
Overlord : Madness In Overlord

Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister Grin The story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Lived a wonderful life, died at a ripe old age. Yet once more he lives in the body of a young child. Time has torn his life's work away, and his only skills are ones from a time long past. Lost, he stumbles upon a game he recognizes. He asks himself… why be a King when you can be a God? (Contains smut) This is one of my favorites, Putting this here in the Hope someone picks this up / gets inspiration /ideas from it.

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Chapter 14: 2-5: Settling In For The Long Haul

I woke slowly, feeling my girls pressed up against me. They were sleeping soundly, something I didn't want to disturb after the workout they had received the previous night. I carefully slid out from between them, carefully maneuvering over Archer to step onto the cold floor. Noa sleepily reached out to pull Archer close, returning to dreamland soon after.

Normally I would be more than happy to spend the morning with as much naked cuddles as their endurance would allow, but now that Nazerick was slowly gearing up to move into long-term waiting, I had a few things that needed to be addressed.

To begin with…

"[Message]." I directed the Spell towards a Golem Core designed to re-cast the Spell and echo my words to all of the Servants in Nazarick. "All Guardians capable of movement, report to the Floor 10 Throne Room. Yes, this includes the denizens of Floor 8. Harold, you stay put."

I lowered my hand, ending the Message. I left my girls sleeping soundly, leaving the room as silently as possible. I slipped quietly down the stairs to the Treasury, unlocking one particular door and stepping inside. I was greeted with the sight of wall-to-ceiling shelves stocked with box after box of Mirrored copies of the Mirror of Kalandra.

The reason I had wanted so many of these was threefold.

First, they were still World Items, even if they were just Mirrored copies. Thus, they passively protected against all other World Items. No Shalltear brainwashing for me, thanks. Second, in the case that one of the Servants did defect or lose the Item, it would cause minimal damage. Among the Twenty, the Mirror was one that was based entirely off of utility. If you wanted to dual-wield but only had one perfectly rolled Item, the Mirror was definitely the one for you, but otherwise you were out of luck.

And third… well. I'll get to that one in a bit.

I took several boxes of Mirrors and tossed them into my Inventory, trying to do a mental count of how many Floor Guardians I had to prepare for. Then, just for good measure, I tossed in another box.

Albedo had [Ginnungagap] to protect her from outside foes, Aura had [Bellerophon's Mount], and both of my Maidens had something to keep them safe. Harold had at least six World Items equipped at all times, more for storage than anything. But the rest of them? Nothing. And considering not all of them had the Undead protection against Mind Control Spells, some of the World Items specializing in AoE Mind Control could cripple Nazarick's defenses without it.

Should I take a more specific World Item for some of the more specialized Guardians?

No… I don't think I should do too much with them, even if I have more than enough. Maybe an upper limit of three Items out at a time, excepting the Mirrors of course. Aura's was one, so one or two more.

I left the room with the Mirrors, instead walking over to my Storage. It was where I kept my most powerful Items, since a Player's personal Storage couldn't be accessed by anyone not wearing a matching wedding ring. I rifled through a few different options before narrowing it down to a few.

Shalltear would get [Cloak of Defiance], and [Perseverance] would be given to Sebas.

Honestly speaking, I couldn't think of any Servants who I would completely trust with the more valuable of my World Items. But Shalltear definitely needed something to keep her from rampaging, and Sebas might one day find himself in a position where having the belt would save his life. So I reluctantly placed the Items into my Inventory, closing the Storage chest behind me.

"[Teleport: Throne Room]." I mumbled, more out of habit than anything.

In a flash of light, I found myself standing beside the [Throne of Kings] in the Throne Room.

All of the Floor Guardians were waiting, bowing on one knee. I raised an eyebrow at their quick arrival but said nothing. "Thank you for coming." My powerful voice echoed through the room, a deep bass rumble. "I have called you all here because I have realized something. A glaring flaw in Nazarick's security. While we all know all about the workings of YGGDRASIL, we have yet to discover whether or not this New World has similar phenomena. In particular…" I extended a hand, the [Talons of Power] shimmering briefly into view. "I speak of the World Items. We know not what powers this world's Items have, of their effects, and most importantly, whether or not they can bypass the Undead's immunity to Mind Control."

Demiurge straightened, glasses flashing. "Ancient-sama… do you mean to imply that one of us might turn against you?"

I laughed, a loud bark of amusement. "No. I would never imply that. All I'm saying is that you may be vulnerable in ways that you were not before. And because of this possibility…" I reached into my Inventory, pulling out the boxes and setting them on the Throne. "I have prepared these. I will keep a full box in the Center Room of Floor 9, and I want each and every one of you to have one on you at all times."

"What are they, Ancient-sama?" Aura asked, trying to catch a glimpse.

I chuckled. "They are World Items."

A second of complete silence punctuated my words.

"M-my lord, please, there's no need for you to—" Aura blurted.

"Indeed, to arm us all with such magnificent treasures—" Demiurge added.

I raised a hand, cutting them off. "Silence. I will not budge on this matter. Do not be concerned about the risks of carrying them, they are copies of the original, which I have locked away in a secure location. They are known as [The Mirror of Kalandra]. They are one-use Items that I have kept safe since a time when YGGDRASIL was young. Any one of them would qualify as a member of the Twenty if word ever got out about their existence, but I knew they would be too precious for information to fall into enemy hands. However, it's not because of their combat ability, but rather their strategic value that caused me to hide them away."

I reached into the box, pulling out a single Mirror. "[The Mirror of Kalandra] has only one function, but it does it without limit. One time per Mirror, you can create a copy of a single Item no matter the rarity or power. With it you can even copy World Items, were you to have one available to copy. I am not worried about what might happen if one were to fall into enemy hands, as they would only be able to learn what it did before they could never again use it."

"Any Servant who is sent into the outside world, I would like you to take two Mirrors rather than just one. The first will be your protection, and the second will be a means of copying any Item in the New World that you believe to be of significant value. Am I understood?"

"""Yes, Ancient One-sama."""

"Excellent. Now. Sebas, Shalltear, come forward."

Both Servants rose, striding to the front of the group. I reached in once more, pulling out the two World Items I had stored there. "Since both of you will likely be going out into the New World with some regularity, I would like you to have an extra layer of protection. Should you be taken control of and used against us, Nazarick would be at a great loss. Thus, I would like to prevent that from ever happening."

I held out my right hand, which held a worn black cloak. "Shalltear, to you I give the [Cloak of Defiance], a World Item that allows one to remain lucid even when under the effects of a mind-altering buff. It has the special effect of granting a boosted version of Mind Over Matter, a passive Skill that, when used through the Cloak, allows up to forty percent of your Mana to be taken before your Life."

The Vampire curtseyed, reaching up to take the Cloak. She slipped it on over her dress, and it shimmered from view.

"Sebas, to you I give [Perserverance]." I held out an ornate belt, red on one side and studded gold on the other. "This belt is a World Item that any Monk-based build would kill for. It grants an incredible bonus to unarmed fighting, as well as a bonus defensive score that increases the lower one's Life gets. Should you ever be backed into a corner, it will undoubtedly save your life."

Sebas bowed low, reaching to take the belt. He smoothly threaded it through his suit pants and pulled it tight. It turned a dull brown, blending in to his attire.

I nodded once in satisfaction. "Excellent. The rest of you are dismissed, come pick up a Mirror before you leave. Sebas, Shalltear, come with me, please."

I turned and began to walk away, slipping through a hidden exit behind the Throne. The two Servants I had addressed followed in my footsteps, saying not a word. We continued to walk for a time, passing many alcoves that housed suits of armor. Finally we came to a stop within a large room that was mainly empty save for a few statues. Huge stained glass windows were the source of light in the room, detailing several important events in Nazarick's history.

"Sebas, Shalltear, do you know what I am?" I asked softly, looking up at the windows.

I could tell the two were likely exchanging looks behind my back.

"You are a Supreme Being." Shalltear stated matter-of-factly.

I tilted my head in acknowledgement. "Yes, but what else?"

"You are the Ancient One, the oldest being of all." Sebas rumbled.

I nodded again, smiling faintly. "Indeed I am. But do you know what I enjoy doing with the time I have?"


"I enjoy creation. I am a Craftsman above all, have been and always will be. But I am also a warrior, and because of that I understand the destruction that can be wrought using the weapons I forge." I extended a hand, as if to reach out and touch one of the glass panes. "While the others all dedicated themselves to glory and fame, I focused on the World Threats. The beings that endangered the world I fought to protect. The Items you now carry each embody a lesson something in YGGDRASIL taught me."

I turned to face them once more. "The others gained their Items by chance. They picked them up and stowed them away, never seeking to understand them. But as a Craftsman, I cannot simply hand over two of the Items capable of changing the World itself without first making you understand the lessons they taught. Think of it as a tradition among the old, passing down wisdom to the youth."

Both Servants bowed low. "We would be honored to learn from you, Ancient One-sama." Shalltear said respectfully.

I chuckled. "Ah, come now. I'm far too old to stand on formality. I will be showing you how to truly use those Items at a later date, but for now I shall offer a few words on what they taught me."

I stepped closer, lowering my voice to speak to them directly. "Sebas. The belt you now wear belonged to Daresso, the Sword King. He had iron reflexes and used the blade as an extension of his very being. [Perserverance] is an Item that requires great skill to learn to use properly, but if you do so, you will find the rewards you reap will guide you throughout your life. For you see, that belt was forged off a single phrase. Some blows must be evaded. Some blows must be endured. The trick is to tell them apart."

I stepped over to where Shalltear waited, smiling broadly. "Shalltear. The Cloak around your shoulders is a symbol. It could only be found after one explored the Infinite Depths to their fullest, killing every last horror that called the place home. The Cloak is not the most beautiful thing in the world, I will admit. But it is a sign of what it takes to change one's own destiny. One must be willing to get up every time they are knocked down, rise from every fall. When the throat roars, as eyes weep, when the hand grips hard with trembling fingers, when belly twists, yet legs stand strong, that is the work of the Defiant Heart."

I moved back, finally allowing my stony façade to slip. "I do not lend you two these Items, I give them away. They are yours to keep. So long as you believe yourself capable of protecting them, I give you full permission to carry them into battle. They are Items made for subtlety, to hide one's true strength from the enemy."

"Sebas, that belt will register as an ordinary strip of leather to any Spell cast on it. This will allow you to use it without fear of discovery. Shalltear, that Cloak will remain invisible until it is activated. When that occurs, it will hide any armor you have underneath, making it appear as if you are wearing a simple cloak rather than a full suit. If you both use these properties to your advantage, the battlefield will be simple to control. Am I understood?"

""Yes, Ancient One-sama.""

"Good." I stretched, exhaling. "If you ever have any questions about the Items, or need something made for you, please come to me. I am a Craftsman before I am a Supreme Being, after all, and I delight in my trade. Come by my home any time."

I waved, turning and slipping away into the shadows before activating my Guild Ring.

Hopefully I had done a good enough job pulling off the role, I had certainly been practicing for long enough.

Word count 2300