
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Gladiators of Colloseum

[A few hours earlier]

[Great Forest of Tob]

In the middle of the cold night, under the shinning moon, a group of people entered the great forest of Tob. They were the members of the strongest scripture of the Theocracy, Black Scripture, who venerates Surshana. Surshana was one of the six great gods of the Slane Theocracy, and also the strongest one.

Like how Surshana was the strongest among his peers, Black Scripture was also the strongest among other scriptures. The difference between them was like the top of the tree and the ground, not sky and the ground because that would be too far-fetched. Even if the terrifying power of the extra seat is added, it wouldn't be sufficient. She was strong, but there are also other stronger ones in New World.

Excluding the extra seat, the members of the Black Scripture has their own strength. The most famous one is their cooperative attacks. Although each members are strong, they have their own weakness. But when they fight as a group, they help each other to compensate for their weakness. So, that's why only when important missions are handled, all of them gather together to complete it.

"Aghh.. Why was the mission advanced this early? I was resting before the subjugation mission." asked a middle-aged man wearing an extravagant set of robes with an annoyed tone.

A few weeks earlier, 7th seat of the Black scripture had prophesied the revival of the Catastrophe Dragon Lord. For that, the cardinals decided to send Black Scripture, except for the extra seat, to subjugate it with the help of lady Kaire. The date for the departure was set to much later, but it was advanced further due to Ainz's provocation.

"The cardinals has detected someone powerful this area. They were the cause for the extermination of the Sunlight Scripture. So, we had to leave earlier for investigating it."

In the battle of Carne, the Sunlight Scripture was completely exterminated and Ainz had provoked the higher ups in Slane Theocracy. So, it was natural for them to respond to his provoke. They sent the strongest group of the Theocracy to investigate him as to not make any mistake in the spur of the moment.

The goal of their mission was simply observing and collecting information, because they had to soon go for their another mission of subjugation. It was also fortunate that the last detected location of Ainz was on their way to the soon to be revived Catastrophe Dragon Lord.

"Aghh.. What a headache. Those bunch of trash can't even handle one person? Now we've to do these petty missions of collecting information."

"3rd seat, stop complaining. It's an order from higher-ups. So, we naturally have to do it, either it's small or big."

"Yeah.. Yeah.. captain."

Black scripture was the strongest group of people in their country. It wasn't like they hadn't been on any spying mission, but this was the first time doing it as a group. They used to return to the group only to do missions of highest difficulties. But now, they had to collect information on a single man and woman.

"Some movements are detected 200 meters far from here to the south."

The 7th seat of the Black Scripture said to their captain. She was also known as Thousand Leagues Astrologer who had the skills related to prophecy.

In the Theocracy, among the duties she handled, one of which was needing to inform the higher-up and everyone from her group about the revival of a monster like Catastrophe Dragon Lord. But her speciality was in the surveillance magic, due to which she became the intelligence support of the group.

"Let's check it out. Use stealth and invisibility while protecting lady Kaire."

All the members of the Black Scripture started to move forward. Lady Kaire was the trump card of this team and an important person. Hence, they had to prioritize her life before their own.

"There is no living presence here. Have they moved already?"

Soon, they arrived in the directed destination, but they couldn't detect any presence at all. Captain was a little confused due to this situation. Not even a minute was passed since the movement was detected, but there is almost no trace of them.

"I also don't sense anything. It's like there wasn't anyone here in the first place."

"I'm certain that I saw some movements, like a black dress fluttering."

"They may have teleported, but the traces of magic aren't here."

"The village protected by the target is in the northern direction. We might find some trails there."

While all of the members were discussing, the 11th seat was thinking something with a serious face. She was one of the strongest humans within the continent, whose power was ranked as the hero level by the standards of the New World due to her knowledge and strength in magic.

She was listless type of person, who doesn't care about anything at all. She follows the orders without any questioning and rarely acts serious. But now, she was thinking something seriously. So, her companion 12th seat asked her.

"Yo! You are doing some thinking for the first time."

"Shut up. The surrounding feels quite off. I'm thinking of the possible reasons."

"I also don't like this environment. It seems like someone is behind my back and leading me to somewhere."

Listening to their conversation, the captain also thought of this as strange. There was no presence at all, but it was also like someone there was controlling them.

"Use a high-level detection magic centered in this area alone."

He asked to the 3rd seat, and in response to it, the 3rd seat was casting magic through his left hand. Then, suddenly he shouted.

"Guys, be careful. It seems like this place is connected to another pla... ce."

The ground suddenly started to light in blue colour, and all of them vanished with a swoop.

"What the.. Where are we?"

In an instant, they were teleported into the middle of a large arena. While a lot of inhumane creatures were watching them from the seats of the colosseum. Looking forward, a dark elf was holding a mic, ready to announce the situation.

"Welcome, the new Gladiators of the Amphitheater, who were foolish enough to ignore the kindness bestowed by lord Ainz. I'm the guardian of this humble place, Aura Bella Fiore."

Aura said with a wide smile, but instead of listening to her. An old lady erupted with rage. For the higher ups of Slane Theocracy, Elves were the most hated race, because of the elf king. In early years, he had kidnapped former member of Black Scripture and they could only save her child. For that, they are still on conflict with the elf kingdom.

"A filthy dark elf dares to raise voice against the supreme humans blessed by the six great gods. You sh.."

She was going to order her companions to slay Aura, but in an instant, her head was flying, and her body fell on the ground. Then, Aura retracted her whip [Queen], covered in blood, and Mare covered her body into the ground. It was ordered by Ainz that, if they had to kill someone, they should retract the equipment of the deceased and transport the body for the experimentation.

The whip was thrown and retracted so fast that the members of Black Scripture couldn't even react to protect Kaire. The most important member, whom they had to protect at all cost was dead and they couldn't do anything other than to put guard for the upcoming attack. But the said attack didn't come.

Paying no heed to the sudden circumstances, Aura began to talk with a cheerful smile.

"Now now, keep your composure and act carefully. Otherwise, Lord Ainz might not like when he arrives."

Now that Aura had given the warning, the members of Black Scripture were in turmoil. The dark elf in front of them with the power to bypass their senses was serving a lord. Then, that lord should be even more powerful than all of them combined.

After a few moments, a gate opened in the VIP chamber of the Amphitheater. From there, a group of people appeared following Ainz.

"Now, presenting the illustrious overlord of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown."

The whole crowd of maids, golems and monsters stood up and bowed. Today they were off duty. Except for the required security and staff, all the members of Nazarick were ordered to gather there to watch the match.

Ainz moved forward and took his seat, and the people following him stood to his sides.

"Following him are the floor guardians and their leader along with two visitors from the Re-Estize Kingdom."

Seeing all these, they hardly resist running amok. When a person reach a certain height of strength, then can vaguely sense the danger level of their opponent. And, most of the people who just arrived were either on the same level or higher than them.

Their natural instincts were telling them that they couldn't afford to underestimate them. They weren't so tensed earlier, because if they fight to their death they believed they could take down Aura with their cooperative fighting style and the group's final sacrificial trump card.

But now, they are sure that they couldn't leave this place without the permission of the master of this place. They have entered the dome of an utterly terrifying existence, who rules over other powerful inhumane creatures.

The present situation overwhelmed the members of the Black Scripture. They wanted to follow the maids and golems in bowing their heads, but they couldn't show weakness in front of their enemy.

Nevertheless, they couldn't do ignore it with another word from Demiurge.

"Pathetic humans. [Prostrate Yourselves]" [A/N: [] Saying commanding words, not the name of the spell.]

This was demiurge's passive skill [Commanding Mantra], which can instantly turn weak-minded individuals or people less than level 40 into puppets dancing on Demiurge's strings.

"Thud.. Thud... Thud..."

With that, they were on their knees. Some of them could have resisted the effect. But due to the repeated overwhelming pressures, the obvious happened. They couldn't resist at all. Gritting his teeth, the captain was about to say something, but Ainz interrupted him.

"Brave humans, I welcome you to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. You've committed the great crime of spying against Nazarick. But I'm willing to ignore that if you could entertain us."

"Wh.. What do you mean?"

"It's simple. You have to fight against one of the members of Nazarick. If you manage to win, freedom will be your reward."

"Why should we?"

A hot-headed member of Black Scripture said with an angry tone. He didn't seem to like the humiliation. He was the proud member of the strongest combat unit of Theocracy. Not only that, he was also one of the strongest humans, who had bypassed the limits of humans.

But, here he was treated as an insect. He, who was proud, was utterly thrashed in the grounds bowing to his enemies. It was a disgrace to his pride. Others were also of the same mindset, but they knew their current situation, unlike him.

"Ho~ Worms should know their place."

"As if they have the choice~"

Albedo and Shalltear voiced their opinion. They wanted to kill him for his ignorance in question their beloved master. But, there are some things that are more painful than death. The upcoming battle will completely destroy their mindset, while the aftermath punishment will tear their souls apart.

Ignoring these words, Ainz continued.

"This is the act of my kindness. If you were to ignore it, then death will be your end."


"We understand."

This time, the captain said cautiously interrupting his companion. He knew that he couldn't harm the being in front of him, and could only place hopes in his words. Powerful existence doesn't go against their words, because it'll be disgrace to their name.

'We should have brought Zesshi. Then we might have a chance. But for now, we have to comply.'

Zesshi Zetsumei, the extra seat of Black Scripture. She was the strongest out of them all and also the oldest, but her looks was exact opposite. She usually doesn't take missions to do these miscellaneous things, and the higher ups also couldn't force her. So, she didn't join them in this mission.

"Would you prefer to fight one-by-one or all at once?"

After thinking for a while, the captain answered.

"We'll prefer to go as a team."

Fighting one by one was dangerous for them, as their power levels were different, and they could lose their members. But, with all of the members fighting together, they might have a chance. They could also use their trump card. So, it was advantageous to fight as a team.

"Very well. Shalltear, demonstrate your strength."

Ainz didn't know much about the power level of the Black Scripture, but he believed it to be on the level of Pleiades. But he couldn't be careless and risk the lives of other NPCs. So, he directly sent the strongest guardian, Shalltear.

"As you wish, my lord."

With a happy smile, Shalltear went to the arena. She wasn't equipped with her armour, as she didn't think it was necessary. When she reached near Aura, Demiurge released the member of Black Scripture from his control on Ainz's order. Following that order, all the audience also took their seat.

"Now, the battle between the intruding Gladiators and the floor guardian, Shalltear Bloodfallen shall begin. Start!"

#ReUpdate_02_ March

Suzerain_samacreators' thoughts