
Overlord of Time

jascris · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Beginning

When Tom opened his eyes He was lying face down in his Lab. The last thing He remembered was hearing a cracking sound followed by an intense pain that made him pass out.

"What the Hell Happened?!?" Tom exclaimed,

He wasn't feeling any pain anymore. Instead He was feeling a tingling feeling all over his body and He felt so strangely powerful. The unceasing pain He had felt in his head for over a year was also gone and He felt his mind was more clearer than ever.

- Master! You are finally awake. I was so scared, I was trying to wake you up for 2 days-

Tom was surprised after hearing that. Sure it was surprising that He was asleep for 2 days. He was feeling very good right now so he didn't mind much if he slept for 2 days. What irked him was that he was still laying on the floor even after 2 days. He had many safety protocols in place just in case there was an accident and in a scenario like this where He was unconscious he would be moved to a secure location.

"Scared? But more importantly why didn't you move me from here for two days?"

-My connection was cut from the network and I couldn't reconnect to anything outside That is why i was so sca... -

"What? What is it?"

-I just Re connected to the network and it has even been 1 second since i was disconnected.-

"That's imp... *Sigh* Fine. Just in case Triple check everything and give me a report as soon as possible. Also do a security sweep of the whole facility report if anything is out of order."

Tom was feeling very energetic but hearing that the time seemingly stopped for about 2 days had instantly drained all his energy and he felt defeated. Ever since he had come in contact with this object list of things he previously thought to be impossible has grown shorter and shorter. Time especially, For him was sacred. This is what he tried to imitate when developed his bots to live longer. He was in a battle with the constantly flowing time but it had always been a losing battle.

But soon His brain started thinking rationally again. 'So this thing can control time to some extent? Can I control time by using it? To what extent can it affect the flow of time? And to what extent can I use this object? Speaking of which... ' While thinking all that Tom had a look that you would typically find on a mad scientist. His train of thought stopped very soon when He realized that the Subject of all his questions was nowhere to be found.

"Clara! Show me what happened here Immediately and Find where that thing went this instant!" Tom yelled in panic. It was Unusual for Tom to be panicked but He had never been this panicked in his entire life.

He couldn't feel the strong connection to the object He had gotten used to and it also contributed to his panicked state to a large extent. He could now felt a different connection which felt similar but very different. This new connection was very weak as if it would be severed by just moving a little.

In His panicked state he glanced at the corner of his vision where he could always see the options related to the object and they were not the same as before. Instead of the option of [Merge] and [Fuse] in their place there were two new options.

[Retrieve] [Assimilate]

These options were always related to the object and in his panic state Tom quickly selected the option to [Retrieve] thinking that it will retrieve the object that was nowhere to be found. As soon as he did that He realized he had made a mistake because the familiar sight of his laboratory had disappeared and was replaced with something that could only be described as a dark void. He felt very dizzy and he regretted the choice he had made in haste.

Soon He was out of the 'dark void' but he was no longer in his laboratory. Instead there was a dense forest in front of him and just a few meters ahead of him was something that didn't belong to a forest or on Earth for that matter.

'Did I just teleport?' He was about to voice his thoughts as he usually did but he soon heard a loud Thumping noise and a low growl from his back and it made a chill run down his spine.