
Overlord : God of Darkness

In the realm of Yggdrasil, a solitary figure stands as the paragon of strength, wielding a blade that echoes with the might of legends. This figure, an enigmatic being of both unparalleled power and supernatural lineage, is no less than a god among players. As the possessor of the mightiest sword and the mantle of a vampire deity, their very presence commands respect and awe. In a world where guilds and adventurers vie for supremacy, this individual's name is whispered with reverence. Their sword, a weapon of unprecedented potency, has cleaved through the forces of darkness and laid low the most formidable adversaries. Each swing resonates with the echoes of ancient battles, and each strike forges their reputation as a warrior beyond compare. Yet, it is not only their martial prowess that sets them apart. Born of a vampiric lineage, they carry the legacy of immortality and otherworldly capabilities. Their very essence is intertwined with the mystique of the night, and their presence is akin to a deity gracing the mortal plane. As the world around them teems with ambition and intrigue, this figure's journey unfolds against the backdrop of power struggles and alliances. Their unmatched strength serves as both a shield and a sword, as they navigate the treacherous currents of political maneuvering and enigmatic forces. But within the heart of this god-like entity lies a story of complexity and depth, a narrative that delves beyond the veneer of power. As they carve their path through a world of challenges and revelations, they uncover the layers of their own existence, the secrets that bind them to Yggdrasil, and the destiny that beckons beyond the horizon. Join us in a tale where might and mystique converge, where a figure of unparalleled strength wields the strongest sword, and where a vampire god's journey shapes the very fabric of Yggdrasil's fate.

Azoroth · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Treasury

Oh, you won't believe the start I had today! So, there I was, minding my own teleportation business, and poof! I arrive on the 11th level of the Tomb of Nazarick. And what do I see? An army. A full-blown army, I kid you not. These guys are standing there like they've been practicing their intimidating poses since birth. I mean, if giving a "Ready to Conquer the World" look was a sport, they'd be the undefeated champions.

And the silence! It was like a library on mute. You could practically hear a pin drop. Or a sword drop, considering there were a bunch of those held high in the air. And let me tell you, those weapons looked straight out of a fantasy novel all dark, cool, and mysterious. I half-expected a dragon to swoop down any second.

So, who's in this lineup, you ask? Oh, just your typical cast of characters, you know. We've got vampires rocking one-handed swords and shields, some even riding on mounts like it's a medieval Uber. Then come the werewolves, hauling around weapons that are basically their size. And let's not forget the witches, giving the "magic-wielder" vibe with their fancy enchanted gear. All decked out in black and red, looking like they're ready to take on the world or, you know, join a really intense cosplay convention.

Just as I'm standing there, probably looking like I stumbled into an epic fantasy movie, boom! This guy pops up in front of me like he's been waiting for his cue. And let me tell you, he's got the whole butler aesthetic down to a T. Fit body, sharp outfit, and a look that says, "I serve tea, and I might also be a deadly weapon , you never know."

He's an NPC, of course, one that I specifically created. And not just any NPC he's a dangerous one. Like, if being a menacing butler was a job, he'd be the CEO. And the way he greets me? It's like I'm the queen of the universe and he's the official Welcoming Committee Chairman.

Oh, did I mention I'm the master here? Yep, the master of this epic fantasy sitcom where I teleport in, and everyone's doing their best impression of "Intimidation: Level 1000." It's like my own personal reality show, and I'm here for it. Who needs Netflix when you've got a world full of NPCs ready to give you the grandest entrance of your life?

If you're curious about the fiery-skulled character by my side, that's none other than Alfred, my devoted butler. But don't let the fiery exterior fool you this guy's not just a walking spectacle. He's a master tactician with a knack for time-based magic that turns him into a force to be reckoned with, especially in up-close and personal combat. So, while his appearance might raise a few eyebrows, rest assured that he's got brains, brawn, and a flair for the dramatic, all wrapped up in one intriguing package.

As I walked alongside Alfred, the arch devil butler I conjured up from my creative genius (or so I'd like to think), I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and panic swirling inside me. I mean, this guy is a literal arch devil of hell, and I'm here, the big shot ruler of the Blood Shade Empire. It's like a cosmic showdown of authority, and my brain is having a field day trying to figure out how to keep up.

"So, uh, Alfred, how's it going?" I ventured, aiming for casual nonchalance while my thoughts raced faster than a speeding bullet. Was that too casual? Did I sound like I'm trying too hard? Meanwhile, Alfred's fiery eyes met mine, and for a moment, I couldn't tell if he was about to burst into flames or just give me a very stern lecture on proper ruler-butler etiquette.

"Master, I must express my deepest respect and gratitude for gracing us with your presence," Alfred replied, his tone the epitome of politeness, even as his inner thoughts seemed to paint a different picture. My internal panic sensors went haywire. What had happened? Did I do something to upset him already? Is there some kind of unspoken ruler code I'm breaking?

In an attempt to steer the conversation away from the impending abyss of awkwardness, I blurted out, "You know, Alfred, I was just thinking about... uh, stuff. You know how it is." Yeah, because "stuff" is definitely the most eloquent word choice when you're trying to have a meaningful exchange with your arch devil butler. Way to go, Hyper.

Alfred's demeanor remained unchanged, but his thoughts were now practically screaming, "Oh, great, my mood was already as bitter as a demon's coffee, and now we're discussing 'stuff.' Fantastic." It was as if our conversation was a carefully choreographed dance of politeness and unspoken turmoil, and I was desperately trying not to trip over my own feet.

As we made our way through the line of maids who greeted me with varying degrees of courtesy, I couldn't help but wish for some kind of handbook on how to navigate this social minefield. But in the end, I'm the master here, and even if my internal monologue was doing the cha-cha of chaos, I had to stand tall and continue the act of the strong and composed ruler.

Alfred's POV

My master, the indomitable force among the assembly of 41 supreme beings, stands as the embodiment of peerless strength and ascended to godhood through the sheer audacity of his arrogance. It is with a heart brimming with pride that I serve as his humble butler, witnessing the grandeur of his dominion and the weight of his supremacy.

His journey to godhood was not a mere ascent; it was a proclamation of his prowess that reverberates across the fabric of existence. With a resolute arrogance that knows no bounds, he has carved his name into the annals of divinity, asserting his claim with unwavering conviction. His arrogance, far from a weakness, is the very essence of his unassailable authority.

To stand in his presence is to be in the company of a being whose every action resonates with the power of a deity. His arrogance does not waver; it fortifies his steps, shaping the realms he treads upon. The universe itself bends to his will, acknowledging his dominion and yielding to his imperious command.

I, as his devoted butler, am a witness to the tapestry of his grand designs, woven with threads of audacity and woven through with the fabric of power. In his arrogance lies the seed of a sovereignty that defies all challengers, a supremacy that cannot be questioned. I, too, am swept up in the current of his greatness, bestowed with the honor of serving a master who rules with such confidence.

His throne is not merely a seat of authority; it is a symbol of his ascendancy over both mortals and gods. As his butler, I recognize my place in the grand theater of his reign, a humble spectator to the majesty of his rule. I take pride in being a conduit through which his wishes are realized, a loyal servant in the court of the greatest among the 41.

In the halls of power and dominion, his name resounds as an anthem of strength and supremacy. I, a mere butler, find my purpose in attending to his needs, executing his commands with the devotion of one who acknowledges his eternal eminence. It is with profound honor that I stand by his side, a witness to the legacy he continues to shape through his unabashed arrogance and unparalleled might.

Walking alongside my master and the ruler of the Blood Shade Empire, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something had soured his mood. His stride was as confident as ever, but the tension in the air was palpable. I couldn't help but mentally replay the events that led up to this moment, searching for any potential triggers for his apparent displeasure.

As we strolled through the majestic corridor, My eminence turned to me with an almost casual question. "So, uh, Alfred, how's it going?" His words were light, but I sensed the weight behind them. It was as if he was gauging my response for more than just a surface-level answer. Was he testing my loyalty? Or perhaps seeking an opening to share his thoughts?

"Master, I must express my deepest respect and gratitude for gracing us with your presence," I responded with the formality befitting my role as his butler. Beneath the polite words, I couldn't help but interpret his casual inquiry as a sign of his internal turmoil. Something had unsettled him, and it was my duty to discern the cause and offer my unwavering support.

His Eminence's response was laden with layers of significance that transcended the mere words spoken. "You know, Alfred, I was just thinking about... uh, stuff. You know how it is." His attempt at casual conversation belied the depth of his contemplation. I could sense the weight of his responsibilities and the intricate web of decisions he grappled with as the empire's ruler. His words were a glimpse into the mind of a leader carrying the burdens of a realm.

Each step we took was a testament to his authority, and in my mind, I couldn't help but acknowledge the vast gap between his greatness and my own existence. His presence radiated power and purpose, while I was a mere creation meant to serve his will. It was an honor beyond measure to stand by his side, but also a stark reminder of the chasm between us.

As we continued our journey, his measured words and thoughtful expressions only deepened my conviction. My master deserved a butler who understood his unspoken concerns, who could anticipate his needs, and who would stand by his side through every challenge. I would strive to be that butler, offering unwavering loyalty and steadfast support in the face of whatever turmoil he faced.

In the midst of the charged atmosphere, a subtle unease gripped my thoughts, questioning the extent to which my arrangements had satisfied his discerning standards. The anticipation felt almost palpable, an unspoken inquiry lingering in the air. Had my efforts met the mark, or had I fallen short in some way? Each footfall echoed with the weight of uncertainty, a rhythm of expectation and introspection that underscored every move.

Then, in a moment that seemed almost scripted by destiny, his stride came to a deliberate halt right at the threshold of the magnificent throne room.

Hyper Index POV

As I strode forth, my countenance remained a mask of stoicism, betraying no trace of the whirlwind of emotions that churned beneath. Their expectations were as elusive as the wind, for in a time when this world was merely a digital playground, I reveled in the folly of chunibyou postures and exuberant backflips. But the rules have shifted, and I have no intention of inviting an entourage of gothic horror phantasms to my side in this nascent isekai existence.

The circumstances may have shifted, but I am resolved to maintain my equilibrium. This is a new chapter, and I will not be swept away by the waves of bewilderment that threaten to engulf me. For now, let us halt our rapt gazes fixed upon the awe-inspiring vista before us. There are roads to be paved, alliances to forge, and the specter of destiny to confront. This is my story, and it shall be written with deliberation and purpose.

Anyway.... thinking in a serious tone makes me feel weird. So, listen up, I tried being all serious and broody, but let's face it I'm about as convincing as a penguin in a tutu. So, default mode it is, but hey, I'll sprinkle some "I'm-totally-serious" vibes when I need to impress the NPC crowd.

Alright, let's hit the brakes for a second and rewind. Picture this: I've just taken that teleportation ride, and suddenly I'm right in front of the treasury. Now, this treasury isn't just any treasure chest it's like a vault of untold riches and mysteries waiting to be unveiled. But here's the catch I want some solo time to soak it all in. No entourage, no fuss. So, I throw out a casual line like, "Hey, Sariel, how 'bout you catch up with Albedo?" And would you believe it? She smiles and poof, gone in a portal. Smooth move, even if I say so myself.

Now, the real adventure kicks off. We're talking secret underground base vibes, traps that could give anyone a "game over," and yours truly, trying to avoid becoming the main course on the trap menu. 'Cause trust me, these traps weren't meant for a leisurely stroll.

So there I am, briskly pacing through corridors, sidestepping invisible doom switches, and wondering if this is all just some elaborate treasure-themed obstacle course. But no regrets, my friends. Enter the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. This little gem's my express ticket to "teleport past the labyrinth" mode. One thought, one blink, and I'm standing right in front of the treasury's grand entrance, looking all cool and collected.

Now, let's get serious. This isn't just about me playing pirate and claiming my loot. This is history in the making. Ainz Ooal Gown, the guild of legends, and me, Hyper Index, the god-tier overlord our stories intertwine within these walls. And I, well, I'm like the custodian of this grand legacy.

But back to business. This isn't a shopping spree; it's about seizing opportunities, raising my stakes, and stepping up my game. With the treasury's secrets at my back.

So there you have it, a glimpse into my quest as I, Hyper Index, navigate the maze of treasures and challenges that lie ahead. Because if life hands you an underground labyrinth, you better teleport your way to victory.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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