
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Inside my room is my kneeling spymaster "As you were Natasha." I say. I feel her skill activate [Private Conversation] "So how was it after I left?" I ask and walk into my dressing room storing my armor and leaving myself in a toga. While I'm in there I double check that yes, I do have my dream dick. This was all worth it now.

"Remarkably uneventful." She says as I walk back in. "Though you do have so many fans especially of the female verity."

I chuckle "Do you count yourself among that number?" I say as she eyes me, sitting on my bed. Her zipper is down to her belly button instead of directly between her breasts.

"Yes daddy..." she says and I know I'm in for a fun evening. I'm glad I have those lines in my backstory that make me an unsurpassable lover with out guilt for creating these beauties.

After making passionate love to Natasha for a few hours she had to go and start her work. Based on the shift schedule decided in the think tank. Letting the gorgeous spider-woman out of bed, she made a show of getting dressed. She said goodbye and teleported out of the room using the ring. It was 6:30 in the morning and I had never needed sleep since my death. I went to the gramophone in my room that could play any music that was stored in the library. Putting on a song from my era, which were all free to download due to copyright being well passed, I hummed and sang along.

After relaxing for a bit I summoned All Black and she appeared on my hand as a formless goo. 'If I don't think of a weapon no weapon appears. Gladius.' The sword formed immediately in my grip humming with power as all the sword forms and appropriate skills appeared in my head. Forming her back into a ball I gave her a tickle then absorbed her back into my body. Thats great her limited sentience seems to function so her loyalty is assured.

Equipping my armor I sent a [Message] to Tinker Bell. 'Come to my room and we will plan our strategy for exploring outside.'

'I'll be right there!' I heard the fairy reply. There was a knock on the door shortly after.

I answered it and allowed the 5'4" fairy in. "How has the transfer treated you Tink?"

I see her enter the door and then a scowl marred her pretty face. "Father! How could you let that hussy have you first?!" She must have smelled sex and Natasha in the room.

Realizing the upset fairy feels left out I say. "You know I won't deny any of you that. Your sister simply asked before you." I say with a smile. "Is this you asking as well?" At that her face goes red and gets shy and her wings titter nervously. She nods slowly peaking at me from behind her fingers. 'Well I have time to kill...'

After finding out her wings were an sensitive area and giving her pert butt a few spanks. I wore her out until a knock on my door broke our reverie.

I tucked the pixie in and put back on my armor. Striding to the door I opened it and walked through greeting Raven in the process. I was excited to taste food again for the first time in 12 years. I kept a rapid pace as I headed for the dinning room. Inside I saw an excited, nervous, and smiling Monica Geller. Courtney Cox was a childhood crush of mine due to her motherly displays on the show.

"Good morning Mr. Quake."she says with bright eyes.

"Hi yah Monica, I am excited to get started can you get me a farm house spread. Eggs over easy and links for the sausage." I say rubbing my hands together excitedly.

"Right away Mr. Quake! What would you like to drink? I'll have Rachel bring it out to you." She asks scribbling on her note pad.

"A glass of O.J. and after that a cappuccino." I say decisively as she confirms and runs off to the kitchen.

"Raven after this I'm going to have a bath. While I'm in there will you tell someone on the think tank to bring me any reports that I need to see."

A moment later Jennifer Anniston comes rushing out of the kitchen with a glass of juice. "Here you are Mr. Quake. One glass of orange juice."

"Thank you Rachel." I say tasting the juice and savoring the fresh acidity.

"Your welcome Mr. Quake!" She turns to Raven. "Can I get you anything sweetie?"

Rachel bows politely from behind my left side. "No thank you, I ate before waking Lord Quake."

"Oh okay, I'll be right back with your coffee." She says and scampers off.

Eventually my food and coffee came every bite was orgasmic. I was barely able to keep my eyes from watering. It was like I spent 12 years in the desert and finally was handed a pint of lager. After finishing my meal and praising the chef I made my way to the luxury baths.

Leaving Raven outside I went into the baths and unequipped my gear. Grabbing a few cleaning slimes I rinsed then headed to the water. I set the slimes to work as I messaged my hanzos for updates. Carne village was still okay, the alchemist had been found, the necromancer was under watch. Searches were being conducted in the Slane Theocracy, Re-Estize Kingdom, Holy Kingdom, Baharuth Empire, Dragon Kingdom, and the Elf Kingdom. Though not all of the hanzos have made it to their area of operation.

I was done with the hanzo reports when I heard the voice of Luci★Fer. It came out of a lion statue near me, at the same moment I heard footsteps enter the bath. Standing and summoning All Black in spear form the lion shouted "To not know the etiquette means you have no rights to enter the bath! Exterminate!"

As it stood from its position I witnessed Albedo walking into the bathing area with nothing but a bunch of parchment. "I have your report lord Quake!"

I quickly sent her back into the changing room making the lion chill out. Leaving the bath I entered the changing room to see a naked Albedo on her knees with her forehead on the floor in supplication. "Albedo, I guess my request was not clear. I ment to see the think tanks representive 'after' cleaning myself." I say to her in my deep voice.

As she raises her head staring at me in my towel I can see the manic expression on her face. "MY LORD! I apologize your humble servant only wanted to please you. Should I end my life as punishment my lord?"

'Holy hell girl is way off the deep end. I did change a line in her code removing the slut line. I replaced it with the same line for loyalty that I put in every NPC.' "That would displease me." I say in a stoic manner. "I do not want to see any of the creations of Ainz Ooal Gown come to harm."

"But my lord I must be punished for my failure!" Albedo begs with her head on the ground again.

I hum at that its true Shalltear made a big fuss in the story for want of punishment. "Albedo, it seems this all came about due to a lack of concern for the rules of the baths. So you will be studying the proper etiquette in Ashurbanipal and will not be allowed use of the spa until then. Also you must disable the lion statue without damaging it so no further harm comes to Nazarick."

"Yes my lord I will learn all I can to better serve you!" She says raising her head again with a devoted smile.

"Fantastic." I say looking at the curvy beauty on her knees. I sit down on the bench near her and wait a moment before saying one word. "Report."

I see her visibly shudder and sit back on her butt exposing her breasts to my hungry eyes. "My lord, everything in the Tomb seems to be in working order. A schedule has been established to give everyone your mandatory time off. A forest has been seen, on the mirror of remote viewing you have instructed us to use, that seeds and samplings of the local biome will be taken from when you choose. Each member of the think tank has been assigned an assistant. Demiurge and I have placed Nazarick in conservation mode and upped personnel deployments on the first three floors to more efficiently prevent intrusion."

"That is reassuring to hear Albedo, good work." Her wings flap at the encouraging words. "I do not want the uninvited to place a single foot into our home am I understood?"

"Our home!" She says her yellow cat eyes going wide at the implications. "Of course my lord. Does that mean you may intend to invite outsiders at some point?" She says confusion marring her perfect face.

"It is hard to think of a greater reward or punishment depending on the areas I choose to give access to. May it be the throne room so they can see the majesty that is Nazarick. Or if they need to be re-educated under Neuronist's care." I say activating my aura of mystery. "You can go now Albedo... be sure to complete your punishment."

I watch the show she makes of getting dressed and leaving. 'I love how desperate she is it makes me feel good to be wanted with a primal fury.'

A few moments later I am in my armor making my way to my office attached to my room. Raven followed me with a massive blush on her grey skinned face. I decided to leave her part in Albedo's actions unaddressed.

I sat on the ultra luxurious desk chair and withdrew a mirror of remote viewing. Using it like a giant touch screen I found the major landmarks in the kingdom. 'Hmm I need a map of the area made the style from the anime isn't accurate enough.'

[Message] 'If you are available please come to my office.'

A flat tone responded back. 'Roger.'

Moments later a cute automaton with orange hair and an eyepatch walks in my office. Held tight to her chest was Eclair the penguin wannabe-overlord. I ignored the way he was begging for salvation with his eyes as the girl snapped to salute. "Reporting as ordered."

"At ease soldier. Have you been given any specific tasks by the think tank?" I ask remembering how I helped with programming her military experience. It was like having a flashback of my army days talking to her.

"Statement: I have only been ordered to guard the 9th floor." She responded crisply.

"Great, how are your drawing skills?" I ask.

"Analysis: If it is cute, I can draw it." I hmm at that.

"I can work with those parameters. Do you believe you could draw Nazarick a cute map of the surrounding areas? It would have to be cute and accurate but you can use this device to survey what you draw." I ask.

"Affirmative mission requirements set. Must be cute and accurate." She nods reassuring me.

"Perfect start with the areas close to the tomb then move outward from there. I will get you a reference map for the drawing of country borders as well when we aquire it. Give updates to the think tank. Dismissed." I say.

A squeaky voice reaches me "M-my l-lord! Help!"

"Eclair. Do you still wish to rule Nazarick?" At his nod of confirmation I state with a smile on my face. "Consider this another challenge on your assent to my throne." At his expression of resignation and excitement mixed in one I hand the girl the mirror and send them on their way.

I decided to make sure each of the grimoires would work as intended. One thing which was a drawback of my build was that I received no bonuses for specializing on a few magics. For instance Momonga had a plethora of abilities that let him raise dead at a higher level then myself if using the same spell. Though he could never use holy element magic as a trade off. The eight schools are abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation.

Spells had elements associated to them as well. Examples would be holy, death, space, time, water, fire, light etcetera. The more specialized you were the greater the bonuses to the magic you could cast. The Bone Boi specialized in dark and necromancy. This did not block him from every utility spell but reduced his efficiency with not aligned magic. Having no alignment to any one school of magic gave me the ability to cast anything but it had a standard potency. I made up for this with using the appropriate elements to counter specialized characters and the largest spell list in the game due to that sweet pay to win.

Versatility was my entire concept when I became Quake. This continued until I had my unique class Aspect of Change. Each one of my aspects was highly specialized forgoing all versatility to master one art. My incubus demon is an archwizard who maximizes area of effects and pure destruction. That was the easiest character to farm experience for.

The hardest one was my craftsman persona, for that I am a Half-Golem. Luckily by that point I had multiple characters worth of farmed loot to build with. I crafted arms, armor and magic items for almost every character in the base. That character had zero levels in combat classes and would not be possible with out a guild supporting it or my other aspects to collect loot. The aspect looked like warmachine without all the guns, I just had a hammer and toolbelt.

Seeing as it was getting to be midday I sent Raven to get Tinker Bell up. It was almost time for the attack on Carne, and Tink would be the one going out with me on excursions. She came back cherry red with a shrunken pervert fairy on her palm. The pixie yawned and fluttered her wings hovering over to me and giving me a peck on the lips. "Good morning Lord Quake." She yawned out.

I pointed to the chair across from me and she hovered to it before expanding to human proportions. "Bella, you and I will be exploring a bit of the outside world later today. You will be wearing the necklace I gave you." She nodded in understanding and I had Raven get her some food. "You will be in your Pan outfit whenever we leave Nazarick. You will also be wearing this pack so we can disguise our inventory abilities." Our priorities are our safety then information gathering then creating positive reputation in this new world."

She chimes affirmative at that. "Speaking of which I will be making up a ton of lies in our backstory as we go. You are to inform the think tank about our fabricated lore and people of interest. I know you will be perfect for this job. Do you have everything you need flute included?"

"Yes father you can count on me!" She says in a flutter. Proceeding to change from her dress infront of me and put on her necklace that hides nonhuman features completely. As she finished slipping on her tights and tunic Raven came back to the office with breakfast. I slipped a hand on my conjuration book and casted [Mage Hand] to steal a piece of bacon from the platter.

"Great eat up my agents say the conflict is soon to begin." I say and continue to sort some items in my inventory to prepare.