
Overpowered System in Zombie Apocalypse

A high-schooler who already gave up in life suddenly receive a system that will carve path towards the light. With his new system that allows him to summon things, will he be able to save the world from its destruction caused by mindless zombies or die trying?

Daswsa · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

If there are Survivors

"Felicia, how long have you been hiding here?" Thomas asked as he checked upon her.

"Two days..." Felicia answered.

"Where are the others, do you have an idea of where they are?"

"I don't know, we got separated." Felicia stammered. "Thomas...please find them!"

"Don't worry, if they are still alive, I will find them." Thomas assured. "We've already cleared the third floor, there's nothing but zombies there. Same in this level. We already took care of the zombies here so there's no need to be fearful now."

Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, glad that she was saved by the army. She thought she's going to die alone in the room from dehydration and hunger...

Felicia scanned Thomas's figure. "Why are you in a military uniform?"

Thomas gulped as he can't come up with a logical answer. In Felicia's perspective, he is just a high school student but now he is in the army? It's perplexing.

He understood the nature of the question, but he couldn't just say to her that he received a system from God with access to powerful weaponry that can be summoned out of thin air.

As Thomas was thinking for a perfect answer, Felicia glanced at the soldiers that stood in their position, all warily checking their surroundings.

Felicia's eyes flickered back to Thomas, her brows furrowed. "Thomas-kun?"

"Ah...uhm...what was the question again?" Thomas let out a force chuckle as he rubbed his head.

"Why are you in an army uniform?" Felicia repeated her question with an intense scrutinizing gaze.

'Shit...how do I answer this?" Thomas cursed inwardly as he began to think of logical answer that she might believe.

There was one.

"Ah...you see, my family runs a private military company. This troops behind me works at the company." Thomas lied but manage hid it perfectly.

Still, it arouse suspicion as Felicia knew his family background .

"You have a private military company here in Japan? I thought your family is at state?"

As expected, even an average minds could figure out that he was lying, but he couldn't think of a better answer.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

Thomas was slightly surprised at her words.

"You had saved me so I don't want to question you for it."

"Thank you." Thomas blurted out as he smiled.

"Nah, you should be thanking the army soldiers, they are the ones that killed all these monsters." Felicia shrugged, smiling teasingly despite the circumstances they were in.

To think that she can let out a charming smile like that. Thomas smiled back.

"Sir, it's best we move now." Daniel, one of his soldiers, suggested.

"I agree." Thomas nodded back. "Same rules of engagement, we kill all the zombies in this school."

Felicia, who just heard the brief exchange, poked Thomas in the shoulder, trying to get his attention.

"Hmm?" Thomas raised his brows as he faced Felicia again.

"They are addressing you sir?" Felicia wondered.

"Thomas Harrier is our commander, he's the one who issue orders and has the highest authority over us." Daniel answered in Thomas's place.

Felicia's eyes widened in surprise. Was it a true? Thomas is their leader? Why would a seasoned soldier follow a command of an high schooler?

'Shit, she's starting to notice it.' Thomas bit his lips.

"I'll explain as we move. Daniel, you and Jacob stay behind with Felicia." Thomas ordered.

"Affirmative." Daniel nodded.

"Bravo and Charlie team, prepare to move out." Thomas transmitted his order to his earpiece.


"Wait!" Felicia suddenly cried out.

"What is it?" Thomas asked as he turned to face her.

"Please tell me the truth." Felicia thought that it's best if the truth was told at this time. "Do you really work for a private military company?"

"Felicia, I can't explain to you right now. Perhaps when this ordeal is over, I'll tell you the truth." Thomas answered truthfully.

Felicia bit her lips as she was at a loss. She doesn't want to force the matter, but she wants to know the truth before she leave this place.

"Very well. But you will explain to me later." Felicia insisted. "I'm trusting you."

"You can." Thomas smiled. "For now, follow us out of here."

Felicia nodded, still contemplating whether to ask him when this ordeal was over.

"Okay, let's move." Thomas ordered.



As they move to the exit, and to the first floor they encountered a lot of zombies along the way and they were eliminated by Thomas' soldiers. The military troops were able to clear the school of zombies in a matter of minutes, much faster than how Thomas had anticipated.

"Don't forget to check the rooms, the cafeteria, library, everything. There might be some survivors hiding in those place."


As they walked in the large hallways of the school building, one of the soldiers in Alpha force approached Thomas. It was Jacob.

"Sir, we're running low of ammunitions. This is my last mag. We should resupply." Jacob whispered.

Thomas clicked his tongue, he already expected that they'll run out of ammunition. He could easily resupply them with ammo but the problem is Felicia is around. If he were to buy an ammunition supply in the shop tab around her, it'll be dangerous.

"Okay, I'll purchase supplies in the shop tab in one of these rooms. But I need you to keep an eye on Felicia, Understood?"

"Yes sir." Daniel saluted as he saw Thomas entered at one of the room along with three Alpha forces. A flash of muzzle lit up the room, indicating that there were zombies inside. But it seems like they'd taken care of it easily.

Daniel walked over to Felicia whose standing in her toes, trying to take a peek at the room but her efforts crumbled as he blocked her line of sight.

"Ma'am, can I help you with something?" Daniel asked politely.

"No, nothing." Felicia replied, her eyes still scanning the room. "Can you tell me what's going on here?"

"Like we always do, kill zombies." Daniel chuckled. "There's nothing to worry about ma'am. The soldiers along with him are elites, you can rest assured."

"Do you not speak Japanese?" Felicia asked, as she noticed he's been speaking in English all the time.

"Unfortunately ma'am, I don't."

"Still, I couldn't still believe Thomas-kun is a soldier. I thought he was just an ordinary guy who loves academics, but it turns out...I was wrong. What's your name?"

"I'm Daniel, ma'am."

"Daniel-san...is Thomas-kun is really your commander?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Daniel-san, please drop the 'ma'am'. It's too strange for me to be called that way."

"But you're a special person to Thomas, I think it's only polite to address you formally."

"Thomas's...special person?" Felicia blushed as his words implied something.

Suddenly, her stomach growled. . It was loud enough for Daniel to hear it.

"I'm sorry, I haven't eaten for two days. I don't think I can handle this for long." Felicia apologized as she rubbed her stomach. "Do you have foods?"

"Wait." Daniel said as he pulled out something from his pouch. It was ration bars. "Here, you can eat mine." he offered.

"Are you sure?" Felicia asked, as she was reluctant to take it.


"Thank you..." She said shyly and grabbed the ration bar. For someone who hadn't eaten for days, she ate the bars in second. "Do you have water, Daniel-san?"

Daniel handed her his army water bottle.

"Thank you!"

"Don't mention it."

As she drank the water, she instantly felt refreshed.

"Hey Daniel!" One of the soldiers called him.


"It's your turn now."

The soldier pointed at his vest, specifically to the magazine pockets. Meaning that it his turn to have his ammunition to be replenish.

"I have to go, Ms. Felicia."

Felicia nodded.

Daniel head towards the room, where the soldiers are picking up their supplies one by one.

Thomas was handing out magazines and a new item like grenades.

When it was his turn, Daniel loaded the new magazines in the pocket of his vest.

"Good thing we've killed a lot of zombies. I have more money to spend on the shop."

Thomas said, each resupply cost at most 700 dollars. Multiply it by 15, it'll be 10,500 dollars. The total number of zombies they'd killed is 215, multiply that by 200 dollars, it'll be 43,000. Which is a huge profit.

In addition, he leveled up, increasing his level to 10. A notification prompted, notifying him that he gained achievement for reaching level ten. Giving him a reward of 20,000 apocalypse dollars.

In summary, he received a copious amount of money.

With all those money, he could've bought his troops a more better weapons suitable for killing a horde of zombies charging in one line. But that'll make Felicia suspicious, questioning how they'd get their weapons.

Since the zombies are not much of a threat, there's no need to buy a new weapon.

As he finished up giving each soldiers their ammunitions. Thomas used one of the features of inventory where he can keep the supply box inside, leaving no trace of existence.

"Let's go." Thomas ordered.

As they leave the room, the soldiers were now ready to take on new challenge. Thomas strode all the way to Felicia and noticed something a bit of crumbs stuck near the corner of her lips.

He also noticed a water bottle in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Felicia tilted her head to the side.

Thomas didn't mind her asking as he straight wiped the crumbs off the corner of her lips.

"You didn't tell me that you were hungry, I could've prepared you some good food you know?"

Felicia's face went red in embarrassment , she didn't expect him to do that.

"Thank you." Felicia said softly, as she turned her gaze away from him.

"We're moving now. Are you ready?" Felicia nodded.

And so, Thomas and his troops moved out, exterminating the zombies located in every facilities in the first floor.

Although the gunfire loud sound was suppressed, it made Felicia nervous a bit. She felt safe around them, and hoped that they could find survivors hiding in the area.

The operation lasted for over an hour. In that timeframe, they manage to clear all the zombies inside the main building before they run out of bullets.

No survivors found.