

Our Mc is a adult of age 15 currently he is in a white space where God (haters gonna hate) has told him that he will accept his any five wishes,lets see what the future has in store for the Mc as he does not know about Douluo dalu more than average, for those looking for a novel from a pro writer ,don't come here and bash my face and if you do come here, please explain to me patiently what did I do wrong, THE MC IS NOT SMART , HE IS LIKE THE NARUTO OF DOULUO DALU,He easily yrusts people and makes mistakes so dont complain later READ MY OTHER ORIGINAL NOVEL THE SENSEI EARTHS GUARDIAN Discord over here:- https://discord.gg/8GreGtD

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34 Chs

Dark love

I wanted to enjoy the scenery of Macau since I have never been to the place before, while I was in it I thought why not buy some things from my friend back in soul land.

I bought anything that piqued my interest, seeing myself as a medieval person for a moment to choose better gifts.

I bought things from toilet papers to Condoms to burgers to pizza and anything that was great in my eyes. though many pointed at me when I started buying heaps of women's clothing.

Although clothing is the same in soul land to a degree I still bought it.

I also bought every kind of gaming console I could find. though I made sure to buy extras.

I had missed the sweets and desserts of this world.imfact for most of my time over here I have eaten only and only desserts.

I kept looking around for any more interesting stuff to buy, it was after an hour when my phone started ringing.

I saw the number, it seemed to be an unknown caller, probably another family personally asking for medical aid from me.i I had done that for a hundred people already and the requests kept coming.

"Hello, who is it," I asked politely

"I believe you already know me," said the unpleasant voice

It nearly amused me to hear Nick fury voice over the telephone

"Are you so scared of me that you had to talk on the phone?" I asked him, I was genuinely surprised that he did not try and sneak into my room to have a talk, which means that all the dark spells I installed will be for naught.

"As of currently, we have seen that you can corrupt the minds of people around you, and I don't want to risk a world defending organization falling into your hands"

Huh.....Oh! he is talking about Ronda, I am sure that I have not corrupted her min I have just made her loyal to me by showing her a glimpse of my power, as well as the promise of immortality.

"That's not true, I am a peacekeeping person, besides if you want to talk to me, you will have to come over or else I assure you that your interest in me will leave you unable to sleep at night"

"What are you...What's your purpose...are you human.....do you have ill will towards the people of my country" he asked me in a low voice.

Seriously! Well seeing that he Is a paranoid peacemaker spy that wants to keep Earth safe from Godzilla class monsters and enemies with Assault rifles and machine guns, that was the best I could expect from him.

Seeing no more use in talking to someone who was so scared of me that he could come here personally I canceled the call, continuing my shopping spree.

I would be notified the moment something happened and the grand prix, I really wanted to join something like Mighty avengers and stuff, but I was not gonna stoop to a level that would make it look like I was trying to impress him. Well not visibly at least.


Nick Fury was man that had seen what others could not even comprehend , he had seen a women fly to the space, he had seen tall lanky green aliens , but the sight in front of him was baffling

One of his most trusted Spies, Ronda was doing what would occur only as magic.

Calling black constructs from seemingly nowhere and doing things like flying and stuff, this was something he found intriguing . He for a fact knew that she was not like this before, Which only meant that Thorn was more of a Thorn than he actually thought.

They already knew that he was many hundred years old. But he did not know that he was an ability user as well.

Now the only matter was that , if whether or not he was a good person or not, Whether or not he was with them or against them. With plundering Races out there in the galaxy, he wanted to be sure that he could protect Earth. He wanted all the manpower he could get.

Fury had talked with the man for the first time, He seemed fine to Fury avoiding the fact that one of his spies was now seeing Thorn as someone that was worshipable.

Fury has already seen how the man has saved countless lives through his charity and funds, And the man was a Stark , he might as well be a grand ancestor of Tony rather than a simple side uncle.Stark we're always exceptional in what they did.

He would send Natasha for this, but the man had told him to come himself, Now he could only hope that he was as good as the charities he had committed.


Ronda was always serious with her work, she was one of the best agents Fury had.

She has been assigned as an infiltrate and observatory agents for Thorn Statk by Fury, according to the reports the man was actually a hundred or so years older, just like how Natasha had a serum running in her body that made her unaging.

If she were to be honest, she envied Natasha a lot, What if you can't make kids, you are immortal unless killed unnaturally.She would gladly give away her eggs and her body for that, and here she was stuck with observing a target that was nowhere near immortal or unaging

She had finally had enough when she saw how in theses days he would dump all his work on her and just walk away,.

She decided she would ask fury for a. replacement , But that was a mistake for her as well a blessing, for the man she was observing had caught her , seemingly lifted her in the air with flick of his hands.

He brought his hands near her hand, shaking off the wounds he got from her constantly shooting him in the arms at point blank range.

He held her hand and she started feeling like she was being invaded with something very potent and dangerous

The man was not speaking a word as he put a ring on her finger and all the information about it went to her head.It seemed that what was once a dream for her was now going to become a reality She just had to blindly worship the man in front of her and all was gold.

She knew her mind was being slightly manipulated , but she could not care less about that as long as she could live past everyone, looking down at their weak willed bodies slowly crumbling to dust.She had to do a good job to please that man, Too bad he was not sexually interested in her or she would have let at him and given him her everything.

He was a little built interested in Natasha Romanoff which put her on edge, but it's alright, maybe if she manipulated Natasha into loving Her master , Her master would see her in good light and she would be baptised by his love as well.The ring had many functions , enough to make her unkillable.


Author over here, this is the best I can do in writing a not so paranoid but Little bit paranoid Nick fury,I noticed that everyone tries to fuck with firy and decided to give the guy some break,

I rewrote this chapter.