
Overlord: The Multiverse

When MC was reliving on a picture of a Goddess, he died. Only meet the Goddess but instead of torturing him to eternity, She give him wishes. And make him reincarnated in Overlord world. As the name suggested, this a multiverse Fan fiction, that mean MC will travel through different world like Marvel, DC, Highschool DXD, My vampire Diaries(may be) , Demon Slayer etc. first world: Overlord second World: Highschool DXD There will a harem, No NTR Or stuff. (some of you might dislike the Yggdrisil arc as it is bit of AU and MC talk a lot. But it is only in this arc on world travel arc I will tone down his unnecessary internal monologue.) I am not a professional writing and I have no deep experience in writing, so please ignore my grammar mistake and such. I also took some inspiration from other fan fiction. It would be a great help if you could donate your power stone to me. I posted 50 and more advance chapters on Patreon, If you are interested check it out. Only 3$ is needed to join my Patreon. it will be helpful if you can join my Patreon. You can support me on: patreon.com/BlackBolt517 1, 2 or 3 chapter per week. I will post bonus chapters on 150 power stone. Regular chapter update are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Black_Bolt_ · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 53: Coming back to Life

"Thanks, Death, I'll repay this favor with my body," I joked, not quite realizing the gravity of my words.

"Then I will suck you dry for eternity," Death replied with a sly grin, sending a chill down my spine that I couldn't quite shake off.

I gulped nervously, suddenly regretting my choice of words. "Uh, maybe I'll find another way to repay you..."

Death chuckled, the mischievous glint in their eyes never fading. "Don't worry, darling, I was just teasing... mostly."

I forced a laugh, trying to brush off the unease that lingered in the air. "Right, noted. Let's stick to less... permanent forms of repayment, shall we?"

And with that, we returned to our tea, the lighthearted atmosphere of our conversation now tinged with a hint of apprehension. Note to self: be careful what jokes you make with Death.

I took a sip of tea, trying to dispel the lingering unease from our previous exchange."So, Death, which world do you think I should visit first?"

Death leaned back in their chair, a contemplative expression crossing their features. "Hmm, it depends on what kind of adventure you're looking for."

"Well, I was thinking of..." I began, only to be interrupted by the sudden assault of sweetness on my taste buds, a flavor so intense it felt like a sugar rush to end all sugar rushes.

"What is this intense sweetness I'm feeling?" I exclaimed, practically swooning with delight as I savored the deliciousness.

Death closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them with a sly grin. "Ah, that, my dear, is the taste of forbidden fruit."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Forbidden fruit?"

"Indeed," Death replied, leaning in conspiratorially. "It's the essence of your guardians, feeding you their blood."

I nearly choked on my cookie, eyes widening in shock. "Their... blood?!"

Death nodded, a wicked gleam in their eye. "Oh yes, and let me tell you, you've never tasted anything quite like it."

I stared at Death in disbelief, unsure whether to be horrified or impressed. "Well, I guess I can add 'vampire delicacies' to the list of unexpected treats on this journey."

"And why are they feeding me their blood?" I ventured cautiously, afraid of what the answer might entail.

Death's smile widened, as if she found the whole situation amusing. "Oh, you know, just your typical guardians worried sick about their comatose master and considering a full-blown massacre to wake you up. Nothing out of the ordinary."

I nearly choked on my cookie, eyes widening in horror. "Wait, what? A massacre?!"

Death nodded nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. "Oh yes, it seems they're planning to go all out and offer you their blood as a wake-up call. Quite the dramatic gesture, wouldn't you say?"

I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead as the gravity of the situation sank in. "Holy flying shitballs," I muttered under my breath, my mind racing with the implications of my guardians' drastic plan.

"Death, you have to send me back before they do anything insane," I exclaimed, panic creeping into my voice.

Death's smile remained unchanged, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, if you insist, darling. But you might want to brace yourself for a rather... eventful wake-up call."

And with a wave of her hand, the world around me began to blur and fade, transporting me back to the realm of Nazarick just in the nick of time.


In Nazarick

"Then that's a good news, Demiurge, Sebas, Cut your hand and Yuri being a glass to pour the blood."

Without hesitation, Demiurge and Sebas stepped forward, their expressions resolute as they prepared to fulfill their duty to their lord. With practiced precision, they each made a small incision on their palms, allowing their blood to flow freely into the waiting glass.

Yuri, ever efficient and composed, quickly fetched a glass and presented it to Albedo, her movements fluid and precise. "Here you go, Lady Albedo," she said, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

Albedo accepted the glass with a nod of gratitude, her mind focused solely on the task at hand. With a steady hand, she carefully poured the blood from Demiurge and Sebas into two separate glass.

Once the glasses were filled, Albedo turned to Shalltear, her expression resolute. "Here you go, Shalltear," she said, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "These contain the blood of high-ranking demons and Ancient Dragon. May they aid Lord Alexander in his time of need."

Shalltear accepted the glasses from Albedo.

With a steady hand, Shalltear carefully poured the blood from the glasses into his mouth, ensuring that every precious drop reached its intended destination.

"He is drinking it. But we need more blood," Shalltear declared, her voice devoid of any sentiment as she delivered the stark truth. Demiurge and Sebas exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Albedo, cut off my hand," Demiurge commanded without hesitation, his tone firm and resolute. As a demon, he understood the importance of sacrificing for their lord, and his loyalty to Lord Alexander superseded any personal considerations.

Albedo nodded in acknowledgment, her expression reflecting the same unwavering determination as she approached Demiurge with a sharp blade in hand. However, before she could cut off the hand, Alexander's hand made a small twitch.

The sudden movement sent a ripple of hope through the room, reigniting the flickering flames of optimism that had threatened to fade. Albedo and the Guardians watched with bated breath as Lord Alexander's hand twitched again, this time more pronouncedly.

"He's responding!" Albedo exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief and relief. "Quickly, let's see if he wakes."

As Lord Alexander's eyes slowly opened, the Guardians held their breath, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Albedo's gaze remained fixed on their lord, her expression a mixture of hope and apprehension.

"Welcome back, my Lord," Albedo said, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned in closer.


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