
Chapter 299 (Dark Monastery's Grand Master)

There was no sign of fear on Rosa's face. Fueled by pure anger, she lunged at Darius.


Unfortunately, she was currently just an average girl who was no match for Darius. With a harsh slap, Rosa was sent flying backward.


"If you wish to kill me, then you better obey me. Serve me well and become one with me, then perhaps you'll get the chance to slit my throat."


With that, Darius pounced at Rosa like a leopard would its prey.


"You animal! Let go of me!" Rosa struggled to free herself from his grip.




A large piece of Rosa's shirt was torn off.


On the other side, Jacob and Leopold were sprinting up the mountain. Jacob moved so abnormally fast that Leopold could barely keep up.


Soon, Dark Monastery appeared before them. Jacob felt his heart sink when he saw the dilapidated building. Who would be in such a run-down monastery?