
Overlord: Rei Shiba

Well, this was just one of my pet projects I was making when I had time. I am posting it because I lost interest in it so it is basically dropped. Anyway, maybe it will shorten someone's long while and provide entertainment for the evening... or something. :D Also, do give me your opinion on the story, please. I am not interested in people saying: "Yeah, it's trash!" Because they have problems in real life and this is the way for them to vent. I am sure there will be things not everybody will like but I am interested in constructive criticism. If you find yourself so inclined, do leave a comment or review on what you liked about the story and what you disliked and why. Maybe how it felt to read it for you. (Yeah, I am not really all that satisfied with this story, tbh. :D.) It might help me the next time I find myself desiring to write Overlord fanfic.

KasiCair · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Ch3. Bug

"It was fun, wasn't it?" Momonga's voice suddenly pulled Rei from his reverie about HeroHero.

Looking up, Rei sent a smiley face in agreement, "That it was. I especially enjoyed the Valentine event where you were forced to wear a pink tutu because you lost a bet against Ulbert." He sagely nodded while inwardly feeling sadistic glee. "I do have screenshots too! Wanna see?"

"NO!" Momonga stood up from his throne in alarm and Rei could swear the dude would sweat like a pig if he wasn't a skeleton. "You didn't delete those!?" Momonga screamed in an accusing tone to which, Rei just nonchalantly shrugged.

"No way! These pictures are all national treasures of Nazarick! Besides... You never know when a bit of blackmail material can come in handy." He casually said, making Momonga flop back onto his seat, feeling sad for himself. His majestic Overlord character was... sullied!

"I can't marry anymore..." Momonga mumbled to himself as his Despair Aura leaked.

The two spent the next few minutes in a pensive mood, both thinking about their time in the game. For Momonga, this felt like the end while for Rei, this was just the beginning. To be honest, at first, he wanted to get Momonga to quit the game. He could easily do so too. With his wealth, it would have been just a trivial matter to ensure Suzuki Satoru would be either fired or promoted to a position where he would not have time for the game anymore. There were countless ways Rei could use to get rid of the guy.

But... during the years they spent together in the game, Momonga actually grew a bit on Rei. Like some kind of undead overlord fungus. He was indeed a royal pain in the ass.

In the end, Rei re-evaluated his strategy and decided that having Momonga by his side was way better. Rei didn't really want to rule Nazarick, after all. That was just a bothersome and time-consuming task that would prevent him from doing what he wanted. Momonga could have that bothersome suffering...

"By the way, she is a slut..." It was then that Rei noticed Momonga using the guild weapon to look over Albedo's flavor text. "What the heck!?"

Rei blinked... "As expected from Tabula." He nodded, "Up for rewriting it?"

A mischievous flicker of red light passed through Momonga's eyes before he stopped himself, "But... that would be disrespectful to Ta-"

"Who cares?" Rei exasperatedly lifted his eyebrow at the skeleton, "The game is ending. Go wild." He shrugged and saw Momonga hesitate a bit before he typed something in and quickly closed the text window while guiltily glancing at Rei who narrowed his eyes at him.

"You wrote that she is madly in love with you, didn't you?" Rei teasingly asked, causing Momonga a shock of his undead lifetime.

"How?" Momonga asked before clearing his throat to calm himself, "Am I that transparent?"

"Yup... You are your average old virgin." Rei teased, causing Momnga to choke. "Maa~, how... innocent." Rei shrewdly cooed, making Momonga even more embarrassed. He let the big bad skeleton stew in his own juices for a bit before flipping from a flippant to a serious tone, "But... I think you shouldn't be so selfish." Rei stated in an exaggerated seriousness, getting Momonga's full attention, "We are two here... you should at least add a sentence stating that she is still loyal to me."

Momonga looked at Rei as if he grew a second head but when Rei refused to break the silent eye contact, Momonga sighed, taking this as yet another eccentricity of his long-time friend. God knew the guy had enough issues...

Opening Albedo's flavor text, Momonga typed something in and started to read, "She is madly in love with Momonga and devotedly loyal to Rei out of respect for the help he provided to both her creator, Tabula Smaragdina, in his time of hardship and her love, Momonga, who couldn't take care of Nazarick by himself without him." Momonga finished, radiating a feeling of contentment as he looked at Rei, "I am really grateful you stayed." He said and Rei found himself unable to answer.

Eventually, he pursed his lips, "Delete the 'devotedly' word from there and it will be perfect."

Momonga confusedly looked at Rei but in the end, relented, only shaking his head at the eccentrícíty of his friend.

Rei knew that this was Momonga's way of thanking him but... he wasn't about to let him keep the 'devotedly' there. Even if his comment ruined the moment. The NPCs would be loyal enough without enhancing their loyalty with complicated words in their flavor text. Rei really didn't need a zealot Albedo. As long as she stayed on her path to bone the bone-virgin-boy without plotting Rei's murder, Rei would be totally satisfied.

Don't get him wrong... Albedo was a masterpiece. Tabula spent a lot of time designing her character and build but with how Tabula loved long flavor texts, Rei was a bit afraid of what Albedo's actual personality would be once she became real. He did remember how obsessive she was and... he simply didn't dig that.

No... Momonga could keep both Shalltear and Albedo. These two seemed to be just too much work to be worth it. Thankfully, Rei was not undead or a corpse so Shalltear shouldn't find him appealing. Then again, with Peroronchino's fetish Wikipedia that was Shalltear's flavor text, one simply couldn't know what else than necrophilia that little vampire preferred.

Yup... Rei was not gonna care about that. Not at all.

He had enough problems with the stunt HeroHero pulled. Damn the dude! He gifted Rei Solution Epsilon but... he also made sure to add a few sentences into her flavor text.

'Solution is fanatically devoted to Rei Shiba, the man who saved her creator during his time of need. Even her loyalty to Nazarick can't be compared to her devotion towards Rei Shiba. Despite being a part of Pleiades, she considers herself as the personal battle maid of Rei and dedicates her whole existence to serve him almost possessively.'

Totally harmless lines and worthless in the game. It was just supposed to be a 'thank you' from HeroHero for the surgery money...

But once the game became reality?

Rei felt the line was more of a 'fuck you', than 'thank you'.

To be clear, Rei found Solution hot. She was easily one of the hottest NPCs in Nazarick alongside Albedo. HeroHero had a great artistic talent when it came to creating NPCs and it was an open secret in the guild that Tabula Smaragdina actually asked HeroHero to design Albedo's appearance.

The problem was that Solution was a genderless slime taking the form of a girl and Rei really, but REALLY, didn't like her build. As much talent as HeroHero had for appearance design, he was a total shit at making a good build when it came to his NPC. He simply didn't care enough to spend time making something decently strong...

Solution was one of the weakest Pleiades, focusing on rogue-kind of build with poison and anti-physical combat... honestly? It was a right mess. Her skillset was impossibly useless for most situations and all over the place. She was a veritable meat shield that was supposed to buy a few seconds with her physical immunity and maybe apply some poison statuses on the enemies to hinder them a bit before she ultimately died.

But, most importantly... she was a freaking genderless slime! No. Freaking. Way!

It wouldn't really be such a big problem. One would think Rei could just rewrite the flavor text and make her just a maid for Nazarick, no? But... hell no! HeroHero, the bastard, actually didn't give Solution to Rei completely. He still retained his rights as her creator and as such, he was the only person capable of changing Solution's flavor text. Or at least, that's how it was supposed to be.

While HeroHero was her 'creator', Rei was categorized as Solution's 'owner' and that gave him a lot of privileges over her. He could change almost anything but her appearance and flavor text...

And when Rei asked HeroHero to rewrite the flavor text? He just embarrassedly coughed, stating he lost the privilege when he gifted Solution to Rei.

Yes... Yggdrasil unexpectedly had such a bullshit bug. Even Momonga with his Guild Weapon was unable to do anything with Solution's flavor text. There was nobody who could alter it.

Rei seriously considered spending another ten million to get the developers freaking fix their damn game!


Author Note:

Yeah, sorry for all of you who wanted to see Albedo in MC's harem but I kinda have the beginning of the harem planned and Albedo simply didn't make the cut.