
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


"Don't get me wrong, I will advise the king on this matter, but making enemies is never a good thing."


Akabaru teleported to his room inside the tomb of Nazarick

His room was filled with exquisite furniture, while the floor was laid with a bright yellow carpet almost looking like sand. This vast room was usually draped in a thin veil of silence, as Akabaru didn't use it quite often. The maid who would clean the room were already finished so he was the only one there.

Akabaru had to talk to Yuri and Ainz to discuss his plan moving forward, he would first go to Ainz to make sure that they were not colliding with differing ideas.

That was why he [messaged] Ainz to make sure of were he was.

"Ainz, I got a couple of hours to plan, where will we talk?" Finding him would be difficult, seeing as Akabaru could know where he currently was, so instead he asked for a meeting, to set things straight.

{Akabaru, I have called a meeting to officially change my name and announce the plans for the future.. you can come to my room for a brief overview and then we can talk…}

"Perfect, wait just a sec, I will be right there.."

Akabaru looked at the centre piece of his room, a world item, Genie's lamp… Akabaru felt that it would be smart to carry it with him to protect him from possible danger. From what he knew almost nothing could damage him, the chance of him dying would be small but carrying it would further reduce the chance even further, protecting him from the effects of other World Item.

And so he picket the item up and put it on his loose fitting clothes, concealing it in layers of cloth.


Akabaru was moving through the corridor connecting the rooms of the forty one guild members, a room would be added on at the end of the corridor when a new Guildmember joined, because Akabaru was one of the last to join, so he wasn't to close to Ainz's room.

On the way there he saw a maid, cleaning up the rooms and corridor. The maids paused their work and bowed when Akabaru came close.

"Good work, don't let me hinder your progress… your duties are.. as important as anyone else in the tomb."

Akabaru tried to be motivational, in his original life he was someone who would appreciate words of encouragement when he worked, he was almost never given those words because to the corporate overlords he was just a replaceable tool.

"Thank you Lord Akabaru."

The maids bowed once again in gratitude for his words as Akabaru moved along.

He arrived to Ainz's room, and knocked two times on the smooth wooden door.

"You may enter."

Ainz voice could be heard from inside allowing him to enter.


Akabaru came through the opened door greeting his guildmate. The room he entered was a mirrored version of his own, just having a different style.

"Akabaru-san, your still wearing that disguise?"

Akabaru hadn't changed out of his outfit preferring to have legs to actually walk on.

"Didn't need to change… I somewhat prefer this even.. anyway I needed to talk to you." What he was wearing shouldn't be their main concern.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ainz seemed as open as always. Ready to listen at a moment's notice.

"We need to talk about the captured members of the sunlight scripture and me moving with Gazef towards the capital." The ones that had escaped were captured by the eight edged assassins, likly thrown in the ice prison inside the tome right after.

"Yes… Albedo should be here any moment with a report of the captured members and the plan as to how to manage them."

"We can leave that for when she comes, my plans with the capital can be discussed without her… So I will move with Gazef meet the rulers of the country and see from there…" Akabaru wasn't a master tactician, or a genius of any kind.

He simply wasn't equipped to form a plan in one afternoon.

"You know that isn't a plan.. right?" Ainz looked straight into his eyes, or at least Akabaru thought so as he could feel his friends dead non existing eyes stare into his soul.

"It's the base of one, but with my strength there shouldn't be any problems." Where could problems come from. From the battle he saw that the strongest among them was a summon. So he could simply summon a stronger one with the items in his inventory.

"While that might be true, just try to keep a low profile.. and retreat if it gets dangerous. Then you should be fine" ainz didn't sound too sure of it himself.

Before he could continue with his warnings Albedo entered the room, causing the to halt their descussion for now.

Albedo spoke in a soft, syrupy sweet voice.

"I have your report lord Ainz."

"Please, if you will."

"The commander of the Slaine Theocracy's Sunlight Scripture body was completely destroyed, so we weren't able to revive him… of the ones that fled all were captured getting us thirteen prisoners, we will extract information with the help of the Special Intelligence-Gathering Officer of Nazarick."

"Neuronist… right, there shouldn't be any problems." Akabaru paused thinking about the five worst of Nazarick, but continued after dismissing the thoughts.

"I would like some bodies to test magic on and conduct experiments." Ainz added seeing the paus he took as him finishing his sentence.

"Understood. In addition, we are currently looking through the arms and armor recovered from the men dressed as knights. They do not bear any major enchantments and will be sent to the Treasury to be dismantled after the investigations are concluded."

"...Well, that's the proper way to dispose of them." Ainz continued.

"Finally, I plan to have two Shadow Demons keep an eye on the village. Then, what should we do about Gazef Stronoff and his men?"

"Leave the Warrior-Captain be for now. Akabaru will watch over him himself."

"Would that not be too dangerous, lord ainz?" Ainz turned to look at Akabaru, with albedo following his gaze, both looking for answers.

"Yes… and while its dangerous with my strength and the assistance of Yuri alfa we should be able to manage.. furthermore I have taken my World item with me for further protection."

Akabaru responded to them with only a short delay, as he refocused on the situation at han.

"Understood. I will talk to Yuri about your decision lord Akabaru."

Momonga nodded as he turned back to Albedo.

"Well done Albedo, now I have one final task."

Akabaru noticed that the look on her face was slightly different from her usual gentle smile. She seemed particularly happy today.

The reason was the sparkling Ring, of Ainz Ooal Gown, upon her left ring finger, which she caressed lovingly.

"Albedo, have you called all the residents of the Tomb to the throne room as I requested?"

"Yes I have my lord…"

The sound of crashing metal rang out. Akabaru turned to look at the source of the sound and saw a longsword on the ground. The Death Knight who had stood in the corner of was gone only the sword he had been holding was left behind.

"...When I summon them normally, they disappear after a while… given the way the sword from this world is on the ground, it would seem that equipment alone was not enough to bind them to this world, so it was left behind. If that is the case, does that Death Knight remain here because I used a corpse to summon it? It would appear that I can strengthen Nazarick if I had more corpses."

Ainz began to mutter, sounding incoherent to Akabaru who didn't really understand what was being tested

"Then, shall we collect a large amount of corpses for you? Albedo asked.

"...Try to avoid digging up that village's graveyard."

"Understood. However, we must then consider a way to procure fresh corpses. Now that the Death Knight has disappeared, everyone has assembled like you ordered. Please proceed to the throne room with Sebas. I will go ahead first."

"I see. All right, Albedo. I'll see you later."

Akabaru was still pondering how summons worked but decided to just ask Ainz

"If the summon stays if they are summoned with a body, how do scroll summons work, would they also disappear after some time or would they stay?" It was important as his plan to sevens himself with summons against summons needed to we dependable.

Ainz explained the inner workings of magic, or at least what he had found out from experimentation with the things he had, until sabas arrived.


Sebas knocked on the door and entered the room after being granted permission.

"Are the two lords ready to leave to the throne room?"

"Yes, I am ready." Ainz confirmed as he stood up from his chair.

Akabaru transformed back into his genie self before responding.

"I am too, You sure you want to make it official?" He didn't mind the name change, but he wasn't too sure with the reason.

"Of course, I am ready to represent the guild on the world stage. It could maybe even bring friends that have also been transported."

"That could be possible, but is it really needed. Friends would know your real name."

"That's the point, true friend will know my name. pretenders would not."