
Overlord: I'm now Gaster

Note: The image is credited to MiuB, took it from Pinterest, if the Creator of the art wants me to take it down, then I'm happy to oblige, just really thought it would be great for the fanfic. Inspired by Overlord: Reborn as an Npc, thought it was a cool idea so I decided to write my own version so check him out. Fist time writing so bear with me. PLEASE NOTE: I just took the character Gaster, not the lore or personality, of course the personality would be mysterious but it will fit to the mc and the lore will be new, so sorry for anyone looking for Undertale lore on Gaster in here, I just liked his character. ____________ Even, a man who watches and does anything that let's him have fun and currently he is on the trending topic of Light novels, manga, and anime. Browsing through google in his house a sudden virus pops up on his computer and forces him to complete a survey which seems to be something out of a fanfic. But he is surprised when the things in the survey come true.

Rin_Bin_9114 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Gaster's Origin.

[Before you get confused by why he's a human now, just read until the end. And the reason it seems bad is because well you find out why.]

{Also a test chapter, let me know what you think.]

A frail man could be seen in a laboratory, he was excited as he looked down on a small black orb which could be seen floating inside a glass cube.

"Finally! Finally, I can actually harness the power of the void! With this research, I might become the richest person ever! Or the most powerful!"

He wore a black coat wrapped around his body, short brown hair which was dirty and messy and a body that was skinny and frail, he wasn't tall, he only reached the height of 5'5. His name was W. D. Gaster. He lived in an empire which was highly advanced, he was trying to research the void, or a theory called {The Infinite Void], which proposes the idea of a void which infinitely releases natural energy which creates different concepts such as space, time, and many other things. Most people called him crazy for this theory as he has no evidence of it, except for the claim that he saw it before.

He swore he saw it open like a tear in reality before, but that's when he was a little kid and he's now fifty, people called him crazy for working on it for forty years with no results but now he can prove them wrong.

"Haha, finally! I have to call the king!"

He hurriedly checked around and did not pay attention to the orb which was slowly cracking, on the glass cube with red words were/

"Alert! Energy Leak!"

Suddenly the Ai in the laboratory recognized the alert and spoke out loud.

"Gaster, an energy leak is happening with the Void project!"

The moment he heard that, he opened his eyes wide before turning back and running to the glass cube before opening an holographic keyboard and typing a bunch of letters.

"I can't let it go! It took forty years just to get a sample which was just pure luck, how long would it take to get one manually! Come on, Come on."

He kept typing but the orb kept cracking before popping open causing a huge rift to expand and swallow the whole laboratory along with Gaster.

Moments before the rift opened, he closed eyes and thought of his whole life and what it led to, but he never regretted it.

'Funny, I strived for greatness and money, only to fail. If I get a second chance, I will…I will become a true researcher, a researcher who researches what he wants! A researcher who has the best life.'

That was his last thought before being sucked into the void.


'How long have I been stuck here? 31,536,000,000.00 seconds I believe, so I finally reached a millennium. If I could still laugh, then I would.'

He's been stuck for a thousand years inside this place, he knew this place was the void, but it was different than he imagined. It was pure blackness and with it, he changed with time. His body became rigid and taller, he became more emotionless as he couldn't talk nor have anyone to talk to.

He had a non-human face and developed powers which he could feel but not use, cracks formed on his new face and his eyes developed unusual pupils. If he could describe himself in one word, then it would be a monster.

'I would love to research something right now, even the grass. I spent forty years researching a single thing and because of that I never knew how fun it was to research things, if onl-'

His thinking stopped as he saw a white rift in front of him, a rift that had colors in it.

In an instant without thinking, he moved forward through the void and entered the rift, he felt himself falling from the sky into a new world.


"Then he shall find Nazarick which accepted him, even though he was originally a human, he wasn't as loyal to Nazarick as others, but he likes the place because of the monster's personalities, especially the Floor guardians which he has good relationships with, and how he has his own subordinates and laboratory, he spends his day either reading or researching as his mind became broken thought time, so he finds happiness only when doing the single thing he done throughout his entire life."

Tabula spoke out loud to Ainz as he typed the thing into the Flavor text on the new npc.

Ainz nodded before speaking up.

"Unique, we always added extreme loyalty in our npcs to add to the roleplay and how they're monsters, so this is a first of him being a human originally and only medium loyalty."

Hearing Ainz, Tabula laughed out loud as he swiped away the screen,

"Thought of something different, anyways let's talk about some future plans while we are alone."

Ainz nodded as he started talking with Tabula about Nazarick and some raids before their talking went back to the topic of Gaster, and Gaster woke up in the middle of this talk.