
Overlord: I'm the Dragon

YGGDRASIL was a game loved by many, during the short 12 years the game was around, it was loved by many. a unique VR game that was hidden with many hidden things, pushing players to go out and explore everything for themselves. there were countless races one could play as, from undead, humans, insects, and the list went on. but amongst the countless races, were was one race that no one could play as, Dragons. they were the player's worst enemy... but one day someone managed to play as a dragon. you may ask how... well, there were many hidden things in the game, to be able to play as a dragon one needed to meet many conditions, sadly the game was ending before he could enjoy it.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Shall We Go

"Where is your god now?" a warrior said mockingly while looking at Levi who was tied to a wooden pole outside the village wall. A group of the Senju clan members gathered to watch while looking far off at the Seagea clan who were alerted to what was about to happen.

"Please... I can die, but please save my family," Levi said with closed eyes. He was beaten up by the prison guard and could do nothing. he just looked at the torch which was about to be put on fire, 

"let this be known, I Hashirama Senju is the demi-god. call out your god, where is he now? Is he not going to come and save you?" Hashirama mocked, causing the villagers to laugh mockingly at him. Levi glared at him, how dare he mock his god? but he closed his eyes, he had ignored his god's words and looked where they got him.

the villages mocked him, after all, they were the strongest clan, to them the dragons were the gods, and Hashirama was the demi-god. this fool dared to stand before them with such foolishness about some god?

what made them laugh harder was the Seagea clan elders who were watching from afar, with enraged looks, and some even kneeling to pray to their god. truly, foolishness to its extreme.

the torch was brought over, and thrown on the hey stack under the wooden pole, causing it to quickly catch on fire. Levi watched with slight fear as the flames grew... but oddly enough, he felt nothing. he stood there in shock, all he felt was a hint of warmth, but other than that, he felt nothing.

Levi fell to the ground, the ropes holding him had suddenly disappeared. everyone watched as he stepped out of the flames, without a burn on him. his clothing was not even burned, in fact, the flames seemed to have healed Levi.

"T-thank you. my lord, you have saved me again." Levi cried, leaving everyone stunned once more by his words. Hashirama was stunned for some time before his face twisted

"Kill this fool." He ordered the warriors, who quickly pulled out their swords. but Levi just looked at them, he was defenseless and hopeless... but he had his god on his side, what could mortals do? 

the warriors all neared him, but their high-grade metal weapons all began to melt, forcing them to jump back and be unable to near Levi. In shock, Hashirama gritted his teeth before pushing the warriors to the side. clapping his hand, he used the power of his wing to create wooden spikes which shot towards Levi. but the wooden spikes turned to dust.

Hashirama not giving up created a huge wooden dragon, which wrapped itself around a huge wooden statue of a man. but it turned to dust, Hashirama threw everything he had, but in the end, he fell to his knees, a horrified look in his eyes while looking at Levi.

"J-just who is your god?" He said, but his eyes and everyone else were turned to the flames which began twisting and turning, before taking the form of a face that looked down upon everyone. the aura this flame gave off, forced everyone to the knee before they felt that they were the lesser being

"Levi, you have such little faith in me? why have you not called upon me for help?" The god asked while looking at Levi, 

"I disappointed you, you told me not to lie and it was bad, yet I still went along with the plan," Levi said, to which the head shook from side to side.

"You made a mistake. You're my child Levi, and I fully understand you would make a mistake. I created humans to be able to see and learn from their mistakes, while other races I created struggle to do complex thinking, it's where you humans far surpass them. if you fall, I will be there to help you up. but if you keep falling without learning anything new, you would have disappointed me." The god said to which Levi looked up with a moved look

"you're my dad?" Levi asked, leaving the flame speechless for a moment,

"All of creation is my child. so yes, you're my beloved son." The God said in an amused tone, leaving Levi's face turning red in embarrassment. 

"w-wait, all great one. my village is being helped by the gods. you can't just do as you wish here." Hashirama said an unwilling look to accept the being before him.

"God? There is only one god. you must be speaking about the dragons... sigh, I created one to rule the sea. yet they have grown so much that my creation is calling them gods." The God said, leaving the air deadly quiet. what did they just hear? was this information not... well, this information was a bit world-shaking.

"Lies. if someone so powerful existed! if someone saw us as his child. how could you allow evil to spread? my brothers, they all died in war, where were you? so many children die without getting the chance to know what it means to live, and you just pop up now playing the loving god?" Hashirama roared, forcing himself up through the aura the god gave off.

"I created you and the world and left you all with free will. Hashirama, are you saying I should have forced you all to act a said way to avoid wars and conflict? would that not be limiting the freedom I gave you all? What you want me to do is to hold your hand every step of the way, and take away the chance for you to see the world I created in your unique way." The god said, making Hashirama go quiet unable to speak for a moment,

"But, I have been hands-free for a long time, thats why I have stepped forward. peace seems to be something none of you would be able to gain if I don't do anything to help you all." The god said calmly

"... it's too late for that. my brothers are not coming back anytime soon. go to hell." Hashirama roared, creating a huge Buddha statue with hundreds of arms, but it turned to dust before it could form.

"you wish to be with your brothers? then go to heaven, they await you." The god said before Hashirama exploded, and everyone's pupils shrank in horror looking at the blood-mist. but their attention soon landed on Hashirama's soul, surrounded by his brothers, with tears in their eyes, the many souls all hugged each other, while slowly flying up, where a golden cloud awaited them, leading them to heaven.

"Death isn't the final thing, after death so long as you lived a good life, you can join me in heaven. the only requirement is that you live a good life. As for the rules, I will give them all to Levi." The God said before the flames disappeared, causing the world to turn dark once more,

everyone remained to kneel, the scene that just played out was too shocking for any of them to comprehend. but Levi stood up, and looking at everyone, slowly spoke

"My god... wishes for humans to unite as one. he has given me great wisdom and knowledge to support me, ways to make food, and so many others. with good on our side, what can we not do?" Levi said, moving many people in the crowd, and by many all of them. forget the dragons, they had never felt the aura of a higher being before. and the scene of Hashirama going to heaven with his brothers there to bring him... they wanted to go to heaven as well.

So, that night, Levi truly built the first-ever village, with nearly 2,000 people, many things had to be built, like more fish farms, fruits, and vegetable farms, along with other farms to hold more animals. luckily for them, the land was blessed thanks to Arbol, and the animal's growth and reproduction rate was strengthened thanks to the 4th member of the elite maids, Goetia Zoodragon.

as for why she isn't in the throne room, she spends most of her time looking after her tamed beast. unless she is called upon, she is minding her own business, she is also the highest in love amongst the elite maids at level 95, but also the weakest without her tamed beast.

"So, what is this i'm hearing about a huge event happening in a few months." sitting on my throne, I calmly looked at Loki who was kneeling before the throne. he had done a good job casting the illusion which tricked everyone. he played the role of god and Hashirama at the same time,

Loki was... weak. Among the many dragons, he was unable to turn into a dragon, this led to him having to put all of his attention onto what he was strong with, trickery and wisdom, leading to a point where he was the smartest, and could use tricks alone to fool and defeat those stronger than him.

He is on the 4th floor, where he was programmed to make those who invade think he is a unique NPC who would lead the invaders toward the side of justice. he cast the spell of false friendship, which made him become their party member, leading to them being unable to hit him. From there, he gives them a false story about how the guild master had acted in such a way that he was betraying the guild and giving information to the guilds to help them.

due to the unique way of the game, and how new things could pop up once a person reaches the right conditions. For example, no one knew a dragon was a playable race until I popped up. so they thought something similar was playing out with Loki. forget them, even I would have failed with the act. I simply used the mystery of the game. of course, I had to get many backup plans for when they saw through my plans, which came in handy when they attacked once more, just to be crushed on the same floor.

this is how the many guilds that joined hands to attack the Dragon Palace failed and were crushed on the 4th floor. Loki led them into a trap as he was programmed, before leading to their death at the hands of Mount Dragon and his army of NPC

"My lord, it has come to my attention that maybe the humans need a small push to unite them. I plan to have the demi-humans unite to destroy one of the 3 other big clans and push them to run to the Senju clan. at that point, I plan to have Levi hold a ring that casts a faith-type spell. once he does a small prayer, then everyone would be more of a believer. this would speed things up as you wish." Loki said with a smile. I looked at Loki for a moment... how did he know I wanted to speed things up?

"I see... then I can't send you," I said calmly, confusing Loki. resting my head upon my palm I went on to speak without much interest.

"Odin has located a dwarf kingdom, since you were done here I wanted to send you off to the dwarfs and see what you can learn from them," I said leaving Loki's eyes widening for a moment, with bright eyes looking at me.

"My lord, you see me with such importance? worry not, I will finish up with the task with the humans and rush over to the dwarfs." He said with a moved look, which made me have chills, I called him he and all. but Loki's gender was a mystery. him looking at me with such a heated gaze made me feel... 

"No, other than you I had 2 other plans. form the information Hela got. Dwarfs like beer, and with how easygoing and loyal they are once they befriend someone. They reminded me of your brother." I said calmly making the gaze Loki had disappear... Thor Thunderdragon and Loki Tricksterdragon were not the best of brothers. Thor saw Loki as a brother, while Loki saw Thor as someone he was always second to.

"the last one was to see if you can find a way to have Levi and the Dwarf befriend each other, and have the dwarfs be absorbed into the village or something like that. but I don't want to overwork you, since Thor is doi..." Before I could finish, Loki screamed, causing Alfred's eyes to turn sharp

"Wait, I can do it. it's not too much my lord. I have nothing better to do anyways." Loki yelled while I raised my hand to stop Alfred who was about to speak. seeing this, Loki realized his mistake and quickly tried to apologize, but I spoke ahead of him

"Loki, understand that Thor is just a warrior. It was because of you when those guilds attacked, they failed on the 4th floor. not your brother who is on the 7th floor. it's you I thought off first, and not Thor. in my eyes, your wisdom and quick thinking are what I value above all else. strength is nothing without the wisdom to best use it, and the other way around. you and Thor are yin and yang, find a time to speak with your brother and get down to the bottom of that demon in your heart. I created the two of you to be the best duals," I said calmly, Loki lowered his head a complex look in his eyes before he nodded

"I understand," Loki said softly, to which I nodded and watched him leave,

'now, can NPC change.' I thought while looking at my rings. the 4th ring. before it allowed me to record 21 spells, but now I can record up to 30 spells, and be able to cast them as if I learned them. I already recorded [Greater Rejection] and found it was far easier to record the spell, and it also used the same amount of MP as if I had personally learned the spell. this was a world item for you.

"What is it, Alfred?" I asked while casting one of the recorded spells, Eye Of The World. A 10-tier spell which was the better version of [God's eye], which was the better version of the 8th-tier spell, [Remote Viewing]

[Remote Viewing]- An 8th-tier spell that casts an Arcane Eye that allows a person to view distant objects far away from where the person is currently located.

[God's Eye]- A 9th-tier spell that casts an intangible and invisible eye. its range was far greater than [Remote Viewing] and it could also pass through obstacles like walls. While this spell was excellent for spying, you couldn't say that it was the absolute best there was. Though it was invisible, it could easily be detected by second-tier detection spells. Plus, even though it was intangible, if it was destroyed in an attack, the caster would receive damage as feedback. Since this was also considered divination, the opponent could find his location through anti-divination measures or an attack could come flying over if it triggered any automated defenses.

[Eye Of The World]- A 10th-tier spell that casts an intangible and invisible eye. unlike [God's Eye] one needed at least a detection spell of the 9th tier to sense this eye. It covers a far greater range, and it couldn't be destroyed by simple attacks. although the feedback one gets from this eye is far worse when destroyed, it could be more easily worked around.

With how powerful this spell was, one could see why Igneel would want to record it into the ring, and now he cast it to see something far away.

"My lord, Loki can't act as he wishes just because his father is Odin," Alfred said, to which I laughed slightly at his words, making Alfred confused

"thats not why he acted out, or why I let him go. I understand why he acted the way he did without thinking. his brother Thor is the reason behind it, I just want him to understand who he is." I said softly, Loki was level 95, with Thor at level 100. yet Loki could lose in a head-on fight to someone at level 30. but when his HP reaches a said amount, Loki blacks out, taking upon his dragon form and going on a rampage. When this is done, his HP returns to 100% plus he gains a boost of strength.

other than Thor there was one other NPC that was level 100, making in total 8 NPC all at level 100. the rest were either 5 levels below them, or level 90, 80, 70, 50, and so on.

Alfred said nothing more and simply looked at the screen that appeared before me, showing a scene outside of the guild hall. there was the guild, a golden palace lying peacefully in the forest. controlling the eye, I had it fly off, heading toward where Odin had reported to have seen a dragon. 50 miles away, I saw that within a cave a dragon lay fast asleep.

'50 miles without a problem.' I thought while looking at my Word Dragon Gloves, these world-class items greatly increase the range of my spells. the [Eye Of The World] should have hit a limit of 10 to 12 miles, and the quality at which point would have been trash, although it could be boosted with the help of spells... yet the quality was good as it should, even with the long range.

waving my hand out, I had the image zoom in so I could closely study the dragon. it was a black dragon, a stats window of the dragon appeared on the screen after I cast the spell [All Seeing Eye] a spell that allowed me to even see an enemy's spells if they didn't cast spells to hide it from me. I had recorded this one from a player.

'by YGGDRASIL standards, he is at level 60. this is a super powerful dragon, most likely kicked from its nest a few hundred years ago. it has alright slats, nothing too good. but it has wild magic.' I thought while looking through the dragon skill list, landing on the wild magic it was most skilled in.

Fire wild magic. I tried to get the information on the spell, but only question marks popped up. just when I was about to cast a spell, I noticed the dragon moving, looking around for a moment. it felt something looking at it, but the feeling was so faint it ignored it, when it felt like its whole being was being scene through, it couldn't help but open its eyes to look around in confusion

"Shall we go?" I asked making Alfred's face drop, he looked at me with a pleading look, but I acted quickly, opening a Gate, and stepping through. Alfred quickly entered with Ember and Raven following after me, while Indira went to report this to Odin.