
Overlord Conqueror

Arata a normal man suddenly die without he even knowing, a mysterious voice offer him wishes but not without a price he must pay. With his new power and supposed blessing from the mysterious voice, follow Arata journey becoming a new Overlord of The Great Tomb Of Nazarick.

Birdinthesky · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Leaving Albedo and Shalltear behind he undid the fly spell, as soon as his feet touch the ground he sprints toward the nearby knight.

That knight has a sword in his hand, right now that knight's sword is at the villager's neck who kneels begging for mercy. The knight doesn't give a fuck on the pleading man, the knight raises his hand in the air ready to bring it down and end the villager's life.

Arata sprint toward that poor villager, Arata brandish the sword from its sheath bathing the sword in the sunlight above. With all his strength he jumps toward that knight.

Clueless about what might happen to the knight, the knight brings down the sword with an intent to kill. The villager closes her eyes in face of death. With one swing the sword cuts its intended target cutting its head into two. That sword was his sword, he kills people.

For him, this is the second time he kills peoples, the first one it makes him stomach sick and make him think he a bastard. This time, he doesn't feel that feeling, he didn't feel anything except disguise at the sight of the knight state.

It is likely that his current body affects his mental state, never in his life he thought he would kill someone again, and this time intentionally. He might have changed more than he expects when he arrived in this world.

The knight's body falls down, the body spurt blood constantly, his sword his armor, and his face all have bloodstains. The villager opens her eyes only to face horror in front of her. A bloody knight in front and a dead knight below, it is the scenes she witnesses, her eyes locked in the sight. 

He can't like this forever, they're a lot of peoples to be saved. Ignoring the villager's horrified face he continues to search for others knights. It is easy to navigate in this kind of situation he just has to follow some scream and he will find a knight.

The next target is already killing the villagers, he notices two kids run from the knight. Without much of a thought, he sprints to the destination, he appears in front of the two kids who are afraid of his bloody appearance.

He has no time to calm the kids he went straight for the kill, seeing him approaching the knight also approaches him. The two meets at the middle of the rod, first, they both look at each other until the other knight says to him.

"You! Are you trying to stop me!"

He doesn't answer the knights.

"You! Even though you seem to have done a great job but the captain will punish those who dare defy the order no matter what it is. Now get off my way"

He does not answer but instead, he wiped the blood on his armor making it visible to the knight's eyes. The knight becomes increasingly pissed by his action but when the knight didn't see any crest on his armor, the knight realizes he fucked up.

"Who the hell-"

Before the knight even finishes the sentence he cut the knight's head, shutting his mouth and ending his life. The headless body falls to the ground. The two kids are horrified by what they see that it makes them completely speechless and frozen.

He didn't give a damn fuck for the kids he already saves their life it is time to save others. Even though he might look like a bloody killer and that right, in the end, he knows the village will hail him as a hero who saved their life.

He disappears from the place to continue his search for another knight. Search and kill that is what on his thoughts right now, he even forgets that he brings Albedo and Shalltear with him. 

What follows in the village is a complete killing be it the villagers or the knights doing it, both suffer unbearable casualties. As time goes on the number of screams he hears fall as do the knights. 

Not a single knight in the village he spares, all of them are the headless body that paints the ground with the red, color of blood. In just a matter of minutes, he saved the village, now there are only a couple of knights leave outside the village.

He comes near them, from the looks of the knight armor he can see what kind of position they hold. The more stainless the armor the higher the position they hold. In total only one guy has stainless armor, that one is the captain.

"I will spare all of your life, go! never come back again!"

Despite hearing his warning the remaining knights didn't move an inch. That gives him information about them, most people when seeing a killer murdering all of your comrades would be scare shitless, or angry. But they still have their calmness, that alone makes them no ordinary unit, maybe a special one.

He has no choice he plans to make them run to their base so he can know what exactly they are, what their motivation and what country they from. It seems like he must do the harsh way, but killing them with just a sword will probably don't make any difference, he must think of the other method, fortunately,  he has that kind of method.

"Grasp Heart! Grasp Heart! Grasp Heart!*

In instant, he kills three knights, the three knight fall one after another their body does not show any sign of damage. This whole event makes the remaining knight confused and scared, he can their hesitation, just like what he needs.

"I give you three seconds after that each second I count it would cost your life. It starts now!"

It worked, the knights are fleeing with their life, all of them are trying their best to run for him, which he let them go except one person. The captain certainly has a lot of information and has the full picture of the situation.

He activated Touch Of Undead one of many skills he has. The effect to make the target lifeless but not dead as long as the target is not too weak. He teleports in front of the captain blocking his escape path.

Arata raises his right hand and slowly brings it toward the captain's face. Seeing the situation he was in the captain brandishes his sword ready to fight for his dear life. Arata doesn't care about the captain's action, there is one passive skill he has which block any kind of attack below lv 60. 

The captain readying himself he calms down his wobbly feet then he calms down his shaking hand, gripping the sword with all the power he has, he screams and attacks Arata. The captain's sword abruptly stops in the air it meets an unknown force it can't cut.


With a deep voice Arata state to the captain. Arata's right hand got closer to the captain's despaired face until Arata grabs it. A strange aura of the dark comes out when he grabbed the captain's head, then the aura dissipates into a thin air, and with it, the body of the captain is totally lifeless.

Now with the captain gone the remaining knight runs, even more, faster, they probably hear the captain scream, it doesn't matter to him. He throws the captain's body somewhere on the ground, now it is time to catch the running mouse.


"Yes, Arata-sama"

"Track them!"

"Understood, Arata-sama"

He calls Shalltear, he knows that both Shalltear and Albedo always on his side when he goes around killing the knights. His stats are not to be underestimated, he can feel the presence of living things from quite the distance, feeling two women on his back is not a problem for him.

"Summon! Familiar"

With Shalltear command black mist appears behind and bellow her. One by one lot of shadowy creatures emerge from the black mist, they range from a wolf to a bat. In total there are about hundreds of Shalltear familiar emerge from the black mist.

"Familiars! Follow them, make sure nobody notices you. Go!"

All of Shalltear familiars follow the fleeing knights and then they merge with their shadow to hide. Now he can know where the knight come from and what kind of unit they come from.

"Good job, Shalltear"

"No that is nothing at all"


"What the matter, Albedo?"

"Arata-sama let me clean all the stains on your body!"

"That is right! Arata-sama let me clean it as well!"

That is right his body is quite a mess right now, not only the stains but also the smell both are full of blood mosquitoes would certainly like to him.

"Leaving Arata-sama in this state while we didn't have any single speak of it. We failed as a servant!"

"I am so sorry Arata-sama!"

Both Albedo and Shalltear feel deeply sorry about their action. But the knows they both do nothing wrong at all, all of these are the consequences for his plans, he must learn to take responsibility for it.

"Both of you it is okay, it was not your fault at all!"


"Look, Fresh!"

Fresh is a magic spell that can clean one body from any type of stain. It is pretty easy to use with a lot of uses. 

"I am fine right now! Let me say this again it was not your fault, Albedo, and Shalltear!"

"Please punish us, Arata-sama"


"Even though it was not our fault but we still let Arata-sama fight alone, not to mention we don't help Arata-sama at all"

"That is not tr-"

"What Shalltear say is right, Arata-sama. It is our sin to not help Arata-sama, ple-"

"That is n-"

"Arata-sama… Please punish our sin!"

"Arata-sama… Please punish me!"

"What with those eyes… Huh… Okay I will punish both of you later"

In the end, he gives up when seeing Albedo and Shalltear pleading eyes, there no helping it he will punish them later, but what kind of punishment will suit both of them.

They both go back to the village, the villagers he helps already starting to organize themselves searching for other villagers and the casualties. In the process, he also helps them while Albedo and Shalltear didn't bother to do so.

After a few hours, all of the casualties are finally founded after that the villager starts to build a new grave area for the dead because of how big is the number of casualties. He didn't help them building the grave nor did he visit it.

A hero is what the villagers call him and that is also what he wants to be called. For now, his plans are more or less complicated it is time to go back to Nazarick. Today he sure experiences a lot of things.

But before he can go back to the Nazarick, a sound of step can be heard from outside the village. With a tired face, he brings Albedo and Shalltear with him to where the sound comes from, the front of the village.

'Round two huh?... So troublesome!"

What kind of punishment Albedo and Shalltear will recive?

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