
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Momonga, The Last Supreme Being

Staying alone in a hexagonal-shaped room, was a being wearing a magnificent academic raven-black gown with gold and purple edges.

Glimpsing under the hood of the robe would reveal something that would frighten most living beings, a bare white Skull.

Under the hood behind, there seemed to be a dark evil Aura brewing, further enhancing the feeling of being in front of a monster of unmatched evil nature.

The robe was worn rather open, revealing its chest area completely to the world to see, which consisted of bare white bones, without the slightest trace of flesh.

Inside its body, directly under its bare white ribcage, a beautiful and ominous dark red Orb was floating.

On each of its thin bony fingers, there was a magnificent and precious ring placed upon, them while he was holding an immeasurable-looking golden staff in his left hand.

It consisted of seven serpents coiling around each other and each of these held a different different colored jewel, this was the Guildweapon of the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown, a weapon close to the rank of a world Item, the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Ha... how did this happen..."

A voice full of complaints and filled with a fear of the unknown sounded out from this rather scary being.

"At one moment I'm still playing the game and now?"

Right, he was the last remaining player among the originally 41 players of the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga. Most of the people had completely left the game and even deleted their former characters.

Only three people beside him still had their characters, but they had not been seen since over a year ago as well.

Now on the last day, one of them had come for a while to accompany him, at least for a bit.

But what was now? He had spent his last moments before the server shut down in the game, to be precise on the Throne of Kings inside the Throneroom.

But what happened next still didn't leave his mind.

He hadn't returned home and woken up, no he was still there in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, but now everything felt real.

He could smell and feel, the NPC who had not moved outside of their program before, were talking to him and taking his orders no matter how complicated they were.

All this left his mind in chaos.

The red fiery orbs in his eyesockets started to burn brighter at this moment, "Anyway, I have checked that the Golems of Lemegeton still are under my absolute control, this at least gives me some comfort..."

Not only did he check if they were still functioning as they were supposed to, but he also gave them a command to take orders from no one else, but himself.

This was just to make sure that his safety was guaranteed.

He then looked at one of the rings on his finger, this was a very special Ring among those he wore. It was the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, a ring symbolizing the guild he had created with his friends and a very useful tool inside the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

This ring let him teleport inside the Dungeon without much restrictions, different from people who didn't have it.

Concentrating on the ring, 'Please let it work...' he thought as he tried to activate its power.

The next moment, his figure standing in the hexagonal room disappeared, and he reappeared in a completely different place.

He was now standing in the middle of a huge arena, it was built after the image of the Roman Amphitheater also being the name giver of this place.

Looking around and confirming that he truly came to the place he wanted to go, relief settled in his mind, as it again confirmed that items were still working.

Looking at the staff in his hand, the desire to test if it worked as well started to come over him.

But before he could do so, noise coming from the VIP lounge, a place he was very familiar with. When Raider came into the Tomb, most of them were caught before reaching the 6th floor and then brought here for the guildmembers to watch the excitement as these intruders were slaughtered.

All of the intruders of the Great Underground Tomb found their end here, with the exception of the huge 1500-man raid, who had reached until the 8th floor before being annihilated.

And the place from where the Guildmembers were watching the excitement, was said VIP Lounge.

"The 6th floor... the Guardians here should be Aura and Mare, the twin Dark Elfs." speaking to himself, he looked up to see what was causing the noise.


At this moment, a person jumped down from the 6-story high VIP lounge, the person made an exquisite display of dexterity, making a spin in the air before landing gracefully and taking away the full shock of the landing by slightly bending the legs.

The person, who had achieved this, was a young girl, around ten years of age going by her looks.

The girl gave off the air-fitting of a born tomboy girl, she had short golden hair, dark skin, and pointed ears.

The first thing one noticed when looking at her face, was the fact that each of her eyes had a different color from the other, her left eye blue and her right eye green.

The girl wore something that would rather fit a boy, fitting very well with the tomboyish vibe she was giving off.

She gave Momonga a broad childish grin while making double "V" signs with her fingers after her successful landing.

Afterward, she ran over to him in a fast sprint, stopping a short distance away from him.

Upon her arrival, the girl greeted him with an innocent smile upon her childish little face, "Welcome to the 6th Floor, Lord Momonga.", her voice was rather familiar, much different from the way Albedo and Sebas had spoken with him.

Her greeting was friendly and cheerful emphasizing her joy at Momonga's arrival.

'Oh it's Aura... it seems at least I am not seen as an enemy so far...' he wasn't sure so far if the NPC's were still friendly or loyal towards him.

"Thanks, I thought I would come over and bother you for a bit," Momonga responded.

But Aura immediately denied it, in her eyes Momonga's visit could never be seen as a bother.

"What are you talking about Lord Momonga? You are the absolute Ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. No one would ever feel bothered to receive a visit from you Lord Momonga."

Momonga was a bit baffled, "Oh...Hmm.. by the way, Aura, I see that you are here, but..."

Aura didn't let him finish his sentence, as she turned around and looked up to the place from which she had just jumped down, before shouting loudly.

"Hurry up and come down here! You realize you are being rude?!"

She glared upwards, at a slight figure jumping awkwardly up and down. This also caught Momonga's eyes.

"Oh... he is there," Momonga mumbled unconciously.

Aura of course heard his words, as she affirmed his words, "Yes He is, Lord Momonga. He is just such a coward."

She paused for a second then turned her glare upwards again while continuing to shout.

"Hey, you coward! Lord Momonga is paying us a visit and one of the Floor Guardians is too scared to even see him?"

"Ah... but sis... there is n... no way." A voice so weak, it was impressive that they were even able to hear it come from the person up there.

This was not because of their super good hearing, but rather because of the necklace Auro wore around her neck.

Aura turned towards Momonga and explained to her brother, "Lord Momonga, he is a bit of a coward, he is not being rude to you on purpose."

Momonga gave a kind answer, although it was a lie, sometimes it was better that way, "Of course Aura, I never doubted your loyalty."

'Adults need to know what can be said outwardly and what should remain inside...' he thought to himself.

Aura shouted again upwards while glaring, "Hurry up and come down! Or do you want my foot to help you?"

A little squeak was heard before the weak voice sounded again, "Ah... I... I will take the stairs..."

This irritated Aura even more, "And make Lord Momonga wait even longer?! acumen down now!"

Resigning himself to his fate, the weak little voice seemed to try to cheer itself up, "Ah... fine... Here goes."

With this, he jumped down, and although he stumbled upon landing, there seemed to be no problem resisting the fall with pure physical stats.

He then started to slowly run over, which gave his sister another reason to shout at him, "Hurry up!"

This made him come over a bit faster as he trembled under his sister's glare.

The boy who seemed to almost stumble over his own feet as he tried his best to hold down the short skirt he wore so that what was beneath would stay hidden, was the twin brother of Aura, Mare.

He had the same hair, same eyes, same skin, and the same height, One boy and one girl but besides this, they were perfect cops of each other.

What would irritate most people was that the girl was dressed like a boy, while the boy was dressed like a girl, including a short skirt and thigh-high socks.

A trap was what the creator of these two called them, Bukubukuchagama had designed these two specifically in this way.

Though Momonga couldn't understand why, he still appreciated the creations of his fellow guild members.

"I'm glad you two are fine, Aura and Mare." Momonga smiled kindly at the two, although this couldn't be seen on his bare Skull at all.

"Of course we are fine!" Aura responded cheerfully with a bright smile on her face, "But it's a bit boring, there weren't any Raiders for a long time."

"I don't want any Raiders to come. They are scary!" Mare exclaimed with fear written on his face while he was fervently shaking his head.

The Smile on Aura's face froze for a moment, followed by it fading away in mere moments.

She turned to Momonga, "Lord Momonga, please excuse us for a moment." to which Momonga simply nodded.

Aura grabbed Mare by the ear and dragged him to the side, going by the dark expression on Aura's face, this wasn't a good thing for Aura.

'Actually... I'm with Mare on this one. I would appreciate it if the Raiders gave me at least time to put my feet on the ground again before they invade...'

Momonga though wasn't a coward, he simply preferred being prepared.

'I should be cautious about my next steps, but the most important thing for now is to confirm the loyalty of the Npc's.'

'This is the most important thing for now, although going by the examples so far...'

Watching Aura scolding Mare fiercely, Momonga originally didn't intend to stop it, but suddenly had an urge in him and spoke up.

"Aura that's enough..." Walking over, Mare was kneeling on the ground, while Aura seemed to have more to say, but stopped because of Momonga's words.

"Aura, I have no misgivings about Mare. He was created by Bukubukuchagama in this way and I believe that if Nazarick was in danger, you two would fight with your lives on the line to protect this place. That is the important thing."

Aura grew silent upon hearing Momonga's words, Momonga took one arm of Mare into his bony fingers and helped him stand up, before continuing.

"And Mare, you should be thankful for your sister, even if I had misgivings. After seeing her chew you up like this, I could do nothing but forgive you."

Mare's eyes went wide and he turned to look at Aura, who immediately denied Momonga's words, "Lord Momonga, how could I think so about you..."

"It doesn't matter, your kindness came through..." Momonga interrupted her and ended the matter with these words.

After coming out of her embarrassment, Aura finally asked, "By the way Lord Momonga, why have you come to our floor today?"

Her curious gaze at him was accompanied by Mare's, who seemed as curious about this as his sister was.

"Ah, I have ordered a gathering of all the Floor Guardians..." He couldn't finish his words as Aura interrupted.

"Really all?" she made a face that said there were people she didn't want to meet.

Momomga nodded, to which Aura wanted to prepare something, "Then we should prepare for their arrival..."

This time it was Momonga who interrupted her, "No there is no need for that and the other reason I came here earlier was to..."

"...train," Momonga stated simply, gaining two dumbfounded looks in response.

How could they not be speechless by such words? Lord Momonga, the most exalted of Sorcerers, the strongest Magic Caster of the whole of Nazarick, came to their floor to train? What kind of joke was this?

But their doubts were answered by something like a staff hitting the ground and the two children finally looked at what their liege-lord held in his left hand.

Upon which their eyes widened immediately in realization and disbelief at the same time.

"Is... is... this the most legendary... the strongest weapon in all of Nazarick, the weapon only Lord Momonga can use?" Mare shouted with disbelief and excitement mixing together.

Seeing such an exquisite staff, for him as a magic Caster was of course a precious gift in itself and now he may be able to get a glimpse of its power.

'As expected...' This was exactly the reaction he wanted from them, 'In this way, I can test some spells under the pretext of preparing to use the staff.'

Aurablet a couple of her servants prepared some staw targets for Momonga to use, while the two of Aura and Mare stood to the Side, Momonga stood now opposite the targets.

'Let's try something simple first...'

Momonga was rather special among the players of Yggdrasil, player could generally learn 3 spells per level, meaning at level 100 a player would have 300 spells at his disposal.

Momonga on the other side had a total of 718 spells at his disposal, not only that, he even remembered all the spells, the Cooldown, the Mana used for the cast, the Area of effect, and so on.

He had done so because he wanted to be able to always use the right spell for the right situation.

This was something that would help him a lot, he felt deep inside him, trying to feel the power hidden in his body. He followed by visualizing the spell he wanted, calculating the Mana needed and the cool down until he would be able to recast it.


Finally, he released his spell, and a huge fireball materialized in front of his outstretched hand and flew towards one of the staw targets, burning it down.

An ecstasy came over Momonga, which he had never experienced in Yggdrasil, the reason was very simple, this magic was now truly his own and not a simple game.

The excitement was so great that a laugh came out of his mouth, "Hahaha."

Aura and Mare didn't understand what was so great about this simple spell at all, but they didn't comment on it.

Momonga also didn't linger on it and continued, he turned to a group of straw targets which were placed closer together, releasing another spell.


A projectile was generated in front of his fingers, it flew over, seemingly slightly off, but then it split and covered all of the targets, upon which Momonga cast a second spell.


The Fireball hit at the same time, as the Napalm, generating an explosion of flames, burning the targets to ashes.

Satisfied with his testing, Momonga turned to see the confused expressions of the two dark Elf Children.

'Let's go with something flashy, after all, I said I would show them...'

Holding up the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, he concentrated on the spell he wanted to use and then spoke the needed incantation.

[Summon: Primal Fire Elemental]

Three Targets were swallowed up by a ball of flames, slowly arms started to stretch out from the ball of crimson-red flames then a cow-like head followed.

This was a being of pure flames, one of the Primal Elementals, a level. 85 monster which could be summoned once a day with the use of the staff.

Aura and Mare let out exclamations of awe and surprise, at this time, Momonga addressed them, "Do you want to fight it?"

Aura's eyes started to shine as she asked eagerly, "Can we... can we fight it?"

Mare seemed put off by the thought, but Momonga nodded at Aura.

"Yuhu!" Aura exclaimed in joy, while Mare seemed to try and run away, "I think I have forgotten something..."

He couldn't finish his sentence as Aura grabbed him by the collar dragging him towards the center of the arena.

Mare was frantically trying to search for a way to get out of this, his eyes landing on Momonga with eagerness and hope written all over his expression he smiled at Momonga, truly hoping he would help him.

Momonga in response put his hands together, offering g a silent prayer for the pure boy.

Mare's eyes immediately dimmed, losing as if his soul had left his body.

When the two were finally in position, Aura with her trusted whip queen in her hand and Mare holding his own staff to support her as best as he could, Momonga gave the Primal Fire Elemental the command to attack.

Watching the battle, Momonga was surprised, this was truly a real fight, nothing like it was in the game. The seamless teamwork between the front play of Aura, who easily danced through the attacks thrown at her, while Mare shielded her if necessary and slowly withered the enemy down with his magic.

'A beautiful display...' It was true admiration he felt for the fight between them, although it was more of a one-sided beating, this didn't diminish the skill displayed by the two.

'I should try this as well..' While leaving one eye on the battle, Momonga started to try another magic called Message.

It was a magic used to communicate with other players or GMs. This was also what he tried now, first the GM and then the 40 people of his guild.

Although he was 99% certain that nothing would come from it, when it truly happened, it still felt pretty shitty.

'Let's try that one as well...' Remembering that he had sent Sebas outside, he tried to use the message spell to reach him, which worked without a problem.

"Lord Momonga." Sebas's regal voice came directly into Momonga's mind, he was lost in thought for a moment, thinking if Sebas was bowing at the other end like those Japanese businessmen.

That was until Sebas spoke again, his voice sounding a bit confused, "Lord Momonga, is something the matter?"

Momonga answered after getting out of his own musings, "I seem to have spaced out a bit. Sebas, tell me what you have found so far."

Sebas dutifully reported his discoveries, "We are in the middle of a flat grassland, the swamp which should surround the Great Underground Tomb has disappeared."

Momonga was stunned for a moment, "The swamp has disappeared?" he wanted to confirm again, 'So did the whole of Nazarick get transported somewhere else?!'

"Yes Lord Momonga, there is no swamp anymore around Nazarick, only grassland."

Understanding that there was nothing more to gain from this, he gave his following orders, "I have ordered for a gathering of the Floor Guardians in the amphitheater on the 6th Floor."

"I want you to be here in 20 minutes, gather as much information as possible until then."

Sebas took his orders and Momonga disconnected the message spell.

Just as he finished his conversation with Sebas, the Slaughter of the Primal Fire Elemental also ended.

The two came over to him, both were sweating profusely and even after washing it away, the sweat covered their foreheads the extra moment again.

Momonga reached out a hand, it seemed to simply disappear, but when it reappeared, it held a pitcher.

This pitcher was called the bottomless pitcher of water, a water pitcher which never emptied out.

Taking two glasses out with his other hand, he spoke to the two while giving each a Glas.

"You should drink some water after working hard." He continued by filling the glasses with water from the pitcher.

The two looked at him in disbelief and asked, "Is this really okay?"

He didn't know why they thought this was such a big deal, but he told them simply, "Drink now."

The two nodded with smiles on their faces, both holding the glass in both hands as they drank.

When the glasses were emptied, Momonga looked at them with kindness and asked, "Do you want more?"

But both rejected so he took the glasses back and took everything back in his inventory.

He looked at these two little children and suddenly an urge came over him and he started to pat their heads, with both hands.

Their hair was silky and soft to the touch, 'Soft... and pleasant..' he felt good doing this and the two also seemed to enjoy the attention and appreciation he gave them.

At this moment, a black substance suddenly spread on the ground, before rising upwards turning into a pitch-black door of darkness in the air.