
Overpowered Gamer’s Journey

Wish Fulfilment | Gamer | GodLike MC | CYOA | Yuri | Overpowered | Absolute Immortal | Female Reader | RWBY | BNHA | Harry Potter | Fate | DBS | Avengers | DC | DxD | Worm | Akame Ga Kill | HxH | OnePiece | Marvel | Shokugeki no Soma | Toriko | Fast Paced | Polyamorous Yuri Relationship | AU

Ndnxnd · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Character Status

Before Reincarnation:

Name: Y/N L/N

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Special Abilities: None

Cause of Death: Choking on his spit in his sleep.


After Reincarnation:

Name: Y/N L/N

Gender: Female [I wanted to write a GenderBend story this is wish fulfillment]

Age: 0

Title: The Gamer

Class: None

Level: 1 (0/100 EXP)

Health: 0/0 [No body created yet]

MP: ∞/∞ [Infinite Mana]

Stamina: 0/0 [No body created yet]

Strength: 0

Vitality: 0

Dexterity: 1 [Can move as a spirit body]

Intelligence: 10 [You had average intelligence pre-reincarnation]

Wisdom: 10 [You were as wise as an ordinary person pre-reincarnation]

Luck: 100 [To be reincarnated the way you have, your luck must be extraordinary]

Status Points: 0

Skill Points: 0

Money: 0


[Gamer's Body] - Lvl MAX (Inactive): Grants gamer the video game character's body. This includes taking damage to HP instead of to your body, as well as being able to sleep to heal. Can be toggled active/inactive. Currently inactive due to there being no body.

[Ultimate Gamer's Mind] - Lvl MAX: Grants gamer immunity to psychological status effects. It has been upgraded to protect the gamer from all kinds of mental influence, internal or external, and allows the user to live for eternity without going insane safely.

[Total Immortality] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner total immortality. The user's soul is anchored in an area outside of time and space, similar to the Throne of Heroes. This location is inaccessible to all, and unlike the Throne of Heroes, the user cannot be summoned unless they choose to. The soul is made immortal, similar to Heaven's Feel. This makes the soul akin to a perpetual motion machine, generating infinite mana. Protects the user from dying under any circumstances, including but not limited to bodily death and timeline alteration.

[Forever Free] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to eventually escape any predicament. It makes it impossible for the owner to be confined for eternity.

[Soul Bind] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to bind the souls of others to their own, granting those souls immortality as well. Participants must be willing and aware of the details of the contract, they must love the owner, and they must be loyal to the owner. Any children the owner has are automatically bound on conception.

[Blank] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to evade all forms of clairvoyant-type abilities. Their past and future cannot be observed, and even danger senses cannot perceive you. However, the more you make on a timeline, the more noticeable your actions will become. If you are somehow noticed, unless you disclose it, no one will realize that you are an outsider. At most, they will think you are some strange anomaly.

[Shattered Limiter] - Lvl MAX: There is no limit to your growth. As long as you work for it, all of your abilities can grow indefinitely. At the start, this will double the charges of any charge-based abilities. Your abilities will slowly grow; however, practice can significantly increase this process.

[Special Snowflake] - Lvl MAX: Your abilities can not be stolen, and in most ways, cannot be copied. However, if a thief can mimic a power with their own body, you cannot prevent the ability from being copied.

[Kaleidoscope] - Lvl 1: You have access to the magic of the Kaleidoscope, allowing you to travel anywhere, and anywhen, across the universe. The things that can be accomplished with this ability are limitless.

[Inspired Inventor] - Lvl 1 - (10/10 Charges Remaining): You can learn anything by spending charges. The more charges you spend, the more your knowledge of the subject will improve. All knowledge in the multiverse is fair game.

[Power Manipulation] - Lvl 1 - (10/10 Charges Remaining): You can nullify, enhance, modify, copy, and even steal the powers of others. You can create or boost abilities by spending charges.