
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 45: Deliver this message

Sup guys, as primised you hit the 100 power stone and here is the bonus chapter.

Again, if you hit 100 power stone there will be another bonus chapter. (Pls dont do it)


The morning sun bathed the kingdom in a warm, golden glow as the messenger from the Lanister kingdom approached the castle. Clad in rich, embroidered garments, the messenger rode atop a magnificent steed, its coat gleaming in the sunlight.

A retinue of three maids, clad in the kingdom's finest livery, awaited the envoy just outside the castle gates. The one who was at the front is the one in charge of the group of maids.

She is a Great Oni maid, with white pale skin and two red horns on her forehead resembling those of zero two and light bags under her eyes, and a pitch black hair barely reaching her neck.

She has an AK-47 attacked on her back, this dosent mean she can't fight, she actualy is one of the best in the castle when it comes to martial arts.

(Picture of the maid here.)

The other two maids are just normal trained maids who work under her, I sent them here to receive the carriage while I feel like ready to get him in and start the conversation and negociation.

As the messenger and his coachman riding the carriage arrived, the servants standing before the huge gates of the castle lowered their heads in a show of respect. The envoy dismounted gracefully, and the steward dressed in opulent attire, stepped forward a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome to our castle." the Oni maid greeted the messenger with genuine warmth. "His Majesty, the King, extends his deepest regards and appreciation for your visit."

The messenger, visibly taken aback by the grandeur of the castle and the regal reception, nodded in gratitude, he also was stunned from the beauty these three maids have. "I am honored by this warm welcome." He replied, his voice filled with a sense of awe.

'TCH, hypocrites. I can't wait to see you faces when his majesty destroy you completely.' The Oni maid thought in anger but didn't show it at all.

One of the maid following the Oni offered a basket of freshly picked fruits and a goblet of the kingdom's finest wine. The messenger accepted the offering and took in the magnificent sight of the towering castle before him. Its spires seemed to touch the heavens, and its walls exuded an aura of centuries old grandeur.

"I must admit, I had never seen a castle as grand and magnificent as this one." The messenger remarked, his eyes keep changing from the imposing castle to the beautiful maids in front of him.

"Of course, this castle was made for his majesty the Dragon monarch after all. No simple human can dream of acquiring something like this." The oni maid spoke proudly.

'Dragon Monarch? What is she talking about?' The messenger was deep in thought, he was sent here but he had no idea what to expect, no one told or explained to him his destination, but the maid's words brought him back to reality.

"If you'd be so kind as to follow me, His Majesty awaits your audience in the hall of the Great Throne room, and I'm sure he'd be eager to hear your message." She said with a big smile, her red as blood lips sent a shiver through his body.

With a sense of wonder and nervousness, the messenger followed the maids, their footsteps echoing through the majestic courtyard of the castle.

The servants, lined up on either side, remained in perfect formation, their respect and hospitality shining as brightly as the castle's towering spires, leaving a lasting impression on the visitor from afar.

The messenger, still awe struck by the grandeur of the castle's exterior, was led by the gracious oni maid through the massive silver and golden doors into the heart of the magnificent fortress. The transition from the courtyard to the interior was a revelation.

They walked through the Great Halls, where the walls were adorned with rich tapestries depicting legendary battles and heroic feats of someone. The sheer size of the halls was a testament to the might of the one who owns this place.

Magical torches in iron sconces lined the walls, casting a warm, flickering glow that danced across the stone floors. The messenger's footsteps echoed, creating a symphony of history and power.

As they proceeded deeper into the castle, the oni maid subtly gestured towards various elements that captured the essence of the kingdom's culture. Enormous dragon-shaped chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, their crystal eyes glinting in the torchlight, and dragon statues stood sentinel in alcoves, each one crafted with exquisite detail.

The walls were lined with gilded armor and weapons from times long past, trophies of valor and conquest. But it was the throne room that truly stole the messenger's breath. As the great doors swung open, they were greeted by a dazzling sight.

The ceiling stretched to astonishing heights, a masterpiece of craftsmanship, painted with constellations and epic scenes of history. Massive pillars, each carved with intricate dragon motifs, supported the immense chamber.

At the far end of the room, under a towering canopy, sat themajestic throne. It was adorned with precious gems and precious metals, and it gleamed in the ambient light.

A sense of power and history permeated the room, and the messenger couldn't help but feel humbled by the sheer splendor of it all. The oni maid, noting the messenger's stunned expression, offered a reassuring smile.

"We hope you find our kingdom's grandeur as inviting as it is imposing. His majesty awaits you right there, you can continue yourself." She said, her voice echoing with respect as she left the place.

The messenger, his gaze fixed on the throne and the breathtaking surroundings, slowly walked towards the throne where a figure he couldn't see clearly was sitting. After all the great things he witnessed, he could think of one thing.

'Just what is his majesty getting himself into, this is something we can not handle at all.' He didn't need to see the strengh of these people, what he saw inside this castle is more than enough to understand what they are dealing with.

Now that he was close enough, the messenger could finally see who was sitting on the throne, it was not the throne that gave this oppressing and intimidating aura it actualy was the one sitting on it.

One single look at this man was more than enough to know that he had bottomless strengh, and power capable of detroying cities if not coutries. But not only he had this aura, but all the six people standing next to him.

Three males on his left side and four females on his right side. They looked at the messenger a look of inferiority and disgust as if they were facing a mere cockroach.

'Now that I saw this man, I know who those tapestries and paiting I saw earlier are talking about.' The messenger thought.

High above the mountainous realm, I, the mighty Dragon Monarch King, with my majestic handsome form, long red hair cascaded like flames, and a pair of regal horns adorned my head, a symbol of my lineage.

The messenger a mere mortal approached my grand throne, oblivious to the power they dared to challenge. As the messenger entered my domain, the ground seemed to tremble slightly, revealing the immense weight of my presence.

My voice resonated with authority as I spoke, "What mortal dares enter the realm of the Dragon Monarch King?"

The messenger stood undaunted, holding out a scroll with a royal seal. "I am a messenger of King Himar, the ruler of the Lanister kingdom. He wishes to parley with you, great Dragon King. He believes your powers could be a formidable asset to his dominion."

With a faint, enigmatic smile, I leaned forward, my formidable aura casting a shadow that enveloped the messenger. "And why should I, the master of this dominion, heed the call of a mere mortal human king?"

The messenger, showing unwavering determination, raised their voice. "King Himar's armies are vast, and his treasury is limitless. He offers you to be under his reign, protection, and the glory of conquest beyond imagination."

My keen eyes, illuminated with a flicker of interest, focused on the messenger. "Be under him? Protection? And glory, you say...?" After a moment of silence I burst out laughting at the stupidity of what this man has just said.

"Pfff... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed, even some of the Gods standing by me expressed their mock by laughting too.

"A weak human want me to work for him, to be superior than me? What a joke. But does he understand the extent of our power? We could reduce his entire kingdom to ashes with a mere gesture." I asked with a mocking tone emphasizing my words and letting a chunk of my killing intent on him.

The messenger hardly took a deep breath and spoke with a almost broken voice. "K-king Himar wants you to know t-that if you refuse to surrender to him, he plan to attack i-immedietly and destroy the whole place."

"Ouuuh scary~ Seems like cute threats." I couldn't containy amusement, and with a heartly laugh, my piercing gaze locked onto the messenger, I replied "Speak your king's terms, human."

With the scroll trembling in his hand, the messenger read aloud, "I, King of Lanister, Himar, demand you to surrender completely to my rule, offering your loyalty, your power, and your realm. Refusal will result in dire consequences, as my armies will invade your domain, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake."

A profound silence hung in the air as I contemplated the messenger's words. Finally, I leaned in closer, my imposing form casting an awe-inspiring shadow.

"Go back to your home and tell Himar that the Dragon Monarch does not bow to the whims of anyone in existance. I am a God, I say whatever I want, I do whatever I want. I count my gold and destroy empires for fun."

After that, the messenger bowed low and hastily exited my lair, leaving me, the Dragon Monarch King, whose true strength was a force that could reshape the world, and the foolish kingdoms below would soon learn the extent of my power.



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