
Overlord Buggy

This is the second time I am uploading this story to Webnovel just so I can enter a contest. If you look at both of the stories, you will see that they are in fact, owned by one person, me, the author. Alekz, as a human, had one of the most boring lives he could, with an unknown future for himself. But then, he dies unexpectedly and talks with a deity before being brought to another world. The One Piece world. With the memories of watching as well as reading around 1044 chapters, he has the knowledge to completely wreck and rebuild the world however he wants. The only thing is he is reborn as Buggy. So, the idea of being reborn as Buggy wasn't mine, I took that idea from Capt_mermain1 and ran with it in my own way. AN: this is my first novel, so don't mind any inconsistencies or anything that doesn't entirely make sense.

Alekz_YNot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Packing Thoughts

"So, do you, Buggy, want to leave now?"


'Crap! I totally forgot about doing that! It's even a part of my plan! It's just so out of the blue! Am I ready to go now? I mean, I can be ready soon, but not at this exact moment! What do I do?'

"Um, Rosalina, I'm not able to do that RIGHT now, can you maybe wait until later today? If you're willing to wait that long, it's possible, yeah. But I assume you have room for me if you're asking, right?"

"Yes, I do happen to have plenty of room on my ship. I had hoped to leave as soon as possible, and so if 'as soon as possible' is later today, that would be possible."

"Okay then, I can leave later today, but, um.. you'll have to meet me somewhere else though. Branson knows where, so, I'll just tell you. Um, go around the island that way.." I pointed to the right. "..until you leave the edge of town, you should come to a beach area, with a ship or two there, I'll be there with my stuff."

Rosalina closed her eyes a little and said "Was there a need to be as specific as you were?" I heard some sarcasm from her voice.

'That's a bit weird, being slightly different in.. demeanor than before, but I'll take that as something that's a part of who she is, wether or not she's connected to Big Mom. I should probably stop thinking before I theorize about literally EVERYTHING.'

I sweat dropped. "Y-yeah. There's only one beach, it's not hard to find, so just come and get me there in a couple hours, I should be fine and ready by then." I just stood there awkwardly without moving for a second before thinking aloud "Oh, um I should probably go and get ready. Can you tell Branson it's fine for him to just take the ships? I'll need the extra time." I just stood there smiling and standing awkwardly for a second time before I realized I needed to go.

"Oh yeah, um sorry. Bye.. see you when you come to get me!" And I just ran off. I could sense Rosalina smirk, like I was one of the most interesting people in the planet. I could tell the interest wasn't romantically charged, but as I was heading towards the hideout, I started to think again.

'Why am I able to tell emotions of people through Haki? Wait.. um.. wasn't there a chart or something that I searched up once to see what Haki types there were? Was there a chance that it had to do with emotion? No, I only got here a couple months ago, although my Haki may be strong, that doesn't mean I should just have all types of Haki. I'll have to just leave it up to fate now on wether or not I get a bunch of different Haki abilities from training. On that, I remember reading a One Piece fanfic where the main character was trained by someone who could use Haki however he wanted, maybe I can try that, but right now, it's still too early to even fight against people who have Haki. I should really reserve it right now for any threat too strong, as well as observational reasons.'

Once I arrived at the hideout, I immediately ran to where Taki was training and Mariga was watching with awe.

All I did was yell to them "You two! We gotta pack! Our adventure starts later today! We're gonna travel around a good chunk of the world within a couple months, so pack everything!"

Without saying another word, I just went back to the hideout and started to grab all my stuff, packing it into a comedically stretchy bag, which stretched to like, four times it's original size.

I started to gather everything of mine, which ended up in a bit of a pile, but I just needed to organize and make everything fit well.

When I saw my suit that I wore and became 'Lucifer', I was stuck in a dilemma. 'I could just leave it here, and people would think of some outrageous reason. But on the other hand, if I bring it with me, I can use it as a cover for when I'm in need of hiding my true identity, so maybe I should bring it, but hide it with the paperwork and notebook, since the case is still partially empty. I will need to make sure my nose is covered, I can make a new mask, but the clothes, I'll have to keep.... Just in case.'

I put the 'Lucifer' suit and mask into the important suitcase, and then put it first into the stretchy backpack.

I hadn't spent a couple minutes stretching it for fun, nope, not at all.

And so, I somehow stuffed all my clothes, a couple suitcases of cash, and a lot of blankets. The ones that made up my bed that Mariga also liked to sleep on. I also had a whole chair's worth of blankets as well, which was surprising for how much stuff fit in the bag, but I got most of my stuff to fit. I'd have to have Taki and myself carry some suitcases of cash, but other than that, I was done.

I hadn't paid any attention, but Taki and Mari also packed, which surprised me when I saw a bag full of clothes, food, and blankets, I assumed was Taki's, and then a bag also full of food and clothes, which I had to assume was Mariga's because of the lack of anything else.

'I'll need to get Mari something else other than.. clothes. She has food, but I assume Taki just didn't have any room, so she put food into Mari's bag. It would suck for a kid like Mari to not have anything she likes, and Taki apparently likes food. A lot. And of course her bed, she likes that blanket bed, I know just how comfy it can be after a day of workout and just other work in general. I don't know what else I'd sleep on at night, or what Taki would-' I suddenly grew more concerned.

'Um.. doesn't Taki need a place to train her Sulong form? I know it's not exactly a requirement, but on a ship, it's way smaller than an island, I and I can't just have someone jump off the ship just so that Taki can train! I will have to figure that out pretty quickly, otherwise it could be a total catastrophe.' I rubbed my eyes with one hand.

'I don't think I plan on leaving them here. While I do trust Taki to taking care of Mari, it's a different thing since Mari got kidnapped in the first place. I don't think I can leave her here and expect her to be safe. Taki COULD do it, but the whole reason I created 'Lucifer' in the first place was because of Taki's inability to keep an eye on her. Although I can't exactly say much especially for Taki being young still, so I just need to build her up to be strong enough, and it'll be fine, especially mentally. Mari, although also still a child, very much currently does not have anything going for her, not being an extremely hard to find race in the world, or a devil fruit eater. It may be the reason why I want to keep her safe, because she doesn't currently have any ability to start to keep herself safe.'

I sat down on the ground for a minute. 'Well, I guess that's the reasons for bringing them along, Mari can't keep herself safe and I'm taking Taki to her homeland, so why not take her everywhere on the journey, she'll be able to experience a lot before getting home. That's all. That's the only reasoning. It's not because I don't want to be alone, especially with someone potentially being an actual current "Emperor of the Sea". It would be much better to not have that. I guess its more about a safety net and a just in case my theory is true thing, where I make it so that she can't act suspicious around me, especially with two other witnesses around. I hope I didn't overlook anything with that plan. I might have, but I don't know exactly when Rosalina will be at the beach, so we'll need to get out of here.'

I turned to both of them. "Are you both ready to travel the world? It'll be a little while before we get to your Homeland Taki, but it will happen, and Mari, I will help you out with your life, so just sit back, relax, and see the world." I smiled at the end.

Taki was about to leave but then said "How're we supposed to leave with these giant bags?"

"Eh?" I looked and saw we couldn't fit through the door.

I said while pointing at the door "Ehm.. seems we didn't account for this. Let's just.. figure out what to do really quickly. We don't want to miss our voyage, right?"