
Overlord: Reincarnated as the Elf King

I never found any Elf king fanfiction so made one myself. It will probably be a bad fic so I don't recommend it. Enjoy! *(°v°)*

Leonkin · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



Everything was total darkness. I don't know how much time has passed since I've been here. You might ask, where is he? Well, to be honest, I don't know either. I've been floating here for god knows how long. Everywhere I look, there's nothing but an endless sea of darkness.

Normally, anyone trapped in a situation like this would be terrified. Surprisingly, he's rather calm about things. How? He doesn't know either.

What was that? I thought I saw something for a second. It happened again; little sparks of light illuminated the sea of darkness. Then a bright light envelops the area.

Uagh! My head hurts. Looking around, he finds himself in an unfamiliar room. Where am I? Turning his head, he sees a man in what seems to be full plate armor guarding the door. He has long blond hair and really long ears. Wait, long ears? Is he an elf? No, it can't be; he must be a cosplayer of some sort. Yeah, that must be it.

Then it hits like an avalanche, memories flood his brain. Uagh god! His head feels like shit. His body started stumbling down before losing consciousness; he saw the man rushing to his aid.

Waking up, he looks around and finds himself in what seems to be a room. Shit, that was embarrassing, covering his face with his hands. Why did I have to faint like that... Silence envelops the room.

Raising his head, he speaks, so he's been reincarnated into the World of Overlord. Wait, is it reincarnated or transmigrated? Uagh, whatever; the important thing is that I somehow got into the new world as the Elf king.

Why the Elf king, though? Out of all the people, the universe chose the Elf king. You gotta be kidding me! Standing up from the bed, he goes to the body-size mirror near the closet.

He might be psycho, but damn, he's handsome. Checking himself out, his lustrous white hair and heterochromia eyes. He wears a red cape, gold-handled gauntlets, and a gold-plated skirt. He wears a green shirt, though much of his chest is exposed, showing his well-toned muscles.

Decem Hougan, so that's what his name is. I never read the latest volumes, despite them already being released. From what I remembered, he was the father of Zesshi, and from the memories of this body, he is a psychopathic, power-hungry, emotionless bastard who has no regard for his people.

God, I feel sick! Not only does he have no regard for his people, but he rapes people on a daily basis. Hell, he has a lot of children; the fuck, he is only 20 years old, and he already has thousands of children.

No, that bastard is gone now! I can change everything, but first, "grrrr," my stomach needs attention. As he's about to leave the room, the man from earlier comes in shock plastered on his face. "My... my... my King, you're awake!" Kneeling down as he speaks, sweat trailing down his neck.

He is quite scared of me. Looking at the man kneeling in front of him, he tries to remember who he was. Though it wasn't much help, as the old user of this body didn't even care to remember the names of his guards, but from what he could remember, his name is Ark, the captain of his elite guards and the oldest surviving child he has spawned.

"My King, is there anything I could assist you with?" Confused, Ark replies, "At once, my king." As he watches him leave the room.

That was so awkward. Why did he have to be so stiff? Uagh, so what am I going to do now that I know where I am? I know I just told myself I'm going to change everything earlier, but how exactly?

The encounter earlier was more than enough to retract his statement. This is my life now; I need to fix it before it becomes too much of a mess. There's already a war with the Theocracy, and knowing them, they wouldn't settle for a ceasefire. Then there's Ainz; is he already here in the new world? Then how much time has passed? I must prepare for that encounter.

For now, I must focus on ending this war and stabilizing the country. A knock came from the door, "My King, your lunch has arrived." Come on in, Ark enters the room followed by a timid elf carrying a trolley with his lunch.

"As you have requested, your majesty, the finest cuisine our Kingdom could offer." Despite how he said it, the food itself wasn't much. Sure, there were lots of fruits; most of them he doesn't even recognize. Well, that's a fantasy world for you.

I was expecting a little more meat, you know. Taking one of the fruits, he takes a bite... Oh my fucking god, this is the most delicious fruit I have tasted in my life! Looking at the elf who brought the fruits, he then asks, "What is this!?"

Trembling, the elf responds, "Please spare me, my King." Eh! No, I mean, what fruit is this? "That's... ahh, that is Tsil, my King. It's one of the best fruits harvested east of the Kingdom."

I see. As he continues to eat the fruits, a thought comes to his mind. What is the state of the nation's economy? Despite being the King, this bastard barely knows anything. Hell, even the ongoing war with the Theocracy is all hazy.

"Ark!" "My King." What are the major industries in the Kingdom? Confused by his question, he responds, "That would be agriculture, my King. The majority of our economy comes from hunting and gathering."

Sigh. In short, we have a primitive economy, but at least now I know what the first thing I'm going to do. Smirking, he says, "Well then, Ark, you will accompany me later; we're going for a stroll."



That's for chapter 1, hope you like it. please leave comments for corrections I'm open to criticism though please be gentle I'm quite fragile. 😅
