
Overlord: Alchemist

My Father Tabula Smaragdina was the Great Alchemist of Great Tomb of Nazarick. Now he's gone and I must fill his shoes and fulfill my duty to the great tomb and my Master

Otaku_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1- Creation

I remembered the day of my creation. My father was so happy that his alchemy had reached the stage it had. To not only be able to create a homunculus. But one with rare material and body parts from other species making up its being. He expected it to fail, as it had so many times before. But then my eyes opened and he was so happy the tentacles on his face wouldn't stop trembling. And I was happy that he was happy.

I remember his saving I had parts of bosses he got in drops with the other members of The Great Tomb. The Great Tomb is my home and I must protect it and my father. Father designed me to be the ultimate magic combatant of the Great Tomb. He gave me a dragon and the heart of a demon and created a sort of magical circuit throughout my body which he called a magic reactor. He said it would allow me to dish out multiple high-tier spells in succession without tiring or running out of mana. But he didn't want me to be a glass cannon. So he used other parts to make me. He said he combined dragon bones with adamantine to make my skeleton. There were other body parts and materials used in my creation but he never went into details. Father said that he wanted to create me in such a way that my makeup wasn't obvious unless I accessed my true form and that his previous attempt failed to meet that criteria much less awaken as a successful creation.

He told me of the other Supreme beings like himself as well as the leader I was to serve Momonga-sama. He introduced me to them and they were happy that there was someone other than father capable of making high-level potions.

I also met my siblings Albedo and Nigredo my older sisters. Father said when he was ready he would make another sibling to complete the quartet...whatever that means.

An impeccable beauty, Albedo is a woman with lustrous jet-black hair and the face of a goddess. She has golden irises and vertically split pupils; on her left and right temples are two thick horns protruding crookedly, and on her waist are a pair of black angel wings.

Albedo wears a pure white dress with silky gloves covering her slender hands and a golden spiderweb necklace that covers her shoulders and chest. In combat, she wears an impressive black full-plate armor with a unique helmet and carries a battle-axe with her.


Nigredo has an appearance similar to Albedo's, in the sense of hair, but the similarity ends there as her face has no skin, but rather, a mass of exposed muscle.

She has beautiful eyes and teeth, but there were no lips whatsoever, only beautiful pearly teeth. There are no eyelids, only brightly shining eyes. As such, her grotesque appearance horrified all the guild members of Ainz Ooal Gown, who all immediately attacked simultaneously upon seeing her according to Father.


I had black hair like both my sisters, but unlike then I had brown skin and my skin had golden tattoos on my chest, arm, and at the side of my left eye. My eyes were an amber-gold and my pupils were slitted. I stood at 6'3 and had a chiseled-toned figure one could describe as perfect.

Father created a uniform for me tor where that had silver and gold accents. He said I looked like a true state alchemist..again whatever that means The outfit came with a pair of white gloves with a red alchemy circle on the back of the hand. The clothes were layered in protective runes with various supportive effects. The outfit was a legendary-ranked item. Father also created a staff for me. The top of the staff had a dragon's head design. The eyes of the dragon were divine class gems, as was the orb in its mouth. The staff as a whole was a world-class item. Father called it my birthday present.


Father created me not only to be a master alchemist like himself but to follow in his footsteps of being the strongest magic caster in Nazarick in terms of pure destruction. 

Class Build

Total Level


Racial Level

Homunculus (10)

True Homunculus (15)

Chimeric Homunculus (5)

Abomination (5)

Job Level

Alchemist (10)

Grand Alchemist (15)

Alchemical Maestro (5)

Truth (5)

Sorcerer (15)

Master Sorcerer (10)

Sorcerer Supreme (5)

Approximate Status

HP 90

MP Exceeds Limit

Phy. Atk. 75

Phy. Def. 75

Agility 65

Mag. Atk. 95

Mag. Def. 95

Resistance 95

Special Ability 100

Total 690+

Father took me to visit all the floors of The Great Tomb. The exterior of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is 200 meters wide in all four directions. It is enclosed by 6-meter tall perimeter walls surrounding the tomb, with two entrances being the front and back gates. There is no pattern to the Nazarick's tombstones. There are lots of statues of goddesses and angels dotting around the cemetery, some of which could have been regarded as a piece of art lingering about. In addition, there are 4 mausoleums or tombs in the four cardinal directions with a large mausoleum in the center. The surroundings of the center mausoleum being the largest tomb that exists with an entrance to the Great Tomb of Nazarick hold eight 10-meter tall armor-wearing figures.

1st~3rd Floors: Grave

These floors are the Catacombs. They consist of the subterranean burial chambers where several dozen undead wander around in the darkness. The Floor Guardian is Shalltear Bloodfallen. Shalltear is a vampire of short stature and has the appearance of a buxom fourteen-year-old girl. She was a true beauty, she had pale shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial features. Shalltear's silver hair is tied in a ponytail through a large ribbon on top of it all, allowing others a full view of her face. Shalltear wears a soft black evening dress with a big heavy skirt. Her upper body is dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket. Her hands are donned with long lace gloves, not exposing any bit of skin exterior.


4th Floor: Underground Lake

This floor is an underground lake located within a cavern. In the past, before Ainz Ooal Gown's conquest of the tomb, the boss of this floor was a giant white bat. The Floor Guardian is Gargantua. Gargantua is an ultra-large, stone golem with a height of over 30 meters. This golem was a two-armed, two-legged colossus that seemed to be carved out of stone. Its arms and legs are chunky, so it may look cute if one disregards its size. While so, its round eye sockets and chest are glowing with red lines that permeate from its chest, like a heart.


5th Floor: Glacier

This floor is a wide area filled with numerous icebergs. Weather phenomena, including clouds and snow, are present here. The Floor Guardian there is Cocytus.

Having an enormous body size of 2.5 meters, Cocytus has the appearance of an insect walking on two feet - a fusion between a mantis and an ant. With a tail twice as long as his height, Cocytus is covered in sharp spikes like icicles and has a strong jaw that can easily snap people's hands.

Two of his hands hold a silver halberd, while the remaining two hands hold a mace emitting black light and a crooked shape sheath which seems to be for a broadsword. With the breathtaking cold air, the pale blue, hardened bone armor oozes out diamond dust like bright light. His shoulders and back look like uplifted icebergs.


6th Floor: Jungle

This floor is about 200 meters in height. Created by Blue Planet, a fake sun, as well as a fake sky, exists on the ceiling, reproducing the day and night cycle that changes according to the time of day. There is no weather except the wind produced in this area. The Floor Guardians here are the twin dark elves Aura Bella Fiora and Mare Bello Fiore. 

Mare is a child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. He has golden hair and heterochromia, his right eye is blue and his left eye is green.

He wears a blue dragon scale leather full-body suit, covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown and a forest green-leaf cloak. Below, he has a matching short white skirt exposing his thighs, and on his neck is an acorn necklace emitting silver light. His slender hands are donned with shiny white silk gloves and he wields a twisted black wooden staff.


I was confused as to why he was dressed like a girl but..meh.

Aura is a boyish-looking child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. She has golden hair and heterochromia, her left eye blue and right eye green. She wears reddish-black dragon scale leather covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown. Below it, she has a matching set of white trousers and gold-plated shoes, and around her neck is an acorn necklace emitting golden light. She is equipped with a whip around her waist and a giant, decorated bow on her back.


7th Floor: Lava

This floor contains crimson lava flowing like a river, with numerous bubbles in these currents bursting as they reach the surface. This place, which is thoroughly inimical to the living, perfectly fits the description of a "hell world." In the past, before Ainz Ooal Gown's conquest of the tomb, the boss of this floor was a lightning-breathing dragon. The Floor Guardian is the Arch-Devil Demiurge. Demiurge is a tall demon with dark skin and nicely combed black hair. Behind the round glasses are eyes so squinted that they are not normally visible. Wearing a British suit with a tie, he is dressed like a gentleman. Behind his back is a silver tail, covered with metal plates and six long spikes at the end. In his humanoid form, Demiurge's eyes lack eyeballs, instead, shining jewels with numerous small cuts take their place.


We skipped the 8th Floor as Father said it was too dangerous.

9th Floor: Royal Suite

This floor contains The Supreme Beings rooms. It also includes imitations of large communal baths, cafeterias, beauty salons, clothing stores, grocery stores, fitness salons, nail salons, and numerous other types of facility rooms. 

10th Floor: Throne

This floor contains the throne that the guild master Momonga sits on. The throne is a World Item better known as "The Throne of Kings.". This Floor is guarded by my big sister Albedo who is the overseer of all the floor guardians. 


This place is spatially isolated from other areas, so a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown is necessary to enter the Treasury. On the other hand, the air in the Treasury is toxic and thus, anyone without poison immunity or items granting it will die within three steps. It is guarded by the creation of Lord Momonga Pandora's Actor. While Pandora's Actor is dressed in a yellow Neo-Nazi-esque uniform, he is just an egghead with no distinct facial features except the three holes protruding on his face.


Lastly, we went to a Hidden Floor dubbed the Alchemy Nexus. On this floor is a massive lab filled with everything one needs to study the hidden truths of the world. There is also a herb farm, mines for ore and other minerals, and a butcher room to get the cores and body parts of various beings. It was perfect and it had 12 -24 persons manning each area except the lab and the library. The Lab and Library are my personal areas for experimenting, potion-making, and cataloging my findings. I was the Guardian of the Hidden Floor located between the 6th and 7th floors.

Time passed and there was an attack on Nazarick. The attackers we not only rebuffed but defeated. More time passed and Father would visit me less and less until he didn't visit me at all. Momonga-sama still visited me from time to time, to thank me for my hard work and tell me stories of Father. He told me that Father had to go back to the world they originated from and he might not come back. I was sad, of course, I was sad. But I know Father would want me to continue my work and support Momonga-sama in his stead.

More time passed, and it was the same. I create potions, experiment with new alchemic formulas, and catalog my findings. There were also the occasional visits from Momonga-san. Then one day everything changed. The mana in the air was different. How I saw the world changed...I could feel more. And somehow I knew I was even further from my father than I was before.