
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Primary Goal of Nazarick

Ainz was surprised after reading her mind. First of all, he only wanted her to feel grateful to him. Lakyus is the leader of an adamantite class adventurer group, Blue Rose, and having her on his side is more advantageous than removing her existence from this world.

But he never thought that Lakyus's petty mind will lead to this sequence of events. First she swore loyalty to Nazarick showing her trust in Nazarick and now directly to the marriage.

'Good Lord! Lakyus, you surpassed my expectations. You wish to get the support of Nazarick to fight against demons, and for that you wish to sacrifice yourself. Very well. If you play with fire, then you will also get burned. And I am the worst flame you could ever imagine.'

Ainz was now in conflict, either to appreciate Lakyus for her decision or laugh at her foolishness. He was here to still fear and leave some hint to Princess Renner. The reason was simple. Renner is intelligent and detached to the feelings of humans, a perfect puppet to serve him.

So, even if Lakyus didn't decide to join Nazarick, the Kingdom's golden princess will fall under the rule of Nazarick. And once she decides to be under him, controlling the Kingdom will be much easier. Because Royalty has its own perk, that is, the lineage of the Kingdom won't be destroyed completely, so no one can retort the invasion of Nazarick and it'll be smooth.

With those thoughts in mind, he looked at Lakyus's eyes. Her eyes bored into him with a flushed face. Her eyes confirmed her resolve, but her demeanour revealed her shyness.

"Hm.. I understand your reason. However, Nazarick will only assist against the demon invasion. Except that, we will ensure your safety alone, as the Kingdom is not the possession of Nazarick."

Ainz truly wanted to say that, 'Hey Chunni, you don't have to go that overboard. The Kingdom will be under Nazarick. How can it be destroyed completely?', but why should he say it. His only purpose of coming here is to show his power and maintain the foundation of his image, also to make Renner submit.

And the fact of ensuring the safety of Lakyus. It was because Lakyus made the best decision of her life, and that is to align herself to Nazarick. Being one of the servant of Nazarick, Ainz has to protect her in order not to soil the name of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"That is more than enough, Lord Ainz. Demons are solely the issue our Kingdom is facing currently."

Hearing her words, Evileye couldn't help but sigh. Lakyus was unaware that external forces are not the only cause of a nation's demise. Many Kingdoms and organizations fall due to internal conflicts and divisions. A country falls faster from its grace when its own people points its weapon towards it.

But for Lakyus who was only in her teen, the internal affairs didn't matter. She also didn't know that the reason this Kingdom was in balance was due to three people; Marquis Raeven, Position of the King and lastly the neutrality of Princess Renner.

Now that one of the seat is empty, and Marquis got the chance to increase his support, the balance will be greatly affected. And in the middle of this, the dogs and cats like Nobles will also attack to take their share. The only way to manage the balance temporary is to revoke the neutrality of the princess and invoke her rights, because she is the face of the royal family in the eyes of the citizens.

"You're naive but young. Life will teach you its nature and how evil nature can be. I hope Princess here can warn you about the impending danger of this Kingdom."

The Princess, who was lost in her own thoughts, was startled. She was thinking about her future with the new enigma that entered her life. She was already having trouble coping with this enigma, and her stupid friend wasn't even aware of the current problem of the Kingdom.

"If you tell me about your secret wish, then I might put some knowledge in your head."

She said with a smile on her face, which wasn't quite the smile. It was like a devil, asking for answers from their subordinates maintaining their public reputation. Lakyus didn't understand what her smile implied and avoided making eye contact with her due to shyness.

"I.. It's somewhat related to the personal one."

Seeing her in that state, Renner already guessed the circumstances. Her stupid friend has done something unnecessary without even consulting her.

'Playing hero; Stupid action of sacrificing yourself for the Kingdom, without even thinking much.'

Renner was aware that Ainz had other motives in approaching her, and from the conversation of Ainz and Lakyus, it was clear. When Ainz said 'We will ensure your safety alone, as the Kingdom is not the possession of Nazarick., she got the main gist of this approach.

Renner was supposed to be the representative of Nazarick or so to be called puppet who follows Ainz's order. But, if it was the case then why didn't Ainz went to Zanac. Zanac has the support of Marquis Raeven and with Ainz's support it will be much easier.

Then she realized something that Zanac didn't have and in which Ainz was interested. Her inhumane personality coupled with manipulating intelligence. This was the only things beneficial to evil entity like Ainz.

She looked towards Lakyus who had just fallen into the pitch black darkness with a wide smile. It was on the verge of turning into a hideous grin, but she composed herself quickly.

'Why am I smiling? Is it because her state would be fun to watch? or Is it because my condition will soon be the same as hers?'

Yes, she was rather sure that her fate will be the same as Lakyus unless she brought greater benefits to Nazarick. Because Ainz accepted Lakyus's request to voluntary be a part of Nazarick, she realized that Ainz was gathering power for a greater purpose.

But, those powers will be of the same level for Ainz, only the importance will be different. From the sky-high altitude, largest building will be of the size of an ant, and Renner was also one of the ant but with slightly high importance, not the strength.

Even if she is a pawn in his plan, she is sure that once she is a part of Nazarick and display her intelligence to bring greater benefits surpassing Ainz's expectation, he will regard her more than a mere bug.

She had noticed earlier that Ainz recognizes Nazarick's members as his own part and places a high value on their lives. Then, once she gains the foothold in Nazarick, then her life will not only be saved but a greater height will be achieved which she could only imagine till now.

'Is he on world conquest, either through peace or war? Either way, it doesn't matter. My current life is boring as hell. If I can enjoy my life even a little, I don't mind selling my own Kingdom.'

And that's what she intends to do. Because, with or without her consent, this Kingdom will inevitably fall into his hands. If she consents to his plan, then she will have the moment of her life. Otherwise, she is like a mere bug, waiting to get trampled.

"You don't have to say. I understand your actions and causes, but that is meaningless until we resolve our current circumstances."

"H..How?... And what is our current problem? Care to enlighten me?"

Lakyus was surprised to know that Renner understood her secret wish, but that could wait. Her main concern was this impending danger to their Kingdom.

"Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too. A Kingdom without a king is easy to overthrow for the nobles and start their own lineage as the royal lineage."

Evileye explained to her party's leader. She wasn't smart enough to think about complicated things like politics, except magic. But she had seen and heard the rise and fall of many small organizations and leaders. And most of those powerhouses fell due to internal conflict. You could also take the example of the fall of Eight Greed Kings.

On the other hand, the internal conflicts also rose the some Kingdoms like Baharuth Empire. But the means was the bloody massacre of entire lineage connected to the previous ruler. Now their only choice was to follow same path as Baharuth Empire, but they didn't have such power unless they want to overthrow the whole feudal system, igniting the fire of chaos.

"Why would they attack before fighting against the demon invasion?.... Oh! I understand. Lust and greed are more appealing than to wait. Those rachet nobles, trying to stir up the Kingdom for their own benefits."

She was fuming with rage and cursed those nobles wholeheartedly. Ignoring her, Ainz moved towards Renner and asked.

"So, Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, as a sole capable heir of The Royal Family of Re-Estize Kingdom, what will you choose?"

As he asked, his golden-red eyes glowed red. Renner felt chills behind her back but didn't lose her composure. She has to perform a show in front of her friends and subordinates. Her task was to hand over the Kingdom to Nazarick with an adequate reason.

"If may I ask, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Go ahead."

"Can we learn about your leading goal?"

"Hm.. Humans are ignorant creatures but also has moral values. You might think this of tyranny, but I call this retaliation this world has brought upon itself."

He looked up, reminiscing in his own thoughts for a while and continued.

"Nazarick's central goal is the unification of this continent under its name, where everyone will get the chance to grow in the land of equality, prosperity and freedom regardless of their gender and race. I want to accomplish this with as little carnage as possible, but for those who stand in the way of my noble pursuit..."

Then he looked towards all of their faces. They were making faces that were hard to describe. The unification of this whole continent was an unrealistic task. There are many strong nations and monsters which can easily invoke crisis in their kingdom. Suddenly, a large force engulfed the camp without warning, and all of their hearts sank into the depths of pure power.

"that will be your destiny. Thud.. Thud.. Thud..."

Except Renner, all the people fell to their knees. Renner was only spared due to her identity as representative of another nation. The people who fell had realized that the power shown to them was a fraction of what Ainz is capable of.

Just a moment ago they thought unification of the continent was an unrealistic task, but with the power like this it might be possible. They also seemed to guess the purpose of the visit of such an ancient being in their Kingdom. They thought.

'Ainz wanted to approach them to take over through peace and provide some benefits to develop their Kingdom. And in the process of that, the Kingdom faced the demon invasion. So, in order to maintain the safety of the nation he wants to take under him first, he decided to help them.'

They didn't doubt him for the demon invasion except for Renner, because why would such an existence who can single handedly flatten their Kigdom plan such a thing. After a few minutes, all of them regained their serenity. Then, Evileye spoke.

"Lord Ainz, I might be against the idea of massacring, but I will support you wholeheartedly against the ones who go against you."

Following her, Lakyus also opened her mouth.

"As long as innocents and children are not harmed, I'll always be loyal to Nazarick."

Not liking their attitude towards her master, Shalltear bared her fang. For Shalltear, fulfiling the order was the supreme one was the greatest joy one could ever achieve, and these foolish humans dare to make their own condition. Also, one of them had just swore loyalty to Nazarick. This is your undying fidelity towards your master.

"Foolish Mongroles, with this attitude, you wish to join Nazarick. Lord Ainz, can't we just tram... Boink.."

But just when she was speaking, Ainz cut her off, bonking her head.

"Shalltear, this world is different with limited races and population. We can't solve every problem through force."

Then, he faced, Evileye and Lakyus.

"Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants; enlightenment is the salvation of the free. I'm not the one who massacres without reason. Foolish ones who stand against me, ignoring the warnings, shall be the only ones who feel despair. Unification is of the utmost importance because it serves a greater purpose while the land of prosperity is its byproduct."

Both Evileye and Lakyus understood his meaning. In simple terms,

'The unification of this continent under a single name is absolutely essential for the forthcoming nemesis in the future. And in return for their contribution, he will prosper their lives. But, if one stands in his way with arrogance, then they will only fear his wrath.'


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