
Overlord : Madness In Overlord

Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister Grin The story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Lived a wonderful life, died at a ripe old age. Yet once more he lives in the body of a young child. Time has torn his life's work away, and his only skills are ones from a time long past. Lost, he stumbles upon a game he recognizes. He asks himself… why be a King when you can be a God? (Contains smut) This is one of my favorites, Putting this here in the Hope someone picks this up / gets inspiration /ideas from it.

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Chapter 11: 2-3: Operation Threesome part 5 #r18


I lowered my arm, the wisp of Wild Magic dispersing. "Well what?"

Archer's arms snaked around my neck, her breasts pressing against my back. "Aren't you going to tell me what was so urgent?"

"Mmm…" I made a show of considering it. "Only if you tell where you've been for the past half hour."

"What, aren't we allowed some girl time?" She teased.

I raised an eyebrow. "I got back ages ago, half-expecting to be pounced on, only to find an empty mansion and not a single Servant who could tell me where the two most vital people in this Tomb had wandered off to. Either you had your 'girl time' in an underground bunker, or you took Noa outside without letting anyone know or giving the slightest hint of where you left to. Which, I would like to remind you, would be a fucking disaster."

There was a pause. "…Okay, that sounds far worse than what I thought your reason would be."

I snorted. "Archer, I honestly wouldn't mind if you left to wander the world for a while. I made damn sure you could defend yourself and you've been stuck here for several weeks now. Sure, I'd be a bit miffed if you left for days on end, but that wouldn't make me too worried. But when I can't find you or Noa, without you speaking to anyone about where you'd gone, that starts getting dangerous."

"You'll be happy to know we didn't leave the Tomb, then." Archer leaned over my shoulder, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "And I'll try to tell someone next time. Noa and I were just having some sister time. Organizing your Treasury, mainly, since you seem content to literally sleep on top of the most powerful World Items known to the Realms."

I blinked. Twice.

You see… Dragons have this thing. A passive Skill called Instinct. In-game, it had the main purpose of warning you when you were about to get hit with a sneak attack. In game terms, it made you immune to the Backstab Bonus. Any knife to the back would just be that—a knife. Handy, but hardly worth mention in everyday life.

Now, however… it felt like someone was ringing the proverbial alarm bells. Not danger per se, merely… discomfort. Like something had rubbed me the wrong way.

"…Archer, you do know that you can't lie to me, right?" I said slowly. "Noa can because she literally blends in with the World itself, but she's the only one on the planet who can trick my Instinct."

"I didn't take her outside!" Archer protested.

"No, but you certainly weren't organizing my Treasury either. Tell me, what Item has a fist-sized amethyst jewel that looks like the eye of a squid?"


"[Voidfletcher]." I rubbed my eyes. "You wouldn't remember it because it's a quiver, one that dropped from a Boss I wouldn't let you anywhere near. It lets the user fire arrows that literally tear holes in space." I shifted, turning to look at her. "I don't mind if you want to talk with Noa. But please, don't lie to me." I leaned over, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I won't press, though, since you obviously don't want to tell me more. So let's change the subject, hmm?"

She slumped slightly. "I'm sorry."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Archer, I'm exasperated, not mad. The only reason I called you on it is that I prefer to have you be honest with me." I paused, lips twitching. "And preferably kept away from World Items that might scare the shit out of even Rubedo."

Archer giggled, the tension evaporating. "I'd like to see that." She shook her head. "Never mind, then. How did your trip go?"

"Quite well. Made a new ally, handed him a World Item for shits and giggles." I shrugged. "You know, everyday stuff."

Archer twitched. "You're still doing that?"

I shrugged. "What can I say? Tossing people random World Items and waiting for them to lose their minds is hilarious." Low-Level World Items, of course. I'm wasn't stupid, just bored. "Now, unless I'm mistaken, Noa should be back as well, no?"

The white-haired Archdemon raised an eyebrow, leaning close. "What, am I not enough for you?" She purred mockingly.

"No, I'm just wondering why you left her in a room with a stove and a magical microwave." I deadpanned. "Either she'll burn the house down or she'll stick something explosive in the microwave. Not because she's ditzy, because she's pissed. I doubt she'll be letting go of the whole 'blue-balling her for a week' situation for ages."

"But I talked it over with her?" Archer's voice was confused, but she was already moving towards the door.

I snickered. "Archer… no matter how feminine you are at times, you were still raised by a single father. You'll never truly understand how well women can hold grudges."

The white-haired Archdemon coughed, glancing sheepishly away. "…I never did figure out why Rin and Sakura never let anything go."

I smirked. "Well, part of that is your density, so you can't blame it all on Kiritsugu."

"Shut up." Her cheeks were a faint red. "I'm trying to be better about it now, all right?"

"Of course." I agreed smoothly. "I'll leave you to it then. No help from me on managing your cluelessness."

"Thank you." She nodded once. "I'll never learn anything if I don't make a few mistakes here and there."

'Famous last words.' I had to choke back my laughter. "O-of course. Makes perfect sense."

She eyed me. "I get the feeling you don't trust in my observation skills. Do recall that I dealt with Rin for the better part of a century."

"I said nothing." I said, miming a zipper over my lips. "Let's just go find Noa before dinner."

Thankfully Noa hadn't burned anything down. That was the good news. The bad news was that one of the houseplants had shattered its' pot and had nearly collapsed under its' own weight from how huge it had gotten. Noa was sitting on the couch, irritably picking at its' leaves.

"No, Noa." Archer was saying in exasperation. "I wasn't leaving you out again. I just happened to find him first."

The pink-haired Nature Spirit gave me a sly look, only cranking the irritation up higher.

Poor Archer didn't even realize she was being played like a fiddle… but then again, Archer never could resist the manipulations of innocent-looking girls.

By now I had pretty much guessed what had gone on while I was absent. They likely just had had a 'talk' about how sex would work between us three. Archer had struck a deal she thought was completely fair, while Noa didn't really like the whole 'completely fair' bit. Hence her latest tactic to wrap Archer around her finger.

"I'll go get started on dinner." I decided, winking at the Spirit. "You two work things out here."

Sorry, Archer, but you need to learn sometime. You asked for this.

Dinner was simple when I had access to anything I could possibly need so long as I had the mana to create it. I tuned out Archer's animated chatter and Noa's monotone, instead focusing on dinner. I was hardly the best chef in the world, hell, Archer was ten times the chef I could ever be. I could still cook a meal, though, and cooking was easier than getting between two stubborn girls having an argument.

Especially when they were close enough to think of each other as sisters.

Their bickering died down as I pulled the final dish out of the oven, likely with Noa winning through some underhanded tactic.

Dinner happened fairly quickly, with Archer leaving soon after without a word of explanation. I just kept eating, waiting a bit before turning to Noa.

"Would you care to tell me what exactly you extorted out of poor Archer?" I asked drily.

Noa blinked. "Sex."

"Well yes, I would think that would be a given." I glanced at the doorway. "Presumably has to do with where Archer went right now, even. What, did you ask her to cosplay or something?"

"No." She frowned. "She wanted to leave me alone with you for our first time."

'Operation Threesome is a failure! Repeat, Operation is a failure! Retreat, live to fight another day!'

"…And?" I raised an eyebrow. "I would think you'd be overjoyed at the offer."

Her frown deepened. "No. I'm not. The three of us do everything together. We love each other. It feels wrong to leave her out."

'Hold on, boys, the mission may still be a success! Move slow, act like you don't care one way or another—Noa's kinky programming may yet bring us to the Promised Land!'

"…I see." I cocked my head. "Okay, actually I don't see. Care to elaborate on why she has to be present even after she asks not to be?"

"Because then she would be sleeping somewhere else. Alone." Noa folded her arms. "And I want her to be with us, where she can enjoy herself too."

"Fair enough." I leaned down, kissing her on the forehead. "I'm hardly about to object to a threesome if you're all right with it."

"Mmm." She smiled, curling into me. "Good."

'Mission success! Repeat, mission success! I don't know how we pulled this one off, boys, but tonight we're getting laid twice!'

I held her close for a time, running my fingers through her hair. She quietly soaked up my attention, seeming to enjoy every moment of it.

"Fair warning." I eventually murmured. "Archer's probably going to be less… gentle than you're used to."

"Mmm." Her eyes gleamed. "I'm looking forward to it."

Archer returned a short time later, wearing a serious expression. "The area is secure, no new developments."

I raised an eyebrow. "…Any particular reason for the perimeter check?"

She flushed slightly. "Well… I'm going to be out of commission for the next few hours, so…"

Noa nodded in agreement. "She probably won't be leaving during sex."

Archer coughed into her hand. "A-hem. About that… Noa, are you sure—?"


I laughed at her flat response, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Archer, are you all right with this?"

"M-more than all right, but, um… isn't it a bit early for this?" She glanced out the window. "And we also just had dinner…"

"The sun's been down for a while." I stood, stretching. Noa smiled faintly, taking hold of my sleeve and following close behind me. "If she wants to start now, why not go ahead?"

"B-because I'm afraid of what I might do to her during sex?" The embarrassed Archdemon squeaked.

Noa blinked. I raised a bemused eyebrow. "So you're hesitant to have a threesome not because it would be awkward, but because you're afraid it'd make you too horny?"

She nodded, staring at the ground as her cheeks slowly reddened. "…Her Lust tastes delicious." She defended weakly.

I rolled my eyes, taking her by the hand. "Let's go, you silly Demon. Noa can take care of herself."

Noa nodded, moving to take her other hand and help tug her along.

The door opened. We entered the room. The door closed.

Noa was out of her clothes in seconds, perched on the bed and waiting expectantly. Archer took a short while longer, leaving her bra on for the time being. I undressed relatively quickly, moving over to stand at the base of the bed.

Noa sat before me, utterly unconcerned about her nakedness. Every centimeter of her creamy skin was exposed for the world to see, revealing the lack of body hair many supernatural species displayed. Archer, on the other hand, shyly covered her breasts with an arm. Her tail twitched with anticipation, though, and the way she pointedly maintained eye contact rather than letting her gaze roam told me that she was doing her best to control herself.

"When do we begin?" Noa asked, tilting her head.

"Whenever you want." I shrugged. "Generally there's some foreplay first, but I somehow doubt you have the patience for that sort of thing."

"What sort of things are foreplay?" Noa looked over to Archer. "Is that what you and he did last night?"

"Foreplay is anything done in order to lead into sex." I said. "And I suppose you could look at our date as a sort of foreplay, since Archer wanted emotional attention before physical."

She sighed. "That sounds long. And tiring." Her pussy was already glistening faintly, and she snuck unhurried glances at my lower half every few seconds. "Can we skip that and move straight to the fun part?"

"We can figure out what you enjoy as time goes on." I said, lips quirking. "Until then, it's up to you how we proceed."

Noa nodded, moving forward until we were only a few centimeters apart. "I want you to have sex with me." She stated bluntly. "As roughly as possible."

My lips twitched slightly. Even when asking to be fucked, her voice still had the soft, dreamlike quality of a monotone.

"All right, then. If you insist." I gently leaned forward, tipping her onto her back. Wide eyes stared into mine. I heard Archer's breath hitch in the background as the lust in the room spiked, but I paid her no mind. Her turn would come soon enough. "Are you ready?"


I smiled at her, lined up, and pushed into her for the first time.

She was different than Archer. Softer, yet much tighter. There was no resistance as I pushed deeper in, her already dripping snatch seeming to tighten even more around me.

She gasped softly, eyes widening. "…Oh." She whispered.

"Oh." I agreed.

"That feels strange."

A faint hint of Magic drifted over my senses, a familiar aura. A Lust Aura, the same kind as from last night. Archer's gaze was locked onto Noa, her pupils dilated in arousal. I returned my attentions to the Spirit, leaning down to give her a soft kiss. "Can I start moving now?"

"Mmm. Go ahead."

I pressed forward, beginning slowly. Noa's words shifted to soft mewls of pleasure, voice rising along with my tempo. Her breasts bounced slightly with each thrust, pink nipples taunting me. I leaned down to capture one in my mouth, running my tongue around it.

Noa didn't scream in pleasure as Archer had, instead filling the room with sweet moans that were only slightly louder than her normal speaking voice. Still, her face practically glowing with delight as I repeatedly violated her, her fingers buried in my hair as I sucked on her nipple.

She came mere minutes in, clenching around my member and pulling my face into the cushion of her breasts with a sharp gasp of delight. Her breaths were ragged and her eyes were cloudy, gazing blankly upward. I pulled away, examining her expression of bliss with satisfaction. My tempo didn't slow, however. Instead I took hold of her shoulders and began thrusting harder.

A smile spread over her face as her hips began thrusting upwards in time with my movements. Soft moans filled the room, once more slipping through parted lips. She gasped for air, slowly tightening more and more as I finally found her G-spot. She was much less vocal than Archer, but it was simple to find where to thrust to make her moan the loudest. My body moved in sync with hers, slowly coaxing us both closer to orgasm.

"Noa." I warned the unresponsive Spirit. "I'm cumming."

"Do it." Archer whispered, staring hungrily down at Noa's enraptured face. "Fill her. Make her yours. She wants it, she needs it…" The Archdemon placed her hands on her cheeks, a disturbing smile crossing her face. "Oh, her Lust is delicious…"

My movements became erratic as I neared the edge, and I finally finished by slamming my dick as deep as I could. Noa cried out in delight as my cum bathed her insides, clenching around me as if to suck me deeper still.

"My turn." Archer said in excitement. She moved until she was perched above her sister, ass raised invitingly into the air. "Come on, you've been denying me all day…" She purred, eyes glowing faintly in the darkness. "Can you finally give me something nice to eat?"

Noa frowned, slowly returning to reality. "…I want more." She argued weakly, tensing around my slowly hardening member. "You had plenty last night."

Archer giggled, leaning forward so their faces were only centimeters apart and their breasts were pressed together. "Noa, you'll get more inside of you than you can fit tonight, but it's all about moderation. If he just keeps going, every orgasm blends into the next… and you knew you would have to share when you told me that I was joining you tonight."

"…Fine. You get a turn, but I want it next." Noa frowned.

Archer sighed, rolling her eyes. "Noa… try not to think of it as 'you' or 'me', we're all having sex." Her tail waved through the air, twirling in amusement, and she moved so their bodies were flat together. Stomach to stomach, pussy to pussy. She propped herself up on her elbows, smoldering gaze boring into the Nature Spirit. "On second thought, maybe I can wait. Ko, keep going on her, I need to teach her how to please someone else during sex."

My lips twitched into a sly smile as I felt her Lust Aura cranking up to higher levels. I was immune, but Noa's eyes were already starting to glass over. "Aye aye, ma'am."

I began to thrust, marveling in the sensation of having two different pussies pressed against my dick. Archer was humming softly, dripping snatch rubbing against my every thrust. She leaned down, hands moving to take Noa's large breasts in her hands while she began sucking gently on her neck.

Noa's eyes were glazed and unfocused, moans filling the room as our ministrations drove her body, still sensitive from her previous orgasms, closer and closer to the edge. She came once, twice, crying out at every orgasm. Archer bit down on the sensitive flesh of her neck, pain blending into pleasure as she came again and again.

Archer's Mark glowed a faint red as I reached my limit once more, making her hum happily. "Open up, little Noa~!" She sang quietly, nibbling at Noa's neck. "Our Dragon is about to give you more cum~!"

As Noa was about to cry out, Archer moved to pull her into a deep kiss. Noa twitched, clenched several times, and finally brought me to my second orgasm. Archer's tail waved around, broadcasting her delight at her current position even as she broke the kiss and sat up.

I pulled out, the flood of semen slowly spilling from her dripping hole. Archer giggled, leaning down to nip her nose. "She's so cute when she's all hot and bothered like this…" She cooed, pulling away. "Noa, do you want to feel even better?"

The Spirit nodded absently, mind still reeling from the flood of pleasure we had drowned her in.

"All right, then." Archer slid off her, flipping her so she was the one on bottom. Noa's smooth back filled my view, her body pressed against Archer's. Archer moved her face until it was lined up with one of her breasts, smiling to herself as the half-conscious girl latched on and began to suckle softly.

Despite not yet having been fucked, Archer was clearly higher than a kite on all the lust filling the room. Her kind drew power from emotion, from mana transfer, from the Life Force released during sex. Just her being this close to us was a full-course meal for her.

"All right, Ko." Archer whispered, hungry gaze latching onto my slowly rising dick. "Fuck me into the bed."

One might think it difficult to use my full strength to drive Archer into screams of pleasure with Noa's form between us. One would be wrong. Noa's folded legs to either side propped her up, her body moving in time with Archer's as I repeatedly drove myself into her. Every thrust elicited small gasps from the quiet Spirit, my member rubbing harshly against her dripping snatch. Her voice was hard to hear, though, over Archer's delighted screams.

"YES!" She cried, tightening around me. "YES! KO, DEEPER! I NEED IT, PLEASE!"

I grinned, happily obliging.




The artificial sun was beginning to rise when the girls finally could take no more. Archer was running low on mana and endurance, while Noa simply passed out from overstimulation. Both girls were covered in sweat and semen, likely running low on bodily fluids after how hard I had ridden them.

"M-more…" Archer mumbled as I pulled away. "O-one more time… I want to feel you inside me one more time…"

"Not now, love." I said quietly, brushing her cum-stained hair out of her face. "We need to get you two cleaned up, otherwise you'll be stuck to the bed in the morning."

"…Can I at least clean you off?" She asked, staring at my shrinking dick. "There's still plenty more there…"

I raised an eyebrow. "You already ate Noa out to drain every drop of cum from inside her, not to mention how many times you've sucked me off tonight. I'd be surprised if you didn't slosh slightly."

She shook her head. "All turned into more energy. I'm still starving…" She gazed innocently up at me, an expression ruined by her swaying tail. "Please? It won't take long, and I won't ask again."

"If you still have enough energy to kneel in the shower, maybe." I slid off the bed, walking to the other side to gently shake Noa awake. "Noa-love?"

"Mmm…" Noa moaned quietly, burrowing into the sheets. "…If we do it again, I want to be on top…"

I hid a smile. She really did enjoy the cowgirl position, especially when Archer sat behind her and toyed with her breasts while she rode me. "Not right now, love. We need to get you cleaned up. The bed cleans itself, but you need a shower."

"Don't wanna." She curled into a ball, pulling damp blankets over herself. "I smell like you now, I don't want to wash it off."

Archer giggled, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to her cheek. "You don't have to use scented shampoo, silly, just wash the cum from your hair. It'll be hard to get out if it dries." She lowered her voice. "And our shower is large enough to have sex in, you know."

The sleepy Spirit poked her head out of the covers. "…Really?"

"Really. Now let's go."

I helped Noa to her feet, the beautiful girl stumbling tiredly a few times as she rubbed her eyes. Archer managed to walk on her own, though I had to pretend not to notice when she leaned against the bathroom counter to take a brief rest. Warm water was turned on, and I helped Noa step into the shower with me. Archer followed, pulling the door shut and kneeling down to begin coaxing my member into another erection.

Noa didn't seem to notice as the hungry Archdemon began bobbing her head. She had her back to us and was allowing me to run my soapy fingers through her hair. I carefully kept my grip loose even as I came close, and Archer's delighted humming soon followed as she cleaned up every last trace of semen from my cock.

"No fair." Noa mumbled. "I'm too tired to do that."

Ah. Apparently she had noticed.

Archer rose, moving to wrap her arms around the sleepy Spirit. I carefully ignored the way their wet bodies pressed together, instead beginning to wash myself off. "It's perfectly fair." Archer soothed, taking over the task of cleaning Noa's pink hair. "Don't worry, Onee-sama is older and has more endurance. You'll get better with time."

"Mmm." Noa nodded once. "Good. I want to go all night next time."

"You mean tomorrow?" Archer teased, tail waving behind her. "I doubt either of us will be up to that. Maybe half the night."

"We can do it every night?" Noa's dreamlike tone had an interested note to it. "There's no limit?"

"The only limit is how often you can get Ko to fuck you." Archer smiled. "You could do it tomorrow morning if you found the energy."

"Oooh." Noa blinked, turning to look at me. "Are we doing this tomorrow?"

I smiled at her, enjoying the sight of water running down her voluptuous body. "If you want."

"Good." She nodded once. "I like having sex."

"Most people do." I said drily, glancing at the mark on Archer's abdomen. It still glowed softly, mana from our intercourse continuing to power it. "Though if you ever feel like it's too much—"


I blinked. "No?"

"No." She repeated. "It'll never be too much. I like having sex."

I raised an eyebrow. "Noa, I love you, but you're trying to keep up with a Dragon and an Archdemon. Realistically—"

"No." She looked me in the eye. "I really like having sex. A lot." She paused. "Even if you have to keep going after I pass out, I still like that too."

Archer smirked, nodding quietly as if to confirm her words. "She really does." She whispered. "I think our little Noa has a masochistic streak."

'She has an everything streak. She's programmed to be a nymphomaniac willing and capable of trying every kink she gets curious about.'

"I was just warning her." I smirked. "And believe me, I can tell. The way she tightened every time you spanked her was a bit of a dead giveaway."

Noa's cheeks reddened, and she looked away. "Pain feels good." She mumbled. "I felt happy whenever Archer-nee would do it. I felt like she was just telling me she loved me."

She gasped quietly as Archer's hands snaked around to cup her breasts, twisting the nipples and tugging harshly on them. Giggles from the Archdemon were accompanied by an almost teasing brush across the stomach with the flat of her tail. "Oh, my adorable little sister~!" She sang, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "I'd be more than happy to punish you… anything to turn you into a better match for Ko's insatiable appetite."

"My insatiable appetite?" I deadpanned. "You're molesting Noa even when you can barely walk."

"Come on…" Archer whispered huskily. "We were just telling her how easy it was to have sex in here… might as well give her a demonstration, right?"

Noa nodded quietly, face a deep red. "…Please."

I sighed in mock reluctance, moving forward to pin the two to the wall. "All right… but only because you twisted my arm."




"Mmmph." Noa mumbled into my side as the rays of the noonday sun poked through our curtains. I had opted to block out its rays until now to give them the rest they needed, but at some point we still needed to get up.

"Too early." Archer moaned, burrowing under the covers and resting her head on my abs. "I'm exhausted."

"Your fault." Noa accused sleepily.

"You wanted it too."

"Mmm… yes, but Ko warned us to stop." She flinched slightly as she shifted posture. "Ow."

I sighed. "Girls, it's noon. Noa should be recovered enough by now to cast Healing Aura, which should give you both enough energy to get out of bed."

"…Why did you put on boxers?" Archer complained, voice muffled by the covers.

"Because I don't want you trying to suck my dick when you're too drained to move elastic." I deadpanned. "Get up, Archer, it's past noon and you had things you wanted to do today."

"…No I didn't." She argued. "Today is for staying in bed and having more sex."

"Nooo…" Noa hid her face. "Still hurts."

"Healing Aura, love." I repeated patiently. "Wake up and use your Magic. It should be easier once you fix your tired muscles."

"…Fine." A moment later, and a golden glow encompassed all three of us. What little sleep I had lost was soothed away in moments, and I was soon sliding out of bed.

Both girls were still unresponsive, so I took the time to get dressed before heading downstairs for a few mugs of tea. Minutes later I returned, handing them both the steaming mugs.

"It's not sweet." Noa mumbled, taking a drink.

"It's supposed to be bitter." I deadpanned. "You can add sugar if you find the energy to walk downstairs to get it."

Archer smiled faintly, downing half her mug in seconds. "I actually don't mind bitter tea. It's still better than coffee." She paused, taking a long drink of her tea. She stared off into space for a time, steam drifting past her nose. Then her eyes widened, and her face drained of color. "Oh, Root." She whispered, horrified. "Last night, Noa and I, we—"


"And then you—"


"On her first time!" The Archdemon buried her face in her hands. "Fuuuuckk."

Noa nodded absently. "Last night was amazing. Where did you learn to use your tongue like that, Archer-nee?"

Her only response was a tortured groan.

I chuckled quietly to myself as Noa began her daily ritual of mercilessly teasing the poor Archdemon.

"I swear I'm not bi, my instincts just want me to sleep with anything that moves!"

All was right with the world.

Word count 5000