
Overlord of Time

jascris · Fantasy
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Long walk to the Beginning 3

It has been 4 years since that strange incident. Tom still had no idea what it was but one thing was for sure, It wasn't anything from Earth. Tom had performed many experiments on the object in secret and had fantastic results. It had proved to be the hardest thing on earth in the beginning, even a diamond drill couldn't leave a scratch on it. Amazing thing was that it kept absorbing energy from its surroundings.

It has taken him over 20 days and countless tests to convince his paranoid self that it was safe to touch and when he did touch it he realized that it was soft to touch. He could even leave dent marks in it with his own teeth but it would be back to normal within seconds. Another peculiar thing he learned about this bizarre object was that it was entirely heat or cold resistant. Before he realized it was not a metal he had tried everything to break even a little piece of the object but it had proved to be impossible.

He had tried freezing the object and shattering it into pieces, Put it under extreme pressures in a hydraulic press, Tried melting it and of course used a diamond drill but it was all for naught. The most shocking thing was when the object was put under extreme pressure in a hydraulic press it seemed to absorb all the pressure. Not only was the object intact and without any damage but the hydraulics were also not scratched in the slightest. After finding out that it showed reactions to biological items like teeth he tried putting the object in the hydraulic press again fitted with teeth from different animals. It was still absorbing the pressure but not all of it and each time the teeth ended up shattering.

The next big discovery came after a year of constant experimentation. Tom was a patient man but he hadn't gotten any result in his secret little project for over a year and this made him frustrated. You could call him insane because this was probably the 100th time he left the object in the furnace for melting Tungsten trying to melt it, He even made modifications in it to achieve higher temperature and still failed to even raise its temperature by a degree let alone melt it. This time He had left it in the furnace for over a week while he worked on improving his nanobots.

At this point He just wanted to find out what was the limit of this object, it must be storing all that energy somehow. He had moved his operation to a very secluded place just in case there was a sudden discharge of energy from the object. He had done some rough calculations, He couldn't be sure as the object was always absorbing energy from the surroundings. Based on his calculations if there was a discharge of energy from the object the output would be higher than a few nuclear bombs.

He wasn't hoping for much this time either but there was a big change this time, It had grown in size but only from one side. The object that previously had a shape of a perfectly cut diamond now looked like a Rhombus cut from one side. It had grown 8 Cm but its glow had dimmed as if all the energy stored in it had been used up. The object could apparently turn energy into matter and self 'heal'. Tom was a very composed man and this discovery had almost made him shout in true exclamation. After He had calmed down and started to think about all the implications of this discovery a crazy thought entered his mind 'What if he could make his 'Bio-nano-bots' from this self 'healing' material, they wouldn't need to be replaced.


Time slowly passed and For the next 3 Years Tom has ceased all his futile experiments and has been supplying constant energy to the object and it has been growing at a steady pace. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it an energy black hole considering how much energy it has eaten. If Tom had gotten his hands on some radioactive material like he wanted, it wouldn't have taken so long.

The completed piece looked very vibrant and beautiful. It looked perfect to the eyes but at the same time gave a feeling of incompleteness, Like it wanted to reunite with the night sky it looked a part of. As soon as he saw the Object in it's 'complete' state Tom had an irresistible urge to touch it. He usually wouldn't touch it directly before running some tests to make sure it was still safe to touch but his mind went blank as soon he saw it. Before he knew it he was already touching it and There was a sudden noise that had brought him back to reality. He was again staring blankly at the words that were floating in his field of vision.

[Bond] [Merge] [Fuse]