
Overlord at Magic High School

Spec Ops soldier went died in a surreal freak accident. As fate would have it he is transported to a new world of magic high school.

breaker13 · Others
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19 Chs

The Life

Sitting next to Leo wasn't too bad, though he does talk a whole lot it didn't really bother Takeo much. As a matter of fact it was welcome by him, because Leo's personality reminded him of his one of old teammate Johnny but they all used to called him Joker.

Thinking about his past in the Ghost teams a smile couldn't help but creep on his face, joining the military was by far the best, yet stupidest things he had ever done. Sure it wasn't so bad of a career choice, if you exclude the early morning marches in negative degrees or swimming in below freezing water, the core friendship and values that was forged in hard times endured. They became family, they helped each other through tough times and hard times. In his mind the good far outweighed the bad, after all he gained a family one that he never had.

When the freshman representative finished her speech, Takeo was quite frankly relieved. Every male within the hall were acting like dogs in heat when they saw her, and that actually disgusted him a lot. How are they going to be the protectors of this land when they can't even reign in their emotions in public, Leo was slightly better then the others, he recognized her beauty and started for a few seconds before composing himself and returned to his cheerful go lucky self.

Standing up and stretching a bit, and he and Leo made their way outside the auditorium, after the opening ceremony, it was the issuing of the ID cards, each student was to report to a designated area to get their ID cards, those cards will serve as a form of passport through out the campus. It will help them register for classes and clubs, enter restricted areas, allow teachers to track some students progress, and serve as a form ID outside the school.

After separating with Leo he made his way to his assigned room, upon arrival he was greeted with a line just forming outside the doors. A teacher was posted in front of them in order to direct the flow of traffic, just as he lined up a student walked out and the teacher ushered a new one inside, thus allowing the line to move. There were four students in front of him three girls and one boy, two of the girls were talking with each other, well one was talking happily and the other one was quiet and had a dead pan look on her face, while nodding and agreeing with the other.

The girl who was talking could easily qualify within the boundaries of cuteness. She also has very large breasts and a curvaceous figure. While the other one was a bit shorter than her counter part but looked plain and like an emotionless fish but had a certain charm to her, quite frankly he didn't know what to think. And didn't really feel any attraction to neither one of them, true they could be considered cute but he wasn't attracted to any girls under 25 years old.

After all he was a grown a$$ man for crying out loud, when he died he was already in his early 30's, while many anime's make it seems like it's OK for a old man to be into younger girls, but for somebody who has lived in a society without magical bullsh!t that was a no fly zone at least not for him. He was broken out of his inner monologue when the overexcited girl bumped into him, she quickly turned around with a flustered look on her face and madly apologizes to him while bowing her head.

"I'm sooory... I didn't see you there please excuse me"

Shaking his head, he waved his hand and said "All good no harm done, oh and it seems like one of you is up next" He pointed at the teacher who was waiting for the commotion to die down before calling on the next person in line, she apologizes to Takeo one more time before doing the same to the teacher and ran inside the room. Looking at the weird girl running Takeo said to her companion.

"Is she always like that?" to which her answer was a simple "Yes" after a few seconds of silence Takeo once again said "Sorry". The girl nodded and once again an awkward silence descended between them, shortly after the first girl came back and her friend went in. He stood in silence once again and this time nobody disturbed him and for that he was grateful for, when it was his turn he went in and proceeded to complete his form and get his ID card.

While making his way to the exist, he passed a few girls who were drooling over him, but he paid them no mind. He couldn't control something like that, if you asked him he would of wanted a mundane set of features but hey beggars can't be choosers now can they? it was already a miracle that he was alive once again, so what if he became a pretty boy it's better than being dead that's for sure.

As he walked towards the exist, he came about a commotion in the hallway three girls were happily chatting away and giggling, while a lone boy stood besides them with a blank look on his face. Maybe that was the norm in this place like to have a constipated expression on your face was viewed as cool. That view however was immediately shattered when he saw the look of the others. A beautiful girl stood there with a smile on her face, she was a bit shorter than average height, her limbs could be described as quite long despite her short stature, and her chest is also large in proportion to her height. She had long black flowing hair and red eyes, unlike him however her eyes were a dull shade of red while his were a deep shade of crimson.

Directly behind her was a brown haired male with an arrogant look on his face like he was the center of the universe, he was glaring daggers at the boy next to the three girls like he stole his girlfriend or something. And not surprisingly there was a group of student not to far behind also looking at the commotion most of their faces mimicked that of that previously mentioned male.

Most of except for two girls, the same two he had the privilege of meeting before. As usual one had a deadpan look on her face, while the other was fangirling hard. Nodding to deadeyes he walked past them, to his surprise one of the girls with glasses who was chatting earlier with her two friends stopped and looked at him in surprise, and action that prompted the stone cold boy, the short beauty and the freshman representative to do the same.

The cold boy's eyes squinted as if studying me, while the short beauty's widen in surprise. The freshman rep on the other hand tilted her eyes in confusion, seeing this the arrogant boy looked at me with a scowl on his face like i was interrupting something important. Without a care in the world i made my was towards the gate of the school, i could give a damn about everybody else's problem i just have to return to my little slice of heaven called home and wash away the stress of this long day.

As i walked i enjoyed the beauty of the campus, each steps i took brought me a sense of pleasure. It was like when you were a kid and you woke up Christmas morning and ran towards the tree in anticipation, the joy you felt as you got closer to unwrapping your gifts. Well that's how i felt, each steps brought pleasure, each steps made my heart beat faster. And as i made my way to the gates, my eyes landed on a luxurious black car. The car was one i created and modeled after the 2018 Audi A8, i designed it so that i could be driven in it like a boss.

It was always my dream to be a rich CEO, but life took it's turn and i ended up where i was. And i will to say with pride i regret nothing, and now i was given a second chance so i shall enjoy it and along with all the wonderful things i have been given. A smile crept on my face when i saw the person standing next to the car waiting for me, Her hair was like black dye. Her eyes were like glittery stars but still as dark as black ink, Her flawless skin exuded a majestic and impressive beauty.

Her figure was slender and exquisite as she could make any man go crazy she filled out in all the right places, As she stood next to the car her hair swayed around beside her ears a smile adorn her rosy red lips and revealed her pearly white teeth when she saw me, this made one feel as if she came out of a painting. Comparing her to other women was simply a serious crime and an insult to her beauty.

As i made my way towards the car, she bowed opened the door and said "welcome back young master, how was your day?" I couldn't contain my smile any longer and this time i chuckled a bit before replying "It just got a whole lot better after seeing you again Mio" After saying that an even wider smile painted her face, if one were to look closely a slight blush crept on her neck.

I got in the car and she closed the door behind me, looking at the students outside i could see the look of hatred being thrown at me by the boys, while the girls were looking at Mio with equal if not more hatred. But all that was futile, i can whole heartily say beside the five or so people in the whole campus everybody else will pale in comparison to Mio and i in terms of combat, and even then the handful of people will have it really hard and some may die in the process.

Mio sat in the drivers seat, she started driving before asking me "Where to young master?" I smile once more before replying "Home my dear, Home."

Ugh i woke up with the meanest hangover since my freshman year in college, and my brother just handed more beer. This new year is going to be a problem it's 2 days away and i'm already dreading it.

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