

Our Mc is a adult of age 15 currently he is in a white space where God (haters gonna hate) has told him that he will accept his any five wishes,lets see what the future has in store for the Mc as he does not know about Douluo dalu more than average, for those looking for a novel from a pro writer ,don't come here and bash my face and if you do come here, please explain to me patiently what did I do wrong, THE MC IS NOT SMART , HE IS LIKE THE NARUTO OF DOULUO DALU,He easily yrusts people and makes mistakes so dont complain later READ MY OTHER ORIGINAL NOVEL THE SENSEI EARTHS GUARDIAN Discord over here:- https://discord.gg/8GreGtD

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Morning of the next day comes as I change into my new clothes....my battle clothes of course ,but withou any gloves cause my real guard is gloves and shoes ..though it will increase later on and I might get a whole suit haha.

I also wake up the snoring demon by kicking him in the butt,

"Oww ,what the hell do you want today,its a holiday" said Cane annoyed

"No its not ,you son of a mother that lives in a village that is close to an academy" I said to him

"Fine ,whatever that was a totally lame thing to say "

"I know just did not want to say bad words to you " I said to him while jumping off from the window

I mean why the hell should I use the front door right , I am a spirit leader /Ancestor.

right after me Cane also jumps out from the window " That was fun actually ,hehe"

while talking about how much each of us we have improved we reached the girl dorm to pick up the ladies and go to the training grounds together

Slowly we walk to the training grounds , and see a girl with pinl hair and blackened eyes as if crying the whole night looking at me angrily.

not paying her any mind, I greeted the teachers

"Greetings Teacher li,Vice principal and .." I lool at Flander and ignore him ,not like he minds

"Today we will get you guys combat experience (Human combat experience).you will learn how to fight against others ,I want you all to go to the Soutou city .

We nodded our heads as we left for our journey ,Not all of them had a space storage so Tang san took their luggage for.them .

After a running of two hours we were able to reach Soutuo city ,It was a bustling city

"Hey you guys we donot have much time ,hurry up all ready." said Flander as he waved at us

of course how could I forget this freak is here to gamble on.us so that he could win some money and.well how.could I.hate him he.is doimg all this for the academy.

"Allright everyone of you hurry up and register yourselves for the Arena , and do not give your real names ,wear a mask all the time in the Arena and make me win lots of money"

said Flander.

every one decided to form a combat team.of two and ones ,no one wanted to.have a team match it seems .

I got Cane along with me as we gave the team name {DARK KNIGHT} while my individual name was DRAGON KING while Cane's name was SWORD GOD.

everyone had a one vs one matches ,and to say that it was exciting was a total lie .They cannot break off from my skills and neither defend against me ,I guess I asked for too much same was for everyone else for the duo match we came up across a duo which had a spirit beast of tiger and a control expert.

Cane,"Hey Boss let me take care of them alone will you ,I dont seem to get any experience ." sure do so

duo team:"Hey are you looking down on us ,ROAAr" they both issued a roar of anger as the control expert summoned metal bars around Cane and me to bind us which got sliced like tofu by Cane ,he launced himself forward as he used dash repeatedly..wait that is not dash he cannot use it mire than three times...did he make a movement tecniwue from his skill...nice he appeared directly behind the control one throwing him directly out of bounds , seeing this the attack type became angry and used a claw skill but it was dodged effortlessly ,he then used another skill whixh buffef his stats ,and again used his claw skill to attack Cane but cane lockrmed his sword with him using the opponents momentum as he threw him out of bounds.

To defeat the two ,he only used his first skill the knights fury .I dont know how but I.think if I can defeat him in three moves any more.

After our match we went for dinner everyone had tgeir meal usi g their own money and you know how Cane pays.With my help yes I have infinite gold coins.

Every one went to their own rooms,I bought another room for Cane as I wanted to let out little Ryuu.

I closed the doors and took out Ryu from my space,it began to fly around the place happily

I brought forward another pair of meal I had put in storage before and gave it to her,

She said down near the dish like a panda and began to devour it, and finished it in a jiffy.

it looked at me with star in it's eyes

"Huh what you looking at me for ,tgis was all I got for you ,I mean you are so small- ohh I get it well I will get you a MOUNTAIN of food next time,you can stay out all day but you will not attack anyone wish that I know,"

it nodded at me while it backflipped, and did various other stuff ,after playing a while with it for a while I walked back onto my bed and started meditating.

I did that for a total of three hours,then I went into the spirit ascension platform and started to fight any beast I could find except for any beast above 9000 yrs old.

I tried to fight a ten thousand year old beast before this but it is impossible ,I can only use my illusion to scare them away and cannot kill them .

i came back to the reality ,and i felt some weight on my shoulder ,it was the damn beast ,purring on my shoulders but looked so cute i did not bother with it anymore .

"system i think its real ,🤗 this beast feels real and breaths real too , i think i will do it i will make the wish"


""hey....why are you getting so happy about it " i said feeling a little bit troubled by the excessive and unknown behaviour

""So ,what conditions would sir like to set for his sect""

"Hmmm...lets see i want a clan which has like i said before a world of its own , there is four halls or more if you like,i want there to be outer ,inner ,core disciple, all teachers should be at the least spirit saint level or above while all the elders are titled douluo ,the twelve outer elder should all be titled douluo level 94-95, all inner elder should be titled douluo level 95-96 , all core elder should be titled douluo level 97-99, while the sect will have four GOD level (1st Class)protectors ,and that all these people are free to train in spirit essence or whatever they like ,one more thing i want them to be forever loyal to me never harm me or my bloodline people."

""GOOD ....i have a request ...can i add in a 1st class God body for myself just for laughs for some fun i wil not use it without your permission""

I KNEWWWW IT I KNEWWW SOMETHING WAS OFF RIGHT HERE ...but i cannot just decline ,this is the first time it has asked something off me

"Fine but you will have to stay within my mind and outside like always ok"

""YEAHH GREAT ,OHHH AND for the spirits , what kind of spirit should they all have .""

"You seriously asking me this right now ... make every elder fucking unique and powerful while all the disciples have various spirits ok and for future purposeopen up a hall for u know the spirit weapon and accessories department or hall"

""the wish is easy to accept cause you know ...but some slight changes might happen but will not make a problem for you any way, ""

"Well i dont mind just make it fast ,i got a suggestion though make yourself stronger thanthe four or more protectors combined,Add in the fact that i am the Master and everything you know what i am saying right"

""Ok your wish has been sent to the ???, you will have a big ass sect with a big ass world under your rule ,four or more halls along with spirit weapon hall and stuff , four God level protectors ,they are all loyal to you ,i am loyal to you, I will send in a request from my side so the wish gets accepted fast""

"Wooooh look who is eager ,you are more happier than me 😎 are you not hmmm?" i said trying to tease the system

ok now that the time is up ,i better wake up and do what hmmmm lets shop at the market and we also have to return back by the evening,

i get up from the bed comb my hair and walk out of the inn looking for anything that is interesting or not when i hear a commotion going on

"Look what you did ...you will have to compensateme for this" a group of people ..spirit masters of level 29 say as the leader is holding a peice of broken 100 year silver herb which is good for tea ...Ore what is Rong rong hey its Rong rong that they are fighting with but looks like something is off why is she not getting angry at them.



IN case you dont know it takes two hours to soutuo city from academy while takes the time of from morning till evening from academy to hunter city

while it will help if someone tells me how ,much time it took for the Tangszn to get to heaven dou.