
Overlord : God of Darkness

In the realm of Yggdrasil, a solitary figure stands as the paragon of strength, wielding a blade that echoes with the might of legends. This figure, an enigmatic being of both unparalleled power and supernatural lineage, is no less than a god among players. As the possessor of the mightiest sword and the mantle of a vampire deity, their very presence commands respect and awe. In a world where guilds and adventurers vie for supremacy, this individual's name is whispered with reverence. Their sword, a weapon of unprecedented potency, has cleaved through the forces of darkness and laid low the most formidable adversaries. Each swing resonates with the echoes of ancient battles, and each strike forges their reputation as a warrior beyond compare. Yet, it is not only their martial prowess that sets them apart. Born of a vampiric lineage, they carry the legacy of immortality and otherworldly capabilities. Their very essence is intertwined with the mystique of the night, and their presence is akin to a deity gracing the mortal plane. As the world around them teems with ambition and intrigue, this figure's journey unfolds against the backdrop of power struggles and alliances. Their unmatched strength serves as both a shield and a sword, as they navigate the treacherous currents of political maneuvering and enigmatic forces. But within the heart of this god-like entity lies a story of complexity and depth, a narrative that delves beyond the veneer of power. As they carve their path through a world of challenges and revelations, they uncover the layers of their own existence, the secrets that bind them to Yggdrasil, and the destiny that beckons beyond the horizon. Join us in a tale where might and mystique converge, where a figure of unparalleled strength wields the strongest sword, and where a vampire god's journey shapes the very fabric of Yggdrasil's fate.

Azoroth · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Demiurge POV

Today's mission carried significant weight – a direct order from Lord Momonga himself. Our task was clear: bolster the security of Nazarick, doubling our watchfulness. Albedo entrusted me with this mission and rather wasting time I gathered a three of my trusted demon generals to assess and potentially reinforce our defenses. As we descended from the upper floors to the lower chambers of our vast tomb, it became evident that Shalltear had been hard at work, fortifying our stronghold.

As I approached the passage that connected the second and first floors, a feeling of unease washed over me. My instincts told me to prepare my most powerful weapon and be ready for a possible danger. The aura around me radiated a strong desire for combat, a sensation I was familiar with – it was the presence of a formidable opponent, something at the very top of the food chain.

It was the unmistakable presence of our revered Lord Hyper the one whom all the Supreme Beings held in the highest regard. If Lord Momonga was the brilliant strategist of Ainz Ooal Gown, then Lord Hyper Index was undoubtedly the indomitable sword of our guild.

I hold the utmost respect for him due to the incredible feats he has accomplished. From effortlessly defeating legions of enemy players with a single swing of his sword to vanquishing the monstrous Garlock ' The Devourer of Worlds', thereby saving the very mother of the universe, the World Tree itself, his actions are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

I felt an immense sense of pride in being given the opportunity to serve Lord Hyperion, who is widely recognized as the most powerful entity in all of Yggdrasil.

Feeling his majestic presence without a moment's hesitation, I knelt down, adopting a position of unwavering respect, and awaited his permission to lift my head because once I had heard from Mr. Alfred that the one thing Lord Hyperion despised the most were individuals lacking in manners and strength.

"Hyper-sama. May I ask why you have come here, without your escort, and dressed like this?" My question stemmed from genuine curiosity and the need to be adequately prepared for any unfolding events.

At the same time, I found myself wondering about the importance of Lord Hyperion wearing a high-level magical nullification royal suit. It piqued my curiosity and I believed it deserved an explanation. The reply that echoed in the room held a significant implication.

"Ah... it's complicated. Demiurge, you should understand why I'm wearing this."

I suddenly realized something important, a clear understanding of how I had failed to fully understand the situation before. At times like this, I couldn't help but admire Mr. Albert's intelligence. He always served our Supreme Beings diligently and had a remarkable talent for figuring out what they wanted. It was no surprise to me  that he was chosen as Lord Hyperion's personal butler; he truly deserved that honor.

"My deepest apologies for being unable to divine your fathomless intentions, Hyper-sama—"  It was crucial to convey my regret for any failures in comprehension, as such mistakes were not tolerated in our service to the Supreme Beings. Yet, the following words from Lord Hyperion sounded oddly familiar.

"Call me... Shadowblade," Lord Hyperion said in a carefree manner. I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of understanding, but there was still much I didn't know. I decided to express my concern as a Floor Guardian.

"I believe I have some grasp on your profound schemes, Hy... Shadowblade-sama. Truly, they are considerations that only the ruler of this domain would have taken into account. However, I cannot allow your noble self to proceed unaccompanied. I am aware that it may inconvenience you, but I hope that in your boundless mercy, you will permit one of us to escort you."

I would willingly put myself in harm's way to protect my lord, and Lord Hyperion accepted my selfish request without much emotion.

"...It can't be helped. Very well, I will allow one person to travel with me."

His expression suggested that he didn't particularly care who accompanied him. It seemed like he had come here more for a leisurely stroll or to check on our progress in fulfilling his orders. With that, he began to walk forward, and I followed closely behind.

Looking back, I saw the three demon commanders struggling to maintain their composure in the overpowering presence of Lord Hyperion. It was rather pathetic, and I couldn't help but think that I needed to train them better to prevent such behavior. They should be able to stand firm in the presence of our lord.

"...Just call me Shadowblade; you can dispense with the honorifics," he casually remarked. I couldn't see his face since I was behind him, and his statement startled me.

"How could I!? To do so would be unforgivable. Of course, I can obey such an order while acting as a spy or performing special missions, but within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, how could anyone not show the respect due to yourself, Hyper-sama... no, Shadowblade-sama!"

I wondered if this might be some kind of test to gauge my loyalty and intellect. Who else would dare to address the Supreme Beings by their names within the tomb? Even if it was an order, it felt deeply ingrained to show them the utmost respect. Lord Hyperion remained unfazed and continued to move forward. He ordered my commanders to stay behind and inform the others of his presence. I diligently followed behind him, determined not to fall behind.

Without wasting time, Lord Hyperion zoomed high into the sky, above the white puffy clouds. He looked majestic with his red eyes shining brightly. I relaxed when I saw Lord Momonga and Mr. Albert arriving. Albert was good at handling things involving our Supreme Beings.

Both Lord Hyperion and Lord Momonga were staring up at the night sky. Lord Momonga brought up Lord Blue Planet, one of the 41 Supreme Beings who had departed from our Nazarick guild and ventured elsewhere. A sense of unease crept over me, wondering if our lords might also decide to leave us behind. Our sole reason for existence is to serve them, and if we fail to live up to their expectations, what value do we hold?

I couldn't help but voice my thoughts. It seemed as if the stars were there solely for the pleasure of our Supreme Beings. Lord Momonga mentioned his wish to claim these "gems," not for himself, but for Nazarick and his fellow Ainz Ooal Gown members. It was a touching sentiment, showing just how much our lord cared for his loyal subjects in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

I offered to lead Nazarick's forces to acquire these "gems" and present them to Lord Momonga. Honestly, it didn't seem that difficult. The creation of the Black Hole Singularity Generator, which was a nightmare for Yggdrasil players, was made using stars. So, if we could capture stars to make these explosives, why couldn't we capture other stars if that's what our lord desired?

Lord Hyperion's chuckle took on a sinister edge, sending shivers down my spine, and his overpowering aura, though momentarily restrained, still bore the weight of impending menace. He spoke of conquering this world, a realm cloaked in uncertainty and hidden dangers, with a tone that sent a chill through my core. Lord Momonga's agreement carried an ominous undertone as he remarked that this endeavor might provide them with thrilling opportunities, casting a foreboding shadow over our impending conquest.

Their intentions were crystal clear they had no intention of merely existing in this new world. Their ambitions burned with the desire to challenge, to dominate, and to leave an indelible mark upon it. 

Lord Hyperion, the formidable Vampire God, radiated a palpable excitement. His menacing grin revealed his razor-sharp fangs, gleaming like daggers in the moonlight. To be part of their grand designs was an honor beyond measure for me it was a chance to witness and contribute to the unfolding of their audacious conquest.

[Some times later....]

Now, with Mr. Albert accompanying Lord Hyperion, I made the choice to trail behind Lord Momonga as he headed toward Mare. Witnessing Mare receive such a valuable gift from Lord Momonga-sama in acknowledgment of her dedication to Nazarick, a twinge of self-doubt crept into my thoughts. I began to question whether I was truly putting forth my utmost effort in serving our Supreme Beings, or did they perceive us as falling short of their expectations? Had other Supreme Beings left us for this reason? I couldn't help but wonder if Lord Momonga and Lord Hyperion might one day make the same choice, abandoning us in search of something better.

Yet, in that moment, as Lord Hyperion's voice reverberated through my being, any lingering doubts dissipated like smoke in the wind. His voice possessed an innate power, one that demanded unwavering loyalty and obedience. With renewed determination, I resolved to follow his orders with unwavering dedication. My foremost objective was crystal clear: to earn his pride for selecting me for this vital mission, and I was prepared to go to any lengths to accomplish just that.

But Lord Hyperion's next action left me utterly astounded. He presented me with something of immeasurable value. In that moment, I found myself caught off guard, wondering if Lord Hyperion was testing my worthiness in some way. Was I truly deserving of such a gift? However, any uncertainty was swiftly dispelled as Mr. Albert reminded me of the situation at hand. Lord Hyperion wasn't seeking my opinion or approval; he was bestowing this gift upon me, and I had no right to deny it.

The joy that coursed through me upon receiving the Ring of Solomon from Lord Hyperion was beyond measure. As a demon, I am intimately familiar with the depths of twisted desires and insatiable cravings, but this gift was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Lord Hyperion, my revered master, had singled me out from among all others to possess this unparalleled artifact.

The significance of this gesture wasn't lost on me, nor the reason why Lord Hyperion had chosen to bestow this upon me. I'm no ordinary demon; my existence is rooted in chaos, my mind perpetually dancing on the edge of madness. I was created by my creator, Lord Ulbert Alain Odle, with the sole purpose of annihilating any threat to our lords and the sanctity of Nazarick. Within the darkest corners of my twisted thoughts, an unceasing symphony of intense devotion and unwavering loyalty echoed, a never-ending anthem to the embrace of madness.

I couldn't help but wonder what had earned me such favor in the eyes of my beloved lord. The Ring of Solomon held more than just material value; it was a symbol of an unholy testament to my unwavering faith in Lord Hyperion's glorious vision.

  I recognized that this gift wasn't a mere present; it was a wicked challenge laid before me by Lord Hyperion himself. He reveled in chaos, and I would willingly become the instrument of his madness. Now that the Ring of Solomon rested in my possession, I would harness its dark power to advance my lord's objectives, to sow torment and suffering throughout the world, and to establish myself as the embodiment of insanity in the service of my lord.


The Action begins from the next chap the chapter was late because I wanted to finish this side story fast and enter the main story

Well, buckle up, folks, because, in the future chapters, we're diving into a river of tomato sauce! And here's the kicker, if you were hoping for a hero who's all about saving the day and helping every Tom, Dick, and Harry, well, you might want to look elsewhere. Our main character's self-interest is their guiding star, and they only move when there's a "what's in it for me" angle.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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