
Overpowered Cricket system

2031, World Cup Semi Final at lords IND vs Eng India need 2 runs with 1 ball and 1 wicket remaining. Jofra Archer with the final ball, Here we go. The skinny man has not been in the good form this tournament. There it is, they’ll go…this’ll be out, surely!! OHH HE’S OUT, HE’S GOING TO BE RUN OUT, OH THAT’S IT, INDIA ARE OUT, NITISH DIDN’T RUN, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, ENGLAND GO INTO THE WORLD CUP FINAL, RIDICULOUS RUNNING WITH TWO BALLS TO GO, Nitish DIDN’T GO, Dhoni COME. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT A PROFESSIONAL CRICKETER OR ANY ATHLETE DO. Maybe it's really time for Nitish the 40 year old to retire. Nitish was brutally trolled by media and was abused in the comment sections of his media pages. The man who was hailed as a hero with the victory in South Africa T20 World Cup now being hated to the core. His wife left him, his son despised him " I hope you're dead" these were the final words his wife spoke before handing over the divorce papers. Everything is lost in a match , the only people who supported Nitish were his teammates everyone knows he had given his best given his age but he was the one that cost them a World Cup. What is it that I've done wrong, top scorer in the world cup with 2 centuries at the age 40 and he's the oldest debutant he debuted to Indian team at 37 years. If only I've found my talent in my youth days, saying so he slept on the bed. When he woke up he was 13 years old and was granted a system. With this system there's no looking back for Nitish on his journey to becoming the epitome of success in cricket. You can support me via donations https://bmc.link/astautsugi Thank you and this is entirely optional!! As this book is fan-fic it doesn't get contracted in webnovel.

Asta_utsugi · Celebrities
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196 Chs

Chapter 81

[The presentation ceremony takes place on the field after an enthralling Test match that ended in a draw. The stadium is abuzz with excitement as fans eagerly anticipate the announcement of the Man of the Match award.]

Host: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the presentation ceremony. What a thrilling Test match we witnessed between Australia and India! Though the match ended in a draw, it was filled with exceptional performances. Without further ado, let's proceed with the awards.

[The crowd erupts with applause and anticipation.]

Host: To present the Man of the Match award, I would like to invite the match referee and former cricketing great, Mr. Richard Richardson.

[The match referee walks onto the stage amidst applause.]

Match Referee: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to be here today. The Man of the Match award is presented to an individual who has displayed outstanding skills, resilience, and made a significant impact on the game. In this particular Test match, we witnessed some exceptional performances from both teams.

[The crowd buzzes with excitement.]

Match Referee: After much consideration, the Man of the Match award for this thrilling Test match is awarded to none other than India's dynamic captain, Mr. Virat Kohli!

[The crowd bursts into thunderous applause as Virat Kohli steps forward to receive the award.]

Host: Congratulations, Virat, on an outstanding performance. You played a captain's knock, scoring a magnificent double century and leading your team admirably throughout the match. How does it feel to receive this prestigious award?

Virat Kohli: Thank you, everyone. It's truly an honor to receive this award. This match was a great battle, and I'm proud of my team's efforts. Scoring a double century is always special, but more importantly, it was a collective team effort that allowed us to put up a strong fight against a formidable Australian side.

[The crowd applauds.]

Host: Virat, your innings was a masterclass of batting. You showed exceptional skill, composure, and determination. Can you share your thoughts on your remarkable double century?

Virat Kohli: Well, it was a challenging wicket, and Australia bowled exceptionally well. I had to apply myself and build partnerships with my teammates. Scoring a double hundred is always special, but what's even more satisfying is contributing to the team's cause and helping us recover from a difficult position. I'm grateful for the opportunity to represent my country and contribute to our team's success.

Host: Thank you, Virat, for your insights. Now, let's shift our attention to another outstanding individual performance in this Test match. In the spirit of sportsmanship and acknowledging exceptional talent, Virat Kohli has decided to share his Man of the Match award with Australia's Steve Smith.

[The crowd erupts in surprise and excitement.]

Host: Virat, this is a remarkable gesture. Can you please share the reason behind your decision?

Virat Kohli: Absolutely. Steve Smith's innings was exceptional and played a crucial role in Australia's dominant position in this Test match. Both of us achieved our first double centuries, and I believe it's important to recognize and appreciate outstanding performances, regardless of the team. Cricket is a gentleman's game, and moments like these remind us of the spirit of camaraderie and respect among players. So, I am delighted to share this award with Steve Smith.

[The crowd cheers, acknowledging the display of sportsmanship.]

Host: Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome Steve Smith to the stage to receive his share of the Man of the Match award.

[Steve Smith joins Virat Kohli on the stage, and they shake hands amidst applause and appreciation.]

Host: Steve, congratulations on a magnificent double century. Your innings was a true testament to your batting prowess. How do you feel about sharing the Man of the Match award with Virat?

Steve Smith: Thank you very much. I am honored to share this award with Virat. He played an exceptional innings, and it's a great gesture on his part. This Test match was intense and challenging, and it's always good to see such sportsmanship and respect among players. It was a memorable game, and I'm glad to be recognized alongside Virat for our performances.

[The crowd applauds, acknowledging the display of sportsmanship between two exceptional cricketers.]

Host: Thank you, Steve, for your gracious words. We commend both of you for your outstanding performances in this Test match. Your display of exceptional skills, sportsmanship, and mutual respect is an inspiration to cricketers around the world.

[The crowd erupts in applause once again.]

Host: Congratulations to both Virat Kohli and Steve Smith for their remarkable performances in this Test match. We wish both teams the best for their future encounters. Thank you, everyone, for being part of this memorable match.

[The presentation ceremony concludes with the players and officials leaving the stage amidst applause and cheers from the crowd.]