
OverLord: Way To The Strongest

There are 3 types of Will's in our world the First is the Primary will, Second is the Higher will and Third is the Divine will A.K.A people call it God's will Follow the journey of Ace Cyrus in his new life with his will to become the strongest and never again to succumb to his primary will or primary desires like his last life and rule this life with his Higher will. Will he stand on the top of the Pyramid. Will he live a life with no regrets. Will he have his own way to his current life. Let's find out shall we........ Disclaimer: this is a unique plot with unique character so if you are bored with cliche novel stories so read this novel I will guarantee it will be a fun ride.. I am a newbie so help me by writing your thoughts on the comments section after each chapter. Keep you support..

Killzer_x · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Glenn Maxwell part 2

As I clenched my fist and teeth as hard as I could and sprinted towards the thug with a loud shout.


The guy who was interrupted during his deeds shot and annoyed glare and said "Who?"

Just as he turned around i clenched my fist as hard as i can and hit his jaw and then i heard cracking sound..



as he screamed and crashed into the deep dark alley with a


Just as i turned around and hoped for the hug or atleast a thank you from the woman but instead what I was a slapped on the face..

I held my face where I slapped and stared her with an confused look as she spoke:

"You dumb shit why did you hit him?"she asked with an angry face..

With her question I felt my brain short- Circuit for a moment didn't i save her? What's with the angry look?

Wait....now that I look at her face closely she is wearing a heavy makeup with powdered face,fake eyelashes and bright red lipstick on her lips...

As i look at her again and the surroundings near me and i think I understood what's going on...

She's a Prostitute!!!! DAMN IT Fu*kkl!!!!!

Shit!! I know my eyesight might have been weakened but it should not be to this extent.

As i cursing in my mind i felt glares on by which makes my adrenaline pumped body instantly go cold and a chill ran through my spine.

That thug was not alone SHITT!!

And then i think I heard Lucifer crazy laughter in my mind saying "welcome to HELL!! You DIMWIT....."

As i turn around again to see fifteen big muscular men's glaring with their dead eyes filled with murderous intent and scary looking scars on their faces...

The i saw the leader of thugs came forward and grabbed me by my shirt collar and lifted me like a bag of sack and stared into my eyes and said:

"You messed with the wrong group boy and even to hurt one of my boy's, do you think you alone can run over my gang HUH??"

"N..No.i.....i" as i was suttring and tried to explain that it was damn misunderstanding but before I could speak,he ramend me into the wall.

URGHH!! as a grunt leaked From my mouth as He spoke:

"No matter who you are you have to pay the price for messing with a person you shouldn't have you PUNK!!".

Damn this unreasonable Thug as i got rammed into the Wall and the thing that came was the worst of my 26 of my life..

As i was beaten into a piece of shit by the Gorilla looking men's by whatever means that they could use like a baseball bats, knives and even iron rods,as i felt my body covered in so many wounds and cuts that can't even be fixed by the doctors or an advanced technology.

After practically mincing me up they threw me near a thrash can and walked away without even looking me as i stared them with my semi closed eyes..

But unsurprisingly the prostitute was still there then she walked near me and crouches infront of me and said:

"Remember never to put your Lil di*k in others matter without judging them in your next lifetime,like you did today so we'll meet again in HELL!!" See yaa!! said as she walked away while not forgetting swaying her hips like a BITCH PROSTITUTE!!! Like she is.....

As I watched her go away i..i.. felt anger, despair, sadness, painful and the thing that hit me more was my disappointment with myself yes! Disappointment as i recalled all these years of my life never did I do anything to feel my life had a purpose and meaning i have always chased the world trends just to be updated with the world and not to missed out but what's the point now...

As i was on my last breath and i could hear my heart beating slower and slower every seconds...

Just as people say before death we see our whole lifetime like a movie reels.

After revisiting all those memories all i had was tears in my eyes now at my deathbed i realised the life i live in this fake world was not worth it was just an illusion that was created by me to survive in this shit world and never the life i truly wanted...

I regret it!!! I totally regret it not fulfilling my real potential and and lived my life only following my primary desires like other i hated being common.

I have not even found my purpose yet...

I want to change..

I know it's late but i want one more chance...

I am reconciled...

I want to live!!..

I want to soar into the boundless sky and fullfill and find my purpose....

As i stood up while wobbling while taking the support of near thrash can and as i looked up at the bright moon and shouted at the top of my lungs with all my being and soul "I WANT TO LIVE!!!!"..


As the cold body fell on the cold ground..

And there was a silence in the dark alley...

And the city was still hustling and bustling as if nothing happened.

What a crazy world we live in isn't it??

But what can else can we do but live on not for ourselves but for the people we care and love for..."sigh..."

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