
Overlord Buggy

This is the second time I am uploading this story to Webnovel just so I can enter a contest. If you look at both of the stories, you will see that they are in fact, owned by one person, me, the author. Alekz, as a human, had one of the most boring lives he could, with an unknown future for himself. But then, he dies unexpectedly and talks with a deity before being brought to another world. The One Piece world. With the memories of watching as well as reading around 1044 chapters, he has the knowledge to completely wreck and rebuild the world however he wants. The only thing is he is reborn as Buggy. So, the idea of being reborn as Buggy wasn't mine, I took that idea from Capt_mermain1 and ran with it in my own way. AN: this is my first novel, so don't mind any inconsistencies or anything that doesn't entirely make sense.

Alekz_YNot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs


His face became more concerned than upset. "What do you mean you'll take it off my hands? I will never give this sword away and have their death on my conscience!"

'Wow, this guy really doesn't want this sword to go to someone else. But I can't just give up on it. What do I do now?'

"Okay, it seems that you wouldn't ever give it away. But what if I could show you I can in fact wield it? I think I know exactly what to do for someone to wield it." And I put on my own evil smirk. 'Please take the bait, please take it! I really just made that up, but I can still figure it out! If I don't then oh well, I actually tried to do something! It shouldn't actually hurt me though, since I have precautions of Observation, Armament, and a devil fruit that specifically doesn't allow swords to normally hurt me! If I do die, it's something I didn't take into account!'


'Wow, becoming that aggressive because he doesn't believe I can probably survive it? I guess it is a little justified, but even if I can't really wield it, I can still use it as the first piece of "The One". I'll just go along with him for now, and then I'll try the sword.'

My face went blank. "Fine, I'll look at the other swords you have, but now I want something kind of as fancy as that one you won't sell me. Do you have anything like that?"

After his yelling session, I saw him start to calm down a bit, but not as much as I had hoped, because it seemed as if he begrudgingly asked me to follow him to some other swords that were partially like the one he didn't want to sell. He was obviously still a little angry at me, but I was busy devising a plan to show him that I will take it off his hands no matter what.

And so, after being told all about several kind of fancy swords, I pointed at a random one to see it, while readying myself to test the fancy sword still in my mind. He went to grab it, and I quietly ran to the other side of the store, opened the glass case, and grabbed the fancy sword, all before the seller had turned around to hand me the random sword I picked out. I stopped paying attention to the man, and looked at the sword in my hands.

'This is surprisingly heavy, would never have expected it to weigh more than it looks. No wonder why people had a hard time wielding it. But too bad for them, I happen to have a lot of muscle training, so I can lift it no problem. Now, how did they die? I might as well see the blade and check if that's what has caused their deaths.'

And I held the sheath in my right hand while the hand of the blade in my left, and started to slide the blade out of the sheath to get a look at it. I just stood there as I pulled the blade out of it's sheath, and as soon as a little bit of the blade showed, I swear I saw a spark of lightning or energy or something come out of it. And surprisingly, it hurt, a lot. But thanks to Future Sight and Armament Hardening, I knew what was going to happen, and protected myself with a thick layer of Armament Colorless just to be safe. And the lightning or something still hurt my left hand, and shocked the nerves throughout my entire body, even with something to block it. 'UM... THIS SWORD IS TOO MYSTERIOUS. Is it supposed to be a secret sword? What can cause it to actually be able to hurt me through Armament Haki? I mean, I guess other Armament, but he said it was a skillful grade, right? That means this sword isn't exactly great, but the fact that it can hurt me but didn't kill me is a great sign.'

And then, I continued to pull the blade out of the sheath, until the silvery blade was right in front of me, glimmering in the sunlight, with a lightning-esque edge pattern, which absolutely dazzled me.

And then the ship owner fell face first in front of me.

'Wasn't he across the store? Did he just run across the store to try and stop me, but when I actually held the sword without issue, he tripped?' I looked down at the man on his face, and asked "Are you good? You did just fall on your face, with a lot of force."


I turned my head to the blade. "Huh. Your name is Surya, huh? Guess I need to call you that, don't I? And the answer your question shopkeep, I'm just special." And smirked. 'Haha! Like I would tell you! No one here in the East Blue has even a shred of any idea about Haki, so even if I did want to tell you my personal secrets, why would I?'

He looked stunnes at my answer while getting up, and then looked at Surya in my hand, only to then close his shocked mouth, and just walk behind the counter. He sat for a couple minutes with his arms crossed in silence, and as I stared at him, ready to ask if I could have it now, he spoke "Since you have been chosen by that cursed blade to be it's wielder, I cannot do much else. I have seen it happen three times before, and it still amazes me. And I could not just take it back, since more idiotic people would try and take it, so keep it, and never try to buy another sword from here again."

It was my turn to be stunned. 'Did I just get a sword for free? And it's a sword of essentially unknown origin? That is awesome!' I smirked as I sheathed my new blade, Surya, and put it on my hip. And then I started to leave, but I decided to put the sword that I randomly chose back in its spot, which made the man wince a little, thinking I was going to take more of his inventory. And I just walked to the door after putting that sword back.

Before I fully left the shop, I decided to ask "I never learned your name, what is it?"

He glared at me, and with a grumble, I heard him say "My name is Yopponmatsu. Now get out of my shop. I don't need people to think they can get any sword for free."

And I walked out of that shop happy. 'I seriously got a free sword? I was really ready to buy a sword if needed, but such a special sword couldn't be priced, even if it was, it would be several billion berri, even with only swordsman trying to buy it! This sword has secrets, and I will unlock them! But only after I train with it.

As I walked through the crowd of people, I didn't exactly pay attention to much, so after a little dodging, I found myself accidentally bumping into a person smaller than me, who was also wearing a cloak, and knocking them over. I still stood normally, so I just decided to help them up.

"Are you okay? I wasn't paying attention there and ended up making you fall. You need help up?" And I reached my hand out to the little person.

They grabbed on to my hand, and lifted themself up, and after dusting themselves off, said "No, I'm sorry, I was the one not paying attention. Thank you for helping me up, but I should get going now. Thank you sir!" And they ran off into the crowd.

'Huh, I really should pay more attention to where I'm walking. I guess one-on-one interactions with people are easier to do, and my anxiety is slowly dissolving, but it is still there. I really am being affected by this world. I could also be affected by the remaining parts of original Buggy, which I still don't know if it's true, but it isn't bothering me at all.' and I watched them run off.

But as soon as they ran off, I noticed something was off about myself. And so I started to follow the little person in secret, hoping to get back what was mine.