

An Overpowered Sword fanfic in which Leon awakened his past life memories the moment he holded the holy sword. His personality will be different after he regain his memories but he will not be a villain, he will save those who are good and kill them who deserved to be killed. TAGS- Slice of life, milf, elves, etc.

Novel_Lover459 · Anime & Comics
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The starting on this chapter may be the same as the manhwa but in the end many new things will be discovered and also Leon is not going to be a fool in the matter of girls, he is going to have a big harem and a different personality but after the twist about which you will get a hint in the end on this chapter.

Also suggest me some members for the harem that you want me to add.


Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!


"Sigh, I lost again". I said lying on the ground while looking towards a handsome boy with blonde hairs, who was smiling while coming towards me with his sword resting on his shoulder. His name was Leon, the pride of the academy. 

"So do you wanna fight again, Leon". Leon said giving his hand to stand up, which I didn't take and rose on my own. And yes my name is the same as his Leon, but the only difference is that I am nothing like him.

"Yes, but not now". I said standing up, cleaning the dust from my cloths and going past him with a confident look to defeat him next time.

Coming near a wall of the practice hall I sat down to clear my mind. Its been three years since Leon transferred here and in those three years I couldn't surpass him, no matter how hard I try.

"Even though our names are the same, but I am nothing like him, he is strong. It's probably a lie that he is a commoner with those looks, sigh". I said while looking towards the sky.

"But even though he is strong I will not admit defeat and next time I will surely defeat him". While looking towards the sky I cleanched my fist with a determined look. While I was thinking suddenly I heard a voice.

"Are you okay".

Turning towards the direction of the voice I saw Leon. Everyone might think that he came here to ask for my well being but I knew that he want something from me.

'Just what is your goal Leon'. I thought looking at his smiling face.

"You don't have to worry about me, I am fine". I said standing up and turning to leave but then I heard a voice which made me stop.

"Wait, Leon I heard everything".

Startled, I spun around to find Chloe a friend of mine and Leon's and also my crush, standing there, a mix of anger and concern etched across her face.

"Why are you even bothering to challenge Leon if you know you can't beat him?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration.

Her words ignited a fire within me, and my anger surged.

"What do you mean I can't win? I'll prove you wrong next time!" I retorted, my voice booming with intensity. The sudden outburst caught both Leon and Chloe off guard, as they had never witnessed me this furious before.

"W-Wait, Leon, I didn't mean it like that," Chloe stammered, her voice trembling with regret. But before she could say anything more Leon turned and left with an angry look.

When Leon turned then Chloe noticed that his back side of the sholder was injured, "Wait!, let me heal you". With a voice full of concern she tried to stop but it was too late Leon had already left. Realizing that her words hurt him, Chloe's heart ached.


Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

In the depths of the night, I found myself deep within the forest, relentlessly attacking a wooden practice dummy with all the strength I could muster. Beads of sweat dripped down my face, evidence of the intense effort I was exerting.

"Argh, more! It's still not enough!" I exclaimed, my frustration driving me to strike the dummy even harder.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

With each powerful blow, I could feel the strain on my sword increasing. But I refused to back down. I continued my assault, striking the dummy three more times until finally, my sword shattered into pieces, leaving me sprawled on the unforgiving ground.



As I lay there, clutching the remnants of my broken sword, a wave of melancholy washed over me. "Would my life be any different if I had been born into a noble family?" I pondered aloud. If only I had a mentor like that guy and a supportive family who believed in my potential, perhaps my path to strength would have been different.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly realized the significance of the day. "I completely forgot that today is Leon's birthday," I muttered to myself. "A grand celebration must be taking place at the academy, a testament to their pride."

Seeking solace, I approached a nearby tree, discarding the shattered sword and finding respite beneath its branches. I gazed up at the radiant full moon, its ethereal glow casting a serene ambiance.

But as I stared at the moon, my emotions overwhelmed me, and tears began to stream down my face. I felt an immense sadness deep within me. I had poured my heart and soul into becoming stronger, giving it my all, yet I had nothing to show for it.

"Will my efforts ever be rewarded?" I whispered, my voice heavy with solemnity. The tears continued to flow, a testament to my frustration and confusion. I yearned to understand what I had done wrong, why I was faced with such hardships.

Sighing heavily, I wiped my tear-stained face. "I'm such a fool," I muttered, resigned to the fact that no one would come to answer my questions. But just as I was about to rise to my feet, a sight before me left me utterly astonished.

"W-What in the world?" I stammered, my eyes widening in disbelief. A brilliant light hurtled towards me with incredible speed, resembling a miniature sun. With a thunderous crash making a loud sound.


"Cough! Cough! What on earth is that?" I exclaimed, my voice muffled by the thick dust that engulfed the area. Despite the dust cloud, the light emitted by the object remained undiminished, shining brilliantly like a distant star.

Curiosity piqued, I cautiously approached the source of the light, taking slow and deliberate steps. Unsure of the potential danger it posed, I couldn't resist the urge to uncover the mystery before me.

As the dust gradually settled, I finally stood face to face with the radiant light. What I beheld left me in awe, my eyes widening in disbelief.

Nestled within a massive crater, a magnificent sword stood proudly, its beauty transcending the earthly realm. Bathed in a golden and silver glow, it exuded an otherworldly power that seemed to pulsate with every passing moment.


"Oh my, it looks like you have been rejected your highness". An olderly man said coming near Leon who was looking at Chloe who left to find Leon and to apologize to him about the morning.

"Don't call me like that even if we are alone, Sir Gilbert. " Leon said turning towards Gilbert who smiled hearing him while drinking the drink. He was enjoying his birthday party when Chloe asked him about Leon, even after telling her that he didn't came and he might be fine she still left to find him.

"Hiding my identity would be pointless if someone hears it and on top of it I don't have the right to hear that title". Leon said with a serious face, but hearing him Gilbert just smiled.

"That aside congratulations on your 17 birthday. Now there's only one year left until the prophecy which passed down in the imperial family takes place. On the day when you reach adulthood, the prince of the great empire Clide. The life of overseeing of the current emperor, who is afraid of the prophecy, will come to an end.

And the citizens will witness the advent of the past holly king [Rodrick]". Gilbert said with a wide smile and an confident look.

"We will see it next year, but by then I want Chloe, who possesses special talent and is already learning 4-tire magic by my side even if she didn't agree to marry me, I want her by my side and Leon who possesses a stronger mentality than anyone by side. "

He said looking towards Chloe who was searching for Leon in the party, "Only then I will succeed".


Prophecy, on the day when a man who bears the name of a lion reaches adulthood, a sword that destroys evil will descend from the sky.

"What the, a sword". I said looking towards the magnificent sword which was shining brightly.


"WHO'S THERE". I said with a alerted voice when I suddenly heared an voice which surprised me because there was no one other then me and the sword.

[Am I not I front of you]

'What a sword which speaks human language, could it be'. I thought with an shocked expression.


[That's right and you called me here Leon]

"WHAT". Hearing the sword I again became shocked, I just can't believe that I was seeing an holy sword.

[As you have always thought the world is unfair and as the one who have it all gain more and those who do not have loose everything. Opportunity must be given fairly! Those who do not put efforts don't have the right to blame the irrationality of the life. Only those who have fiercely set their lives aflame are worlthy. ]

Hearing the sword I was really surprised.

[And you Leon who blameblamed the irrationality of life, do you believe that you are worthy. ]

Hearing it I closed my eyes and lost in my thoughts, but I came out of my thoughts shortly, "I don't know if I am worthy or not but I am willing to prove it". I said with an confident look while looking towards the sword which became silent hearing me. But after some seconds it replied.

[Good, you have proven your righteousness, Hero. Now come and pull me out. ]

The sword said and started shining more brightly, making me to cover my eyes.

"What hero, do you mean the chosen one by am oracle".


Hearing his voice I didn't decided to shut my mouth and did what he said me to do.

I walked near the sword, jumping in the crater coming face to face with the holy sword. I raised my hand, taking the hold of it, feeling it's otherworldly power just from a touch, and with a little bit force I pulled it out.


A sound came out when I pulled the sword, pointing it towards the sky, with a smile forming on my face.

Just as I was admiring it's beauty, I suddenly felt my consciousness fadding away and before I could do something I fell on the hard ground unconsciousness.


The sword asked with shocked voice, just a moment ago every thing was fine and he was quiet happy seeing that he finally found someone worthy but seeing Leon suddenly falling on the ground just after pulling the sword he became shocked.


Saying this he looked into his soul and what he saw shocked him completely.


He saw a bewitched sword deep inside his soul hovering there but that was just the start. He saw two souls inside Leon's body one his own soul and the other one which belonged to his past life.

The reason how he knew that the second soul belonged to his past life is because he can saw that both of them were residing there without any problem and their frequencies were also the same.


He said with a shocked voice, what he was seeing was just impossible. A person having his past life soul, he had never seen or heard something like this. But he was sure of one thing seeing Leon having his past life soul.


Suddenly Leon's souls started to move around in circular motion, getting near each other with one complete rotation and finally merging in one, creating a new soul.