
Overlord of biblical proportions

Momonga and Nazarick transported in the DxD - everyone knows how this journey ends, Nazarick wins, sasuga, an improbably-big harem is formed. It's not about the destination, it's about the road and the waifus we got along the way - and maybe something along the lines of forming a religion out of Bone Daddy. Limes inside. Lemons exist too - but on my Patreon.com\rure, along with 18 chapters for 3$ ahead of the public release (though yes, I do post new chapters, but not lemons, for free on this site too, just later then they are written). Sorry, but everyone needs money, including myself. Just to note, I respect every religion mentioned or portrayed in this fanfiction, if you are hurt by my portrayal of them here - blame Ishibumi Issei, not myself.

RussainReversal · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Overlord of a High School (9)

Demiurge was proud of his intelligence, his magnificent self-control and his ability to remain cool at all times. Just as every other creature of the Supreme Beings was proud of what they were, created as they are by the will of Forty-One. Even so, Demiurge understood that he was no more than a child, building his sandcastles before the gaze of the Forty-One. Supreme Beings who determined the fates of gods and worlds, and their Leader, Momonga, the one to whom even his Creator, Lord Ulbert Alain Odle, acknowledged, stood at their summit, honored and obeyed even by the other Supreme Beings.

Though Demiurge remained loyal above all things to his Creator, and no factor could have affected that, and truly believed that his Creator embodied evil and hatred above even Lord Momonga himself. He could not fail to recognize that Lord Momonga, by right of intellect, strength, and charisma, was the first amongst them all.

Every action of His led to the realization of countless schemes, every coincidence made sense, and every acting actor was but a pawn in His great game in which the fates of nations and people were decided. Which at any moment could be thrown off the board as having played their part as entertainers, enemies and allies.

So when Lord Momonga uttered the words that the Great Tomb of Nazarick was now beyond its limits in the swamps of Helheim. Demiurge realized that another of Lord Momonga's countless plans, which no one but other Supreme Beings could comprehend in its entirety, had been brought to fruition.

Demiurge did not believe that the Great Tomb of Nazarick had no role in this world, that Lord Momonga who had come to this world, had no plan of His own. Except of course when the lack of a plan was part of his Lord's even more powerful, ingenious and incomprehensible plan.

However, as a faithful apprentice and servant, he dared not ask his Lord for instructions when He had already given each of them exactly as much information as was needed to understand their role. His role was not only to be an endlessly needy fool incapable of doing anything – Demiurge refuses to be so useless – he could not imagine being so useless

If Demiurge would not ask for directions, but still be capable of understanding Lord Momonga's will on his own. If he was capable of executing orders on his own, solving problems along the way. If he were useful in his Lord's actions and grand plans, serving, if necessary, as his chief commander or as a suitable victim of His…

Perhaps Lord Momonga will not leave the Great Tomb of Nazarick?

The inhabitants of the Great Tomb considered it the greatest honor and the highest reward to die for the Forty-One Supreme Being. But the greatest, most damning, existential terror in their minds was only one apprehension…

To allow their Creator to leave them.

To allow that cursed moment when they would no longer have anyone to swear allegiance to. When the Great Tomb truly becomes a tomb… Just imagining it caused Demiurge to shake uncontrollably and for a great phantom pain to pierce his heart.

Something like that must not be allowed to pass!

So, Demiurge chose his step, his path carefully as he headed for the Fallen Angel Raynare, who had been captured earlier the moment his invisible guards informed him that she had come to her senses and awakened.

Aura's words about what had happened earlier, about their encounter with Raynare, and what Lord Momonga had said, resounded in Demiurge's mind. The seemingly random words creating a single, new vision that shed light on the plans of his great and inscrutable Lord. And, at the same time, lifted part of the veil of mystery to Demiurge, forcing him to act, allowing him to see with his own strength exactly where his great Lord's gaze was now fixed upon.

And more importantly, what role He wished to see Demiurge play this time, looking with an eye full of love and expectations of His subordinates.

Demiurge had no right to disappoint his Lord, and so he wished to be the first to assist in Lord Momonga's grand plans, excluding Pandora's Actor that is. Who, at this point, was already greatly rewarded by his Creator, with the highest honor. Ample duties, and the right to observe his Creator and His actions up close.

Though the Demiurge should not have felt any negative emotions about this, he was very, very jealous. Though it was entirely expected, given that Lord Momonga was the Creator of Pandora's Actor, and that he's the one most suited to these duties. Demiurge has to admit that Pandora's Actor was quite his equal in his intelligence, so Demiurge has no doubt that he would be accomplishing his missions adroitly.

Thinking of the other denizen of Nazarick that was his equal in intelligence, reminded Demiurge of the Floor Overseer, and what role she would play. Albedo was equal to his intelligence, but it was Demiurge's own abilities that were far more suited to interrogating Raynare.

Besides, Demiurge was not blind to how exactly Albedo looked enviously at the other girls who might have been close to Lord Momonga.

No, Albedo saw no other problem with Lord Momonga's decision, nor with her Lord's ability to have multiple concubines, slaves, toys, or even wives – and would never have contradicted her Lord's explicit decision. But the first wife issue was still as pressing, and, until Lord Momonga decided, would clearly not be off the table, and so questioning an unknown girl by Albedo would not be the smartest possible action.

Unless they were starting the experiment to check the various resurrection abilities' efficacy.

Resurrections most often required material expenditures, and all possessions in the Great Tomb of Nazarick naturally belonged to the Supreme Beings and Lord Momonga as their Ruler. They thus could not be used without the Lord's permission.

Therefore, it's best for Demiurge to conduct the first interrogation alone. Besides, to be honest, he was a little intrigued by what answer Raynare could provide.

In addressing Lord Momonga as Father, Raynare had committed great blasphemy. For the very suggestion that the created inhabitants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were in some sense equal, at least by right of blood, to their Creators as their children was, at its core, an unforgivable heresy. But, Demiurge couldn't deny the curiosity if there exists the possibility that Lord Momonga might have bestowed on Raynare in the past.

In addition, according to Aura, Raynare was similar to the inhabitants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, she was also a created being. In other words, the Demiurge might have felt some affinity for the Fallen Angel.

If it was true of course, otherwise… Well, there's worse fates than death.

Furthermore, Lord Momonga's reaction to her words was quite cold – not to mention that Raynare's reaction to His appearance was not a happy one either. Frankly speaking, any creature of the Great Tomb of Nazarick would have killed Raynare long ago for the mere fact that she had dared to empty her stomach before Lord Momonga's gaze, nearly contaminating His feet.

But the possibility of their unknown relationship and the fact that Raynare might be in some sense a distant relative to the inhabitants of the Great Tomb caused considerable doubt in the inhabitants' minds. They could not determine exactly how they should have treated her and what place she held in their Master's plans.

Therefore, as ordered, Raynare was placed in the Frozen Prison on the Fifth Floor, but at the same time was protected from the effects that would have led to her death, either instantly or indirectly.

Subsequently, however, when Raynare came to her senses, Demiurge would be the first to greet her. Dispelling the layers of her lies and her small and simple schemes was laughably easy.

But at the same time, when she uttered the most profane of words and the most terrible of all thoughts – even Demiurge, who always kept himself calm, was not able to restrain himself.

For if ever there was a good reason for the Demiurge to give up his emotionless mask, the Supreme Beings were ones above all other reasons.

As expected, his [Command Mantra] easily took control of Raynare as a being with powers below the fortieth level, and made her speak – revealing more and more of what she knows to Demiurge. And what she revealed to the Demiurge was as fascinating as it was frightening.

The information that Lord Momonga had once been in this world was not so unusual, for it fit perfectly with previous assumptions about his Lord's infinite plans. As did the information that in His past incarnation in this world, his Lord possessed different powers, or at least powers that He had not previously demonstrated to the creatures of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The powers of the Supreme Beings surpassed the understanding of lesser creatures like Demiurge. Albedo had once brought to the discussion not long ago, information about something called [Call GM] – and that Lord Momonga had failed to use this ability. An ability that the inhabitants of the Great Tomb had not even known existed before.

So, learning that their Lord possessed other powers – or had in the past and did not possess now, was not unusual. Nor was it unusual to learn that Lord Momonga had been the God of this world in the past.

It was difficult for lesser beings to grasp the true greatness of Supreme Beings, so using the offensive in essence, but praiseworthy from the lesser beings' perspective, title of 'god' might have been justified for them. However, it is possible that in the past, Lord Momonga was indeed once a mere God – perhaps as a child grows from an infant to an adult. Lord Momonga might have gone through growth from a mere god to becoming a Supreme Being… No matter how heretic a thought that their creator was anything but perfect and omnipotent at any point in time is.

And with this certainly interesting, important and intriguing information, came another. A thought which made Demiurge's blood boil and his eyes glitter like two sparkling diamonds, full of anger and at the same time – fear.

The great betrayal of the angel Lucifer turned Demiurge's inside into lava, barely able to move his lips in the hope of ending the torture! Demiurge wanted nothing more than to cast such dreck into endless torture!

For there was no sin more terrible than betrayal.

The betrayal could not be lightened or reasoned by any words or actions, by any will. Much less by what the proper faithful servants of the Supreme Beings themselves had chosen as one of 'their own'.

Pain and hatred in equal measure rose in Demiurge's soul. He was ready to give orders to each of his subordinates, after which to raise the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick and go on a united campaign against the great traitor – Lucifer. To his great joy and relief, however, Demiurge learned that Lucifer had been killed – killed by the hand of Lord Momonga himself, no less.

Or, as he was then called, the Biblical God.

In his final act, however, Lucifer dealt a critical blow to Lord Momonga – forcing him to recuperate in hiding.

Demiurge's heart could not bear imagining it, only a faint thought allowed him to stay on the edge of his consciousness.

Indeed, for this final battle did not kill Lord Momonga, forcing Him to leave for the other worlds instead, but it stripped Him of His powers.

Yes, that explained how Lord Momonga found His powers again, other forms of it this time – as Demiurge heard from the Supreme Beings, that each of them began their journey at the first level. So, too, did Lord Momonga, deprived of His powers, chose a different path to power.

After which, together with others like Him, the other Supreme Beings, Lord Momonga created Ainz Ooal Gown, conquering the Great Tomb of Nazarick in their first try and then turning it into an impregnable fortress. Perhaps that was why they were here in this world, for Lord Momonga's revenge.

Such realization explained many things – and once again, Demiurge couldn't help but exultantly cry out his appreciation for Lord Momonga's greatness.

It also explained where other Supreme Beings like Lord Momonga had disappeared to. It was likely that many of Them had similar pasts, and after suffering such tragic fates, had bonded together to regain their powers. Then, after sufficiently restored, they returned to their old world, leaving the Great Tomb, wishing to get even with their old enemies and to reward old allies…

And when Their great mission is accomplished – perhaps They will also return to the faithful inhabitants of the Great Tomb, as Lord Momonga had returned to His old world.

In any case, apart from Lucifer, whose very mention of existence was the greatest blasphemy, which should not be punished by death, but by the supreme punishment of the Great Tomb – exile itself! And his spawn, which to the great shame and pain from Demiurge, were of the same race with him, demons. Though, to his great happiness, almost all of those demons who had dared to raise their hand against Lord Momonga had already been destroyed.

There were still other traitors as well.

The oldest amongst them was Azazel, a Fallen Angel, a brat who dared to violate Lord Momonga's orders and have sex with a human woman. And his followers who had turned their backs on Lord Momonga from their own hosts and deserved no forgiveness for it…

Though what worse punishment there is Demiurge couldn't imagine. The greatest punishment, banishment, had already been inflicted upon them. and instead of ending their now miserable and useless lives – they dared to rebel against Lord Momonga and fight Him in battle!

No, there would be no mercy of a quick death anymore. Demiurge reveled in the cruelty and pain he could bring to this world, but after what they had done, even Pestonia or Sebas would have coveted the traitors' blood.

And, most terrifying of all, was Demiurge's realization that Raynare, with whom he had communicated affably all this time, was one of these Fallen Angels!

Demiurge had ample knowledge about Fallen Angels and their species, but only about the ones in the past world. Back then, they were only one of a multitude of races, not indicative of their past deeds, probably also having no connection whatsoever to the Fallen Angel that exists in this world. While in this world, Fallen Angels were a creature borne from a great betrayal, their blackened wings an indelible sign of their great betrayal.

Though, if given the chance, Demiurge had no doubt that the denizen of Nazarrick would love nothing more than to remove the stains that dared to remind Lord Momonga of such a betrayal. Even if they had no connection whatsoever, being literally a world apart from the one that had actually betrayed Lord Momonga.

Raynare herself however was one of the ones that had personally betrayed Lord Momonga. It even took Demiurge's brilliant mind a second to comprehend what she had said, shocked at what a hideous fiend he was communing with. At his folly in communicating with a heretic and not just erasing her from existence, this great source of heresy. Only the possibility, as Raynare explained, that perhaps she had fallen by mistake, that Demiurge immediately seized upon, allowed him to forgive his own lapse in judgement. The possibility, hoping that in this case, his only punishment would be a long and painful death rather than the banishment and disappointment of a Supreme Being.

Or even worse, being commanded to live in such shame, prevented from even committing suicide in recompense. Only one other punishment could be worse, and Demiurge would not even dare to think about it, lest he would be gripped by fear.

Further information about Raynare was of little interest to him – mechanically, his mind picked up words and thoughts, information about this world, at least about the locale. About the [Sacred Gears] and the Youkai of Japan, before his mind came to a single decision.

Ready to suffer any punishment for his failure to understand his Lord's great plan, and willing to sacrifice himself for the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Demiurge decided to sacrifice himself by turning to his Great Lord for help. Hoping against all hope that his Lord would only be disappointed in him, and not in the Great Tomb.


Momonga took a step through the [Gate], finding himself instantly in a thoroughly frozen, icy room. 'Umu, I guess this is the Fifth Floor, the Frozen Prison. I don't remember if I've ever been inside one of these rooms? They would even look pretty good if only they weren't completely frozen, covered in ice…'

Even through his false flesh, or perhaps because of it, Momonga felt a cold wind chilling him through to his bones. But instead of feeling anything unpleasant, it was just a bare sensation, he just noted that the surrounding temperature is low, without feeling its effects at all. Probably thanks to his immunity to ice attacks. The wind was quite pleasant if nothing else.

A moment later, the portal behind his back closed, allowing him to look around, to a floor that he hadn't visited in a while…

Okay, he needs to stop trying to escape reality.

In front of him, Demiurge was laying prostrate in a dogeza for some reason, with Raynare doing the same behind him. She was trying her best not to plant her face on the icy floor, while facing it as close as possible – she was shivering badly, either out of fear or just the great cold. Does she not have any resistance to ice or cold at all? He might need to revise his assessment of her level, if she could be damaged from just the cold.

'And here I was hoping that the worst had come to pass after Miki. And here it is, a complication. At least it's not the worst possible outcome, where Demiurge realized that I'm not actually as great as I portrayed myself as.' Momonga inwardly sighed.

'I just thought that Demiurge was about to grill me for answers when he heard something that didn't match his assumptions and guessed that I wasn't as good as he thought… Umu, by the way, what is Raynare doing here?'

Realizing, however, that the situation was clearly not suited to simple conversation at the moment, Momonga wondered for a moment what was more important. Trying to keep friendly relations with Raynare or behaving as the NPC expected. There's not really any question, is there? He decided to follow the second option – disappointing the NPCs was never an option. "Umu, raise your faces – you may stand up."

After another moment, Momonga made what he thought were regal movements before settling into a completely frozen chair placed in the room. Did Demiurge place the chair here on purpose? Or was it already here in the room in the first place?

'Ha, I hope I look majestic enough now, I'll have to find time to practice how I should look in front of the NPCs… Haaaa, maybe see how the mighty beings of this world do it? But I'm no expert at observing, maybe start with something simpler, like observing someone who is not very powerful… Perhaps if someone is level seventy, they should be strong enough to be someone influential, right? I think that's enough for the first time…'

Demiurge, meanwhile, finally rose from the dogeza when Momonga finally got comfortable. But his gaze was still slightly downcast, as if he were a child afraid to ask his parent for something, and his tail hung lifelessly, only twitching slightly in time with the howling wind. Along with Raynare, who was now shivering much more, unprotected from the ice and cold temperatures, they cut a sorry figure.

'I pity her a little – but on the other hand, the priority at the moment is to find out exactly what is going on here.' Momonga shifted his gaze to Demiurge, who had not yet begun to speak. Seeing this, Momonga decided to break the silence first.

"Demiurge, I presume you wished to ask me something?"

"Yes, my Lord." Demiurge nodded slowly, then began straightening himself, bracing as if preparing to be punched. A move that made Momonga a little nervous – was this it? Was he about to be pointed out as a fraud!?

"I ask with my last wish to forgive the other inhabitants of the Great Tomb and take my life as atonement for my sins!"


A moment later, Demiurge cast [Aspect of the Devil: Razor Claws], turning his fingers into giant razor sharp blades and brought them to his throat, causing Momonga to panic so much that his panic was instantly extinguished. "Umu, Demiurge, I beg you to stop – start by telling me what's wrong…"

Then Momonga shifted her gaze to Raynare, who was beginning to shudder again, but who, by the looks of her, was beginning to gradually freeze, so that she wouldn't be able to hold out for very long. Momonga hoped that Rayanre could reveal what was wrong – did she say something unnecessary? Did she possess mind-control abilities!? No, first I need to stop Demiurge!

"No, perhaps you'd better just tell me exactly why you wanted to sacrifice yourself, umu." Momonga nodded slowly, hiding just how nervous he felt inside.

"My Lord, I could not unravel Your wisdom and stepped into the trap of learning of treachery against You and allowing Raynare to exist in this world, her stain desecrating the Great Tomb!" After these words, Raynare, whose eyes had begun to slowly slip before, perked up sharply, looking at the Demiurge and at Momonga with great fear.

'Great, so Raynare is somehow involved in this…' Momonga inwardly sighed, a tinge of hatred and bloodlust began to appear, before he forcefully suppressed it. Answer first, killing Raynare painfully, later. 'Okay, let's get on with it…'

"Even if Raynare has done something, umu, treacherous? I still see no reason for you to sacrifice yourself." Momonga nodded, then turned his gaze to Raynare, who, colliding with his gaze, froze, unable to find the strength to even a small shudder.

"I think we can talk about this in some depth – but, I'm afraid, at this rate Raynare will not survive a long conversation. So, perhaps it is better to send her…"

Before he could continue, Momonga blinked, realizing something important. 'Ah, right, where am I going to send her? I gave the order to take her into custody, so I could talk to her first, but Demiurge had done, so before I could. And now if I decide to talk to her myself, there will be uncomfortable questions like, 'why exactly do you need to talk to her?' Or 'why don't you already know everything'? And she's probably already said something to the Demiurge that made him come to some strange conclusions.'

Momonga wanted to rub his forehead to ease the phantom headache he's feeling now, but can't since he doesn't know how Demiurge would react to that action.

'Ha, is this betrayal? Raynare didn't exactly betray me, since she wasn't loyal to me in the first place – I just stole her in the middle of the day for being near to Issei. That, and the weird things she started saying when she saw me, which probably only made the NPC even more confused. And if she now can't even give me information, that means she's worse than useless… But I can't just kill her. Aura has probably already told every denizen of Nazarick, about how Raynare had called me 'Father' and I can't just let her go because she already knows about Nazarick and me…'

Argh, why is it so hard?!

Demiurge, however, upon hearing Momonga's words, shifted his gaze to Raynare, then back to Momonga. Whereupon his expression suddenly changed to his usual smile. Only this one seemed to be a little deeper than usual, his tail suddenly trembling, and a glare ran across his glasses that, judging by the lighting, should not have been possible. 'Hmm, is it a cosmetic effect? Surely Ulbert wouldn't have spent [Data Crystals] on something like that… No, no, he probably would.'

"I understand, my Lord." Demiurge nodded suddenly, as if a metaphysical light bulb had gone off over his head.

'What did you understand!? I didn't even say anything!' Momonga refrained from asking this question directly of the Demiurge – or to shout it out loud like he wanted. 'Ha, if only I could just get them to reveal their train of thought, but without admitting that I didn't understand anything…'

Raynare, who had finally stopped trembling from fear – or she just started dying from the cold, that's possible too. She shifted her gaze to Demiurge, then to Momonga, after which Momonga felt a light bulb finally illuminate above his own head, a very rare occurrence. He just got the best idea on how to use Raynare!

"Umu, Demiurge," Momonga nodded calmly – or at least he hoped he had. "I understand your train of thought, but could you explain it to Raynare? Unless, of course, you think you ought to conceal that."

"Of course, my Lord," Demiurge turned momentarily on Raynare, who glanced back at him with no small part fear and apprehension. It was as if Rayanre thought that Demiurge would eat her or something, quite ridiculous, really.

"Raynare, I cannot believe that my Lord has granted me the right to utter these most sacred of words, but you are henceforth once again serving under his command and on the path of your redemption."

Raynare's eyes seem to bulge momentarily in surprise in response to Demiurge's words. Momonga would have done the same if he could have done such actions physically.

'What is he talking about!?' A moment later, however, Momonga's emotions were suppressed, while Raynare, lacking such abilities, opened her mouth in mute astonishment, glancing again at Demiurge, then at Momonga herself, before she let out her first words.

"What?! Father?! Father, is it true!?"

"Umu," Momonga nodded slowly, hiding the great confusion he had from having recruited Raynare to his side inadvertently.

'If Demiurge has come to this conclusion – it's probably the best of all options, Demiurge is smart, he should know better than I do. But why her? She's so weak? Does she possess really important information that increases her value?'

"That's right, Fallen Angel Raynare, you can thank your lucky star that Lord Momonga is so gracious and merciful." Demiurge shook his head slightly.

"Lord Momonga has returned to this world again, discarding His previous title as what you know as the Biblical God – all in order to accomplish what He was denied in the past. The great victory and the great judgment on traitors. Truly, for this is the Second Coming, now He Himself has reappeared to judge this world and everyone according to their sins and virtues. And you have already been judged, and have been found worthy of the right of redemption."

After these words, Raynare opened her eyes in shock, casting glances around in shock in confusion. Momonga understood her completely – only the suppression of emotion and his desire to prove himself as the best possible boss to his subordinates, kept him from mimicking her actions.

'Whoa, wait, the Second Coming? I've heard of something like that from Tabula, but I don't know the details at all! It's supposed to be something big, right?'

"I understand your plan now, Lord." Demiurge nodded, "Indeed, how foolish and naive of me to assume that anyone really had the ability to betray You, to disrupt Your plans, much less kill You – please forgive me for these blasphemous thoughts!"

'I have been killed regularly in YGGDRASIL!' Momonga sighed, mentally that is, outwardly he presented a stately figure, his expression unchanged, as if the mind-bogglingly strange things coming out of Demiurge's mouth was something expected.

'There's no need to apologize. And where did 'my' plans come from!? My only plan at the moment is to scout this world, strengthen Nazarick, and not make enemies in the meantime. What's this about victories and judging traitors!?'

"Ah, what about…" Raynare spoke out, before silencing herself, shifting her gaze to Demiurge, looking unsure about something, before noticing something in Demiurge's expression and continuing on "The Son?"

"He's already gone out into the world, to complete his mission." Demiurge replied with a slight smile. "In the body of the one you were assigned to kill, even! Truly, you played your part the way you were supposed to, how foolish of me to think that anything could not fit into my Lord's plan…"

'A lot of things don't fit into my plans, actually, including this conversation…' Momonga sighed, shaking his head, again mentally, he couldn't imagine the pandemonium that would happen if he did actually do the action.

'Okay, the Second Coming, I could hear the capital letters there, apparently something big? We'll have to see what that means later, and apparently Raynare seems to have been taken to Nazarick for that reason? That she has a part to play in it? All according to my plans or something like that – I'll have to assign someone to watch her in the meantime. And they were talking about my son? Are they talking about Pandora's Actor? I guess it really wasn't a bad decision, sending him to Earth, but apparently there's some kind of additional meaning to it? Ah, well, I hope they don't do anything too disturbing while I go to school. Judging by how boring the grind is there, I'll only last a couple of days at best, I should find some ways to either accelerate it or just automate the grinding… Right, I almost forgot!'

"Demiurge," Momonga glanced at the demon, who momentarily bowed his head, then wondered about Raynare's presence, but judging by the fact that Demiurge sort of concluded that she was not dangerous, decided to trust her to some degree. But then again, he should check first, before he inadvertently spoke about something important.

"I suppose there's no need to talk about, ahem, safety… Especially in the case of Raynare?"

"Absolutely, my Lord." Demiurge replied without raising his head, whereupon Momonga held out his notebook of experiments towards him, his peripheral vision fixed on Raynare. She seemed to have had another perceptually shattering revelation and was now staring glassily at the world.

"In that case, I believe this information will prove useful to you." Demiurge took the notebook from Momonga's hands, holding it as if it were the greatest treasure in the world. "I also need you to, umu, think about the possibilities of enhancing Nazarick's capabilities…"

Instantly remembering that Raynare was still in the room with him, Momonga bit his tongue, then glanced at Demiurge, as if trying to convey his own thoughts to him without speaking. Demiurge, apparently receiving the message, and Momonga hoped that it was the correct thing and not another misunderstanding, nodded, a smile on his face.

"Of course, my Lord, every movement is only part of something bigger, even the Great Judgment is only one more piece of the puzzle in the overall picture of Creation…"

'Well, as long as he's satisfied, and I don't have to justify myself – let him say what he wants.' Momonga sighed, again, mentally… he needs a holiday soon.

'But who would have thought that getting Demiurge to reveal his plans would be so difficult…? Ha, or is it all about Raynare? They're talking about something they already know, maybe I should have rounded him up in front of the Guardians of the Floors and asked him to reveal his plans? Surely in that case, he would have had to divulge more details to the other. Hah, there's no point crying about spilled milk, a thought for the future, perhaps.'

"There are still other questions in my mind, but I would not dare to ask You for answers, My Lord. Knowing how much You have already given me and how much You have shown us, it would be too unseemly." Demiurge bowed his head even lower than before, forming a completely right angle between his upper and lower body. At least it's not a dogeza this time.

"I thank You, my Lord, for Your mercy… And I ask only that You allow me to serve You not only as Guardian of the Floor, but also as herald of Your will in this world, becoming the first to conduct the Court. I suppose I was created for that role."

"Umu, of course." Momonga nodded, he had no idea what Demiurge was talking about other than he wanted to do something outside Nazarick.

'Ha, looks like Demiurge doesn't like much sitting in one place in the void either, but should I allow him to go out? He's not much of a stealth expert, he's not human-looking too, almost no one would mistake him for a Human. Like many of the inhabitants of Nazarick, actually? We did try to create a guild full of monsters, so there's really only one human NPC in the entirety of Nazarick and not many who would pass as a human. And even so they would need good surveillance protection to pass as human, never mind their evil Karma… But I also can't just keep Demiurge in the Tomb all the time! Demiurge, I'll think and figure out exactly what I can do, I promise! Hopefully, Demiurge wouldn't do anything that would attract too much attention'

"Thank you, my Lord," Demiurge blurted out in a smile, then nodded. "But please, I dare not detain You any longer."

Hearing these words, Momonga nodded, then turned around, "In that case, if you have any more questions, you may address them to me at a later time – [Gate]!"


Raynare watched as Father, the Biblical God, Lord Momonga, judging by the way He was now addressed, disappeared into the black vortex of some kind of portal, and then she closed her eyes. She could barely keep herself from jumping in joy.

'Raynare, you lucky bastard, congratulations, you just hit the jackpot!' The voice in her head couldn't make up its own mind whether it was congratulating her or laughing at her. 'You've been forgiven for your sins! Really, you don't even have to wait for the [Ascension] or even for the next, ha-ha, I don't know how long the Time of Sorrow and the Last Judgment will last? Speaking of which, you're kind of involved in them now – congratulations, the career progression next to Father is amazing, from a random Fallen errand girl to Apocalypse bringer!'

"And yet, hm…" Demiurge's contemplative words made her open her eyes again, as if hoping that, if she were to see a demon who, contrary to all previous assumptions, was subject to the Biblical God himself, her life would oddly make more sense. "As for this Miki person… Perhaps Albedo and Shalltear had originally posed the question wrongly. It was not who was first, but who that didn't matter?"

Raynare waited a few more seconds before she realized, trying to move out of her seat, that the cold had crept into her body so deeply that she could no longer move. In fact, her body's condition was so critical, that she no longer felt the cold, instead her thoughts were simply slowing and the call of sleep was like a siren's song in her ears. There was no doubt about it, she was dying.

"Lord… Demiurge… " Will all of her leftover might, Raynare tried to squeeze out a plea for help from the demon, but he turned to her with a strange expression. He was smiling, and perhaps it was a product of her dying mind, but it almost looked… kind. Perhaps, of course, it was also one of his false smiles, but for some reason Raynare became strangely certain that this was not the case.

"Yes, I suppose you have been entrusted to me now, as atonement for your sins and a test of my abilities." Demiurge shook his head slightly, the mirthful smile still on his face, as if inwardly admiring something,

"Hm, I suppose my fiefdom, though strikingly different from this one, is still of little use to someone of your level and ability. In that case, I suppose it would be best to go to the Sixth Floor. When, indeed, we have a long preparation for the moment when Lord Momonga gives us the sign to start the play."

Demiurge smiled again, but there was as much joy in this new smile as there was sadistic anticipation. "You, Raynare, will play an important part in the coming days and will witness as the new and old servants kneel before Lord Momonga and the Forty-One in His person… And how we will bring His Kingdom Come to this world by cleansing the world of sin one last time!"

Lord Demiurge's smile turned instantly into a manic grin. "Through the greatest prophecy of this world, which will be fulfilled before our eyes and by our hands – the Apocalypse!"