
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

News of the White Illusion Sect

Elena observed her employee for a moment. She nodded inwardly as she noticed that the information she just gave didn't unsettle Bai Jingshen. However, her intentions weren't completely selfless, as she hoped Bai Jingshen would be more interested in becoming a real scholar. Therefore, she added another sentence:

"Well, that's pretty much all I can tell you for now. If you want to know more, you have to visit the Scholar's Tower."

With Bai Jingshen's experience he could tell what Elena was trying to do, but he didn't hold it against her. He was also curious, so he asked the question his boss was waiting for:

"Can you tell me more about scholars then?"

"Of course. Before the New World connected to the Rising Force World an organization simply called Institute of Scientific Development already existed. It was a loose organization backed by the Big Five, which took the lead in all kinds of research projects. This organization claims to be founded by Doctor Wilton, who invented gene boosters. However, they never showed any concrete prove. Nonetheless they managed to gain a lot of recognition as they were responsible for a lot of technological breakthroughs.

After the New World descended and scientists found out that they could combine our knowledge with the Great Cultivation World's professions, everyone put a lot of attention of the development in this direction. Therefore, the Big Five decided to give the Institute a more official and independent position. Like this the Scholar's Tower came to be, which quickly became the most influential organization today.

The smartest people from all over the world gather there to gain access to knowledge and improve our existing technology. Furthermore, the Scholar's Tower has a good reputation, ensuring everyone gets the recognition they deserve if they find something new. Over the years the Tower grew bigger and bigger and began to see themselves as a keeper of knowledge. Therefore, in order to stay ahead, they make sure no sensitive information falls into the Great Cultivation World' sects' hands."

While Bai Jingshen listened closely to Elena, he also constructed his own image of the Scholar's Tower in his head. Although his boss said otherwise, he already knew that such an organization, which had power over so much knowledge, surely wasn't as impartial as they claimed to be. Since Elena probably came from a distinguished background, she didn't have to fight against discrimination, but form his experience Bai Jingshen was sure it existed. He was still interested in going there, however. He also wanted to know how the different world's techniques could be fused together.

After Elena's explanation he also understood that being a member of the scholar's tower would surely open a lot of doors in this world. Thinking about joining this organization, he asked his boss another question:

"So can I join them with my pass?"

"No… This pass only gives you the right to take part in their tests. The Scholar's Tower naturally has high standards. You need to prepare well before trying. I would advice you to train to the Foundation Establishment Realm first and learn for a few years afterwards. That's the path most beginners take."

Hearing this, Bai Jingshen wasn't sure if learning for a few years was really worth it. Therefore he decided to put this at the back of his mind for now and concentrate on cultivation. After making this decision, Bai Jingshen didn't have any more questions for now. Elena however was still interested in something else. Bai Jingshen could see that his boss wanted to talk but was actually hesitant. He smiled slightly as he encouraged:

"Just ask. If it's a hard question I just won't answer."

The young woman felt grateful as she opened her mouth:

"I know it is rude to question other's techniques. However, my Grand-Uncle told me he has seen you using Illusions in your fights. May I ask if this is your preferred fighting style?"

This question came out of the blue for Bai Jingshen. Since Elena wanted to talk about it, this couldn't be a small matter. He heightened his vigilance while answering with a composed face:


"Oh… Well, its no problem among Rising Force World cultivators, but you should be careful if you deal with the Great Cultivation World. Although Illusions aren't outright banned, especially the stronger sects might see you as sympathizing with the White Illusion Sect."

Elena was surprised as she spoke the name of the White Illusion Sect. Although it was only for the shortest moment, Elena was sure to have seen strong emotions in Bai Jingshen's eyes. For now, she kept this information firmly in her mind, while pretending that nothing happened.

Bai Jingshen also knew that he might have slipped up just now. However, suddenly hearing about his sect, it was impossible to keep a perfect façade. He reminded himself to keep calm, but he couldn't hold himself back from asking:

"What is a White Illusion Sect?"

"The White Illusion Sect is the former overlord of the Great Cultivation World. It is said that their leader, the White Illusion Emperor, enslaved the whole world for his own selfish reasons. Fortunately, the combined power of the top sects was enough to kill the tyrant. The White Illusion Sect, however, exists until today and have always been hiding behind an array formation. It is confirmed though, that they have been seen in the New World. The Rising Force World's organizations aren't too concerned about this issue, but for the Great Cultivation World's sects, finding the White Illusion Sect is a top priority."

The former emperor manages to hide his burning anger this time. How could those shameless losers distort the truth like that. He was a pioneer of his time! He sought to forge a path to ascension, bringing hope to every cultivator! Could they really not understand this simple truth to this day? How could they brand him as a selfish tyrant?!

At least he got confirmation that his sect was still ok. Finding them became another point on his to-do list. After hearing so much, Bai Jingshen was fed-up with uselessly lying around. He disconnected himself from the machine to his right, before swiftly standing up.

Suddenly he felt a lot of air around his lower body. He calmly looked down on himself, only to see a wide, white robe swinging around his legs. Elena was slightly startled at Bai Jingshen's abrupt actions, but shortly after she couldn't hold herself back from laughing as she told him:

"If you want to go like this, I won't stop you. We did prepare a uniform though. It's on the table over there."

The young man wasn't embarrassed by his outfit as he walked towards a table in the corner. He saw newer versions of the same equipment he used during his recent fight. Obviously, someone prepared those for him. He noticed a door with a sign saying 'changing room' next to it. Just as he wanted to take his uniform there, a better idea came to his mind. With a smirk he showed his back to Elena and began to ever so slowly pull his robe over his head.

The beautiful boss of Thobar Bionics had just began to check through a few documents on her bracelet. Suddenly she realized she hadn't heard the rooms' door, so she focused her attention on Bai Jingshen. For a second, she was puzzled why he wasn't moving. She quickly realized however, what her employee was doing. Some women might have already left the room in embarrassment, but Elena only raised an eyebrow. If Bai Jingshen thought he could tease her, he was gravely mistaken. Elena smirked as she sat upright and crossed her arms before her chest.

Sam, who was pretending to sleep, was shocked at his brother's daring. Bai Jingshen was undressing in front of the famous Elena Thobar! He quickly pressed his eyes together tightly, wishing himself to be somewhere else.

Bai Jingshen was still slowly pulling his robe. He was certain Elena would leave any second now. However, the confident woman didn't move one bit. A few moments later, she even began to challenge him in a mocking tone:

"If you want to give me a good show, you have to invest more effort than this. I have seen rocks with more energy than you."

The former emperor chuckled slightly at this unexpected reaction. However, since not even the young woman was embarrassed, how could a thousands of years old being like him hold back now? The young man was just prepared to take of his robe in one fell swoop, when suddenly the room's door opened. The old protector entered and opened his mouth. With his cultivation the situation in the room became clear in an instant though. Noticing this unexpected addition, Elena suddenly felt self-conscious. The protector was after all still her family. Therefore, her ears took on a light pinkish hue.

Afterwards the young woman quickly stood up and turned towards the old man.

"It's good that you are here, we just wanted to go."

With those words Elena swiftly escaped the room. The protector looked at Elena's back, then at Bai Jingshen's. He thought if he should warn the young man to keep a professional distance. However, until now he always let Elena make her own decisions. He knew that the young woman always knew what she was doing. After all, he had been her silent protector all the time, so there was no need to interfere now. Still, it was hard for him to suppress his fatherly instincts when he realized a man teasing the child he took care of for most of her life. He took one last look at Bai Jingshen's back before he left the room with a sigh.

Finally, the young man could let out the breath he had been holding. He really thought the old man would beat him up, but it turned out he was the perfect wingman. Since Elena left the room, Bai Jingshen smirked at his win. He turned around and prepared to change for real but was met with Sam's eyes staring at him. The two friends looked at each other before loud laughter echoed in the room.