
Overlord Buggy

This is the second time I am uploading this story to Webnovel just so I can enter a contest. If you look at both of the stories, you will see that they are in fact, owned by one person, me, the author. Alekz, as a human, had one of the most boring lives he could, with an unknown future for himself. But then, he dies unexpectedly and talks with a deity before being brought to another world. The One Piece world. With the memories of watching as well as reading around 1044 chapters, he has the knowledge to completely wreck and rebuild the world however he wants. The only thing is he is reborn as Buggy. So, the idea of being reborn as Buggy wasn't mine, I took that idea from Capt_mermain1 and ran with it in my own way. AN: this is my first novel, so don't mind any inconsistencies or anything that doesn't entirely make sense.

Alekz_YNot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Rosalina's Calm Wrath

Rem became incredibly intrigued. "You can see my soul? Can you see everyone else's too?" She was leaning on her arms, which were holding her up on the front of the chair.

"Well, yes. I can see your soul. I didn't know it was, and just assumed, but I guess I was right. And to answer your second question, yes, I can see the 'souls' of other people, but it's only you, Rosalina, and the rest of.. your.. family. I can't just randomly find someone else's soul if they don't have some... thing like a devil fruit."

'Since I'm on the topic, I may as well get as much information as I can, I can't just stay depressed and not do anything.'

Rem's face changed to a little bit of shock, her jaw dropping a little.

"You can see our souls!? Are you one that we didn't know of!?"


'"One that we didn't know of"? What does that mean? Does she think I have a soul-thing like her and the rest? But.. shouldn't she be able to see if I was? Unless it's something I didn't know about before..'

Rem was still a little shocked, and her voice was a little shaky. "S-so you ar-aren't another of u-us?"

"I don't know what that means."

"We-well, yo-y-you aren't a part of th-the soul?"

"No? I'm not." I was more confused now. 'PARTS of a soul now? Are they like.. parts of Big Mom? Noo.. that wouldn't make sense, unless....'

"But.. do you know who Big Mom is?"

It was Rem's turn to be confused.

"I-I-I remember the naaaaame... Rosalina said it before, b-but I don't know who that is.. why?"

'So.. if Rem here is a part of.. "Them", then, does that mean they aren't a part of her Devil fruit ability? But.. that still doesn't explain it. So.. what are they? And what is their souls?'

Rosalina and the rest, except for Rem, were sitting in the meeting room. Rosalina's face was darkened, and she spoke to all of them.

"You know I come to check on you all because you refuse to leave, right? But with this.. Grim.. character.. you just decide to blindly follow him out to sea? What is your reasoning for such an action?"

The evil looking one answered: "You know, as a person bred to make weapons, we have done so. And created one that will make sure nothing happens to us. Quite successfully, might I add." He smiled.

"Rosin, there is no conceivable way that you, collectively, created a weapon to keep yourselves safe."

"Oh, quite the contrary." He widened his arms as Grim walked up behind him.

"Grim here, while also the reason for use suddenly deciding to leave, IS such a weapon." He smirked, alongside the other five and Grim himself.

Face still darkened, Rosalina continued "How so? And why would he just decide to do such a.. gracious.. thing for you all?"

Grim had a smile that had a feeling of a smirk, and Rosin continued "Grim here arrived on the island one day a couple years ago, vowing to get revenge on someone. He would not disclose who, but he also had vowed to become stronger. Thanks to him arriving on Graphen, we graciously took him in after overhearing his statements. While he was here healing, we made a deal that we would make him into a perfect weapon one of mass destruction. While at the same time, he would protect us while on his journey of revenge. It was a win-win deal, so we took it, and modified Grim to be a weapon capable of obliterating everyone and everything in our path of seeing everything this world has to offer, alongside him going on a quest."

The room went silent while everyone admired Grim, a weapon they had collectively created.

Rosalina's eyes drilled into Grim, who noticed the glare, but did nothing about it.

"You are all idiots. Before I have to change bodies, let us change topic. I will also let the idea of you all being utterly idiotic marinate in the back of your minds."

The oldest three were stoic at that, while the rest were a bit angered by it, but let it go.

Grim left the room down the long hallway, as he had other things to attend to.

The second oldest, Ross, spoke up. "What is this.. other topic? Did you have one in mind?"

Rosalina's face was very stoic, and had a slight bit of anger to it, but she said "You know of the person I just left Rem with, am I correct?"

They all nodded, some of them did in fact stay angered, but didn't continue on that thought.

"Well, you have all seen HIS soul, right?"

They nodded again.

"I found him randomly while on one of my endeavors. He was just sitting there, and I realized he was.. different than other people. You all may have found this out on your own, but not only does his soul have a different color, it doesn't even seem to be like ANY OTHER person's soul. You can all compare, am I wrong? His soul, unlike ours, vibrates a little, as if it is a different.. frequency.. of sorts. I do not know why that is, and that is why whenever I am around him, I discreetly watch his soul, so I can find out any possible reasoning for his soul to act in such a way."

The room was silent again, as everyone was thinking on the words that Rosalina had just spoken. All of what she had just said was sinking in to the minds of these people, and finally, they all understood.

"So, are you saying he is something important? As in, he is possibly not of our world?"

"What I am saying, is that perhaps he has something or has done something to affect his soul to such a caliber, that it is a different frequency all together."

Rosalina became incredibly serious in less than a moment. Her head tilted while also staring at all of them with fire in her eyes.

"If any of you think of messing with his soul, I will personally take care of you. And you ALL know how much I can do to immortals such as ourselves without us getting hurt."

The younger ones shuttered at that, but Rosin spoke up and said "Some of us have physical bodies made as weapons, an extra set of precautions. It would be good for you to not affect them in any way, and keep them pristine. With them we may actually be able to take you down, but we would like to not hurt them in any way."

"Oh, I was just wondering. It helps answer some things for me."

We ended up in silence, with Rem fidgeting a little, I had no idea why.

"Is something wrong?"

She jumped a little at my question, before shyly answering "W-well, this is my first time meeting an outsider who ISN'T Grim, or being turned into a weapon, so.. I'm a little nervous."

"Oh, is that it?"

I turned my head to face her, and the door opened at that exact moment, which startled Rem.

It was Rosalina, who was staring at me with eagle eyes, watching everything I did.

"Rem, you can leave."

Rem, still shaken, said "Bu-but Ro-Ro, I wan-na learn more about the outsi-"

"We can talk about that later. But leave first, please." Rosalina voiced that in a stern tone, as if she was the parent to Rem.

Rem then reluctantly left the room, standing up and slumping her shoulders, and passing by Rosalina through the door, watching me as she then closed it.

Rosalina watched the door for a second before going towards the chair and staring at me with visible distrust.

"Rosa, your distrust is showing." I slumped my head to face her, having a wave of being depressed wash over me.

"I would like to know why you did not stay on the ship. I exclusively told you to NOT leave the ship, and yet you did. What is the possible reason for such a thing?"

Blinking a few times, I thought 'Well, obviously it was to find out answers to questions I had, and to find out if ANY theory I had was correct. But what do I say?'

"Rosa.. I'm just going to speak to you as normally as I can. I had some questions regarding.. your soul. Until seven other people with such souls appeared and made me question everything, again. At first, I had a thought that you were under the control of a massive figure in the world, Big Mom."

I watched as her face changed from stern and blank to having a raised eyebrow at the same time.

"What did you just say?"

"But, thanks to some questions and a bit of realization that Rem can't exactly keep things secret if asked directly about them, I learned that you only really know the name of Big Mom, meaning you aren't under her control. The thing is, I still can't figure out what your soul is. I mean, the others have some weird things about them, like the silvery thing that I could only think of being a soul. But you, yours doesn't take up the whole body, which I still don't know what that does other than connects you to these people."