
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

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36 Chs

Is this a game Event?!

[ Narrator POV ]

In the guild Doyle was heading towards, 5 members were doing their daily routines.

"Hey Greg, mind helping me boost the damage of this great-sword? I would do it myself but I don't have much confidence in my crafting abilities." Asked one of the guild members.

"Eh? Cant you see I'm still busy with the guild master's sword? Go bother someone else." The blacksmith replied in a irritated tone.

C'mon man help me out here. Also didn't Jackson tell you to just call him by his name, why are you still saying 'Guild Master'?

Hearing this the blacksmith flinched a bit but still continued to act like he didn't here what was just said.

"Hmm- Ah now I get it, your still trying to role play like before Pft- hahahaha! Come on man you gotta grow up, it's just a game haha!"

The blacksmith flinched once more, this time he also began to sweat slightly. He looked up slowly with an embarrassed and annoyed expression.

"You know nothing about role playing! Now I'm really not going to help you with that lousy excuse for a sword. In fact don't ever ask me to help you with another damn item ever again!" He shouted. The other guild member froze in his laughter with a dumb expression

"H-hey it was just a joke man a joke. You don't got to get so serious. Come on I just need help with one sword, besides Jackson isn't even online right now." Said the guild member, however the blacksmith didn't say another word to him. Realizing he was just going be ignored he sighed in defeat and walked away.

'I just have to wait until he cools off, then I'll just butter him up with some rare materials.' He thought. He continued to walk throughout the Guild base. The Guild base wasn't big, it was actually quite small for a guild but it was what they could afford at the moment. Larger Guilds bases would require much more expenses to manage and since their Guild didn't have many members and even with the members they do have only a handful actually take the game serious and play actively.

He walked towards the front of the guild and looked out the window. The outside was vivid and looked real. He stared at the dark sky filled with smoke from the hot atmosphere. Unfortunately his view was blocked when three familiar faces appeared in front of the guild base with horrified expressions.

They were his guild mates he had spoken to them before they left to go heteromorphic hunting, they had invited him but he didn't want to go since he still had yet to upgrade his weapon.

They busted through the guild base double doors aggressively while breathing heavily.

"Hey! what the hell are you guys doin-" before he could finish his sentence the three all yelled over each other to explain the current situation.

"We need to get ready a strong player is coming, he took down all three of us effortlessly!"

"Not only is he strong but I'm sure he has strong items as well!"

"Exactly! And if he's that strong it's probably safe to assume that he's part of a high ranking guild. Where is the guild leader we need him to call all the guild members."

They all screamed trying to get their points across. The other guild member was confused, he couldn't exactly hear what they were saying due to them yelling and talking over each other. "Wait- wait a minute what are you guys talking about?" He said loudly to stop them from yelling.

Together all three of them replied in unison. "The guild is in trouble". And like on cue the atmosphere changed immediately. The air temperature dropped dramatically.

All 5 online members of the guild looked around confused however the three guild members that just arrived at the guild had already knew what was happening.

"It's him! He here, we need to put up a barrier on the guild!" Screamed one of guild members. He immediately started chanting the highest barrier spell he knew along with the others. Their guild master wasn't here so they had to come up with a idea on their own.

"Oh right, I'll go get the Guild Weapon it should come in handy for this situation." Stated another person as he ran off to go a grab their guid's weapon.

The remaining 3 members continued chanting their tier 7 spells. It was the highest tier magic they could use at the moment due to their levels and class levels. They finally finished the barrier, now there was three tier 7 barriers. Suddenly they heard someone scream and turned around to find the blacksmith running inside of the room they were in. He looked scared and slightly traumatized.

"W-what the hell is happening?! Is this a game event or something?! I just seen a goddamn eyeball appear out of nowhere!" He screamed. The others looked towards him confused.

"What are you talking about? Eyeball?"

Like before again on cue large eyeballs with different color pupils spawned out of thin air. As they opened they made a weird and nasty noise, each eyeball looking directly towards the guild members. (Just in case I didn't describe this enough here is a image you can use as reference.)

They guild members all started to look at their surroundings with fear even the three who had already encountered Doyle didn't know if this had anything to do with him.

'Could this be a game event? Can a player even cast a spell like this?' Was the thought going through their minds.

Then fast footsteps came from behind them again making everyone flinch and swiftly look towards the door with a defensive stance, their weapons were all at the ready. Fortunately it was the other guild member he had brought the guild weapon along with the rest of the online members of the guild and entered the room. The guild weapon wasn't very strong but it was still an divine class item. It was large golden great sword. The handle of the sword had two different color cores which were legendary class items to boost its physical and magical damage.

This room was basically their only line of defense however they had no defensive traps or barriers within the room due to the inactivity of the thief guild. The only defense they had right now was the three tier 7 barriers over the guild base.

Seconds after everyone was present in this guild hall underneath the biggest eyeball which had a lime green pupil with a magic circle around it, a mouth appeared. The mouth had countless sharp teeth, looking similar to a sharks mouth. As it appeared it smiled with a devilish and sinister smile.

The member with the guild weapon immediately put up his sword and jumped in the air, he sliced right through the mouth and large eye. Unfortunately the sword went straight threw it with no resistance like nothing was there at all.

The mouth finally opened and spoke. "Hehe! It was fun watching your reactions but I'm afraid this is the end for you idiots." The voice was inhuman sounding like a demon.

"What do you want from us?!" Screamed the guy with the guild weapon.

The large eyeball squinted in amusement and the mouth curled even further into a wider smile highlighting the countless sharp teeth even more. "Just having a little fun. Anyway times up. You guys delivered yourself right where I needed you. Hehe bye-bye."

With that being said a white-bluish beam shot straight down exploding the entire guild base all with killing every single member of the guild. The guild weapon was also disintegrated along with each of the players.

Seconds later the only thing that was heard was a giggle then some fading words. "How anticlimactic".

Sorry for this chapter dropping so late... it's not my fault. Elden ring is just too addicting, it's taking my soul from me...someone help. Anyway Enjoy.

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