English is not my first language, I'm writing in my original language and translating through Google, so it definitely has errors. disclaimer: only my ocs belong to me. synopsis: a drug dealer is killed by a rival gang and ends up reincarnated into an overlord with 2 wishes, what will happen? will he live? to freak out? or die again?
Thanks for the support, it motivates me a lot to keep going
-------3° PoV-------
In a large and dark forest we can see a shadow running at high speed with a horde of skeleton rabbits behind him, if we look closer we can see that our MC Raiden is running
running to a flat and open clearing raiden disappears in the plain and the rabbits go ahead trying to find him, when suddenly the ground starts to shake and a big hole opens in the ground swallowing all the rabbits
inside the dark and humid hole we can see several poisonous insects, such as scorpions and spiders trying to sting the rabbits
"hmmm normal insect poison can't defeat rabbits, aah I know!" raiden then raises his hand which starts to glow in a very strong green creating magic circles
"[Venom creation] <Bone-melting poison wave>" A gigantic wave of poison forms and falls into the hole starting to melt the rabbits, and since insects don't have bones they are not affected
"now to finalize [SEQET's blessing]" Rabbits are instantly melted into pools of bones causing many level up announcements to appear for raiden
"[Kodoku] <Insects Return>" raiden says causing the insects to disappear and go to their special dimension
"huff...huff that was pretty cool, but very tiring, while I get my mana back I'm going to open the shop and see if the devs have anything for sale" raiden says as he sits down on the grass and opens the shop menu
Inventory Space $10 Unit
Monster Lure Perfume $15 Unit
[//More products coming soon]
'the game just came out, so you'd think it didn't have a lot of stuff' jaiden thinks as he buys 2 monster-attracting perfumes and a whopping 100,000 inventory slots giving $1,000,030 in total
------MC PoV------
After resting for two hours I got up when I finished resting
walking through the forest I start to hear some conversation noises, so I crouch down and sneak to the place
"h-hey jack, are you sure this is the right world for elves to be born?" I hear a frightened tone voice speaking
"W-well I guess I messed up the world barry"
says another voice with an embarrassed tone
getting closer I see two people, or rather, two elves, one white with blond hair, pointy ears and everything, very cliché, and the other was an elf with gray skin, silver hair and purple eyes, he was carrying a torch and a sword
"[Kodoku] <swarm of poisonous locusts>" I muttered as I cast the spell on the two idiots making a magic circle on my hand and a large swarm of poisonous locusts coming out of it
"aaaghhh my body is hurting a lot!" the white elf screams before falling and dying
"d-damn I thought I had poison resistance" says the gray elf as he fruitlessly swings the torch in his hand, only to fall and die
"[Kodoku] <return bugs>" I say making the bugs disappear as I sit on the ground to finally open my inventory and check my stats
Name: Raiden Knight
Race: Mummy
Level: 10
Racial Class: [mummy master of poisonous insects] Lv: 5
Available racial classes:2
Total racial level: 5
Racial skills: [Blessing of SERQET] , [Blessing of Khepri] , [Kodoku]
Available racial skills:10
Job class: [earth mage] Lv: 5
Total level of Job Classes: 5
Available job classes: 250
Skills: [Earth Crater] , [earth camouflage] , [Slide]
bonus skills: [poison creation], [poison control]
available skills:07
Phy atk: 20
Phy Def:14
Agility: 20
mag atk:30
mag def:25
hmmm there are some interesting options here, I can get much stronger if I combine some classes like I did with my first one
(Author's comment: Folks, I'll explain the class system at the end of the chapter so you don't get confused)
seeing all the options I had I decided to choose the racial class [Pharaoh] and the job class I chose [artifact maker]
now that I've chosen the classes, I can choose 4 racial and work class skills
clicking on the pharaoh tab I selected the following skills [mirage], which allows me to create several types of very powerful illusions, [Amon's blessing], amámon is the Egyptian god of the wind, this skill allows its user to control the wind a his will, [Dominion of the Pharaoh], this skill allows an area of 20 meters with the user in the center to be created making any ally in that radius have 2× in all attributes and a very strong regeneration, and lastly the skill [Desert Ruler], this skill affects the user causing people's intentions to change, for example if someone attacks him with this skill the attack will become a cure, if someone tries to escape the user he will be pulled back.
"huff, I'm done, with these selected skills I will become much stronger hahaha" I say while finalizing my racial class choices and opening the job class skills
it had some interesting skills like [artifact explosion] and [sabotage artifacts] , but for now it's not useful for me
I decided to select the skills that suit me the most, being [Creation of Egyptian Artifacts], this skill allows me to create artifacts related to Egypt (wow), then I chose [Divine Artifacts] which increases the chances of an artifact I create at 20%, then I took the skill [Repair artifacts] that I don't even need to read what it does and I decided to take the last of the skills of the earth mage class, I took the skill [creation of pyramid] this skill creates a pyramid for a few minutes giant with great defense and many traps
ok, now that i've selected everything i'm going to check my inventory one last time and go to sleep "status" i say invoking the classic screen
NAME: Raiden Knight
RACE: Mummy
RACIAL CLASS: [mummy master of poisonous insects Lv:5], [Pharaoh lv:1]
RACIAL SKILLS: [Blessing of SERQET] , [Blessing of Khepri] , [Kodoku], [blessing of Amun], [Pharaoh's Domain], [Desert Ruler]
JOB CLASS: [earth mage Lv:5], [artifact maker lv:1]
SKILLS: [Earth Crater] , [earth camouflage] , [Slide], [Pyramid Creation], [Egyptian Artifact Creation], [Divine Artifacts], [Repair Artifacts]
BONUS SKILLS: [poison creation], [poison control]
Phy atk: 20
Phy Def:14
Agility: 20
mag atk:30
mag def:25
I get up from the floor and open the game menu [//ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO EXIT?] clicking on yes I wake up inside the VR machine, leaving it I go to my bedroom door and walk towards the kitchen, I see that it's already I have a meal prepared so I decide to eat and go to sleep
I hope you liked the chapter
the level system will work as follows, Every 10 levels the character will be able to take a new class if he wants, and 1 normal level is equal to 0.5 level of race and work, for example Level:20, level of race: 10, job level: 10
each level that the character takes will be 1 + skill that he will be able to select, as the first class that the mc took was level 1 and he went up to level 5 he was entitled to 4 skills in the new class
that's it, thanks for reading