
A Whole Lot of Pretending

Inside the White Space of the Gate, Ainz and Chronos sat down drinking tea, while looking at a replica of Earth, which is the advance form of the Mirror of Remote Viewing.

They were hard to create and only one exist in Nazarick. It's creation was important as it was a way to spy on Players, which a regular Mirror of Remote Viewing is not capable of.

Everyone knows that Players, especially the strong ones, had restrictions to divination, which the Mirror of Remote Viewing is considered to be. Even if they don't have restrictions, just their high levels would give them a sixth sense of them being watch.

The advanced form of the Mirror of Remote Viewing can only be stopped by World Class Items, but that does not mean it was one itself. (AN: I'm just going to call it the Pond Mirror, to differentiate, between the two.)

Ainz did not need to use the Pond Mirror, since a Mirror of Remote will not be easily sense by anyone, other than the Buddha. (AN: To this day, I wonder if Enri's father had some kind of talent that allow him to know that Ainz was watching him.)

Ainz made sure the changes he made enveloped Earth. He was a little upset that he didn't study more about mythology, otherwise he could created more, though that would make the Earth look like a checkered board of small independent worlds.

Its true that once the Earth accepts the changes he creates, they will become larger independent worlds, but even that had its limits.

After discussing with Chronos, Ainz came to the realization that this was only possible because Earth possessed its own source of un-utilized mana.

With the changes he made, the Earth invested by using mana it didn't need to gain profits. It was what businessmen tend to do, when they want to increase their returns, with no worries of loss.

No matter what happened, the Earth will not be affected negatively. If the investment paid off, it will become stronger but if it didn't, it will only waste energy it didn't use anyway.

Though it's unknown if the Earth was sentient, it was was clear that there were benefits for it compliance. Off the top of his mind, Ainz thought of one, protectors.

When he arrived, Earth was an unprotected treasure trove. But, if he was to leave and come back in a thousand years, this world will be protected by the beings he created. Currently they were weak but what about after a thousand years? That is uncertain.

Take the Primordial Gods for example. In only a few years of being created, their strength grew beyond what was thought to be possible, though this increase was insignificant it showed promise.


Sighing with bitterness, I was left with no idea of what to do. No matter how I looked at the situation, it didn't make sense. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more confuse I became.

For some reason, I seem to have taken over the body of the Jade Emperor, one of the exalted deities revered throughout the land. (AN: China did not start being called China, until the early 1500s.)

To give an idea of who the Jade Emperor is, let me explain.

The Jade Emperor is lord of the Heavenly Court and amongst the top ranking immortals. He is the ruler of the three realms, Heaven, Mortal World, and the Underworld, who only needed to kneel to one person, Dao Ancestor Honjun.

Dao Ancestor Honjun created the path of cultivation, and even surpass Pangu in importance, despite the later being the creator of heaven and earth.

Many would take my place as a divine being, only seeing the advantages and none of the cons. However, only when one is here could they experience how scary it actually is.

In front of the weaker immortals, I could pretend to be the Jade Emperor and I mess up, they will only think I am eccentric. That would be the end of it as none would be stupid to question their boss. However, there is always exceptions and those exceptions are the Saints.

In legends, there were nine Saints chosen by Dao Ancestor Honjun to hold immense power, secondly only to him. Their powers were said to be infinite and could do as they please. However, this means my control over the Jade Emperor is also within their sights.

Because of fear of the Saints, I have decided to sit on the throne and wait for them to appear. However, even after a week, no one appeared, not even the heavenly guards.

If the former didn't show up, it could be chalked up as them not caring about my situation but for the later, it was odd because this was their place of duty. I should at least see their shadows.

Maybe because no one showed up or maybe because of boredom, my confidence grew and I decided to explore. I might never get the chance again, so I might as well take advantage of it.

Walking outside the Heavenly Court, I am left in awe by the sight before me. I have never seen such a scene before. Not many mortals can say they have.

Above the Heavenly Court, sunlight streamed down like the fires of a phoenix, lighting the heavens up with a sense of warmth and the feeling of spring.

Trees blanket the land, making it look like a place untouched by man - which it have been, until I appeared.

Fruits of all kinds littered the trees, causing a fresh and sweet scent to be carried by the wind.

At my feet, white creamy clouds shyly moved.

Placing a foot on them, I felt as if I stepped on a carpet made from the finest materials, which was not exactly a lie.

Looking down, I saw 31 other Heavens floating and below that, I saw the land I was born and grew on.

From this vantage point, the land looked different from what I thought. I always thought it was big, so vast that one cannot cross it within one's lifetime, so full that one will have to cross kingdoms to reach its edge but now, it seem so small and insignificant.

The eyes of mortals and immortals are not the same. One place value onto things, the other see its true essence, they are not the same, though they might have the same origin.

On the 31 Heavens, were the abodes of who I imagined to be immortals - pavilions, mansions and temples that made the best residences in the mortal world to look like animal stables.

Mountains that stretched for miles on end and rivers that flowed from one heaven to the next.

Looking up, I saw another heaven which seem inaccessible from my or better yet, the Jade Emperor's eyes. For this to exist above the Heavenly Court, it could only be the the residence of the Saints.

Although I cannot see whats was on it, I could make out vague silhouettes of mountains and temples.

Though the sight was beautiful to behold, there was a common trend with all the heavens, the silence that made one's hair stand on end.

Like every mortal, I imagined there would be immortals flying through the air, casting spells and magic but no, it's just silence.

Just seeing there are no heavenly guards in the Heavenly Court, it was clear something was wrong.

Although there is not enough evidence to support my theory, whatever happened to the immortals, could be the reason I woke up as the Jade Emperor.

Still, no matter how injured the Jade Emperor was, it's should be impossible for a mortal to take him over. If anything, it should be the other way other.

One must be wondering how I know who I became. It was because of the imperial seal inside my breast pocket, with the inscription Lord of the Heavenly Court. Also, in my hand was a lightning attribute sword, which can attack with thunder and lightning. (AN: Mjolnir anyone?)

Unless I choose not to see the clues, it was obvious who I currently am. There was something I found weird and that is the Jade Emperor's physical appearance.

In the myths, he was called the Heavenly Grandfather, meaning he should be old in age, but looking at my hands, it was taut and filled with vitality.

Just going off what I saw, I estimate the age of the Jade Emperor to be around 20-30. That doesn't mean anything to beings who lived for eons.

There were legend of the Queen Mother of the West who looked like a teenager, despite being the same age as the Jade Emperor. Physical appearance is never a good way to measures one age.

Still, why me? Of everyone to end up in this situation, why was I chosen?

There was nothing remarkable about me. I am just an old farmer, who enjoy tending to his land. Well, the farm was not mine but since I and my family tend to it for many years, it might as well be.

As I grew older, I got weaker and prone to illness. I was bound to die, the doctors said so, and they were not wrong. I did die but gained new life.

I wanted to make a fortune for my family before I pass on but it seemed fate had other plans and brought me here.

I am not worried about my children because without me, they could reach their dreams. The gods knew how much teals of sliver they have spent on me, and that's even when we are not from a wealthy family. I have not gave them anything but burdens. (AN: For this story, the currency of China is Bronze, Silver and Gold Teals.)

On occasions, I could see my children and grandchildren looking at me with glares full of resentment, but I chose to ignore it.

I did not blame them, I was just sadden that the life I envision seem to escape the harder I attempt to reach it. My death will put a closure to their burdens, I just wonder, will any of them cry for me?

Sighing, Jade Emperor flew to the heavens' to investigate to see if there were any clues, but there was nothing. I did find the situation odd as there were no signs of anyone living here. There were no footprints, no corpse, or trace of food.

Though the people who live here may be immortals, it doesn't mean they don't walk. That could be explained by using immortal power but what about no corpse?

Even immortals died. True, one could ascend and become an immortal but one still needed to cultivate, otherwise they will died. That is also why there are grades amongst immortals, lifespan and power are big factors.

Has the Jade Emperor died? The Jade Emperor has been immortal since the ancient times, so he should be a true immortal, but even he is dead. Maybe immortality is a lie? Or the one they are pursuing is illusionary.

Speaking of immortality, when I arrive here, on my was a book. Inside the book, there were information about cultivation. There was three different cultivation path, Divine Cultivation, Magic Cultivation and Death Cultivation.

Divine Cultivation is the path of gods, which by absorbing the faith of others, one can become a god.

This was similar to the immortal path but there was a clear difference. The divine path is taking from others to become stronger while the immortal path is to not rely on others to gain power. The difference is clear, a gods power can be taken but an immortals cannot.

Oddly, there was no cultivation about immortals inside the book, which means the path of immortals will died out with him, since he doesn't know how to cultivate to become immortal.

Magic Cultivation is to absorb the energy around oneself, to control the elements.

Death Cultivation is clearly a demonic practice. This allows one to control the dead and use them as one's servants. There are even curses and hexes.

I am not sure why I had this book, but since it's in my possession, then it must have been important to the real Jade Emperor.

Pondering my next step, I wonder if I should descend to my homeland. Still, I was not sure if I could find the answers I was looking for, it is better than being here which clearly didn't have any.

Sensing something, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end, making me turn around, seeing a monk in orange robes and 108 beads on his prayer beads staring at him with interest.

How long was he there? If not for the Jade Emperor's body sending signals that something was behind me, I would not have notice.

What should I do? For this person to be here, he must be an immortal, a very powerful one at that. Though I didn't learn much, I did learn that the Heavenly Court was on the 32 Heaven and above that was the Heaven of the Saints.

Since this person showed up, he can only be from one place, the 33 Heaven. However, I concluded that place was the heaven of Saints, does that mean he is a Saint? If I act unlike how the Jade Emperor usually act, will I get discovered, if I haven't already?!

However, how does the Jade Emperor usually act? Just act like an emperor but I don't know how they act. I was just a farmer, how could I hope to sell my lies to an immortal.

Walking over, the monk claps his hands together, "Amitabha, it seem this monk is not alone in this time of uncertainty."

What should I say? Could he mean exactly what he said? Or is there something hidden in it? Sigh, i'm not use to mind games but I must speak.

I turned to look over the heavens with lofty and arrogant pose, "I just got out of cultivation and was surprised to see the heavens empty, do you know the reason behind this?"

The monk shook his head, "I don't know the reason. I have attempted to look through the Six Paths of Reincarnation but it seems the Underworld is affected with none of it's judges. As of now, it's best to assume we are all thats left."

Six Paths of Reincarnation? There are not many, even amongst the Saints that can use that ability. A monk that use this power, could it be..? Should I test it?...Why not?

"Lord Buddha, what do you think should be done? Whatever happen to the realms, seem to possess power above even the Saints."

The monk seem surprised but answered nonetheless, "Perhaps we should observe the world to find the answers. However, as of now, we should spread cultivation to stabilize the realms."

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea.." The two of them flew down from one heaven to the next, descending to land.

As they exist the 1st Heaven, it was as though they passed through some kind of barrier, sensing the drastic difference in energy in the surroundings.

If the energy in the Heavens were like an ocean, the energy in the human world is like a drizzle.

Looking up, they sense something but their eyes could not see it. Though they can't see it, they knew it was the Heavens.

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