaker than him if not adding DU or AU.

But at least now he can have less headache from the notifications of Almightoronia cosmos. Not at least the ones like U20G30000P3293024942 discovered or copied or something insignificant like that after every few minutes.


In an unknown universe where head of Ancestor God was sealed certain magical incantations were being spoken by Ancestor Gods servants on orders of their God. A black magic type ritual was being performed to resurrect the eyes of the Ancestor God. It took many months to finish this ritual and countless mortals and cultivators from various universes were sacrificed to obtain this wish of Ancestor God as he didn't wanted to sacrifice his own cultivation at all. Yi Yun tried saving many mortals and cultivators in various universes but the hordes of Ancestor God's servants was endless and each of them is as strong as many Godly Monarchs combined, and thus he was helpless. Stonexia was currently exploring first three universes only and didn't knew about the miserable situation of the rest of the stronger universes. But speed of copying of OPS is very fast now and it copies one universe everyday, that's why it won't take long for this cosmos to be copied. Maybe a month if it really has 33 universes (33 skies) as said in novel.

After a month, a notification was heard by Stonexia informing him about finding Universe 33, where Yi Yun who is currently at Level 7000, Lin Xintong who was at Level 6900 and Bai Yueyin at Level 5000 were located. They were hiding in the legendary cauldron like artifact that was very strong, but even that was about to crack by the continuous assault by the hordes of Ancestor God's Servants. Lin Ming was another survivor in this universe with Level 11000, but he was on the limits of his strength too as he was directly fighting the Ancestor God who is fully unsealed and even joined all his limbs. Stonexia was unable to scout this ancestor God at his current level of 6200.

Everybody was feeling hopeless already and with this new ally coming they earlier felt some hope but using their keen senses they soon figured that the newcomer was even weaker than themselves. Soon another figure appeared which was none other than Raizel, who appeared on the summon of Stonexia to give helping hand. Yi Yun noticed that the this new guy was also at the same level as the earlier one, so again he felt disappointed. Ancestor God has noticed the newcomers too and he was enraged and intensified his attacks towards Lin Ming in order to free himself to attack the new enemy instead. This was not noticed by Yi Yun and thus he didn't have any hope still.

Yi Yun suggested Stonexia, "What's the use of gathering more people to die? Run away and save the human race. You can traverse various universes at your current strength. Make use of time and flee as far as possible."

Stonexia was cursing this hero in his heart, "If you can't beat a villain of a novel as MC, why do you underestimate others even without seeing what's up their sleeves?"

Stonexia ignored Yi Yun, and raised his finger towards the ancestor god. Raizel understood the signal and started casting his Blood Field. All the hotshots present here especially Lin Ming were amazed by the might of this aura. Even the Ancestor God was horrified, although he had witnessed the similar move when his eyes were destroyed but at that time it was just his eyes which can't display even half of his strength. But currently even with his full body fused together he is still feeling horrified. And soon he was covered with a Blood Ring which erupted a blood whirlpool from beneath his feet and started twisting his massive body in various different angles. With increase in levels the strength of this Blood Field attack is many times higher than the previous one that his eyes has suffered, and as the attacker is clone he is getting a boost of 20 percent on his levels too. Stonexia has casted his blood field on Raizel too to boost his strength even more.

Everyone present was flabbergasted. Just one move to control the mighty being like Ancestor God. It was an impossible feat in their eyes, but now they are watching an impossible thing happening with their own two eyes. The blood field whirlpool continued mashing, crushing and twisting the ancestor's god as if it is being cleaned in a washing machine filled with blood. Finally after one whole month ancestor breathed his last to end his suffering from the endless torture which was much more painful than getting sealed for billions of years. His body was still not completely destroyed and may require few more months of blood field attack if attacked at current strength of Raizel. But due to early death, Level ups showered on Stonexia, Raizel and other Yrrahs skyrocketing his levels which immediately reduced the mighty indestructible body of Ancestor God to a rain of blood. Then Raizel casted the blood field towards infinite servants of Ancestor God that were assaulting the Yi Yun's party and due to sudden rise in powers now blood field immediately reduced the weak servants that should be at only Level 8000 to 9000 range into pool of blood. It was cosmos largest scale massacre.

**Congratulations...Massive pool of experience obtained...Automatic sharing of experience among disciples initiated...**

**Level up...Level up.....Level up....** Predicting that the Notifications will stop after many days, Stonexia put them on mute and greeted the MCs Lin Ming and Yi Yun from this universe alongwith Lin Xintong and Bai Yueyin. But all of them felt their bodies frozen on the sight of pathetic end of someone as mighty as Ancestor God. It was an mission impossible, but yet the two guys in front of them obtained victory in this mission. Yi Yun has traversed all 33 skies (universes) but never found anybody who can rival himself except for Lin Ming. But suddenly two super strong beings arrived out of nowhere and earlier it seemed that they were weaker than him, but now their aura is rising like a rocket. As the other party was not replying Stonexia left them alone and concentrated on latest news.

**This is the tail universe of the Cultivation Cosmos and is linking to another cosmos. Started copying Cosmos 3.**

It won't take much time to copy 1000s of galaxies in the new cosmos so Stonexia was not in hurry to explore it and send his wish to the System, "Bring back all the things or lives destroyed by Ancestor God in the past 1 year." This will undo all the damages in 30 or so universes that Ancestor God caused while he was exploring the first three universes, to unseal and rejoin his body. As Stonexia knew that this calamity was caused due to his rash strategy of quick growth by unsealing eyes of Ancestor God, that's why his first priority was to repair damage caused by him. If he had not brought this calamity then Yi Yun might have more time to kill this ancestor god himself. But its alright now as all's well that ends well.

I hope you can forgive me for raising speed of the novel but I am in hurry to end it too.

As per the request of the readers i have extended this novel little more. Maybe the last cosmos shall be of The Strongest System...

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts