
Chapter 27: Brains of the castle

"Gabiru, I need you to come to the training grounds" I ordered him through the telepathy abilitie of the ring.

"At once my lord, I will be there in no time." Not even 15 seconds went by as I saw his shadow on the ground due to the hot sun above our heads. Gabiru landed and immedietly knelt to the ground.

"Nouflex-sama! It is truly an honore to be in your presence!"

Gabiru is a lizard that evolved into a purple dragonian with wings. He is the general of the army my kingdoom had before the teleportation. But after the event, the army wasn't telepoted with us since only the caslte did.

(Picture of Gabiru here)

If you havent realised it yet, Gabiru is made as a copy of Gabiru from TENSURA. I made sure to recreate the same personalities of all the anime characters I created because I liked them, or else I wouldn't have had to create them in the first place.

"Hey Gabiru, how have you been doing these times?" I asked him.

He stood from his stance and scrached the back of his head with a laugh. "Hehe im doing very good Nouflex-sama, thank you for your concern."

"Very well, I called for you here today because of this royal guard group you see, they were just summoned. Although I am sure that they already know their tasks, I decided to have them under you as their general. So you will train them and teach them how everything works here..." I took out a monster energy drink can from the inventory and oppened it.

And yes we have in the castle an unlimited supply from many things like monster drinks, soft drinks and many snacks. It's true that the food of the castle in so good, but I still can't give up in those things, I just love them this is why I brought them here with me.

Taking a sip, I continued. "If you need anything or have questions you can ask Valkyrie here, she is an expert so she is the best one to ask." I pointed with my hand to the strong and ferocious beast standing next to me.

"Oh my, it is an honor to meet a goddess personaly designated by the monarch himself. I will be under your care Valkyrie-dono." Gabiru bowed slighly his head with his right hand on his chest while his left behind his back as a form of respect.

"Same here, just make sure to serve his majesty properly, and make use of those good for nothing behind there." She was still looking down on them, after all she was a proud warrior who only respected the strong and she felt that this Gabiru before her was worthy of respect just like when she met the Gods. The only people who she would respect regardless of their strengh are her master Nouflex and his children.

"That goes without a saying Valkyrie-dono." Gabiru replied.

"Well, now that I finished what I have to do here, I will leave you here together to complete your duties. We will meet again later, until then work hard." I walked back from where I came to go inside the castle.

"Please take care of yourself Nouflex-sama." Valkyrie once again bowed her head.

"Thank you for your trust my lord. And have a great day!" Gabiru shouted.

Now that I gave them things to do and finished the first things, I will have a meeting with Diablo and one of the important people of the castle who is really interesting. This meeting will decide what we will do from here on...

 -Diablo POV-

Today I was summoned by his majesty to his office in order to discuss important matters, but I was not alone, at this moment one of the guardians of the castle know as the Money Dog is accompagning me. I started the converstation to kill the time while going to Nouflex-sama's office.

"So, it is your first time meeting his majesty right?"

"No I first met him when he created me, making this my second time. Im happy I will meet the Top-G of this castle." He replied enthusiastically

"I-I see... So why do they call you the Money Dog in the first place?" I asked him in order to get to know him better.

"Because im an expert in making money, money allows you to buy all the bugatties you want. What is the color of you bugatti by the way?" He looked at me with a smile bringing down his sun glasses to have a better look of me.

"Okay... But im afraid that I do not know about this bugatti, what is it?" I asked him.

"HAHA! You dont know what is a bugatti?" He laughed at me as if this bugatti was the most known and basic thing in the world before continuing. "I also don't know what is it but mine is orange in case you're curious."

'This guy is weird...' It's my first time meeting him, but I can already see that he's not like most of us.

We went past one of the maids wearing a mask to clean the dust on some of the paintings on the walls and he started shouting on her.

"Hey what the hell are you doing! Take off that mask and BREATH AIR!"

"..." I kept silent.

 -Nouflex POV-

Im sitting on my big and comfortable chair in front of a wider than a car working desk examining short report made from Laila about our situation.

My maid was 15 meters away standing patiently waiting for any orders or things I might need.

"Blanc give me a cigar." I crossed my legs, while Blanc nodded her head and brought a golden box filled with top quality cigars, she cuted of the cigar and gave it to me.

I placed it on my lips and lighted it up. After taking fast and short inhales to make sure it was working, I exhaled the smoke feeling a lot more relaxed.

I picked up this habit of smoking after I bought the shares of Yggdrasil, I first smoked cigarettes, the cigars and only after a few years I began consuming weed.

But I did it in a limit to keep myself healthy, but now I am basiclly immortal and have the healing ring on top of that so I have nothing to worry about. I can smoke as much as I want.

*Knock* *knock* knock*

Three soft knocks sounded on the big and heavy double doors, the maid walked there and opened only for her head to slide in. Then she closed it and turned towards me.

"My lord, Diablo-sama and Andrew-sama are here to see you."

"Let them in, I summoned them here." She opened the door and both of the walked next to the desk and bowed. I pointed for the to sit and they did.

"Well, well, well. The brains of the castle are gathered in my office." I expressed.

"Please, you are flattering us my lord." Diablo replied.

"Thank you for the praise your majesty." Andrew answered.

"I called you here guys because I decided what to do. We will start our move by interogating the elves village and take it under our control. As your report have stated Diablo, our militaly forced is weakened due to the teleportation not including the army, this is why I summoned a group of 25 strong draconians this morning." I explained.

"So you already started taking action my lord. I really apologize for my incompetence Nouflex-sama, I was planning to reinforce our military only after taking over the first kingdoom, but it seems your wiseness and intelligence is far beyond me." Diablo bowed his head afraid to have disapointed his master.

"Its okay Diablo, you have to make up for this in the future, you will have a lot of opportunitie to prove yourself in the future so dont worry." I took another pipe from the cigar blowing it on both of them.

'Shit! Nouflex-sama is a real Top-G' Thought Andrew.

"So guys, let's discuss the important matters and share our thoughts on the future." I took a notes book out of the inventory.




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