
Overlord Buggy

This is the second time I am uploading this story to Webnovel just so I can enter a contest. If you look at both of the stories, you will see that they are in fact, owned by one person, me, the author. Alekz, as a human, had one of the most boring lives he could, with an unknown future for himself. But then, he dies unexpectedly and talks with a deity before being brought to another world. The One Piece world. With the memories of watching as well as reading around 1044 chapters, he has the knowledge to completely wreck and rebuild the world however he wants. The only thing is he is reborn as Buggy. So, the idea of being reborn as Buggy wasn't mine, I took that idea from Capt_mermain1 and ran with it in my own way. AN: this is my first novel, so don't mind any inconsistencies or anything that doesn't entirely make sense.

Alekz_YNot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Plotting & Training

The rest of the day was generally uneventful. I relaxed and unpacked everything that had happened. 'I was killed by a god, reincarnated as Buggy, freaked out over nothing, and came up with a goal to make "The One". That was more than I would have done in a single day in my last life, and it was exhilarating. I think I still have issues to work over mentally from my last life, but I can fix them gradually.'

While laying on the bed, I stared at the ceiling 'But, while I work on those issues, I have to train, like a lot. I learned of my limit today, and I lose a lot of energy every time I use my power, and should work on my stamina.' Continuing my staring competition with the ceiling, an idea popped in my head. 'Should I try the "One Punch Man" workout? It might work to become stronger, but I shouldn't limit it to... was it 100 pushups, situps, squats, and a 10 kilometer run? I might have to increase that limit if I want to be a strong as I need to be. Eh, I'll try it tomorrow, after some rest from today.'

And since Shanks left and got back, he brought food to celebrate my new goal, as he said. 'Guess he's just simple right now. Not everyone will be the same as I remember them.'

We had a small party, and we both ate food and Shanks made a toast, stating "You know what? Since you have a grand goal, I'm gonna make one too. I'm gonna become one of the free-est people in the world, and have parties all the time!" And we toasted to goals, having a two person party for the night. I was uncomfortable, but Shanks pushed me to just do whatever, and then I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up. 'At least this time I didn't die. It's not a different roof or... whatever. What time is it though?' I opened my eyes slightly to look around for a clock, are there clocks? 'It's too early to think of that.'

I started to stretch, and I ended up stretching far enough that I rolled off the bed, falling to the floor, with my entire body sprawled out.



'Okay, that wasn't me, right? I'm not asleep, right? I fell on the floor, right? I was looking for a clock... right?' I lifted my head up, and barely opened my eyes, squinting and looking up to see where the snoring was coming from. I got up sluggishly, and wandered towards the window slowly, then opening the blinds and blinding myself using the sun. 'OH MY GOSH, DID I SERIOUSLY JUST BLIND MYSELF? THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW TIMES I REMEMBER DOING THIS!' I closed my eyes, turned and squinted around the room, only to find Shanks, asleep, on another bed, with a bubble coming from his nose, and I heard a loud snore come from him.

'Okay, is every guy character gonna snore like this? If they do, I need earplugs or something.'

I laid back down in the bed and thought for a couple minutes: 'So, I think I thought about training like Saitama from One Punch Man. I think that might be one of the best ways to train right now. I also need knowledge, mostly about Devil Fruits, since I can be concerned about technology in a couple of years. I also need Haki, but I can worry about getting more specific knowledge from Ro-Captain or Rayleigh when they get back from Laugh Tale. I should probably write down what I remember in one place, especially some of the secrets of the world, like Imu, Punk Hazard.. should probably write down ideas in there too. It would come in handy to have future information for events and everything. Maybe I should just get a Devil Fruit Encyclopedia and use that. I could write in it the users of some fruits that I remember, probably find someone to take the current list out and make a bigger book with more paper so I can design and write stuff down.'

I closed my eyes. 'Wait a second, how did I get to making a notebook out of an encyclopedia from doing a workout? Am I really not wanting to do it or something? FINE BODY. I'LL DO A WORKOUT. AND YOU WON'T LIKE IT MUCH, BUT IT'LL BE WORTH IT IN THE LONG RUN.'

I jumped off of the bed, marched towards the door, went outside the building, only to be greeted by a somewhat busy street. 'Are you freaking serious? How am I going to workout now? I mean, I could probably run around the island and do the other parts after stopping halfway-ish around the island. That would probably work. Now, to find my way out of town and to the outer edge of the island.'

I walked through town, and ended up near the edge of the island, on the remember 'Oh no, did I forget how to get back to the hotel? *Sigh* I guess I'll have to find it the hard way when I get back.'

And I started to run. I ran until I couldn't, and I was so focused on running that I completely didn't realize the world around me. I just focused on finding my way around the island.

'Okay, I can stop here, but I shouldn't stop the workout, I need to finish this before tonight, so I'm just gonna do something.' To which, I started squats. And pushed myself to finish them. All 100. I was dripping with sweat near the end. But, my mental fortitude was still strong, I was putting all of my will into making myself finish this quickly. I started to run again, not knowing where I was, maybe like halfway around the island this time? Before I stopped again. This time, I simply did a hundred sit-ups. It sucked, because I wasn't willing to stop. I also finished those, this time, I was really dripping sweat. I had stopped paying attention to time, and only paid attention to the workout.

I continued running again, and felt like I was starting to die, but I had to be persistent in this endeavor, otherwise I couldn't even fathom getting as strong as I wanted to be. I felt like all of my unimportant body functions and organs were idle, and since all I focused on was the workout, I was in a dazed state, and barely used any energy to think about what was happening other than paying attention to how I was running, and what was in front of me so I didn't end up dead or hurt. And then I stopped again, this time, to do 100 pushups. It was obvious at this point my body, my child freaking body, was in some pain. But, with sheer will, I did the 100 pushups, and then ran again, all the way until I reached the hotel.

And then I realized I was at the hotel when I stopped.

'Wait, hold up, how? I ran out the other side of town, how in the world did I even end up back at the hotel? Ow, that hurt to think. Why is my blood pumping so hard? I didn't think I was doing that much. OW. My body seriously hurts. I can't dwell on it too much, I should just go back to the room, and rest. Yeah... That sounds nice.'

I trudged up to the room, somehow. I have no idea, but when I entered the room, I walked over to my bed, fell on it, and I blacked out.

I woke up to someone talking to me. My eyes were barely open, so I could only make out red hair and a straw hat. 'Oh, Shanks is trying to say something.'

All my voice allowed me to say was "What Shanks?"

And then I heard him say "So you aren't dead, I thought you might've for a second. You disappeared this morning, so I figured you were doing something. But what did you do?"

Still feeling groggy, I tried to sit up, but pain spiked through my arms for a second, and I immediately let myself lay back down in pain. "OUCH. *SIGH* I was out training, and pushed my body to it's limit."

"Ah." Said Shanks.

"I... Can't even say anything to that." I immediately felt a black hole appear in my stomach, and a loud gurgle came out of my body. 'Oh, I didn't eat anything at all today, and just did that workout.'

"Shanks? Can I have a bunch of food please? I need something to eat."


And I forced myself to sit up, trying to to mind the pain. And then Shanks came back with food. I immediately started eating it, and when I was done with the pile, I lean back a little. But something was different, I felt more energetic than before, and the pain was slowly dissipating. 'Hold on a second. Wasn't that a little quick for any kind of recovery? I mean, I just ate food. Is the physique of humans here different from my old world? That could totally explain why I felt better after eating.'

And the rest of the day was uneventful. Nothing crazy happened, and Shanks partied by himself. 'Hm. He's already working towards his goal.'

And the next few weeks went about the same as that one day. I ran and worked out around the island, slowly building up muscle and being able to do the workout slight faster and with a little more energy than before, every single day. It sucked, but it was worth it. Because on one day, as I finished my workout, which ended around three in the afternoon, I saw the Oro Jackson in the port as I got back to the hotel.