
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Preparations to Depart

In an extensive luxurious office room, Albedo was standing in front of Ainz, reading the recent report.

"The meeting of Noble and Royal faction held midnight had concluded to rebel in a week. The noble faction has started to return to their fief. While the Royal faction has been planning in the capital for now."

The meeting of the noble faction and the royal factions were held separately at the midnight of their return to the capital. In that meeting, the sent doppelgangers had done their work to hasten the rebellion. The faster the rebellion, the faster Nazarick can send the forces and show to appear at the required time.

Albedo continued,

"The princess has already grasped the royal army with her popularity and threat of the demons. And she is also trying to stabilize the situation of the palace. But, there is no time to take the noble's army."

"Hmm.. That won't be a problem. Just leak the news that Nazarick might help the princess. That will be enough to create some turmoil."

"Yes, Lord Ainz. Your heroic battle on that day must have made them see the difference in the powers."

There are three causes for the rebellion in one week. Otherwise, gathering more allies was the best choice for them. The princess's advance to control the military strength was one of them, while the demons were another. And the last was the man who swept the skeletal dragons with ease.

Being a member of royal family and on top of that with unparalleled intelligence, the princess was the biggest thorn for nobility faction. The royalty factions was also worried about the princess's advances of controlling royal army. Although they had withdrawn their private armies from the ranks of royal army, the numbers of royal army wasn't affected too much.

As for the demon invasion, the nobles weren't worried about it. Once they reach to the throne, they could mobilize all the soldiers to fight for them. Even if the demon invasion is in large scale, being a king, they could request for assistance from different human nations. They just had to hold on till the support arrives.

"What about your visit to the princess?"

"I'll be departing after preparing the materials for Demiurge. That'll take some time."

"Ah.. Alright. Take Narberal and Solution with you."

"As you order."

After pondering for a while, Albedo opened her mouth again with a playful smile.

"Are they to manipulate those weak-minded humans, lord Ainz?"


Narberal can cast up to 8th-Tier magic, where a few mind interference spells are also included. It ranges from mind break to mind control, but the limit is below level 20.

On the other hand, Solution can create temporary bodies with slimes and accompany Narberal in the mission. It'll produce the result faster. So, Ainz decided to send them with Albedo.

They'll completely engrave the threats and probable saviour in the hearts of the citizens. It results in the establishment of the foundation of Nazarick in the Kingdom.

"Inform the guests and prepare to depart."

"Ah.. Lord Ainz. C.. Can I get a goodbye kiss? ✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧"


The sudden request surprised Ainz but composed himself quickly. He had already kissed her before, so this must be normal.

"Ahem.. Alright, come here."

Albedo hurried over to Ainz's side and kissed him.

"Chu.. Muhh.."

"Mhm.. ..."

A minute had already passed, but Albedo was reluctant to retreat. Seeing that, Ainz just cooperated with her, and like that, the battle lasted for a few minutes.

"Then, I'll take my leave, Lord Ainz."

She distanced herself unwillingly with a slight bow. She was about to step out of the door when a voice stopped her.

"And, you can also arrange for our engagement before the conquest."

When she heard this, she began to breathe abnormally. Her face was red with shining yellow eyes. Then, she turned and directly jumped towards Ainz.

But before she touched him, Ainz hurriedly casted


and Albedo was transported near Demiurge.

"Phew.. Perfect timing."

[Blazing Temple: 7th Floor]

A gate appeared near the entrance of Blazing Temple, and Albedo was thrown out. Demiurge, who was about to enter, was surprised by her.

"Albedo!... What are you doing?"

The sudden appearance of the gate also surprised her. She barely managed to compose herself and began to talk at a 2x speed.

"Ah.. Demiurge. Nothing.. We've to complete this task sooner. Nazarick will be busy soon... Ah.. I also have to choose dresses."

Seeing the flustered Albedo, Demiurge frowned. He didn't understand anything she said and decided to ignore it for the time being.

"Let's leave it at that. Are you here to help me with some preparations?"

"Ah.. Right."

Then, she began to discuss with Demiurge with a crooked smile. The discussion lasted for half an hour.

Albedo described the tasks to be performed in the Holy Kingdom, while Demiurge's smile grew even wider with every task. He was allowed to go to any extent with the limited exposure.

Afterwards, she accompanied him to the repository room and library for a few materials. The repository room was accessible to all the floor guardians. But the inner-part of the library was only accessible to the guild members and Albedo.

The NPCs taking care of the library was also not allowed to leave without permission. The main reason for this was the monster data stored there, which can be used to create a large army of monsters and warriors. And there were also some trivial reasons. So, she was necessary to follow.

[Guest Room]

Evileye and Lakyus had also returned to their room to take a rest. They hadn't slept for many days, so after sleeping for a few hours, both of them woke up.

"Mhmm... That was the best sleep."

"Yeah! And also after that awe aspiring banquet."

After the best dinner of their life, the comfortable and soft bed had given them the feeling of sleeping in the clouds. Both of them had beautiful dreams and woke up simultaneously with shining faces.

At this time, a maid knocked on the door. After receiving the permission, she entered and delivered the news.

"Lady Albedo has asked to prepare to depart."

Hearing the voice of the maid, both of them felt disappointed. They had the most comfortable living in a single night and were not so enthusiastic to return. At that time, Evileye groaned.

"Can't we go after a few days?"

"You can't say that. There is a lot of work in the Kingdom. Renner is handling all of them alone."

With those words from Lakyus, Evileye grunted and stood up.

"Okay.. Let's finish this stupid work and return soon. At that time, I'll be sure to enter Lord Ainz's be.."

Before she could finish up, Lakyus raised her hand and hit Evileye's head.


Then, returning her gaze to the maid, she spoke with a smile. But her heart was also somewhat unhappy.

"Please lead the way."

The maid bowed slightly and escorted Lakyus while dragging Evileye.

[One of the Hallway: 9th Floor]

"Have you understood your role?"

In front of two of the member of Pleiades, Naberal and Solution, Albedo said with a serious tone. She was describing the tasks assigned to them. And while describing the tasks, she would never allow others to be careless.

"Yes, lady Albedo."

"Rest assured."

The Pleiades were also of the same mind. Suddenly, at that time Albedo felt something and glared in one corner. Then, she spoke with a cold tone.

"Come out."

Feeling the terrifying gaze of Albedo, a black figure appeared and knelt on the ground. This shocked both of the battle maids, and they were on guard. Seeing the black figure, Albedo muttered to herself.

"Hell Guard? Oh Lord Ainz~ You care too much~" [A/N: Hell Guard is an original, and the description will be provided in future chapters.]

The figure kneeling in front of her was Hell Guard, a summoned guardian type demon warrior. In Nazarick, only Ainz was able to summon them. Pandora could also do that, but only with Ainz's order.

After pondering for a while, Albedo said indifferently.

"Get back."

Then the Hell Guard retreated and disappeared. The armours worn by the Hell Guard can be invisible with [Complete Invisibility], and the owner of the armours can control it.

It was the special magic item, which was created with the permanent MP loss. When the summoner summons Hell Guard, they will lose the MP required for the armour permanently. They could also choose to summon without the armour, but it would greatly affect the combat power of Hell Guard.

So, most of the summoners summons Hell Guard with the armour, as the lost MP can be recovered, when the Hell Guard dies or the armour is destroyed.

After he retreated, Narberal and Solution relaxed. Then, in about a few minutes, Lakyus and Evileye also appeared following the maid.


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