
Overlord: Dreadful Pride

A man is presented with an opportunity at life once more in a prior world reminiscent of a novel he once read. Armed with a minor boon meant to pave a way for him in this new reality, he instead uses that cheat to take full advantage of the opportunity yet to come. "Why strive to be a millionaire when you can be a god?" Or how a transmigrator found a diamond within a gold ingot. Overlord LN Self Insert(SI). Warning: No Harem! No MurderHobo! No Edgelord Shit! No Hate Boners!

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Lady of Elgroth


Albedo Liaqen POV (1)


As the radiant dawn light painted the darkly fashioned room through the drapes' gaps, Albedo awakened to welcome the beginning of the day, her golden eyes, slit unnaturally like draconic irises, seemed to glow in the lightless space. And her beauty, untouched by the sagging curse of slumber, remained untarnished and vibrant, except for her slightly disheveled black locks, tousled by the fervid affections of her husband…her beloved.

Redness came to her cheeks, and a pleasant shiver went down her spine and spread to the far-off reaches of her system resulting in goosebumps on her unblemished skin. She still recalled it…felt it, the unrelenting passion of her love, the ferocity of it bordering on possession and lust frenzy.

And yet she had let him take her…indulged in his rigorous plunges and knowing touches. He had been diligent, and for a time, untiring. But then unconsciousness took him, and Albedo followed.

…still, she'd slept with a heavy heart, unknowing of the provocation. Men normally became that intense in times of desperation, when their baser wants took primary hold, and she and her beloved had yet to have a child.

'Or perhaps I'm just being a tad bit dramatic.' She thought, and yet still wondered.

Her delicate hand reached for his side, regularity promising her his comfort, but her hand only met air and discarded sheets. That proved enough to dispel any lingering remnants of sleep and jolted her into awareness.

She found her beloved no sooner after she started searching, standing by the large window and peering into the marvel scenery of their city below. Albedo heaved a sigh of relief, before mentally chastising herself for her lack of common thought. Her love would not leave the room without giving her a passionate farewell…and she had made it a habit to always be cognitive for those moments.

Then again, love had a tendency of making fools out of its recipients.

She stared at her husband, enjoying his superb physique that was only clothed in a small pair of grey briefs sown from precious cloth. The beautiful glow of the morning sun draped his form with elegant contrasts, adding a radiant brightness to the parts it touched while intensifying the dark shade to the ones hidden. His long, silky pale hair was let down, flowing just past his broad shoulders…

A part of Albedo bled with envy for her husband's hair colour. They already had similar eyes, she infrequently thought, why couldn't the hairs be the same as well?

But her husband loved to wax poetic about her black locks, and thus she never came to hate it. After all, the thing she treasured more was her love's happiness…something she'd never dare sacrifice for vanity's sake.

…charmed by the picturesque form of her husband, Albedo found herself standing from the bed, black linen sheets falling off her body and leaving her in the nude. Her voluptuous frame was exposed to the room, but only she and her unaware husband were present. He told her that she was an incarnate of fertility, an allure that would tempt even gods. From the curvaceousness of her breasts and hips to the tautness of her stomach and the plump folds of her lips, she was unmatched.

Even so, she never truly took his words to heart…not when he said them with such blinds of love over his eyes. No, a whole world awaited outside the walls of Elgroth.

And besides, she had yet to gift her husband with a child…an heir.

Without waste, Albedo sauntered over to her husband, uncaring of the pleasant rub of the soft rug upon her bare feet. Her hips swayed with natural sultry, and her amble chest jiggled distractingly. Sensitive to sound, her love perceived her just moments before she wrapped her arms around his abdomen with a giggle on her lips.

"Hey, now…" he feigned a backward stagger, playful. Albedo was far too weak to drive him to such lengths after all. His hands wrapped around her unclothed form, and she used his firm grip to push herself upward into a carry.

Her husband laughed, a melodious thing that tickled the ears, "What brought upon this brazenness, my love?" He asked as he brought her into a comfortable lift.

His eyes met hers, golden orbs with subtle streaks of emerald, and she knew that his love for her hadn't waned…no, it was more than that even.

But beyond all that were crease marks that spoke of prolonged frowning, of worrying… That was an expression she never wanted to see on her beloved husband, his was a visage that should only host positive emotions.

Fortunately, the Lady of Elgroth had a splendid idea…

Albedo's smile broadened, bringing her lips near his and engaging them in a tender kiss. Being ever eager, her husband was quick to reciprocate, his tongue dancing against hers as she fell further into his embrace and melted…reliving the passion she experienced from their recent lovemaking.

Honestly, she didn't lust for coupling, she merely wanted to taste the tongue of her beloved…and have his attention and affection focused on herself once more.

Albedo allowed the sensual exchange to linger until their vision blurred. She released a soft breath, "You've been lost in thought lately, my dear. You even came to bed late last night," she said while trailing his neck. "Share with me what has captured your attention?"

Her love didn't deny her his thoughts and unhesitatingly obliged her request.

"I suppose I've been unfocused lately; even Sebas mentioned it," he admitted, "but don't concern yourself, my love. Forgive me if I made you feel lonely. As for what's been preoccupying my thoughts, it's the expansion operation."

That caught her attention. The operation was to begin this day, was there something amiss? A frown came by her face— and yet the expression failed to warp her beauty— wondering if the problem stemmed from her end…

"I don't understand," she said, turning to face him and ignoring the cute peck he planted on her lips. "Did you discover a problem with one of its operations?"

Surprisingly, her beloved shook his head, "You misunderstand, Albedo. I am simply overjoyed... and a little bit anxious."

"But why? Surely you must know that your subjects would never fail you, at least not intentionally. Honestly, it's surprising the level of deference they have for you. Even if something were to happen, it would likely be an honest mistake."

Something akin to guilt flashed through her love's face, but Albedo paid it little heed. She loved him with every fibre of her being, but even she couldn't read past what he allowed.

'Not even Demiurge could read him without being obvious about it.' She mused inwardly. Although she didn't like to admit it, her husband's right hand was an unparalleled intellectual, skilled in a plethora of fields, including the one she herself excelled in, administration.

Honestly, given the man's revere for her husband, Albedo was sure that he would have been her love rival if Demiurge's sex was different.

Her beloved's hardened hand caressed her thigh in a motion that spoke of contemplation. Ever patient and never one to refuse an opportunity to be this close to her beloved, and be engulfed within his palpable aura, she allowed him his thoughts.

"It isn't the physical part of the operation that's got me this way," he said after a long moment of unvoiced affection. "It's the informational part. I'm curious about what we might find, and how the other nations would receive us. Would they be hostile…or courteous? Is what we know about the history of the Western nations even true, or will we have to scrape our plans."

Albedo giggled, honestly amused by this man's devious behaviour, "My love, you speak as if your intentions for the neighbouring nations are pure."

He looked at her with widened eyes, gasping and feigning hurt, "Of course, my intentions are pure, heartless wife of mine. I only wish to bring them prosperity and unity."

"Along with subordination and vassalage. You know the nobility won't view you with star-filled eyes for robbing them of their power."

That made him chuckle, "But that's what I have you for, my love. And besides, I only want a small bit of their unsatisfied peasantry." He remarked though she had already divined that much, "Good relations too could be formed with the more pleasant of the lot."

"That's definitely not the most romantic thing I ever heard from you."

She teased, and he laughed some more.

"Of course, you'd focus on that, we both know that I love you more than existence itself, my heart. Albedo, the ever-light of my life, the radiance that guides me towards my life's tomorrow and fills me with happiness beyond forever."

Her heart fluttered at his words, and redness came to her cheeks. She turned her face, flushed, as her hand trailed some of his hair and sectioned it behind his ear.

This was a grand testament to their union that even after this long they could still set each other's hearts ablaze.

"You didn't need to go that far." she finally spoke, shyly.

"But I wanted to." The genuine sincerity in his voice was unmistakable.

Albedo shook her head and regained her bearings, "You said you wouldn't be against forming ties with friendly nations, I'm guessing you are still unsure about the Theocracy." She said returning to the subject.

He nodded, "I'm thinking of leaving them entirely to Demiurge."

"You know he will most likely escalate things with them…and make it so conflict was the only option."

Her husband shrugged, the motion jiggling her chest, as he turned his head to the side and looked into the huge reflective mirror.

Within the mirror was the depiction of the entire room.

Walls trimmed in sleek black, and luxurious crystal lamps that emitted a soft, warm glow, which worked with the morning light to cast an enchanting ambiance throughout the space. At the center, a grand king-sized bed took the spotlight, adorned with sprawling silk sheets in a shimmering shade of grey. A maroon ornate headboard stood at the bed's top, adorned with intricate silver swirls. The piece added a regal touch to the overall design.

Away from the bed were numerous furniture of the same aesthetics.

Her husband hummed, not at their chamber's splendour but the reflective image of themselves…her nude, sensuous frame held aloft by his muscled stature.

Albedo smiled a teasing thing, enticed by her man's overwhelming pride.

But, in all seriousness, her beloved didn't crave conflict with the kingdoms that— would soon border them. No, he was merely too ambitious and mayhaps a bit vain, he would do what was necessary to see his goals achieved…and she and the rest of Elgroth would support him.

Even so, she admired his caution and convolution. She knew that Elgroth had enough might to forcefully conquer these nations… And were it up to her, she would have not even cared for their dominion, and merely contended herself with spending as much time as possible with her husband…and hopefully, future kids.

"We best ready ourselves for the day, my love. As much as I want to remain by your side forever, we have tasks that require our attention."

Albedo pouted at those words before her eyes flashed with an idea, "How about we have a bit of fun before then?"

The wide grin on his face told her all she needed to know about how he felt about that idea.

=========== Author's Notes==========

The Saint: There's little in the way of substance here, with a huge focus on fluff. Still, we get to see this Albedo's personality and by extension, how the rest of the NPCs will view the whole transmigration. To put it in simpler words: it basically didn't register to them.

And remember, despite the names, builds (some) and appearances, these NPCs are mere tributes to the originals.

Anyway, comment and offer criticism…

Until next time, Bye bye!