
Overlord: Conquest of Despair

Visions of the future plague the dreams of a young Antilene, someone who would one day don the epithet of Certain Death, the extra seat of the Black Scripture. This is the journey in which this half-elf embarks on to prevent the horrid reality that would one day prevail. To challenge those who sought to bring about ruin in this world, monsters from whom's perspective we once observed. The greatest guild of heteromorphs, Ainz Ooal Gown. AN: I created this to practice my writing and to just tell a story, so if you have any criticism just comment it. If you want to support this work, you can find me on patreon under the name AprilsMay. Though everything isn't finished with my account, you can still check it out.

AprilsMay · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 27

For a moment, absolute disbelief invaded my mind. The sheer incomprehension of the words that had just left his mouth filled my being. But, then it dawned on me, I forgot a crucial component of our leader's existence. That, beyond his leadership skills, his battle iq, and his general intelligence, that, he, was dense as fuck.

Simply put, he has the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon, and I often forget that fact due to how he acts ordinarily.

He just looked around to each of us, his confusion slowly turning into comprehension, as the truth seemed to dawn on him.

He rapidly turned around and yelled out -

"Come on! Let's go, we've gotta go explore the rest of the cave. See if there are any bodies left to bury." He was most definitely blushing, due to being embarrassed by having not noticed the animosity she held for us, until we had pointed it out.

That he just connected the dots. He was usually quite the prideful person, so even something quite minor such as this was something that he would feel shame for, even if it wasn't to a large degree.

The rest of us exchanged glances, then they let out a few chuckles, though in Verica's case she wasn't holding back and was laughing without restraint. I let a slight amused smile grace my face.

I noticed that Wrai ears were also reddening, further embarrassed by the sound of our wizard's loud mocking laughter.

I shook my head a bit, then proceeded to follow after him, with the other two coming up close behind. It wasn't long before we caught up, made for the entrance, and descended into the underbelly of the earth.

After a few minutes of marching, illuminated by the magical lights Verica had created, we arrived before where we had first encountered the Elder Dragon. The tunnel was barely big enough to even fit the wyrm, and the place we arrived at wasn't much better. Though there was a bit more space, there wasn't even enough space for the now deceased dragon to spread his wings.

It was the main reason we fled out of the cavern, we would have been in a lot more of a perilous situation if we had decided to confront him within. Since there was no room to dodge any of the attacks of a creature as enormous as the one we had just slain, we would have taken many more hits. 

There was also his breath attack to account for, though our mage did block it, she would have eventually ran out of mana, and we would have been cooked, quite literally.

We were also quite lucky that it either didn't know any spells, or we overwhelmed him to the point where he couldn't find an opening to use magic. Regardless, the fight would have been even more difficult than it already was. 

But, at the end of the day, we were basically guaranteed victory. Because of one reason in particular. 


We would have won regardless, if I decided that we were in a desperate enough situation as to use my trump card. If he reached a threat level where I thought we couldn't possibly win, and defeat and death was imminent, I would have activated the Goal of All Life is Death. 

But, that was a part of myself I still hadn't revealed to my party. The truth about the entirety of my past was something I never really talked about. 

And they never asked about it either, whether it's because they thought that it was traumatizing for me or just weren't interested. Regardless, I was grateful for their discretion.

I also almost never used any of the items stored within my Bag of Holding, them being clear indicators of who I really am, at least to the relevant parties. It is the reason I am still hidden from the Slane Theocracy's prying eyes, despite being such a public figure, that I wasn't trying to hide my age.

Which is a massive clue as to my true identity. But I just couldn't be bothered, because at this point, if they came looking, the only thing they would find is a swiftly delivered death.

I am quite confident in the fact that, unless they send a majority of the Black Scripture, I would be able to kill, or in the worst case, escape.

"I know." I spoke aloud, halting the hand that was about to pat me on the shoulder. 

Nowadays, even when I am in my thoughts, I am still well aware of my surroundings. I used to just completely disconnect from reality when I got to monologuing, and it took many years to work off that bad habit.

At least, to the point that when I am stuck in my head, I am no longer blind to the happenings around me.

It used to amuse them to no end, but eventually they really got sick of me ignoring the existence of those around me. Their endless complaints ( In particular Varica and Dalawraith), forced me to pay a little more attention to them.

I swear, when it happened they were weeping tears of joy.

Overdramatic, aren't they?

Before, I got on another tirade to myself, I refocused myself back into reality.

"I can hear you guys, you know."

This made both Verica and Wrai, who were whispering (quite loudly I might add) to each other, freeze in surprise, at being caught talking shit about me.

Then they just looked away, talking about how they totally weren't doing that.

"You know how they are, I guess they still aren't used to you paying attention in these circumstances." Spoke up Bastien, who was standing by my side, previously the one about to touch my shoulder.

I made a hum of confirmation, acknowledging his statement.

But -

I haven't changed that much have I?