
Overlord: My Reign as Ainz

Warning, this fanfic will not be dark and Nazarick will be more or less peaceful. I reincarnated in Overlord 278 days ago (currently after volume 11, after the Dwarven volume), and since then, I have been aligning myself with the canon, making some personal adjustments, and of course, enjoying being a supreme being.

Sr_Angel · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


After dismissing the guardians, I went to see my nation.

E-Rantel was prosperous compared to its anime counterpart at this point thanks to my management.

First, I eradicated all diseases and disabilities from my new city-state.

I helped the miners with golems.

I built several orphanages, one of them with special care, as it is the orphanage where Pestonya and Yuri would work.

I promoted literacy, enforced people to study and write, all because I invented the printing press (by Gutenberg), a revolutionary invention that makes information no longer exclusive to the elites.

I created several academies and offered scholarships to the lower classes.

I created several training centers known as soccer and basketball, which were not yet popular but give them time, not even half a year had passed.

I sent undead to work in agriculture in the villages.

With Demiurge and Pulcinella, I invented the first medicines for human consumption.

And finally, I made more appearances so that people get used to my presence, entering stores and buying things, asking local people about their concerns, appearing at the openings of new infrastructures, etc...

Their concerns generally spoke of the death knights who functioned as security guards, but there was nothing I could do; they proved useful in lowering the crime rate.

Due to the lack of nobles (most fled when they found out that an undead would rule the city), I used liches as administrative agents.

Speaking of my presence, I must communicate my new form...

I will go to what I called "the propaganda office" created to spread information throughout the city-state and its vassals.

I already informed Jircniv about the printing press in the same episode of him in the coliseum after fighting that warrior troll; he said he congratulated me on the new invention and that he would let me use it in the Baharuth Empire at my convenience, I felt a little bad for him.

So once in the propaganda office, I entered with Fith, my daily homunculus, and several angels to represent my 'holiness'.

I informed the receptionist to call her boss, and she appeared immediately.

"Your Highness, is that you?" Said the manager to whom I gave the position of 'propaganda manager of the sorcerer kingdom'.

She quickly put two and two together and immediately discovered my identity; she wasn't stupid.

She was one of the few who could read and write in my new country at first, a noble's bastard daughter who had been abandoned; I chose her to ensure her loyalty.

"Yes, Marta, now I am a demon. Have you already gotten used to the machinery?"

"Yes, Your Highness, it is a pleasure to be in your presence."

"Um, thank you. I would like you to use the press to disseminate these academic books and these tales."

I handed her the books.

They were mathematics books for the academies and tales like Romeo and Juliet.

These books were in the library of Nazarick, Ashurbanipal.

There were a lot of interesting books, like 'The Art of War,' 'The Little Prince,' and many academic works from planet Earth.

The guardians thought they were creations of other supreme beings.

Thanks to that, my plan to rule this planet for 1000 years is guaranteed. With the information I can extract from those books, I can appear as a being of extreme wisdom.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

Now I spoke to her about what I came for.

"Also, I want you to make a poster, one page will be enough, informing the population about my more humanoid form... and hire people to spread it around all the bars and inns of the sorcerer kingdom."

"It will be done."

I stared at her, noticed how she trembled in fear, and sighed; even with my new form and emotions, they still feared me because, although I looked like a human, I was a demon.

"That's all, I'll leave you. Have a good day."


I left with Fith at my back.


I walked through the city with Fith behind me; people no longer hid in their houses and simply kneeled before us in fear; surely they thought I was a high-ranking creature of the sorcerer kingdom.

"Do you still see humans with bad eyes, Fith?"

"Yes, although the way they see it has improved, they still don't treat you as they should, those worms, after all the things you've given them."

"Mmm, they will learn to worship me."

"That would be wonderful, Ainz-sama," said Fith enamored.

"Let's go to the adventurers' guild; I want to see how it works now with the new facilities I have implemented."

Those new facilities were the new undead dungeons I created, as well as a resurrection system led by Pestonya.

There is also the promise of runic armor.

In summary, it was a somewhat gloomy but prosperous place.

I left the guardian angels outside, and once inside the guild, it seemed a bit fuller than at the beginning of my reign.

I noticed the adventurers' distrustful glances.

Whispers calling me a demon were not long in coming.

I went to the guild receptionist, who for the first time did not fear me.

"Hello again, I am His Majesty the sorcerer king; this is my new form. I came to see how the adventurers' guild is doing."

This surprised everyone inside the guild.

I was going to request an audience with Ainzach until I saw some new faces.

A cleric, a mage, and a human swordsman, and a half-elf archer,

"Oh Foresight and the Swords of Darkness, it's a pleasure to see you in my kingdom."

That's right, in this story, I saved Ninya and forgave Arche and her team, as well as her sisters.

In exchange for serving my kingdom for the rest of their lives.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama," said Hekkeran, the leader.

"Your Majesty, it is an honor," said Ninya.

Everyone knelt.

"Haha," I pretended to laugh. "There's no need to be so formal; you're adventurers after all, treat me like a normal person."


Silence fell in the room.

"We wouldn't dare, Your Highness," Ninya said, speaking on behalf of her team.

I sighed.

It was normal for them to fear me; I killed almost the entire army of Re-Estize alone.

"We apologize for not living up to your expectations, Your Majesty," said Hekkeran.

"No, it's okay. I am a king after all; it wouldn't be appropriate. Anyway, I have a task for all of you, the task will be tough, I need the best."

The silence continued.

"I want you to go explore the Abelion Hills; I plan to create a trade center from the Holy Kingdom to the sorcerer kingdom, and those hills are in the middle. It would be excellent to connect the sorcerer kingdom with the Holy Kingdom."

"Make the request, and we will participate without hesitation, Your Grace," Arche said, after I saved her sisters, she had quite a bit of confidence in me.

"Well, this is encouraging. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go see how the dungeon practice construction is going."


It was a strange day for Queen Calca Bessarez who lived in the capital, Hoburns.

Today, an envoy from the sorcerer kingdom came in the name of their king, who was undead.

"Eh, an envoy from the sorcerer kingdom?" Calca asked.

"Indeed, Your Excellency, it's a demi-human, from the sorcerer king."

"Calca-sama, are you thinking of responding to that undead?" Remedios Custodio protested.

"No, I think it's fine, Calca-sama, let's see what the undead wants from us, although I suppose it won't be anything good," Kelardios said.

"Eh? You don't like the Sorcerer Kingdom? I've never heard you say that in court."

"No priest would. You're the same, right, Calca-sama?"

Calca thought. As part of the clergy and as the Holy Queen, she didn't like it. However, as head of state...

"The duty of a king is to love his nation, love his people, and give them peace. As long as I do that, it should be fine, right?"

The sisters looked at each other in front of Calca.

"Love? No way. How could undead feel that way?"

"I agree with Onee-sama. Undead... I don't think they can love like you, Calca-sama."

"You two don't hold back. Still, you can't speak ill of people without even seeing them, can you?"

The puzzled looks on their faces looked very similar. Calca thought they were sisters after all and calmed the smile on her face.

"Bring that envoy to the throne room."

"Understood, Calca-sama."


In the throne room, everyone was surprised when the envoy was a demi-human.

From the corner of her eye, Calca saw Remedios and Kelart tense, as did many nobles, who protested in front of the frogman.

The frog-man in question was kneeling, waiting for the order to speak.

Calca didn't know it, but inside, Demiurge was thinking if this was some kind of punishment, kneeling before a human.

The mere idea of being punished by Ainz-sama made him want to cry.

No, as the Supreme said, it is important to make a good impression of the semi-humans.

"I grant you the gift of speech," said Calca.

"A pleasure, Your Majesty Calca-sama, I bring a commercial agreement from the Sorcerer King, and he requests a meeting with you."

This caused the court to erupt in whispers.

A commercial agreement, uh, from the undead.

A meeting with the saint, how shameless that undead can be.

"Oh, and I forgot, the Sorcerer King is no longer undead; he changed to a humanoid form."

This brought surprise to everyone in the room.

"What does the commercial agreement offer?" broke in Queen Calca.

"Those matters are expected to be discussed at the meeting with the Sorcerer King, Your Majesty, but the king told me that he would subjugate the demi-human tribes that hinder trade with your people as a gesture of goodwill."

The part about 'subjugating the demi-humans' made the courtiers look at him with more than disdain.

Since its founding, the problem of the Holy Kingdom has been that there was little trade because they were surrounded by those tribes.

Because it is almost completely isolated from other human nations by the Abelion Hills, the Holy Kingdom is a mostly isolated country. However, there is still an open land route as well as sea travel, which makes there still some communication with other countries, and the Holy Kingdom is willing to ask for help if necessary. The citizens of the Holy Kingdom certainly want their nation to be part of the international scene. Unfortunately, in the end, they cannot spend the labor because they need to constantly focus on keeping the semi-humans out.

Calca thought about it; she was very curious about this king.

Although he was not human, he ruled among humans and had not yet killed them. Perhaps everyone was wrong about him.

Calca had always thought that demi-humans and humans could coexist in peace and harmony; as an example, she said that if a human and a demi-human were raised together, they would not kill each other as they do now.

But as head of state, she must think of her people before random demi-humans. If this Sorcerer King proposed to eliminate the trade blockade, then she could not simply refuse, right? After all, reports cataloged the sorcerer kingdom as the most powerful militarily.

"I accept your audience," said Calca, to the surprise of Kelart and Remedios.

"Your Highness, you can't be serious; he's not human; he's undead."

"Baron, do you question my authority?"


"Then we will give the Sorcerer Kingdom the opportunity to dialogue. What's your name, Mr. Frogman?"

"Demiurge, Your Majesty."

"Tell your king that we accept the audience," the queen said, to the protest of many nobles, especially those from the north.

"But nevertheless," the queen interrupted, "the meeting will take place in the Holy Kingdom in the city of Kalinsha," the most fortified city in the Holy Kingdom, just in case the Sorcerer King came up with something funny.

"The king anticipated this outcome; he says he agrees; he will be here in a week."

"A week? The Sorcerer Kingdom is months away from here."

"You underestimate his power."

"Well, you may go," she felt bad treating a guest like this, but she didn't believe the demi-human would want to stay here much longer, and especially didn't think the nobles would want him here for long.

"Understood, Your Majesty," the frogman named Demiurge left the palace accompanied by the royal guards.

Queen Calca prayed that everything would go well.