
Overlord : Madness In Overlord

Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister Grin The story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Lived a wonderful life, died at a ripe old age. Yet once more he lives in the body of a young child. Time has torn his life's work away, and his only skills are ones from a time long past. Lost, he stumbles upon a game he recognizes. He asks himself… why be a King when you can be a God? (Contains smut) This is one of my favorites, Putting this here in the Hope someone picks this up / gets inspiration /ideas from it.

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Chapter 11: 2-3: Operation Threesome part 3

I locked the last door, stowing the key ring back in my Inventory. "All right, that should be about it."

Archer blew a strand of sweat-slicked hair out of her face. "Took us long enough."

I shrugged. "Hey, I used to have a Skill that just pick it all up automatically, but apparently that doesn't function here. We'll have to get used to doing this to get things done."

"Easy for you to say, you didn't even break a sweat." She snarked.

I sighed, reaching out to pull her into an embrace. "Oh, calm down, you. You're fine. You could've used Reinforcement on yourself at any time, but your pride wouldn't let you."

She flushed, burying her face silently into my chest.

"I am a Dragon, you know." I said, amused. "You're an Archdemon, yes, but you're a Lust Archdemon. You're not exactly meant for hard labor that doesn't involve both parties being naked."

Her cheeks darkened in color. "I'm starting to want to try some of that again." She mumbled. "It's almost lunchtime."

"Let's get you something to eat besides me, then." I said drily, ruffling her hair. "You didn't eat breakfast. You generate enough mana on your own that you can survive off solid food, even if it doesn't taste nearly as good."

She sulked, tail drooping. "You and your insufferable logic…"

"Believe me, I would be more than happy to. I've been watching that cute rear of yours all afternoon." I booped her nose. "But if you start getting used to me feeding you even during the day, normal food be less and less appealing."

She licked her lips, eyes darting down. "Are you sure? It'll only take a few minutes…"

"Archer, think." I said calmly. "Is this you, or is this your instincts?"

"I—" She shuddered, pressing herself against me. "Both. I want you. Like, right now."

"You need to learn restraint before I let you out with me in public." I persisted, keeping my boner in check. "Sure, it might not hurt anything now, but if you reach for my zipper every time the mood strikes, we'll never be able to go anywhere. Maybe once you get a better handle on your instincts we can start doing a bit of experimentation, but for now let's keep sex for the hours without sun."

"Dammit." She huffed, pulling away. Her tail lashed. "Fine, let me go make lunch. Noa will probably be hungry soon anyway."

She turned and stomped away, fuming. I sighed.

'I'm not sure which of them is more childish, sometimes…' I thought wistfully.

Honestly speaking I would've loved to do exactly as she wished, giving me a blowjob or just plain offering herself up to me whenever she desired it. Noa was asleep, she would never know with us being as far underground as we were. But as I said, we did need to live life outside of Nazarick eventually, and a warrior is considerably less useful when they're starving to death in the middle of a battle because they didn't have time for a quickie. If sex was as addictive to Archer as she was apparently finding it, indulging her might bite me in the ass if she ever had to kick the habit.

I apologize, my boner, but I do have to think with my first head sometimes. I really want to fuck her, but doing so would set a dangerous precedent for someone I need in fighting condition at all times.

Damn common sense…

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck and starting on my way back up the long staircase. Operation Threesome had a higher chance of working if Archer was horny, so if it all worked out I would end up with her riding me by the end of the night anyway.

I stopped short as a faint chiming noise floated up the stairs. It was the sound the Shabti Crystal made when it had received a message.

My stomach rumbled, and I continued my walk up the stairs. Shabti could wait until after I tossed calories down my bottomless gullet.

"Hey, Ko, hurry up! Noa's about to eat your sandwich!"

I rolled my eyes, picking up my pace. Those girls would be the death of me. A pleasurable death, but a death nonetheless.

Noa was sitting in my chair when I arrived, her hair flat on one side from sleeping on it. She was buttering a slice of toast, still not awake enough to know what was going on. I chuckled, taking her chair on the other side of Archer.

"Actually planning on eating this time?" I asked teasingly.

"Shut up." She grumbled. "I thought newlyweds were supposed to fuck all over the house."

"I didn't say we couldn't." I smiled, slicing open a bun. "Just that we should keep it to when there's no daylight to be doing work in. Experimentation is fine, I just need to make sure you do things in moderation."

Silence was my only reply as she bit into a sandwich.

I watched in amusement as my mate demolished her food, hungrily scarfing down plate after plate of it. That was something I'd never considered—how much sex did she have to have in order to regain the energy she lost during sex? Judging by how much food she had already devoured, probably more than was efficient.

Don't get me wrong, I ate my fair share of the meal, too, but I take most of my energy in from my surroundings, so it's fairly simple to break even. But from the growing pile of plates, I could tell she needed some actual food in her diet if she planned on regularly having sex with a being without a stamina limit. Definitely something I was glad to find out before she stopped eating human food entirely and suffered for it.

"Need a drink?" I asked in amusement, pushing my cup towards her.

She flushed, slowing down, and drained the glass in a single gulp. "I'm starving because my horns are trying to grow in." She mumbled. "I'll be better once they're fully formed."

"And how exactly were you planning on getting those nutrients through my dick?" I asked drily.

Her blush darkened. "I wasn't thinking straight." She muttered. "Succubi usually just go into a pseudo-heat cycle after mating in order to synthesize raw mana into the proper resources. Not sure about Lust Archdemons, though, since there were no books on those in the library."

I nodded in mock understanding. "So what I'm hearing is…" I began smugly, "that you need better self-control."

She froze. "Nononono." She blurted. "I don't. Really. Please, don't stop having sex with me. It's almost physically painful to stop once you get me turned on."

I chuckled. "Calm down, love, I was teasing you. I'll just stock the pantry with less junk food."

I paused, an idea striking like lightning. There was something I had yet to test, one of the things I had once been most excited about. I had actually made a whole set of very special doors using high-level Crafting materials. I had used my Skill to alter the flavor text on them, and on one in particular I made it state that it always opened to a room containing any food that the user needed.

"Actually…" I said slowly, spotting said door where the pantry might be in a different kitchen. "Let me get back to you in a moment."

I rose to my feet, wrapping my fingers around the knob of the ornate door and slowly turning. I could feel a decent portion of my mana drain, but it recovered almost immediately. As the door swung open, lights flickered on to expose the interior.

The room was relatively small, but I didn't mind considering that the door had previously led into a solid wall. Inside was all manner of edible foods, including what looked like an entire skinned boar that was hanging from a meat hook. The temperature in the room was extremely frigid, the properties of the door keeping it perfectly chilled.

"I think I just found dinner." I called over my shoulder.

Archer blinked, looking over. "Wait, that door actually leads somewhere? I never bothered trying since there's no room behind it."

'Well, yes, that's because NPCs don't go near fake doors. Their programming tells them that they don't lead anywhere, so they don't even come close.'

"It's the pantry, silly." I told her with an amused smile. "Where did you get the ingredients for dinner if you didn't use it?"

She pointed to the cabinets, much to my surprise. Players couldn't actually interact with them in-game, so it was entirely possible that they were indeed fully stocked. "Fair enough." I acknowledged. "In the future, feel free to use this. I enchanted it to be fully stocked at all times."

"Really?" She got up, moving close to press a hand to the wood. "It seems to be blocking [Structural Grasp]. How did you do it?"

I wiggled my fingers. "Master Craftsman, remember? If I can make a bow that can pluck the tailfeathers off a chicken from ten kilometers away, you can bet your ass I can make a magical door." I pointed down an adjacent hallway. "A whole series of them, actually. I'm not sure if all of them work so I'll have to test them, but there should be just about everything you could possibly need behind one of them."

She blinked. "…You wanted to make sure we never had to leave." She murmured.

I nodded silently. "I mean… I built this place to survive even the end of the world, but I wasn't sure if we would end up in a place hospitable to humans. If the worst came to pass, I needed to provide for you two."

Her cheeks reddened for a reason I couldn't quite discern. "Dammit…" She said quietly, moving to loop her arms around my neck. "You're not exactly making it easy for me here, you know? A girl can only take so much love before she starts falling for you."

My lips quirked. "But you're already in love."

She smirked, standing on her tip-toes to throw her arms around my neck. "Well, then." She whispered. "I guess I'll just fall for you again."

I smiled, leaning down to pull her into a kiss.

"Are you two done eating now?" Noa asked sleepily, looking up.

Archer's eep of surprise was utterly adorable.

Word count 1700